예제 #1
    def evaluate(self, programData, origProgData, argDict):

        results_array = c4_evaluator.runC4_wrapper(programData[0], argDict)
        orig_results_array = c4_evaluator.runC4_wrapper(
            origProgData[0], argDict)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # convert results array into dictionary

        eval_results_dict = tools.getEvalResults_dict_c4(results_array)
        orig_eval_results_dict = tools.getEvalResults_dict_c4(

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # collect all pos/not_ rule pairs

        rule_pairs = self.getRulePairs(eval_results_dict)

        logging.debug("  EVALUATE : rule_pairs = " + str(rule_pairs))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # make sure tables do not overlap

        self.assertFalse(self.hasOverlap(rule_pairs, eval_results_dict))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # make sure comb positive relation results are identical to molly
        # relation results

        self.check_results_alignment(orig_eval_results_dict, eval_results_dict)
예제 #2
def run_program_c4(program_data, argDict):

    # run c4 evaluation
    results_array = c4_evaluator.runC4_wrapper(program_data, argDict)
    parsedResults = tools.getEvalResults_dict_c4(results_array)

    return parsedResults
예제 #3
    def evaluate(self, programData, expected_eval_path, argDict):

        noOverlap = False

        results_array = c4_evaluator.runC4_wrapper(programData[0], argDict)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # convert results array into dictionary

        eval_results_dict = tools.getEvalResults_dict_c4(results_array)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # collect all pos/not_ rule pairs

        rule_pairs = self.getRulePairs(eval_results_dict)

        logging.debug("  EVALUATE : rule_pairs = " + str(rule_pairs))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # make sure tables do not overlap

        self.assertFalse(self.hasOverlap(rule_pairs, eval_results_dict))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # make sure iedb_rewrites positive relation results are identical to molly
        # relation results

        if expected_eval_path:

            self.compare_evals(eval_results_dict, expected_eval_path)
예제 #4
    def evaluate(self, allProgramData):

        # inject custom faults here.
        allProgramData = injectCustomFaults(allProgramData)

        results_array = c4_evaluator.runC4_wrapper(allProgramData)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # dump evaluation results locally
        eval_results_dump_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) + "/data/"

        # make sure data dump directory exists
        if not os.path.isdir(eval_results_dump_dir):
            print "WARNING : evalulation results file dump destination does not exist at " + eval_results_dump_dir
            print "> creating data directory at : " + eval_results_dump_dir
            os.system("mkdir " + eval_results_dump_dir)
            if not os.path.isdir(eval_results_dump_dir):
                    "FATAL ERROR : unable to create evaluation results dump directory at "
                    + eval_results_dump_dir)
            print "...done."

        # data dump directory exists
        self.eval_results_dump_to_file(results_array, eval_results_dump_dir)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # parse results into a dictionary
        parsedResults = tools.getEvalResults_dict_c4(results_array)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #

        return parsedResults
예제 #5
파일: Chaoxis.py 프로젝트: chen0031/chaoxis
    def get_program_results(self, argDict, cursor):

        # convert dedalus into c4 datalog
        allProgramData = dedt.translateDedalus(argDict, cursor)

        # run c4 evaluation
        results_array = c4_evaluator.runC4_wrapper(allProgramData[0], argDict)
        parsedResults = tools.getEvalResults_dict_c4(results_array)

        return parsedResults
예제 #6
파일: dedt.py 프로젝트: KDahlgren/iapyx
def rewrite_to_datalog( argDict, factMeta, ruleMeta, cursor ) :

  logging.debug( "  REWRITE : running process..." )

  settings_path = argDict[ "settings" ]
  EOT           = argDict[ "EOT" ]

  for rule in ruleMeta :
    rid = rule.rid
    cursor.execute( "SELECT attID,attName FROM GoalAtt WHERE rid=='" + str( rid ) + "'" )
    goal_atts = cursor.fetchall()
    logging.debug( "  DEDT : len( goal_atts ) = " + str( len( goal_atts )) )
    goal_atts = tools.toAscii_multiList( goal_atts )
    logging.debug( "  DEDT : len( goal_atts ) = " + str( len( goal_atts )) )
    logging.debug( "  DEDT : goal_atts (0) = " + str( goal_atts ) )
    logging.debug( "  DEDT : r = " + dumpers.reconstructRule( rid, cursor ) )

