예제 #1
def agglomerative_l_method(X, method='ward'):
    # library: fastcluster
    merge_hist = linkage(X, method=method, metric='euclidean', preserve_input=True)

    # reorder to be x [2->N]
    num_groups = [i for i in range(2, len(X) + 1)]
    merge_dist = list(reversed([each[2] for each in merge_hist]))

    cluster_count = refined_l_method(num_groups, merge_dist)

    # print('refined_l_method time:', end_time - start_time)
    # print('cluster_count:', cluster_count)

    # make clusters by merging them according to merge_hist
    disjoint = DisjointSet(len(X))
    for a, b, _, _ in islice(merge_hist, 0, len(X) - cluster_count):
        a, b = int(a), int(b)
        disjoint.join(a, b)

    # get cluster name for each instance
    belong_to = [disjoint.parent(i) for i in range(len(X))]
    # print('belong_to:', belong_to)
    # counter = Counter(belong_to)
    # print('belong_to:', counter)

    # rename the cluster name to be 0 -> cluster_count - 1
    cluster_map = {}
    cluster_name = 0
    belong_to_renamed = []
    for each in belong_to:
        if not each in cluster_map:
            cluster_map[each] = cluster_name
            cluster_name += 1

    # print('belong_to_renamed:', belong_to_renamed)

    centroids = get_centroids(X, belong_to_renamed)
    # print('centroids:', centroids)

    return Result(belong_to_renamed, centroids)
예제 #2
    def recorridoKruskal(self):
        grafoV = Contenedor_particulas.DiccionarioVelocidades(self)
        grafoNormal = Contenedor_particulas.Diccionario(self)
        Kruskal = dict()  #Se define el grafo resultante

        #Se define una cola de prioridad (Lista ordenada)
        colaP = PriorityQueue()

        for orig in grafoV.keys():
            for value in grafoV[orig]:
                vel = value[0] * -1
                dest = (value[1], value[2])

                formato = (vel, orig, dest)
                colaP.put(formato)  #Entra a la cola de prioridad

        lista = []
        #definicion del disjoint set
        for key in grafoNormal.keys():
        #make set
        ds = DisjointSet(lista)

        #mientras la lista ordenada no este vacia
        while not colaP.empty():
            #Tomar la arista con el menor tiempo de la lista ordenada y eliminar
            arista = colaP.get()
            origenREAL = arista[1]
            destinoREAL = arista[2]

            print("Arista: ", arista)
            aristaDestino = (arista[0], arista[2])

            #si la tupla origen y la tupla destino no estan en el mismo "set" de todo el disjoint set
            if ds.find(origenREAL) != ds.find(destinoREAL):
                #agregar la arista al grafo resultante
                if origenREAL in Kruskal:
                    Kruskal[origenREAL] = [aristaDestino]

                #unir los conjuntos donde se encuentren el OrigenREAL, y el DestinoREAL
                ds.union(origenREAL, destinoREAL)

        print("\n\nRecorrido de Kruskal\n")

        return Kruskal
    def fit(self, X, max_merge_dist):
        self.X = X
        self.max_merge_dist = max_merge_dist

        merge_hist = linkage(X, method='ward', metric='euclidean', preserve_input=True)

        disjoint = DisjointSet(len(X))

        # _, _, merge_dists, _ = list(zip(*merge_hist))
        # print('merge_dists:', merge_dists)

        for a, b, merge_dist, _ in merge_hist:
            if merge_dist > max_merge_dist:

            a, b = int(a), int(b)
            disjoint.join(a, b)

        belong_to = [disjoint.parent(i) for i in range(len(X))]

        # rename the cluster name to be 0 -> cluster_count - 1
        cluster_map = {}
        cluster_name = 0
        belong_to_renamed = []
        for each in belong_to:
            if not each in cluster_map:
                cluster_map[each] = cluster_name
                cluster_name += 1

        # print('belong_to_renamed:', belong_to_renamed)

        centroids, cluster_member_cnt = self.get_centroids(X, belong_to_renamed)
        self.cluster_centers_ = centroids

