예제 #1
파일: item.py 프로젝트: herrfz/doorstop
 def _get_issues_tree(self, tree):
     """Yield all the item's issues against its tree."""
     log.debug("getting issues against tree...")
     # Verify an item's links are valid
     identifiers = set()
     for uid in self.links:
             item = tree.find_item(uid)
         except DoorstopError:
             identifiers.add(uid)  # keep the invalid UID
             msg = "linked to unknown item: {}".format(uid)
             yield DoorstopError(msg)
             # check the linked item
             if not item.active:
                 msg = "linked to inactive item: {}".format(item)
                 yield DoorstopInfo(msg)
             if not item.normative:
                 msg = "linked to non-normative item: {}".format(item)
                 yield DoorstopWarning(msg)
             # check the link status
             if uid.stamp == Stamp(True):
                 uid.stamp = item.stamp()  # convert True to a stamp
             elif uid.stamp != item.stamp():
                 if settings.CHECK_SUSPECT_LINKS:
                     msg = "suspect link: {}".format(item)
                     yield DoorstopWarning(msg)
             # reformat the item's UID
             identifier2 = UID(item.uid, stamp=uid.stamp)
     # Apply the reformatted item UIDs
     if settings.REFORMAT:
         self._data['links'] = identifiers
예제 #2
 def load(self, reload=False):
     """Load the item's properties from its file."""
     if self._loaded and not reload:
     log.debug("loading {}...".format(repr(self)))
     # Read text from file
     text = self._read(self.path)
     # Parse YAML data from text
     data = self._load(text, self.path)
     # Store parsed data
     for key, value in data.items():
         if key == 'level':
             value = Level(value)
         elif key == 'active':
             value = to_bool(value)
         elif key == 'normative':
             value = to_bool(value)
         elif key == 'derived':
             value = to_bool(value)
         elif key == 'reviewed':
             value = Stamp(value)
         elif key == 'text':
             value = Text(value)
         elif key == 'ref':
             value = value.strip()
         elif key == 'links':
             value = set(UID(part) for part in value)
         elif key == 'header':
             value = Text(value)
             if isinstance(value, str):
                 value = Text(value)
         self._data[key] = value
     # Set meta attributes
     self._loaded = True
예제 #3
 def test_validate_cleared(self):
     """Verify that checking a cleared link updates the stamp."""
     mock_item = Mock()
     mock_item.stamp = Mock(return_value=Stamp('abc123'))
     mock_tree = MagicMock()
     mock_tree.find_item = Mock(return_value=mock_item)
     self.item.tree = mock_tree
     self.item.links = [{'mock_uid': True}]
     self.assertEqual('abc123', self.item.links[0].stamp)
예제 #4
 def test_validate_cleared_new(self):
     """Verify that new links are stamped automatically."""
     mock_item = Mock()
     mock_item.stamp = Mock(return_value=Stamp('abc123'))
     mock_tree = MagicMock()
     mock_tree.find_item = Mock(return_value=mock_item)
     self.item.tree = mock_tree
     self.item.links = [{'mock_uid': None}]
     self.assertEqual('abc123', self.item.links[0].stamp)
예제 #5
 def clear(self, _inverse=False):
     """Clear suspect links."""
     log.info("clearing suspect links...")
     items = self.parent_items
     for uid in self.links:
         for item in items:
             if uid == item.uid:
                 if _inverse:
                     uid.stamp = Stamp()
                     uid.stamp = item.stamp()
예제 #6
파일: item.py 프로젝트: pgnepal/doorstop
 def stamp(self, links=False):
     """Hash the item's key content for later comparison."""
     values = [self.uid, self.text, self.ref]
     if links:
     for key in self.document.extended_reviewed:
         if key in self._data:
                 "{}: missing extended reviewed attribute: {}".format(self.uid, key)
     return Stamp(*values)
예제 #7
    def stamp(self, links=False):
        """Hash the item's key content for later comparison."""
        values = [self.uid, self.text, self.ref]

        if self.references:

        if links:
        for key in self.document.extended_reviewed:
            if key in self._data:
                values.append(_convert_to_str(self._data[key], ""))
        return Stamp(*values)
예제 #8
 def test_cleared(self):
     """Verify an item's suspect link status can be set and read."""
     mock_item = Mock()
     mock_item.uid = 'mock_uid'
     mock_item.stamp = Mock(return_value=Stamp('abc123'))
     mock_tree = MagicMock()
     mock_tree.find_item = Mock(return_value=mock_item)
     self.item.tree = mock_tree
     self.item.cleared = 1  # updates each stamp
     self.item.cleared = 0  # sets each stamp to None
예제 #9
 def test_clear(self):
     """Verify an item's links can be cleared as suspect."""
     mock_item = Mock()
     mock_item.uid = 'mock_uid'
     mock_item.stamp = Mock(return_value=Stamp('abc123'))
     mock_tree = MagicMock()
     mock_tree.find_item = Mock(return_value=mock_item)
     self.item.tree = mock_tree
     self.assertEqual(None, self.item.links[0].stamp)
     # Act
     # Assert
     self.assertEqual('abc123', self.item.links[0].stamp)
예제 #10
    def _set_attributes(self, attributes):
        """Set the item's attributes."""
        for key, value in attributes.items():
            if key == 'level':
                value = Level(value)
            elif key == 'active':
                value = to_bool(value)
            elif key == 'normative':
                value = to_bool(value)
            elif key == 'derived':
                value = to_bool(value)
            elif key == 'reviewed':
                value = Stamp(value)
            elif key == 'text':
                value = Text(value)
            elif key == 'ref':
                value = value.strip()
            elif key == 'references':
                stripped_value = []
                for ref_dict in value:
                    ref_type = ref_dict['type']
                    ref_path = ref_dict['path']

