예제 #1
#Figure 5.22
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import doc_func as df

th = 1000
kd = 2.5 * 10**6
w = np.logspace(-4, 5, 1000)
s = 1j * w

def G(s):
    return kd / (1 + th * s)

def Gd(s):
    return (-2 * kd) / (1 + th * s)

freqrespG = [G(si) for si in s]
freqrespGd = [Gd(si) for si in s]

func_list = [[np.abs(freqrespG), '-'], [np.abs(freqrespGd), '-'],
             [np.ones(len(w)), 'r-.']]

plt.vlines(2500, 10**(-2), 1, color='m', linestyle='dashed')
df.setup_bode_plot('|G| and |Gd| Value over Frequency',
                   legend=('G', 'Gd', 'Gain Value of 1', 'wd'))
예제 #2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import doc_func as df

w = np.linspace(0.001, 6, 1000)
s = 1j * w

def L1(s):
    return 2 / (s * (s + 1))

def L2(s):
    return L1(s) * ((5 - s) / (s + 5))

def S1(s):
    return 1 / (L1(s) + 1)

def S2(s):
    return 1 / (L2(s) + 1)

freqrespS1 = np.abs(list(map(S1, s)))
freqrespS2 = np.abs(list(map(S2, s)))

func_list = [[freqrespS1, '-'], [freqrespS2, '-'], [np.ones(len(w)), 'r-.']]

df.setup_bode_plot('|S1| and |S2| Value over Frequency', w, func_list,
                   ('S1', 'S2', 'Gain Value of 1'), plt.semilogy)
예제 #3
@author: Irshad
from __future__ import division
#Figure 5.22
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import doc_func as df

th = 1000
kd = 2.5 * 10**6
w = np.logspace(-4, 5, 1000)
s = 1j*w

def G(s):
    return kd/(1 + th * s)

def Gd(s):
    return (-2 * kd)/(1 + th * s)

freqrespG = [G(si) for si in s]
freqrespGd = [Gd(si) for si in s]

func_list = [[np.abs(freqrespG), '-'],
             [np.abs(freqrespGd), '-'],
             [np.ones(len(w)), 'r-.']]

plt.vlines(2500, 10**(-2), 1, color='m', linestyle='dashed')
df.setup_bode_plot('|G| and |Gd| Value over Frequency', w, func_list, legend=('G', 'Gd', 'Gain Value of 1', 'wd'))
예제 #4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jun 04 00:41:19 2013

@author: Irshad

#Figure 8.16
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import doc_func as df

w = np.logspace(-3, 2, 1000)
s = 1j * w

Wi = (s + 0.2) / (0.5 * s + 1)
Wp = (s / 2 + 0.05) / s

func_list = [[np.abs(Wi), '-'], [np.abs(Wp), '-'], [np.ones(len(w)), 'r-.']]

df.setup_bode_plot('Weight Values over Frequency',
                   legend=('Wi', 'Wp', 'Gain Value of 1'))
예제 #5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jun 04 00:41:19 2013

@author: Irshad

#Figure 8.16
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import doc_func as df

w = np.logspace(-3, 2, 1000)
s = 1j*w

Wi = (s + 0.2)/(0.5*s + 1)
Wp = (s/2 + 0.05)/s

func_list = [[np.abs(Wi), '-'],
             [np.abs(Wp), '-'],
             [np.ones(len(w)), 'r-.']]

df.setup_bode_plot('Weight Values over Frequency', w, func_list, legend=('Wi', 'Wp', 'Gain Value of 1'))
예제 #6
w = np.linspace(0.001, 6, 1000)
s = 1j * w

def L1(s):
    return 2/(s * (s + 1))

def L2(s):
    return L1(s) * ((5 - s)/(s + 5))

def S1(s):
    return 1/(L1(s) + 1)

def S2(s):
    return 1/(L2(s) + 1)

freqrespS1 = np.abs(list(map(S1, s)))
freqrespS2 = np.abs(list(map(S2, s)))

func_list = [[freqrespS1, '-'],
             [freqrespS2, '-'],
             [np.ones(len(w)), 'r-.']]

df.setup_bode_plot('|S1| and |S2| Value over Frequency', w, func_list, ('S1', 'S2', 'Gain Value of 1'), plt.semilogy)