예제 #1
파일: molecule.py 프로젝트: jbarlow3/RMG-Py
 def getMolecularWeight(self):
     Return the molecular weight of the molecule in kg/mol.
     mass = 0
     H = elements.getElement('H')
     for atom in self.vertices:
         mass += atom.element.mass
     return mass
예제 #2
    def fromOBMol(self, obmol, implicitH=False):
        Convert an OpenBabel OBMol object `obmol` to a molecular structure. Uses
        `OpenBabel <http://openbabel.org/>`_ to perform the conversion.

        self.vertices = []
        self.edges = {}

        # Add hydrogen atoms to complete molecule if needed

        # Iterate through atoms in obmol
        for i in range(0, obmol.NumAtoms()):
            obatom = obmol.GetAtom(i + 1)

            # Use atomic number as key for element
            number = obatom.GetAtomicNum()
            element = elements.getElement(number=number)
            # Process spin multiplicity
            radicalElectrons = 0
            spinMultiplicity = obatom.GetSpinMultiplicity()
            if spinMultiplicity == 0:
                radicalElectrons = 0; spinMultiplicity = 1
            elif spinMultiplicity == 1:
                radicalElectrons = 2; spinMultiplicity = 1
            elif spinMultiplicity == 2:
                radicalElectrons = 1; spinMultiplicity = 2
            elif spinMultiplicity == 3:
                radicalElectrons = 2; spinMultiplicity = 3

            # Process charge
            charge = obatom.GetFormalCharge()
            coord = np.array([obatom.x(), obatom.y(), obatom.z()])
            label = obatom.GetIdx()
            atom = Atom(element, coord, radicalElectrons, spinMultiplicity, 0, charge, str(label))
            self.edges[atom] = {}
            # Add bonds by iterating again through atoms
            for j in range(0, i):
                obatom2 = obmol.GetAtom(j + 1)
                obbond = obatom.GetBond(obatom2)
                if obbond is not None:
                    order = 0

                    # Process bond type
                    if obbond.IsSingle(): order = 'S'
                    elif obbond.IsDouble(): order = 'D'
                    elif obbond.IsTriple(): order = 'T'
                    elif obbond.IsAromatic(): order = 'B'

                    bond = Bond(order)
                    atom1 = self.vertices[i]
                    atom2 = self.vertices[j]
                    self.edges[atom1][atom2] = bond
                    self.edges[atom2][atom1] = bond

        # Make hydrogens implicit to conserve memory
        if implicitH: self.makeHydrogensImplicit()

        return self
예제 #3
파일: molecule.py 프로젝트: jbarlow3/RMG-Py
    def fromOBMol(self, obmol):
        Convert an OpenBabel OBMol object `obmol` to a molecular structure. Uses
        `OpenBabel <http://openbabel.org/>`_ to perform the conversion.

        cython.declare(radicalElectrons=cython.int, spinMultiplicity=cython.int, charge=cython.int)
        cython.declare(atom=Atom, atom1=Atom, atom2=Atom, bond=Bond)

        self.vertices = []

        # Add hydrogen atoms to complete molecule if needed

        # Iterate through atoms in obmol
        for i in range(0, obmol.NumAtoms()):
            obatom = obmol.GetAtom(i + 1)

            # Use atomic number as key for element
            number = obatom.GetAtomicNum()
            element = elements.getElement(number)
            # Process spin multiplicity
            radicalElectrons = 0
            spinMultiplicity = obatom.GetSpinMultiplicity()
            if spinMultiplicity == 0:
                radicalElectrons = 0; spinMultiplicity = 1
            elif spinMultiplicity == 1:
                radicalElectrons = 2; spinMultiplicity = 1
            elif spinMultiplicity == 2:
                radicalElectrons = 1; spinMultiplicity = 2
            elif spinMultiplicity == 3:
                radicalElectrons = 2; spinMultiplicity = 3
            elif spinMultiplicity == 4:
                radicalElectrons = 3; spinMultiplicity = 4
            elif spinMultiplicity == 5:
                radicalElectrons = 4; spinMultiplicity = 5
            # Process charge
            charge = obatom.GetFormalCharge()

            atom = Atom(element, radicalElectrons, spinMultiplicity, charge)
            # Add bonds by iterating again through atoms
            for j in range(0, i):
                obatom2 = obmol.GetAtom(j + 1)
                obbond = obatom.GetBond(obatom2)
                if obbond is not None:
                    order = 0

                    # Process bond type
                    if obbond.IsSingle(): order = 'S'
                    elif obbond.IsDouble(): order = 'D'
                    elif obbond.IsTriple(): order = 'T'
                    elif obbond.IsAromatic(): order = 'B'

                    bond = Bond(self.vertices[i], self.vertices[j], order)

        # Set atom types and connectivity values

        return self
예제 #4
    def fromOBMol(self, obmol, implicitH=False):
        Convert an OpenBabel OBMol object `obmol` to a molecular structure. Uses
        `OpenBabel <http://openbabel.org/>`_ to perform the conversion.

        self.vertices = []
        self.edges = {}

        # Add hydrogen atoms to complete molecule if needed

        # Iterate through atoms in obmol
        for i in range(0, obmol.NumAtoms()):
            obatom = obmol.GetAtom(i + 1)

            # Use atomic number as key for element
            number = obatom.GetAtomicNum()
            element = elements.getElement(number=number)

            # Process spin multiplicity
            radicalElectrons = 0
            spinMultiplicity = obatom.GetSpinMultiplicity()
            if spinMultiplicity == 0:
                radicalElectrons = 0
                spinMultiplicity = 1
            elif spinMultiplicity == 1:
                radicalElectrons = 2
                spinMultiplicity = 1
            elif spinMultiplicity == 2:
                radicalElectrons = 1
                spinMultiplicity = 2
            elif spinMultiplicity == 3:
                radicalElectrons = 2
                spinMultiplicity = 3

            # Process charge
            charge = obatom.GetFormalCharge()
            coord = np.array([obatom.x(), obatom.y(), obatom.z()])
            label = obatom.GetIdx()

            atom = Atom(element, coord, radicalElectrons, spinMultiplicity, 0,
                        charge, str(label))
            self.edges[atom] = {}

            # Add bonds by iterating again through atoms
            for j in range(0, i):
                obatom2 = obmol.GetAtom(j + 1)
                obbond = obatom.GetBond(obatom2)
                if obbond is not None:
                    order = 0

                    # Process bond type
                    if obbond.IsSingle(): order = 'S'
                    elif obbond.IsDouble(): order = 'D'
                    elif obbond.IsTriple(): order = 'T'
                    elif obbond.IsAromatic(): order = 'B'

                    bond = Bond(order)
                    atom1 = self.vertices[i]
                    atom2 = self.vertices[j]
                    self.edges[atom1][atom2] = bond
                    self.edges[atom2][atom1] = bond

        # Make hydrogens implicit to conserve memory
        if implicitH: self.makeHydrogensImplicit()

        return self