                    stripped_ref_dict = {
                        "type": ref_type,
                        "path": ref_path.strip()
                    if 'keyword' in ref_dict:
                        ref_keyword = ref_dict['keyword']
                        stripped_ref_dict['keyword'] = ref_keyword


                value = stripped_value
            elif key == 'links':
                value = set(UID(part) for part in value)
            elif key == 'header':
                value = Text(value)
            self._data[key] = value
예제 #11
파일: item.py 프로젝트: pgnepal/doorstop
 def _set_attributes(self, attributes):
     """Set the item's attributes."""
     for key, value in attributes.items():
         if key == 'level':
             value = Level(value)
         elif key == 'active':
             value = to_bool(value)
         elif key == 'normative':
             value = to_bool(value)
         elif key == 'derived':
             value = to_bool(value)
         elif key == 'reviewed':
             value = Stamp(value)
         elif key == 'text':
             value = Text(value)
         elif key == 'ref':
             value = value.strip()
         elif key == 'links':
             value = set(UID(part) for part in value)
         elif key == 'header':
             value = Text(value)
         self._data[key] = value
예제 #12
    def _get_issues_tree(self, item, tree):
        """Yield all the item's issues against its tree."""
        log.debug("getting issues against tree...")

        # Verify an item's links are valid
        identifiers = set()
        for uid in item.links:
                parent = tree.find_item(uid)
            except DoorstopError:
                identifiers.add(uid)  # keep the invalid UID
                msg = "linked to unknown item: {}".format(uid)
                yield DoorstopError(msg)
                # check the parent item
                if not parent.active:
                    msg = "linked to inactive item: {}".format(parent)
                    yield DoorstopInfo(msg)
                if not parent.normative:
                    msg = "linked to non-normative item: {}".format(parent)
                    yield DoorstopWarning(msg)
                # check the link status
                if uid.stamp == Stamp(True):
                    uid.stamp = parent.stamp()
                elif not str(uid.stamp) and settings.STAMP_NEW_LINKS:
                    uid.stamp = parent.stamp()
                elif uid.stamp != parent.stamp():
                    if settings.CHECK_SUSPECT_LINKS:
                        msg = "suspect link: {}".format(parent)
                        yield DoorstopWarning(msg)
                # reformat the item's UID
                identifiers.add(UID(parent.uid, stamp=uid.stamp))

        # Apply the reformatted item UIDs
        if settings.REFORMAT:
            item.links = identifiers
예제 #13
 def test_validate_reviewed_second(self):
     """Verify that a modified stamp fails review."""
     self.item._data['reviewed'] = Stamp('abc123')
     with ListLogHandler(core.base.log) as handler:
         self.assertIn("unreviewed changes", handler.records)
예제 #14
 def test_validate_reviewed_first(self):
     """Verify that a missing initial review leaves the stamp empty."""
     self.item._data['reviewed'] = Stamp(None)
     self.assertEqual(Stamp(None), self.item._data['reviewed'])
예제 #15
 def stamp(self):  # pylint: disable=R0201
     """Return an empty stamp."""
     return Stamp(None)
예제 #16
 def stamp(self, links=False):
     """Hash the item's key content for later comparison."""
     values = [self.uid, self.text, self.ref]
     if links:
     return Stamp(*values)
예제 #17
class Item(BaseValidatable, BaseFileObject):  # pylint: disable=R0902
    """Represents an item file with linkable text."""

    EXTENSIONS = '.yml', '.yaml'

    DEFAULT_LEVEL = Level('1.0')
    DEFAULT_TEXT = Text()
    DEFAULT_REF = ""

    def __init__(self, path, root=os.getcwd(), **kwargs):
        """Initialize an item from an existing file.

        :param path: path to Item file
        :param root: path to root of project

        # Ensure the path is valid
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            raise DoorstopError("item does not exist: {}".format(path))
        # Ensure the filename is valid
        filename = os.path.basename(path)
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        except DoorstopError:
            msg = "invalid item filename: {}".format(filename)
            raise DoorstopError(msg) from None
        # Ensure the file extension is valid
        if ext.lower() not in self.EXTENSIONS:
            msg = "'{0}' extension not in {1}".format(path, self.EXTENSIONS)
            raise DoorstopError(msg)
        # Initialize the item
        self.path = path
        self.root = root
        self.document = kwargs.get('document')
        self.tree = kwargs.get('tree')
        self.auto = kwargs.get('auto', Item.auto)
        # Set default values
        self._data['level'] = Item.DEFAULT_LEVEL
        self._data['active'] = Item.DEFAULT_ACTIVE
        self._data['normative'] = Item.DEFAULT_NORMATIVE
        self._data['derived'] = Item.DEFAULT_DERIVED
        self._data['reviewed'] = Item.DEFAULT_REVIEWED
        self._data['text'] = Item.DEFAULT_TEXT
        self._data['ref'] = Item.DEFAULT_REF
        self._data['links'] = set()
        if settings.ENABLE_HEADERS:
            self._data['header'] = Item.DEFAULT_HEADER

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Item('{}')".format(self.path)

    def __str__(self):
        if common.verbosity < common.STR_VERBOSITY:
            return str(self.uid)
            return "{} ({})".format(self.uid, self.relpath)

    def __lt__(self, other):
        if self.level == other.level:
            return self.uid < other.uid
            return self.level < other.level

    def new(tree, document, path, root, uid, level=None, auto=None):  # pylint: disable=R0913
        """Create a new item.