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # dedalus rewrite

  logging.debug( "  REWRITE : calling dedalus rewrites..." )

  allMeta  = dedalusRewriter.rewriteDedalus( argDict, factMeta, ruleMeta, cursor )
  factMeta = allMeta[0]
  ruleMeta = allMeta[1]

  # be sure to fill in all the type info for the new rule definitions
  #setTypes.setTypes( cursor, argDict, ruleMeta )

  for rule in ruleMeta :
    rid = rule.rid
    cursor.execute( "SELECT attID,attName FROM GoalAtt WHERE rid=='" + str( rid ) + "'" )
    goal_atts = cursor.fetchall()
    goal_atts = tools.toAscii_multiList( goal_atts )
    #logging.debug( "  DEDT : goal_atts (1) = " + str( goal_atts ) )
    logging.debug( "  DEDT : rule.ruleData = " + str( rule.ruleData ) )

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # other rewrites
  # first get parameters for which rewrites to run.

  # ========== WILDCARD ========== #
  try :
    rewriteWildcards = tools.getConfig( settings_path, "DEFAULT", "WILDCARD_REWRITES", bool )
  except ConfigParser.NoOptionError :
    logging.warning( "WARNING : no 'WILDCARD_REWRITES' defined in 'DEFAULT' section of " + settings_path + \
                     "...running without wildcard rewrites." )
    rewriteWildcards = False

  # ========== DM ========== #
  try :
    RUN_DM = tools.getConfig( settings_path, "DEFAULT", "DM", bool )
  except ConfigParser.NoOptionError :
    logging.warning( "WARNING : no 'DM' defined in 'DEFAULT' section of " + settings_path + \
                     "...running without dm rewrites" )
    RUN_DM = False

  # ========== NW_DOM_DEF ========== #
  try :
    NW_DOM_DEF = tools.getConfig( settings_path, "DEFAULT", "NW_DOM_DEF", str )
  except ConfigParser.NoOptionError :
    raise Exception( "no 'NW_DOM_DEF' defined in 'DEFAULT' section of " + settings_path + \
                     ". aborting..." )

  # ========== COMBO ========== #
    RUN_COMB = tools.getConfig( settings_path, "DEFAULT", "COMB", bool )
  except ConfigParser.NoOptionError :
    logging.info( "WARNING : no 'COMB' defined in 'DEFAULT' section of " + settings_path + \
                  "...running without combo rewrites" )
    RUN_COMB = False

  # ========== IEDB ========== #
  try :
    RUN_IEDB_REWRITES = tools.getConfig( settings_path, "DEFAULT", "IEDB_REWRITES", bool )
  except ConfigParser.NoOptionError :
    logging.info( "WARNING : no 'IEDB_REWRITES' defined in 'DEFAULT' section of " + settings_path + \
                  "...running without iedb rewrites" )

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # do wildcard rewrites
  # always do wildcard rewrites in prep for negative writes.

  if rewriteWildcards or \
     ( NW_DOM_DEF == "sip"         and \
       ( argDict[ "neg_writes" ] == "dm" or \
         argDict[ "neg_writes" ] == "combo" ) ) :

    logging.debug( "  REWRITE : calling wildcard rewrites..." )

    ruleMeta = rewrite_wildcards.rewrite_wildcards( ruleMeta, cursor )

