예제 #1
    def test_verify_invalid_json(self):
        # If the response contains invalid JSON, return a failure
        # result.
        verifier = base.RemoteVerifier()

        with patch('django_browserid.base.requests.post') as post:
            post.return_value = self._response(content='{asg9=3{{{}}{')
            result = verifier.verify('asdf', 'http://testserver')
        ok_(not result)
        ok_(result.reason.startswith('Could not parse verifier response'))
예제 #2
    def test_verify_success(self):
        # If the response contains valid JSON, return a result object
        # for that response.
        verifier = base.RemoteVerifier()

        with patch('django_browserid.base.requests.post') as post:
            post.return_value = self._response(
                content='{"status": "okay", "email": "*****@*****.**"}')
            result = verifier.verify('asdf', 'http://testserver')
        eq_(result.email, '*****@*****.**')
예제 #3
    def test_verify_request_exception(self):
        # If a RequestException is raised during the POST, raise a
        # BrowserIDException with the RequestException as the cause.
        verifier = base.RemoteVerifier()
        request_exception = requests.exceptions.RequestException()

        with patch('django_browserid.base.requests.post') as post:
            post.side_effect = request_exception
            with self.assertRaises(base.BrowserIDException) as cm:
                verifier.verify('asdf', 'http://testserver')

        eq_(cm.exception.exc, request_exception)
예제 #4
    def test_verify_kwargs(self):
        # Any keyword arguments passed to verify should be passed on as
        # POST arguments.
        verifier = base.RemoteVerifier()

        with patch('django_browserid.base.requests.post') as post:
            post.return_value = self._response(content='{"status":"failure"}')
            verifier.verify('asdf', 'http://testserver', foo='bar', baz=5)

        # foo parameter passed with 'bar' value.
        eq_(post.call_args[1]['data']['foo'], 'bar')
        eq_(post.call_args[1]['data']['baz'], 5)
예제 #5
    def test_verify_invalid_json(self):
        If the response contains invalid JSON, return a failure result.
        verifier = base.RemoteVerifier()

        with patch('django_browserid.base.requests.post') as post:
            response = self._response(content='{asg9=3{{{}}{')
            response.json.side_effect = ValueError("Couldn't parse json")
            post.return_value = response
            result = verifier.verify('asdf', 'http://testserver')
        self.assertTrue(not result)
        self.assertTrue(result.reason.startswith('Could not parse verifier response'))
예제 #6
    def test_verify_success(self):
        If the response contains valid JSON, return a result object for
        that response.
        verifier = base.RemoteVerifier()

        with patch('django_browserid.base.requests.post') as post:
            response = self._response(
                content='{"status": "okay", "email": "*****@*****.**"}')
            response.json.return_value = {"status": "okay", "email": "*****@*****.**"}
            post.return_value = response
            result = verifier.verify('asdf', 'http://testserver')
        self.assertEqual(result.email, '*****@*****.**')