        :param tree: reference to the tree that contains this item
        :param document: reference to document that contains this item

        :param path: path to directory for the new item
        :param root: path to root of the project
        :param uid: UID for the new item

        :param level: level for the new item
        :param auto: automatically save the item

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` if the item
            already exists

        :return: new :class:`~doorstop.core.item.Item`

        filename = str(uid) + Item.EXTENSIONS[0]
        path2 = os.path.join(path, filename)
        # Create the initial item file
        log.debug("creating item file at {}...".format(path2))
        Item._create(path2, name='item')
        # Initialize the item
        item = Item(path2, root=root, document=document, tree=tree, auto=False)
        item.level = level if level is not None else item.level
        if auto or (auto is None and Item.auto):
        # Return the item
        return item

    def load(self, reload=False):
        """Load the item's properties from its file."""
        if self._loaded and not reload:
        log.debug("loading {}...".format(repr(self)))
        # Read text from file
        text = self._read(self.path)
        # Parse YAML data from text
        data = self._load(text, self.path)
        # Store parsed data
        for key, value in data.items():
            if key == 'level':
                value = Level(value)
            elif key == 'active':
                value = to_bool(value)
            elif key == 'normative':
                value = to_bool(value)
            elif key == 'derived':
                value = to_bool(value)
            elif key == 'reviewed':
                value = Stamp(value)
            elif key == 'text':
                value = Text(value)
            elif key == 'ref':
                value = value.strip()
            elif key == 'links':
                value = set(UID(part) for part in value)
            elif key == 'header':
                value = Text(value)
                if isinstance(value, str):
                    value = Text(value)
            self._data[key] = value
        # Set meta attributes
        self._loaded = True

    def save(self):
        """Format and save the item's properties to its file."""
        log.debug("saving {}...".format(repr(self)))
        # Format the data items
        data = self.data
        # Dump the data to YAML
        text = self._dump(data)
        # Save the YAML to file
        self._write(text, self.path)
        # Set meta attributes
        self._loaded = False
        self.auto = True

    # properties #############################################################

    def data(self):
        """Get all the item's data formatted for YAML dumping."""
        data = {}
        for key, value in self._data.items():
            if key == 'level':
                value = value.yaml
            elif key == 'text':
                value = value.yaml
            elif key == 'header':
                # Handle for case if the header is undefined in YAML
                if hasattr(value, 'yaml'):
                    value = value.yaml
                    value = ''
            elif key == 'ref':
                value = value.strip()
            elif key == 'links':
                value = [{str(i): i.stamp.yaml} for i in sorted(value)]
            elif key == 'reviewed':
                value = value.yaml
                if isinstance(value, str):
                    # length of "key_text: value_text"
                    length = len(key) + 2 + len(value)
                    if length > settings.MAX_LINE_LENGTH or '\n' in value:
                        value = Text.save_text(value)
                        value = str(value)  # line is short enough as a string
            data[key] = value
        return data

    def uid(self):
        """Get the item's UID."""
        filename = os.path.basename(self.path)
        return UID(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])

    def prefix(self):
        """Get the item UID's prefix."""
        return self.uid.prefix

    def number(self):
        """Get the item UID's number."""
        return self.uid.number

    def level(self):
        """Get the item's level."""
        return self._data['level']

    def level(self, value):
        """Set the item's level."""
        self._data['level'] = Level(value)

    def depth(self):
        """Get the item's heading order based on it's level."""
        return len(self.level)

    def active(self):
        """Get the item's active status.

        An inactive item will not be validated. Inactive items are
        intended to be used for:

        - future requirements
        - temporarily disabled requirements or tests
        - externally implemented requirements
        - etc.

        return self._data['active']

    def active(self, value):
        """Set the item's active status."""
        self._data['active'] = to_bool(value)

    def derived(self):
        """Get the item's derived status.

        A derived item does not have links to items in its parent
        document, but should still be linked to by items in its child

        return self._data['derived']

    def derived(self, value):
        """Set the item's derived status."""
        self._data['derived'] = to_bool(value)

    def normative(self):
        """Get the item's normative status.

        A non-normative item should not have or be linked to.
        Non-normative items are intended to be used for:

        - headings
        - comments
        - etc.

        return self._data['normative']

    def normative(self, value):
        """Set the item's normative status."""
        self._data['normative'] = to_bool(value)

    def heading(self):
        """Indicate if the item is a heading.

        Headings have a level that ends in zero and are non-normative.

        return self.level.heading and not self.normative

    def heading(self, value):
        """Set the item's heading status."""
        heading = to_bool(value)
        if heading and not self.heading:
            self.level.heading = True
            self.normative = False
        elif not heading and self.heading:
            self.level.heading = False
            self.normative = True

    def cleared(self):
        """Indicate if no links are suspect."""
        items = self.parent_items
        for uid in self.links:
            for item in items:
                if uid == item.uid:
                    if uid.stamp != item.stamp():
                        return False
        return True

    def cleared(self, value):
        """Set the item's suspect link status."""
        self.clear(_inverse=not to_bool(value))

    def reviewed(self):
        """Indicate if the item has been reviewed."""
        stamp = self.stamp(links=True)
        if self._data['reviewed'] == Stamp(True):
            self._data['reviewed'] = stamp
        return self._data['reviewed'] == stamp

    def reviewed(self, value):
        """Set the item's review status."""
        self._data['reviewed'] = Stamp(value)

    def text(self):
        """Get the item's text."""
        return self._data['text']

    def text(self, value):
        """Set the item's text."""
        self._data['text'] = Text(value)

    def header(self):
        """Get the item's header."""
        if settings.ENABLE_HEADERS:
            return self._data['header']
        return None

    def header(self, value):
        """Set the item's header."""
        if settings.ENABLE_HEADERS:
            self._data['header'] = Text(value)

    def ref(self):
        """Get the item's external file reference.