#    for rule in ruleMeta :
#      #logging.debug( "rule.ruleData = " + str( rule.ruleData ) )
#      logging.debug( "  REWRITE : (1) r = " + dumpers.reconstructRule( rule.rid, rule.cursor ) )
#    #sys.exit( "blah2" )
#    for rule in ruleMeta :
#      logging.debug( "  DEDT : rule.ruleData (2) = " + str( rule.ruleData ) )
    # be sure to fill in all the type info for the new rule definitions
    logging.debug( "  REWRITE : running setTypes after wildcard rewrites." )
    setTypes.setTypes( cursor, argDict, ruleMeta )
    update_goal_types( ruleMeta )
  else :
    setTypes.setTypes( cursor, argDict, ruleMeta )

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # iedb rewrites 

  if RUN_IEDB_REWRITES                 or \
     ( NW_DOM_DEF == "sip"         and \
       ( argDict[ "neg_writes" ] == "dm" or \
         argDict[ "neg_writes" ] == "combo" ) ) :

    logging.debug( "  REWRITE : calling iedb rewrites..." )
    factMeta, ruleMeta = iedb_rewrites.iedb_rewrites( factMeta, \
                                                      ruleMeta, \
                                                      cursor, \
                                                      settings_path )

#    for rule in ruleMeta :
#      rid = rule.rid
#      cursor.execute( "SELECT attID,attName FROM GoalAtt WHERE rid=='" + str( rid ) + "'" )
#      goal_atts = cursor.fetchall()
#      goal_atts = tools.toAscii_multiList( goal_atts )
#      logging.debug( "  DEDT : goal_atts (3) = " + str( goal_atts ) )

    #for rule in ruleMeta :
    #  print c4_translator.get_c4_line( rule.ruleData, "rule" )
    #for fact in factMeta :
    #  print c4_translator.get_c4_line( fact.factData, "fact" )
    #sys.exit( "asdf" )

    # be sure to fill in all the type info for the new rule definitions
    logging.debug( "  REWRITE : running setTypes after iedb rewrites." )
    setTypes.setTypes( cursor, argDict, ruleMeta )

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # do dm rewrites

  if argDict[ "neg_writes" ] == "dm" :

    logging.debug( "  REWRITE : calling dm rewrites..." )
    factMeta, ruleMeta = dm.dm( factMeta, ruleMeta, cursor, argDict ) # returns new ruleMeta

    logging.debug( "  REWRITE : final dm program lines:" )
    for rule in ruleMeta :
      logging.debug( dumpers.reconstructRule( rule.rid, rule.cursor ) )
    #sys.exit( "blah" )

    # be sure to fill in all the type info for the new rule definitions
    logging.debug( "  REWRITE : running setTypes after dm rewrites." )
    setTypes.setTypes( cursor, argDict, ruleMeta )

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # do combo rewrites

  if argDict[ "neg_writes" ] == "comb" :

    # collect the results from the original program
    original_prog = c4_translator.c4datalog( argDict, cursor )
    results_array = c4_evaluator.runC4_wrapper( original_prog, argDict )
    parsedResults = tools.getEvalResults_dict_c4( results_array )

    # run the neg rewrite for combinatorial approach
    # returns a new ruleMeta
    logging.debug( "  REWRITE : calling combo rewrites..." )
    ruleMeta, factMeta = combitorialNegRewriter.neg_rewrite( cursor, \
                                                             argDict, \
                                                             ruleMeta, \
                                                             factMeta, \
                                                             parsedResults ) 

  if argDict[ "neg_writes" ] == "combo" :

    logging.debug( "  REWRITE : calling combo rewrites..." )
    factMeta, ruleMeta = combo.combo( factMeta, ruleMeta, cursor, argDict )

    #for r in ruleMeta :
    #  print dumpers.reconstructRule( r.rid, r.cursor )
    #sys.exit( "f**k" )

