def __init__(self, ADDone, ADDtwo):

        super(CSGadd, self).__init__()
        self.ADDone = ADDone
        self.ADDtwo = ADDtwo
        self.reference = 'CSGadd'
        self.transform = tf.identity_matrix()
 def __init__(self, INTone, INTtwo):
     super(CSGint, self).__init__()
     self.INTone = INTone
     self.INTtwo = INTtwo
     self.reference = 'CSGint'
     self.transform = tf.identity_matrix()
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, transform=None):
     '''Transform is a 4x4 transformation matrix that rotates and translates the plane into the global frame (a plane in the xy plane point with normal along (+ve) z).'''
     super(Plane, self).__init__()
     self.transform = transform
     if self.transform == None:
         self.transform = tf.identity_matrix()
예제 #4
def rotation_matrix_from_vector_alignment(before, after):
    >>> # General input/output test
    >>> V1 = norm(np.random.random(3))
    >>> V2 = norm([1,1,1])
    >>> R = rotation_matrix_from_vector_alignment(V1, V2)
    >>> V3 = transform_direction(V1, R)
    >>> cmp_points(V2, V3)
    >>> # Catch the special case in which we cannot take the cross product
    >>> V1 = [0,0,1]
    >>> V2 = [0,0,-1]
    >>> R = rotation_matrix_from_vector_alignment(V1, V2)
    >>> V3 = transform_direction(V1, R)
    >>> cmp_points(V2, V3)
    # The angle between the vectors must not be 0 or 180 (i.e. so we can take a cross product)
    thedot =, after)
    if cmp_floats(thedot, 1.) == True:
        # Vectors are parallel
        return tf.identity_matrix()
    if cmp_floats(thedot, -1.) == True:
        # Vectors are anti-parallel
        print "Vectors are anti-parallel this might crash."
    axis = np.cross(before, after)            # get the axis of rotation
    angle = np.arccos(, after))  # get the rotation angle
    return rotation_matrix(angle, axis)
 def __init__(self, SUBplus, SUBminus):
     Definition {CSGsub} := {SUBplus}/{SUBminus}
     super(CSGsub, self).__init__()
     self.SUBplus = SUBplus
     self.SUBminus = SUBminus
     self.reference = 'CSGsub'
     self.transform = tf.identity_matrix()
예제 #6
 def __init__(self, radius=1, length=1):
     super(Cylinder, self).__init__()
     self.radius = radius
     self.length = length
     self.transform = tf.identity_matrix()
예제 #7
 def __init__(self, origin=(0,0,0), extent=(1,1,1)):
     super(Box, self).__init__()
     self.origin = np.array(origin)
     self.extent = np.array(extent)
     self.points = [origin, extent]
     self.transform = tf.identity_matrix()