        An external reference can be part of a line in a text file or
        the filename of any type of file.

        return self._data['ref']

    def ref(self, value):
        """Set the item's external file reference."""
        self._data['ref'] = str(value) if value else ""

    def links(self):
        """Get a list of the item UIDs this item links to."""
        return sorted(self._data['links'])

    def links(self, value):
        """Set the list of item UIDs this item links to."""
        self._data['links'] = set(UID(v) for v in value)

    def parent_links(self):
        """Get a list of the item UIDs this item links to."""
        return self.links  # alias

    def parent_links(self, value):
        """Set the list of item UIDs this item links to."""
        self.links = value  # alias

    def parent_items(self):
        """Get a list of items that this item links to."""
        items = []
        for uid in self.links:
                item = self.tree.find_item(uid)
            except DoorstopError:
                item = UnknownItem(uid)
        return items

    def parent_documents(self):
        """Get a list of documents that this item's document should link to.

        .. note::

           A document only has one parent.

            return [self.tree.find_document(self.document.prefix)]
        except DoorstopError:
            return []

    # actions ################################################################

    def edit(self, tool=None):
        """Open the item for editing.

        :param tool: path of alternate editor

        # Lock the item
        if self.tree:
        # Open in an editor
        editor.edit(self.path, tool=tool)
        # Force reloaded
        self._loaded = False

    def link(self, value):
        """Add a new link to another item UID.

        :param value: item or UID

        uid = UID(value)
        log.info("linking to '{}'...".format(uid))

    def unlink(self, value):
        """Remove an existing link by item UID.

        :param value: item or UID

        uid = UID(value)
        except KeyError:
            log.warning("link to {0} does not exist".format(uid))

    def get_issues(self, skip=None, document_hook=None, item_hook=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """Yield all the item's issues.

        :param skip: list of document prefixes to skip

        :return: generator of :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError`,

        assert document_hook is None
        assert item_hook is None
        skip = [] if skip is None else skip

        log.info("checking item %s...", self)

        # Verify the file can be parsed

        # Skip inactive items
        if not self.active:
            log.info("skipped inactive item: %s", self)

        # Delay item save if reformatting
        if settings.REFORMAT:
            self.auto = False

        # Check text
        if not self.text:
            yield DoorstopWarning("no text")

        # Check external references
        if settings.CHECK_REF:
            except DoorstopError as exc:
                yield exc

        # Check links
        if not self.normative and self.links:
            yield DoorstopWarning("non-normative, but has links")

        # Check links against the document
        if self.document:
            yield from self._get_issues_document(self.document, skip)

        # Check links against the tree
        if self.tree:
            yield from self._get_issues_tree(self.tree)

        # Check links against both document and tree
        if self.document and self.tree:
            yield from self._get_issues_both(self.document, self.tree, skip)

        # Check review status
        if not self.reviewed:
            if settings.CHECK_REVIEW_STATUS:
                if not self._data['reviewed']:
                    if settings.REVIEW_NEW_ITEMS:
                        yield DoorstopInfo("needs initial review")
                    yield DoorstopWarning("unreviewed changes")

        # Reformat the file
        if settings.REFORMAT:
            log.debug("reformatting item %s...", self)

    def _get_issues_document(self, document, skip):
        """Yield all the item's issues against its document."""
        log.debug("getting issues against document...")

        if document in skip:
            log.debug("skipping issues against document %s...", document)

        # Verify an item's UID matches its document's prefix
        if self.prefix != document.prefix:
            msg = "prefix differs from document ({})".format(document.prefix)
            yield DoorstopInfo(msg)

        # Verify an item has upward links
        if all((document.parent, self.normative,
                not self.derived)) and not self.links:
            msg = "no links to parent document: {}".format(document.parent)
            yield DoorstopWarning(msg)

        # Verify an item's links are to the correct parent
        for uid in self.links:
                prefix = uid.prefix
            except DoorstopError:
                msg = "invalid UID in links: {}".format(uid)
                yield DoorstopError(msg)
                if document.parent and prefix != document.parent:
                    # this is only 'info' because a document is allowed
                    # to contain items with a different prefix, but
                    # Doorstop will not create items like this
                    msg = "parent is '{}', but linked to: {}".format(
                        document.parent, uid)
                    yield DoorstopInfo(msg)

    def _get_issues_tree(self, tree):
        """Yield all the item's issues against its tree."""
        log.debug("getting issues against tree...")