#  for rule in ruleMeta :
#    rid = rule.rid
#    cursor.execute( "SELECT attID,attName FROM GoalAtt WHERE rid=='" + str( rid ) + "'" )
#    goal_atts = cursor.fetchall()
#    goal_atts = tools.toAscii_multiList( goal_atts )
#    logging.debug( "  DEDT : goal_atts (2) = " + str( goal_atts ) )

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # provenance rewrites

  #logging.debug( "  REWRITE : before prov dump :" )
  #for rule in ruleMeta :
  #  print rule
  #  logging.debug( "  REWRITE : (0) r = " + printRuleWithTypes( rule.rid, cursor ) )
  #sys.exit( "blah2" )

  # add the provenance rules to the existing rule set
  logging.debug( "  REWRITE : calling provenance rewrites..." )
  ruleMeta.extend( provenanceRewriter.rewriteProvenance( ruleMeta, cursor, argDict ) )

  #for rule in ruleMeta :
  #  #logging.debug( "rule.ruleData = " + str( rule.ruleData ) )
  #  logging.debug( "  REWRITE : (1) rid = " + str( rule.rid ) + " : " + dumpers.reconstructRule( rule.rid, rule.cursor ) )
  #sys.exit( "blah2" )

  # be sure to fill in all the type info for the new rule definitions
  logging.debug( "  REWRITE : running setTypes after provenance rewrites." )
  setTypes.setTypes( cursor, argDict, ruleMeta )

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

#  for rule in ruleMeta :
#    logging.debug( "rule.ruleData = " + str( rule.ruleData ) )
#    logging.debug( "  REWRITE : (2) r = " + dumpers.reconstructRule( rule.rid, rule.cursor ) )
#  sys.exit( "blah2" )

  logging.debug( "  REWRITE : ...done." )

  return [ factMeta, ruleMeta ]
예제 #7
def get_current_results(argDict, cursor):
    original_prog = c4_translator.c4datalog(argDict, cursor)
    results_array = c4_evaluator.runC4_wrapper(original_prog, argDict)
    parsedResults = tools.getEvalResults_dict_c4(results_array)
    return parsedResults
예제 #8
파일: Chaoxis.py 프로젝트: chen0031/chaoxis
    def __init__( self, argDict      = None, \
                        label        = "", \
                        custom_fault = None ) :

        self.conclusion = "No conclusion."
        self.NUM_RUN_ITERATIONS = 0
        self.graph_stats = None
        self.argDict = None
        self.label = label
        self.custom_fault = custom_fault
        self.tried_solns = []

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # get configuration params

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # get dictionary of command line arguments

        if argDict:
            self.argDict = argDict
            self.argDict = parseCommandLineInput.parseCommandLineInput()

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # make sure the data directory exists

        if not os.path.isdir(
                os.path.abspath(self.argDict["data_save_path"] + "/../")):
            os.system("mkdir " +
                      os.path.abspath(self.argDict["data_save_path"] + "/../"))
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.abspath(self.argDict["data_save_path"])):
            os.system("mkdir " +

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # initialize a database for the IR

        saveDB = self.argDict["data_save_path"] + "/IR_" + label + ".db"
        if os.path.isfile(saveDB):

        # database for storing IR, stored in running script dir
        IRDB = sqlite3.connect(saveDB)
        self.cursor = IRDB.cursor()

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # generate the initial program

        self.datalog_with_clocks = None
        self.datalog_with_clocks = dedt.translateDedalus(
            self.argDict, self.cursor)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # maintain a current solution index and formula id

        self.CURR_FMLA_ID = 0
        self.CURR_SOLN_INDEX = 0

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #

        self.datalog_program_only = None
        self.clocks_only = None
        self.table_list_only = None
        self.datalog_program_only = self.get_program_only(
        self.clocks_only = self.get_clocks_only(self.datalog_with_clocks[0][0])
        self.table_list_only = self.datalog_with_clocks[0][1]

        logging.debug( "  __INIT__ : self.datalog_program_only = " + \
                       str( self.datalog_program_only ) )
        logging.debug( "  __INIT__ : self.clocks_only          = " + \
                       str( self.clocks_only ) )
        logging.debug( "  __INIT__ : self.table_list_only      = " + \
                       str( self.table_list_only ) )

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # perform evaluaton on the current version of datalog_with_clocks

        logging.debug("  __INIT__ : performing initial run...")

