예제 #1
def get_problem_check_event(line_or_event):
    Generates output values for explicit problem_check events.


        line_or_event: pre-parsed event dict, or text line from a tracking event log


        (problem_id, username), (timestamp, problem_check_info)

        where timestamp is in ISO format, with resolution to the millisecond
        and problem_check_info is a JSON-serialized dict containing
        the contents of the problem_check event's 'event' field,
        augmented with entries for 'timestamp', 'username', and
        'context' from the event.

        or None if there is no valid problem_check event on the line.

            (i4x://edX/DemoX/Demo_Course/problem/PS1_P1, dummy_username), (2013-09-10T00:01:05.123456, blah)

    # Ensure the given event dict is a problem_check event
    if isinstance(line_or_event, dict):
        event = line_or_event
        if event.get('event_type') != 'problem_check':
            return None

    # Parse the line into an event dict, if not provided.
        event = eventlog.parse_json_server_event(line_or_event, 'problem_check')
        if event is None:
            return None

    # Get the "problem data".  This is the event data, the context, and anything else that would
    # be useful further downstream.  (We could just pass the entire event dict?)

    # Get the user from the username, not from the user_id in the
    # context.  While we are currently requiring context (as described
    # above), we might not in future.  Older events will not have
    # context information, so we can't rely on user_id from there.
    # And we don't expect problem_check events to occur without a
    # username, and don't expect them to occur with the wrong user
    # (i.e. one user acting on behalf of another, as in an instructor
    # acting on behalf of a student).
    augmented_data_fields = ['context', 'username', 'timestamp']
    problem_data = eventlog.get_augmented_event_data(event, augmented_data_fields)
    if problem_data is None:
        return None

    # Get the course_id from context.  We won't work with older events
    # that do not have context information, since they do not directly
    # provide course_id information.  (The problem_id/answer_id values
    # contain the org and course name, but not the run.)  Course_id
    # information could be found from other events, but it would
    # require expanding the events being selected.
    course_id = eventlog.get_course_id(event)
    if course_id is None:
        log.error("encountered explicit problem_check event with missing course_id: %s", event)
        return None

    if not opaque_key_util.is_valid_course_id(course_id):
        log.error("encountered explicit problem_check event with bogus course_id: %s", event)
        return None

    # Get the problem_id from the event data.
    problem_id = problem_data.get('problem_id')
    if problem_id is None:
        log.error("encountered explicit problem_check event with bogus problem_id: %s", event)
        return None

    event = event.get('event', {})
    answers = event.get('answers', {})
    if len(answers) == 0:
        return None

        _check_answer_ids(event.get('submission', {}))
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        log.error("encountered explicit problem_check event with invalid answers: %s", event)
        return None

    problem_data_json = json.dumps(problem_data)
    key = (course_id, problem_id, problem_data.get('username'))
    value = (problem_data.get('timestamp'), problem_data_json)

    return key, value
예제 #2
def get_problem_check_event(line):
    Generates output values for explicit problem_check events.
        line: text line from a tracking event log.
        (problem_id, username), (timestamp, problem_check_info)
        where timestamp is in ISO format, with resolution to the millisecond
        and problem_check_info is a JSON-serialized dict containing
        the contents of the problem_check event's 'event' field,
        augmented with entries for 'timestamp', 'username', and
        'context' from the event.
        or None if there is no valid problem_check event on the line.
            (i4x://edX/DemoX/Demo_Course/problem/PS1_P1, dummy_username), (2013-09-10T00:01:05.123456, blah)
    # Parse the line into a dict.
    event = eventlog.parse_json_server_event(line, 'problem_check')
    if event is None:
        return None

    # Get the "problem data".  This is the event data, the context, and anything else that would
    # be useful further downstream.  (We could just pass the entire event dict?)

    # Get the user from the username, not from the user_id in the
    # context.  While we are currently requiring context (as described
    # above), we might not in future.  Older events will not have
    # context information, so we can't rely on user_id from there.
    # And we don't expect problem_check events to occur without a
    # username, and don't expect them to occur with the wrong user
    # (i.e. one user acting on behalf of another, as in an instructor
    # acting on behalf of a student).
    augmented_data_fields = ['context', 'username', 'timestamp']
    problem_data = eventlog.get_augmented_event_data(event, augmented_data_fields)
    if problem_data is None:
        return None

    # Get the course_id from context.  We won't work with older events
    # that do not have context information, since they do not directly
    # provide course_id information.  (The problem_id/answer_id values
    # contain the org and course name, but not the run.)  Course_id
    # information could be found from other events, but it would
    # require expanding the events being selected.
    course_id = problem_data.get('context').get('course_id')
    if course_id is None:
        log.error("encountered explicit problem_check event with missing course_id: %s", event)
        return None

    if not opaque_key_util.is_valid_course_id(course_id):
        log.error("encountered explicit problem_check event with bogus course_id: %s", event)
        return None

    # Get the problem_id from the event data.
    problem_id = problem_data.get('problem_id')
    if problem_id is None:
        log.error("encountered explicit problem_check event with bogus problem_id: %s", event)
        return None

    if len(event.get('event', {}).get('answers', [])) == 0:
        return None

    problem_data_json = json.dumps(problem_data)
    key = (course_id, problem_id, problem_data.get('username'))
    value = (problem_data.get('timestamp'), problem_data_json)

    return key, value