        # Verify an item's links are valid
        identifiers = set()
        for uid in self.links:
                item = tree.find_item(uid)
            except DoorstopError:
                identifiers.add(uid)  # keep the invalid UID
                msg = "linked to unknown item: {}".format(uid)
                yield DoorstopError(msg)
                # check the linked item
                if not item.active:
                    msg = "linked to inactive item: {}".format(item)
                    yield DoorstopInfo(msg)
                if not item.normative:
                    msg = "linked to non-normative item: {}".format(item)
                    yield DoorstopWarning(msg)
                # check the link status
                if uid.stamp == Stamp(True):
                    uid.stamp = item.stamp()
                elif not str(uid.stamp) and settings.STAMP_NEW_LINKS:
                    uid.stamp = item.stamp()
                elif uid.stamp != item.stamp():
                    if settings.CHECK_SUSPECT_LINKS:
                        msg = "suspect link: {}".format(item)
                        yield DoorstopWarning(msg)
                # reformat the item's UID
                identifier2 = UID(item.uid, stamp=uid.stamp)

        # Apply the reformatted item UIDs
        if settings.REFORMAT:
            self._data['links'] = identifiers

    def _get_issues_both(self, document, tree, skip):
        """Yield all the item's issues against its document and tree."""
        log.debug("getting issues against document and tree...")

        if document.prefix in skip:
            log.debug("skipping issues against document %s...", document)

        # Verify an item is being linked to (child links)
        if settings.CHECK_CHILD_LINKS and self.normative:
            find_all = settings.CHECK_CHILD_LINKS_STRICT or False
            items, documents = self._find_child_objects(document=document,

            if not items:
                for child_document in documents:
                    if document.prefix in skip:
                        msg = "skipping issues against document %s..."
                        log.debug(msg, child_document)
                    msg = ("no links from child document: {}".format(
                    yield DoorstopWarning(msg)
            elif settings.CHECK_CHILD_LINKS_STRICT:
                prefix = [item.prefix for item in items]
                for child in document.children:
                    if child in skip:
                    if child not in prefix:
                        msg = 'no links from document: {}'.format(child)
                        yield DoorstopWarning(msg)

    def find_ref(self):
        """Get the external file reference and line number.

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` when no
            reference is found

        :return: relative path to file or None (when no reference
            line number (when found in file) or None (when found as
            filename) or None (when no reference set)

        # Return immediately if no external reference
        if not self.ref:
            log.debug("no external reference to search for")
            return None, None
        # Update the cache
        if not settings.CACHE_PATHS:
        # Search for the external reference
        log.debug("seraching for ref '{}'...".format(self.ref))
        pattern = r"(\b|\W){}(\b|\W)".format(re.escape(self.ref))
        log.trace("regex: {}".format(pattern))
        regex = re.compile(pattern)
        for path, filename, relpath in self.tree.vcs.paths:
            # Skip the item's file while searching
            if path == self.path:
            # Check for a matching filename
            if filename == self.ref:
                return relpath, None
            # Skip extensions that should not be considered text
            if os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] in settings.SKIP_EXTS:
            # Search for the reference in the file
            lines = pyficache.getlines(path)
            if lines is None:
                log.trace("unable to read lines from: {}".format(path))
            for lineno, line in enumerate(lines, start=1):
                if regex.search(line):
                    log.debug("found ref: {}".format(relpath))
                    return relpath, lineno

        msg = "external reference not found: {}".format(self.ref)
        raise DoorstopError(msg)

    def find_child_links(self, find_all=True):
        """Get a list of item UIDs that link to this item (reverse links).

        :param find_all: find all items (not just the first) before returning

        :return: list of found item UIDs

        items, _ = self._find_child_objects(find_all=find_all)
        identifiers = [item.uid for item in items]
        return identifiers

    child_links = property(find_child_links)

    def find_child_items(self, find_all=True):
        """Get a list of items that link to this item.

        :param find_all: find all items (not just the first) before returning

        :return: list of found items

        items, _ = self._find_child_objects(find_all=find_all)
        return items

    child_items = property(find_child_items)

    def find_child_documents(self):
        """Get a list of documents that should link to this item's document.

        :return: list of found documents

        _, documents = self._find_child_objects(find_all=False)
        return documents

    child_documents = property(find_child_documents)

    def _find_child_objects(self, document=None, tree=None, find_all=True):
        """Get lists of child items and child documents.

        :param document: document containing the current item
        :param tree: tree containing the current item
        :param find_all: find all items (not just the first) before returning

        :return: list of found items, list of all child documents

        child_items = []
        child_documents = []
        document = document or self.document
        tree = tree or self.tree
        if not document or not tree:
            return child_items, child_documents
        # Find child objects
        log.debug("finding item {}'s child objects...".format(self))
        for document2 in tree:
            if document2.parent == document.prefix:
                # Search for child items unless we only need to find one
                if not child_items or find_all:
                    for item2 in document2:
                        if self.uid in item2.links:
                            if not item2.active:
                                item2 = UnknownItem(item2.uid)
                                if not find_all and item2.active:
        # Display found links
        if child_items:
            if find_all:
                joined = ', '.join(str(i) for i in child_items)
                msg = "child items: {}".format(joined)
                msg = "first child item: {}".format(child_items[0])
            joined = ', '.join(str(d) for d in child_documents)
            log.debug("child documents: {}".format(joined))
        return sorted(child_items), child_documents

    def stamp(self, links=False):
        """Hash the item's key content for later comparison."""
        values = [self.uid, self.text, self.ref]
        if links:
        return Stamp(*values)

    def clear(self, _inverse=False):
        """Clear suspect links."""
        log.info("clearing suspect links...")
        items = self.parent_items
        for uid in self.links:
            for item in items:
                if uid == item.uid:
                    if _inverse:
                        uid.stamp = Stamp()
                        uid.stamp = item.stamp()

    def review(self):
        """Mark the item as reviewed."""
        log.info("marking item as reviewed...")
        self._data['reviewed'] = self.stamp(links=True)

    def delete(self, path=None):
        """Delete the item."""
        pass  # the item is deleted in the decorated method
예제 #18
 def test_validate_reviewed_second(self):
     """Verify that a modified stamp fails review."""
     self.item._data['reviewed'] = Stamp('abc123')
예제 #19
class Item(BaseFileObject):  # pylint: disable=R0902
    """Represents an item file with linkable text."""

