예제 #1
    def test_derivative(self):
        """Check that numerical and analytical derivatives of Q match."""

        spde = SphereMeshSPDE(level=3)
        Q = spde.build_Q_stationary(numpy.log(1.0), numpy.log(1.0), 2)

        epsilon = 0.000001

        expected_dQ0 = \
            ((spde.build_Q_stationary(numpy.log(1.0)+epsilon, numpy.log(1.0), 2) -
              spde.build_Q_stationary(numpy.log(1.0)-epsilon, numpy.log(1.0), 2)) / (2.0 * epsilon)).todense()

        expected_dQ1 = \
            ((spde.build_Q_stationary(numpy.log(1.0), numpy.log(1.0)+epsilon, 2) -
              spde.build_Q_stationary(numpy.log(1.0), numpy.log(1.0)-epsilon, 2)) / (2.0 * epsilon)).todense()

        dQ0 = spde.build_dQdp_stationary(numpy.log(1.0), numpy.log(1.0), 2,
        dQ1 = spde.build_dQdp_stationary(numpy.log(1.0), numpy.log(1.0), 2,

        # print numpy.abs(dQ0 - expected_dQ0).ravel().max() / numpy.abs(expected_dQ0).ravel().max()
        # print numpy.abs(dQ1 - expected_dQ1).ravel().max() / numpy.abs(expected_dQ1).ravel().max()

        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dQ0, expected_dQ0, decimal=7)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dQ1, expected_dQ1, decimal=7)
예제 #2
    def test_covariance_function(self):
        """Check that inverse precision follows matern covariance patterns."""

        # Generate
        spde = SphereMeshSPDE(level=5)

        # Index 12 in the mesh is 0 latitude, 0 longitude
        # - The covariance evaluated will relate to distance from this chosen point
        #   but the same shape of graph should be obtained for any point -
        #   there is nothing special about this choice.
        reference_index = 12

        # nu and rho as used in matern definition
        nu = 1.0
        rho = 0.3

        # Make precision
        precision = spde.build_Q_stationary(log_sigma=numpy.log(
                                            log_rho=numpy.log(2.0 * rho),

        # Sample covariance at reference index

        # This is the vector with 1 in the reference location and zeros everywhere else
        # like [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ... ]
        reference_unit = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(
            ([1.0], ([reference_index], [0])), shape=(precision.shape[0], 1))

        # Solve Q.x = reference unit
        # This is like picking the column of inverse(Q) corresponding to reference index
        # and so is the covariance with respect to that reference location
        covariance_wrt_reference = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(
            precision, reference_unit)

        # Great arc distances from reference point
        points = spde.triangulation.points
        refpoint = points[reference_index, :]
        dotprod = points.dot(refpoint)
        distance_from_reference = numpy.arccos(dotprod)

        # There is a scale factor difference between estimated covariance and Matern model
        sigma0 = numpy.sqrt(covariance_wrt_reference[reference_index])

        # Compute disparity (taking into account scale factor difference)
        disparity = max(
            numpy.abs(covariance_wrt_reference - TestSphereMeshSPDE.matern(
                distance_from_reference, sigma0, nu, rho)))

        # Convert to percentage and check
        disparity_percent = 100.0 * disparity / (sigma0**2)
        # print 'Disparity (%): ', disparity_percent
        self.assertTrue(disparity_percent < 2.0)