        # run c4 evaluation
        results_array = None
        results_dict = None
        results_array = c4_evaluator.runC4_wrapper( self.datalog_with_clocks[0], \
                                                    self.argDict )
        results_dict = tools.getEvalResults_dict_c4(results_array)

        logging.debug("  __INIT__ : performing initial run...done.")

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # check for vacuous correctness

        if self.is_vacuously_correct(results_dict["pre"]):
            self.conclusion = "conclusion : spec is vacuously correct."

        elif self.is_vacuously_incorrect(results_dict["pre"],
            self.conclusion = "conclusion : spec is vacuously incorrect."


            # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
            # generate orik rgg

            logging.debug("  __INIT__ : building initial provenance tree...")

            orik_rgg = copy.deepcopy(None)
            orik_rgg = ProvTree.ProvTree( rootname       = "FinalState", \
                                          parsedResults  = results_dict, \
                                          cursor         = self.cursor, \
                                          treeType       = "goal", \
                                          isNeg          = False, \
                                          eot            = self.argDict[ "EOT" ], \
                                          prev_prov_recs = {}, \
                                          argDict        = self.argDict )

            self.graph_stats = None
            self.graph_stats = orik_rgg.create_pydot_graph( self.CURR_FMLA_ID, \
                                                            self.NUM_RUN_ITERATIONS, \
                                                            self.label )

                "  __INIT__ : building initial provenance tree...done.")

            # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
            # build a solution generator

            logging.debug("  __INIT__ : performing initial solve...")

            SOLVER_TYPE = argDict["solver"].lower()
            logging.debug("  __INIT__ : using solver type '" + SOLVER_TYPE +

            if SOLVER_TYPE == "z3":
                self.solver = Z3_Solver.Z3_Solver(self.argDict, orik_rgg)
            elif SOLVER_TYPE == "pycosat":
                self.solver = PYCOSAT_Solver.PYCOSAT_Solver(
                    self.argDict, orik_rgg)
                raise ValueError("  solver type '" + SOLVER_TYPE +
                                 "' not recognized.")

            logging.debug("  __INIT__ : performing initial solve...done.")
예제 #9
파일: Chaoxis.py 프로젝트: chen0031/chaoxis
    def run_on_custom_fault(self):

        logging.debug( "  RUN ON CUSTOM FAULT : self.NUM_RUN_ITERATIONS = " + \
                       str( self.NUM_RUN_ITERATIONS ) )

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # edit the clock table

        a_new_soln_clean = self.custom_fault
        logging.debug( "  RUN ON CUSTOM FAULT : a_new_soln_clean : " + \
                       str( a_new_soln_clean ) )

        new_clock_table = self.perform_clock_table_edits(a_new_soln_clean)

        logging.debug("  RUN ON CUSTOM FAULT : new_clock_table " +

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # perform another evaluation

        final_prog_info = [self.datalog_program_only, self.table_list_only]

        logging.debug("  RUN ON CUSTOM FAULT : final_prog_info = " +

        results_array = c4_evaluator.runC4_wrapper(final_prog_info,
        results_dict = tools.getEvalResults_dict_c4(results_array)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # evaluate results to draw a conclusion

        if self.pre_does_not_imply_post(results_dict["pre"],
            self.conclusion = "conclusion : found counterexample : " + str(

            self.conclusion = "conclusion : spec is chaoxis-certified for " + \
                              "correctness on the given fault."

        print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
        print "  RUN ON CUSTOM FAULT : "
        print "results:"
        for key in results_dict:
            print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
            print key
            for tup in results_dict[key]:
                print tup