    EXTENSIONS = '.yml', '.yaml'

    DEFAULT_LEVEL = Level('1.0')
    DEFAULT_TEXT = Text()
    DEFAULT_REF = ""

    def __init__(self, document, path, root=os.getcwd(), **kwargs):
        """Initialize an item from an existing file.

        :param path: path to Item file
        :param root: path to root of project

        # Ensure the path is valid
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            raise DoorstopError("item does not exist: {}".format(path))
        # Ensure the filename is valid
        filename = os.path.basename(path)
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        except DoorstopError:
            msg = "invalid item filename: {}".format(filename)
            raise DoorstopError(msg) from None
        # Ensure the file extension is valid
        if ext.lower() not in self.EXTENSIONS:
            msg = "'{0}' extension not in {1}".format(path, self.EXTENSIONS)
            raise DoorstopError(msg)
        # Initialize the item
        self.path = path
        self.root: str = root
        self.document = document
        self.tree = kwargs.get('tree')
        self.auto = kwargs.get('auto', Item.auto)
        self.reference_finder = ReferenceFinder()
        self.yaml_validator = YamlValidator()
        # Set default values
        self._data['level'] = Item.DEFAULT_LEVEL
        self._data['active'] = Item.DEFAULT_ACTIVE
        self._data['normative'] = Item.DEFAULT_NORMATIVE
        self._data['derived'] = Item.DEFAULT_DERIVED
        self._data['reviewed'] = Item.DEFAULT_REVIEWED
        self._data['text'] = Item.DEFAULT_TEXT
        self._data['ref'] = Item.DEFAULT_REF
        self._data['references'] = None
        self._data['links'] = set()
        if settings.ENABLE_HEADERS:
            self._data['header'] = Item.DEFAULT_HEADER

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Item('{}')".format(self.path)

    def __str__(self):
        if common.verbosity < common.STR_VERBOSITY:
            return str(self.uid)
            return "{} ({})".format(self.uid, self.relpath)

    def __lt__(self, other):
        if self.level == other.level:
            return self.uid < other.uid
            return self.level < other.level

    def new(tree, document, path, root, uid, level=None, auto=None):  # pylint: disable=R0913
        """Create a new item.

        :param tree: reference to the tree that contains this item
        :param document: reference to document that contains this item

        :param path: path to directory for the new item
        :param root: path to root of the project
        :param uid: UID for the new item

        :param level: level for the new item
        :param auto: automatically save the item

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` if the item
            already exists

        :return: new :class:`~doorstop.core.item.Item`

        filename = str(uid) + Item.EXTENSIONS[0]
        path2 = os.path.join(path, filename)
        # Create the initial item file
        log.debug("creating item file at {}...".format(path2))
        Item._create(path2, name='item')
        # Initialize the item
        item = Item(document, path2, root=root, tree=tree, auto=False)
        item.level = level if level is not None else item.level  # type: ignore
        if auto or (auto is None and Item.auto):
        # Return the item
        return item

    def _set_attributes(self, attributes):
        """Set the item's attributes."""
        for key, value in attributes.items():
            if key == 'level':
                value = Level(value)
            elif key == 'active':
                value = to_bool(value)
            elif key == 'normative':
                value = to_bool(value)
            elif key == 'derived':
                value = to_bool(value)
            elif key == 'reviewed':
                value = Stamp(value)
            elif key == 'text':
                value = Text(value)
            elif key == 'ref':
                value = value.strip()
            elif key == 'references':
                stripped_value = []
                for ref_dict in value:
                    ref_type = ref_dict['type']
                    ref_path = ref_dict['path']

                    stripped_ref_dict = {
                        "type": ref_type,
                        "path": ref_path.strip()
                    if 'keyword' in ref_dict:
                        ref_keyword = ref_dict['keyword']
                        stripped_ref_dict['keyword'] = ref_keyword


                value = stripped_value
            elif key == 'links':
                value = set(UID(part) for part in value)
            elif key == 'header':
                value = Text(value)
            self._data[key] = value

    def load(self, reload=False):
        """Load the item's properties from its file."""
        if self._loaded and not reload:
        log.debug("loading {}...".format(repr(self)))
        # Read text from file
        text = self._read(self.path)
        # Parse YAML data from text
        data = self._load(text, self.path)
        # Store parsed data
        # Set meta attributes
        self._loaded = True

    def save(self):
        """Format and save the item's properties to its file."""
        log.debug("saving {}...".format(repr(self)))
        # Format the data items
        data = self._yaml_data()
        # Dump the data to YAML
        text = self._dump(data)
        # Save the YAML to file
        self._write(text, self.path)
        # Set meta attributes
        self._loaded = True
        self.auto = True

    # properties #############################################################

    def _yaml_data(self):
        """Get all the item's data formatted for YAML dumping."""
        data = {}
        for key, value in self._data.items():
            if key == 'level':
                value = value.yaml
            elif key == 'text':
                value = value.yaml
            elif key == 'header':
                # Handle for case if the header is undefined in YAML
                if hasattr(value, 'yaml'):
                    value = value.yaml
                    value = ''
            elif key == 'ref':
                value = value.strip()
            elif key == 'references':
                if value is None:
                stripped_value = []
                for el in value:
                    ref_dict = {"path": el["path"].strip(), "type": "file"}

                    if 'keyword' in el:
                        ref_dict['keyword'] = el['keyword']


                value = stripped_value
            elif key == 'links':
                value = [{str(i): i.stamp.yaml} for i in sorted(value)]
            elif key == 'reviewed':
                value = value.yaml
                value = _convert_to_yaml(0, len(key) + 2, value)
            data[key] = value
        return data

