예제 #1
    def read_storage_providers(self):
        """Reads the global variables to create the providers needed.

        Variable schema:  STORAGE_AUTH_$1_$2_$3
        $1: MINIO | S3 | ONEDATA
        $2: USER | PASS | TOKEN | SPACE | HOST
        $3: STORAGE_ID (Specified in the function definition file,
                        is unique for each storage defined)

        e.g.: STORAGE_AUTH_MINIO_USER_12345
        # Remove the prefix 'STORAGE_AUTH_'
        env_vars = SysUtils.get_filtered_env_vars("STORAGE_AUTH_")
        # type = MINIO | S3 | ONEDATA ...
        # cred = USER | PASS | TOKEN ...
        provider_info = namedtuple('provider_info', ['type', 'cred', 'id'])
        for env_key, env_val in env_vars.items():
            # Don't split past the id
            # MINIO_USER_123_45 -> *[MINIO, USER, 123_45]
            prov_info = provider_info(*env_key.split("_", 2))
            # Link ID with TYPE
            if prov_info.id not in self.auth_id:
                self.auth_id[prov_info.id] = prov_info.type
            if prov_info.type not in self.auth_type:
                # Link TYPE with AUTH data
                self.auth_type[prov_info.type] = AuthData(
                    prov_info.id, prov_info.type)
                prov_info.cred, env_val)
예제 #2
 def test_get_filtered_env_vars(self):
     with mock.patch.dict('os.environ', {
             "K1": "V1",
             "F1_C1": "VC1",
             "F1_C2": "VC2"
         self.assertEqual(SysUtils.get_filtered_env_vars("F1_"), {
             "C1": "VC1",
             "C2": "VC2"
예제 #3
def get_output_paths():
    """Returns the defined output providers.

    Reads the global variables to create the providers needed.
    Variable schema: STORAGE_PATH_$1_$2
                     $1: INPUT | OUTPUT
                     $2: STORAGE_ID (Specified in the function definition file,
                                     is unique for each storage defined)
    e.g.: STORAGE_PATH_INPUT_12345
    get_logger().info("Reading output path variables")
    env_vars = SysUtils.get_filtered_env_vars("STORAGE_PATH_")
    storage_path = namedtuple('storage_path', ['id', 'path'])
    # Remove the storage type 'OUTPUT_' and store only the id and the path
    # Store a tuple, so the information can't be modified
    return [storage_path(env_key[7:], env_val) for env_key, env_val in env_vars.items()
            if env_key.startswith('OUTPUT_')]