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # generate orik rgg

        logging.debug("  RUN ON CUSTOM FAULT : building provenance tree...")

        orik_rgg = copy.deepcopy(None)
        orik_rgg = ProvTree.ProvTree( rootname       = "FinalState", \
                                      parsedResults  = results_dict, \
                                      cursor         = self.cursor, \
                                      treeType       = "goal", \
                                      isNeg          = False, \
                                      eot            = self.argDict[ "EOT" ], \
                                      prev_prov_recs = {}, \
                                      argDict        = self.argDict )

        self.graph_stats = None
        self.graph_stats = orik_rgg.create_pydot_graph( self.CURR_FMLA_ID, \
                                                        self.NUM_RUN_ITERATIONS, \
                                                        self.label )

            "  RUN ON CUSTOM FAULT : building provenance tree...done.")
예제 #10
파일: Chaoxis.py 프로젝트: chen0031/chaoxis
    def run(self):

            "  CHAOXIS RUN : -----------------------------------------")
        logging.debug( "  CHAOXIS RUN : self.NUM_RUN_ITERATIONS = " + \
                       str( self.NUM_RUN_ITERATIONS ) )
        logging.debug( "  CHAOXIS RUN : self.CURR_SOLN_INDEX    = " + \
                       str( self.CURR_SOLN_INDEX ) )
        logging.debug( "  CHAOXIS RUN : self.CURR_FMLA_ID       = " + \
                       str( self.CURR_FMLA_ID ) )

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # break on vacuouc correctness

        if not self.conclusion == "No conclusion.":

        # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # run on the custom fault only, if applicable

        if self.custom_fault:


            # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
            # get a new soln

            if self.solver.solver_type == "z3":
                a_new_soln = self.solver.get_next_soln()

            elif self.solver.solver_type == "pycosat":
                a_new_soln = self.get_soln_at_index(self.solver)
                raise ValueError( "alright. how did you get this far w/o specifying a " + \
                                  "known solver? aborting..." )

            logging.debug("  CHAOXIS RUN : a_new_soln = " + str(a_new_soln))
            assert (a_new_soln != None)

            # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
            # edit the clock table

            a_new_soln_clean = self.get_clean_soln(a_new_soln)
            logging.debug("  CHAOXIS RUN : a_new_soln_clean : " +

            # only try new solns
            if not self.already_tried(a_new_soln_clean):

                new_clock_table = self.perform_clock_table_edits(
                logging.debug( "  CHAOXIS RUN : adding to tried_solns '" + \
                               str( a_new_soln_clean ) + "'" )

                logging.debug("  CHAOXIS RUN : new_clock_table " +

                # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
                # perform another evaluation

                prog_cp = copy.deepcopy(self.datalog_program_only)
                final_prog_info = [prog_cp, self.table_list_only]

                logging.debug("  CHAOXIS RUN : final_prog_info = " +

                results_array = c4_evaluator.runC4_wrapper(
                    final_prog_info, self.argDict)
                results_dict = tools.getEvalResults_dict_c4(results_array)

                # -------------------------------------------------------------- #
                # evaluate results to draw a conclusion

                if self.pre_does_not_imply_post(results_dict["pre"],
                    self.conclusion = "conclusion : found counterexample : " + \
                                      str( a_new_soln_clean )

                elif self.no_more_fmlas_or_solns():
                    self.conclusion = "conclusion : spec is chaoxis-certified for correctness."