    @property  # type: ignore
    def data(self):
        """Load and get all the item's data formatted for YAML dumping."""
        return self._yaml_data()

    def uid(self):
        """Get the item's UID."""
        filename = os.path.basename(self.path)
        return UID(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])

    @property  # type: ignore
    def level(self):
        """Get the item's level."""
        return self._data['level']

    @level.setter  # type: ignore
    def level(self, value):
        """Set the item's level."""
        self._data['level'] = Level(value)

    def depth(self):
        """Get the item's heading order based on it's level."""
        return len(self.level)

    @property  # type: ignore
    def active(self):
        """Get the item's active status.

        An inactive item will not be validated. Inactive items are
        intended to be used for:

        - future requirements
        - temporarily disabled requirements or tests
        - externally implemented requirements
        - etc.

        return self._data['active']

    @active.setter  # type: ignore
    def active(self, value):
        """Set the item's active status."""
        self._data['active'] = to_bool(value)

    @property  # type: ignore
    def derived(self):
        """Get the item's derived status.

        A derived item does not have links to items in its parent
        document, but should still be linked to by items in its child

        return self._data['derived']

    @derived.setter  # type: ignore
    def derived(self, value):
        """Set the item's derived status."""
        self._data['derived'] = to_bool(value)

    @property  # type: ignore
    def normative(self):
        """Get the item's normative status.

        A non-normative item should not have or be linked to.
        Non-normative items are intended to be used for:

        - headings
        - comments
        - etc.

        return self._data['normative']

    @normative.setter  # type: ignore
    def normative(self, value):
        """Set the item's normative status."""
        self._data['normative'] = to_bool(value)

    def heading(self):
        """Indicate if the item is a heading.

        Headings have a level that ends in zero and are non-normative.

        return self.level.heading and not self.normative

    @heading.setter  # type: ignore
    def heading(self, value):
        """Set the item's heading status."""
        heading = to_bool(value)
        if heading and not self.heading:
            self.level.heading = True
            self.normative = False
        elif not heading and self.heading:
            self.level.heading = False
            self.normative = True

    @property  # type: ignore
    def cleared(self):
        """Indicate if no links are suspect."""
        for uid, item in self._get_parent_uid_and_item():
            if uid.stamp != item.stamp():
                return False
        return True

    @property  # type: ignore
    def reviewed(self):
        """Indicate if the item has been reviewed."""
        stamp = self.stamp(links=True)
        if self._data['reviewed'] == Stamp(True):
            self._data['reviewed'] = stamp
        return self._data['reviewed'] == stamp

    @reviewed.setter  # type: ignore
    def reviewed(self, value):
        """Set the item's review status."""
        self._data['reviewed'] = Stamp(value)

    @property  # type: ignore
    def text(self):
        """Get the item's text."""
        return self._data['text']

    @text.setter  # type: ignore
    def text(self, value):
        """Set the item's text."""
        self._data['text'] = Text(value)

    @property  # type: ignore
    def header(self):
        """Get the item's header."""
        if settings.ENABLE_HEADERS:
            return self._data['header']
        return None

    @header.setter  # type: ignore
    def header(self, value):
        """Set the item's header."""
        if settings.ENABLE_HEADERS:
            self._data['header'] = Text(value)

    @property  # type: ignore
    def ref(self):
        """Get the item's external file reference.

        An external reference can be part of a line in a text file or
        the filename of any type of file.

        return self._data['ref']

    @ref.setter  # type: ignore
    def ref(self, value):
        """Set the item's external file reference."""
        self._data['ref'] = str(value) if value else ""

    @property  # type: ignore
    def references(self):
        """Get the item's external file references."""
        return self._data['references']

    @references.setter  # type: ignore
    def references(self, value):
        """Set the item's external file references."""
        if value is not None:
            assert isinstance(value, list)
        self._data['references'] = value

    @property  # type: ignore
    def links(self):
        """Get a list of the item UIDs this item links to."""
        return sorted(self._data['links'])

    @links.setter  # type: ignore
    def links(self, value):
        """Set the list of item UIDs this item links to."""
        self._data['links'] = set(UID(v) for v in value)

    def parent_links(self):
        """Get a list of the item UIDs this item links to."""
        return self.links  # alias

    def parent_links(self, value):
        """Set the list of item UIDs this item links to."""
        self.links = value  # alias

    def _get_parent_uid_and_item(self):
        """Yield UID and item of all links of this item."""
        for uid in self.links:
                item = self.tree.find_item(uid)
            except DoorstopError:
                item = UnknownItem(uid)
            yield uid, item

    def parent_items(self):
        """Get a list of items that this item links to."""
        return [item for uid, item in self._get_parent_uid_and_item()]

    @property  # type: ignore
    def parent_documents(self):
        """Get a list of documents that this item's document should link to.

        .. note::

           A document only has one parent.

            return [self.tree.find_document(self.document.prefix)]
        except DoorstopError:
            return []

    # actions ################################################################

    def set_attributes(self, attributes):
        """Set the item's attributes and save them."""

    def edit(self, tool=None, edit_all=True):
        """Open the item for editing.