        # print('centroids:', centroids)
        # print('cluster_member_cnt:', cluster_member_cnt)

        return centroids, cluster_member_cnt
예제 #4
def main():
    elems = range(1, 100)
    d = DisjointSet(elems)
    d.union(1, 2, 5)
예제 #5
 def __init__(self, w, h, initial_open=0.40):
     >>> caf = CaveFactory(80, 45, 0.41)
     >>> caf.gen_map()
     >>> caf.print_grid()
     self.height = h
     self.width = w
     self.area = h * w
     self.map = []
     self.ds = DisjointSet()
     self.up_loc = 0
     self.center_pt = (int(self.height / 2), int(self.width / 2))
예제 #6
class CaveFactory:
    def __init__(self, w, h, initial_open=0.40):
        >>> caf = CaveFactory(80, 45, 0.41)
        >>> caf.gen_map()
        >>> caf.print_grid()
        self.height = h
        self.width = w
        self.area = h * w
        self.map = []
        self.ds = DisjointSet()
        self.up_loc = 0
        self.center_pt = (int(self.height / 2), int(self.width / 2))

    def print_grid(self):
        for r in range(0, self.height):
            for c in range(0, self.width):
                if self.map[r][c] in (WALL, PERM_WALL):
                    print '#',
                    print '.',

    def gen_map(self):
        for r in range(1, self.height - 1):
            for c in range(1, self.width - 1):
                wall_count = self._adj_wall_count(r, c)

                if self.map[r][c] == FLOOR:
                    if wall_count > 5:
                        self.map[r][c] = WALL
                elif wall_count < 4:
                    self.map[r][c] = FLOOR


        return self.map

    # make all border squares walls
    # This could be moved to a superclass
    def _set_border(self):
        for j in range(0, self.height):
            self.map[j][0] = PERM_WALL
            self.map[j][self.width - 1] = PERM_WALL

        for j in range(0, self.width):
            self.map[0][j] = PERM_WALL
            self.map[self.height - 1][j] = PERM_WALL

    def _gen_initial_map(self, initial_open):
        for r in range(0, self.height):
            row = []
            for c in range(0, self.width):

        open_count = int(self.area * initial_open)

        while open_count > 0:
            rand_r = randrange(1, self.height - 1)
            rand_c = randrange(1, self.width - 1)

            if self.map[rand_r][rand_c] == WALL:
                self.map[rand_r][rand_c] = FLOOR
                open_count -= 1

    def _adj_wall_count(self, sr, sc):
        count = 0

        for r in (-1, 0, 1):
            for c in (-1, 0, 1):
                if self.map[(sr + r)][sc + c] != FLOOR and not (r == 0 and c == 0):
                    count += 1

        return count

    def _join_rooms(self):
        # divide the square into equivalence classes
        for r in range(1, self.height - 1):
            for c in range(1, self.width - 1):
                if self.map[r][c] == FLOOR:
                    self._union_adj_sqr(r, c)

        all_caves = self.ds.split_sets()

        for cave in all_caves.keys():

    def _join_points(self, pt1):
        while True:
            direction = self._get_tunnel_dir(pt1, self.center_pt)
            move = randrange(0, 3)

            if move == 0:
                next_pt = (pt1[0] + direction[0], pt1[1])
            elif move == 1:
                next_pt = (pt1[0], pt1[1] + direction[1])
                next_pt = (pt1[0] + direction[0], pt1[1] + direction[1])

            if self._stop_drawing(pt1, next_pt, self.center_pt):

            root1 = self.ds.find(next_pt)
            root2 = self.ds.find(pt1)

            if root1 != root2:
                self.ds.union(root1, root2)

            self.map[next_pt[0]][next_pt[1]] = FLOOR

            pt1 = next_pt

    def _stop_drawing(self, pt, npt, cpt):
        if self.ds.find(npt) == self.ds.find(cpt):
            return 1
        if self.ds.find(pt) != self.ds.find(npt) \
                and self.map[npt[0]][npt[1]] == FLOOR:
            return 1
            return 0

    def _get_tunnel_dir(pt1, pt2):
        if pt1[0] < pt2[0]:
            h_dir = +1
        elif pt1[0] > pt2[0]:
            h_dir = -1
            h_dir = 0

        if pt1[1] < pt2[1]:
            v_dir = +1
        elif pt1[1] > pt2[1]:
            v_dir = -1
            v_dir = 0

        return h_dir, v_dir

    def _union_adj_sqr(self, sr, sc):
        loc = (sr, sc)

        for r in (-1, 0):
            for c in (-1, 0):
                nloc = (sr + r, sc + c)

                if self.map[nloc[0]][nloc[1]] == FLOOR:
                    root1 = self.ds.find(loc)
                    root2 = self.ds.find(nloc)

                    if root1 != root2:
                        self.ds.union(root1, root2)