                    # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
                    # repeat until a corrupting fault appears or until
                    # no more formulas and solns exist

                    if self.another_soln_exists() or \
                       self.another_fmla_exists() :
                        self.NUM_RUN_ITERATIONS += 1

                        self.conclusion = "conclusion : alright, something's weird."

                if self.another_soln_exists() or \
                   self.another_fmla_exists() :
                    self.NUM_RUN_ITERATIONS += 1

                elif self.no_more_fmlas_or_solns():
                    self.conclusion = "conclusion : spec is chaoxis-certified for correctness."

                    logging.debug("  CHAOXIS RUN : alright. this is weird.")

            logging.debug( "  CHAOXIS RUN : NUM_RUN_ITERATIONS == " + \
                           str( self.NUM_RUN_ITERATIONS ) + ", tried_solns = " )
            for d in self.tried_solns:
                logging.debug("  " + str(d))
예제 #11
def addDomainEDBs(original_prog, cursor):

    # --------------------------------------------------- #
    # run original program and grab results dictionary    #
    # --------------------------------------------------- #

    results_array = c4_evaluator.runC4_wrapper(original_prog)
    parsedResults = tools.getEvalResults_dict_c4(results_array)

    # --------------------------------------------------- #
    # save results as edb facts in IR db                  #
    # --------------------------------------------------- #

    for relationName in parsedResults:

        print ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"
        print "relationName : " + relationName

        # build fact name
        newEDBName = "dom_" + relationName + "_evalres"

        print "newEDBName : " + newEDBName

        # ---------------------------------------------------------- #
        # no evaluation data exists for this relation
        if parsedResults[relationName] == []:

            # set fact info
            fid = tools.getID()
            timeArg += 1
            print ">>> INSERT INTO Fact VALUES ('" + fid + "','" + newEDBName + "','" + str(
                timeArg) + "')"
            cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Fact VALUES ('" + fid + "','" +
                           newEDBName + "','" + str(timeArg) + "')")

            # get fact schema
            # observe a relation defined in a dedalust program  can only be empty in this context if it is an IDB
            # because c4 define statements are derived from relations defined in the dedalus program only.
            cursor.execute("SELECT rid FROM Rule WHERE goalName=='" +
                           relationName + "'")
            ridList = cursor.fetchall()
            ridList = tools.toAscii_list(ridList)
            pickedRID = ridList[0]

                "SELECT attID,attName,attType FROM GoalAtt WHERE rid=='" +
                pickedRID + "'")
            attData = cursor.fetchall()
            attData = tools.toAscii_multiList(attData)

            # set fact data
            fattID = 0
            for att in attData:

                attID = att[0]
                attName = att[1]
                attType = att[2]

                if attType == "string":
                    d = '"___DEFAULTSTR___"'
                    d = 9999999999

                print ">>> INSERT INTO FactAtt (" + fid + "," + str(
                    fattID) + "," + str(d) + "," + attType + ")"
                cursor.execute("INSERT INTO FactAtt VALUES ('" + fid + "','" +
                               str(fattID) + "','" + str(d) + "','" +
                               str(attType) + "')")

                fattID += 1

            #tools.bp( __name__, inspect.stack()[0][3], "blah" )

        # ---------------------------------------------------------- #
        # evaluation data exists for this relation
            for dataTup in parsedResults[relationName]:

                # build fact id
                fid = tools.getID()

                # default time arg to 1. domain edb facts are true starting at time 1.
                timeArg = 1

                # set fact info
                print ">>> INSERT INTO Fact VALUES ('" + fid + "','" + newEDBName + "','" + str(
                    timeArg) + "')"
                cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Fact VALUES ('" + fid + "','" +
                               newEDBName + "','" + str(timeArg) + "')")

                fattID = 0
                for d in dataTup:

                    # get data type for d
                    if d.isdigit():
                        attType = "int"
                        attType = "string"

                    # modify string data with quotes
                    if attType == "string":
                        d = '"' + d + '"'

                    # set fact data
                    print ">>> INSERT INTO FactAtt (" + fid + "," + str(
                        fattID) + "," + str(d) + "," + attType + ")"
                    cursor.execute("INSERT INTO FactAtt VALUES ('" + fid +
                                   "','" + str(fattID) + "','" + str(d) +
                                   "','" + str(attType) + "')")

                    fattID += 1