        :param tool: path of alternate editor
        :param edit_all: True to edit the whole item,
            False to only edit the text.

        # Lock the item
        if self.tree:
        # Edit the whole file in an editor
        if edit_all:
            editor.edit(self.path, tool=tool)
        # Edit only the text part in an editor
            # Edit the text in a temporary file
            edited_text = editor.edit_tmp_content(title=str(self.uid),
            # Save the text in the actual item file
            self.text = edited_text

    def link(self, value):
        """Add a new link to another item UID.

        :param value: item or UID

        uid = UID(value)
        log.info("linking to '{}'...".format(uid))

    def unlink(self, value):
        """Remove an existing link by item UID.

        :param value: item or UID

        uid = UID(value)
        except KeyError:
            log.warning("link to {0} does not exist".format(uid))

    def is_reviewed(self):
        return self._data['reviewed']

    def find_ref(self):
        """Get the external file reference and line number.

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` when no
            reference is found

        :return: relative path to file or None (when no reference
            line number (when found in file) or None (when found as
            filename) or None (when no reference set)

        # Return immediately if no external reference
        if not self.ref:
            log.debug("no external reference to search for")
            return None, None
        # Update the cache
        if not settings.CACHE_PATHS:
        # Search for the external reference
        return self.reference_finder.find_ref(self.ref, self.tree, self.path)

    def find_references(self):
        """Get the array of references. Check each references before returning.

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` when no
            reference is found

        :return: Array of tuples:
              relative path to file or None (when no reference set),
              line number (when found in file) or None (when found as
              filename) or None (when no reference set)


        if not self.references:
            log.debug("no external reference to search for")
            return []
        if not settings.CACHE_PATHS:

        references = []
        for ref_item in self.references:
            path = ref_item["path"]
            keyword = ref_item["keyword"] if "keyword" in ref_item else None

            reference = self.reference_finder.find_file_reference(
                path, self.root, self.tree, path, keyword)
        return references

    def find_child_links(self, find_all=True):
        """Get a list of item UIDs that link to this item (reverse links).

        :param find_all: find all items (not just the first) before returning

        :return: list of found item UIDs

        items, _ = self.find_child_items_and_documents(find_all=find_all)
        identifiers = [item.uid for item in items]
        return identifiers

    child_links = property(find_child_links)

    def find_child_items(self, find_all=True):
        """Get a list of items that link to this item.

        :param find_all: find all items (not just the first) before returning

        :return: list of found items

        items, _ = self.find_child_items_and_documents(find_all=find_all)
        return items

    child_items = property(find_child_items)

    def find_child_documents(self):
        """Get a list of documents that should link to this item's document.

        :return: list of found documents

        _, documents = self.find_child_items_and_documents(find_all=False)
        return documents

    child_documents = property(find_child_documents)

    def find_child_items_and_documents(self,
        """Get lists of child items and child documents.

        :param document: document containing the current item
        :param tree: tree containing the current item
        :param find_all: find all items (not just the first) before returning

        :return: list of found items, list of all child documents

        child_items: List[Item] = []
        child_documents: List[Any] = [
        ]  # `List[Document]`` creats an import cycle
        document = document or self.document
        tree = tree or self.tree
        if not document or not tree:
            return child_items, child_documents
        # Find child objects
        log.debug("finding item {}'s child objects...".format(self))
        for document2 in tree:
            if document2.parent == document.prefix:
                # Search for child items unless we only need to find one
                if not child_items or find_all:
                    for item2 in document2:
                        if self.uid in item2.links:
                            if not item2.active:
                                item2 = UnknownItem(item2.uid)
                                if not find_all and item2.active:
        # Display found links
        if child_items:
            if find_all:
                joined = ', '.join(str(i) for i in child_items)
                msg = "child items: {}".format(joined)
                msg = "first child item: {}".format(child_items[0])
            joined = ', '.join(str(d) for d in child_documents)
            log.debug("child documents: {}".format(joined))
        return sorted(child_items), child_documents

    def stamp(self, links=False):
        """Hash the item's key content for later comparison."""
        values = [self.uid, self.text, self.ref]

        if self.references:

        if links:
        for key in self.document.extended_reviewed:
            if key in self._data:
                values.append(_convert_to_str(self._data[key], ""))
        return Stamp(*values)

    def clear(self, parents=None):
        """Clear suspect links."""
        log.info("clearing suspect links...")
        for uid, item in self._get_parent_uid_and_item():
            if not parents or uid in parents:
                uid.stamp = item.stamp()

    def review(self):
        """Mark the item as reviewed."""
        log.info("marking item as reviewed...")
        self._data['reviewed'] = self.stamp(links=True)

    def delete(self, path=None):
        """Delete the item."""
예제 #20
 def reviewed(self, value):
     """Set the item's review status."""
     self._data['reviewed'] = Stamp(value)
예제 #21
 def setUp(self):
     self.stamp1 = Stamp('abc123')
     self.stamp2 = Stamp("Hello, world!", 42, False)
     self.stamp3 = Stamp(True)
     self.stamp4 = Stamp(False)
     self.stamp5 = Stamp()
예제 #22
 def test_stamp(self):
     """Verify an unknown item has no stamp."""
     self.assertEqual(Stamp(None), self.item.stamp())
예제 #23
 def reviewed(self):
     """Indicate if the item has been reviewed."""
     stamp = self.stamp(links=True)
     if self._data['reviewed'] == Stamp(True):
         self._data['reviewed'] = stamp
     return self._data['reviewed'] == stamp