예제 #1
def addPeg(bevel, endZ, outputs, radius, start, topOverBottom, xmlElement):
	'Add beveled cylinder to outputs given bevel, endZ, radius and start.'
	height = abs(start.z - endZ)
	bevelStartRatio = max(1.0 - bevel / height, 0.5)
	oneMinusBevelStartRatio = 1.0 - bevelStartRatio
	trunkEndZ = bevelStartRatio * endZ + oneMinusBevelStartRatio * start.z
	trunkTopOverBottom = bevelStartRatio * topOverBottom + oneMinusBevelStartRatio
	sides = evaluate.getSidesMinimumThreeBasedOnPrecision(max(radius.real, radius.imag), xmlElement )
	outputs.append(cylinder.getGeometryOutputByEndStart(trunkEndZ, radius, sides, start, trunkTopOverBottom, xmlElement))
	capRadius = radius * trunkTopOverBottom
	capStart = bevelStartRatio * Vector3(start.x, start.y, endZ) + oneMinusBevelStartRatio * start
	radiusMaximum = max(radius.real, radius.imag)
	endRadiusMaximum = radiusMaximum * topOverBottom - bevel
	trunkRadiusMaximum = radiusMaximum * trunkTopOverBottom
	capTopOverBottom = endRadiusMaximum / trunkRadiusMaximum
	outputs.append(cylinder.getGeometryOutputByEndStart(endZ, capRadius, sides, capStart, capTopOverBottom, xmlElement))
def addNegativePeg(derivation, negatives, x, y):
	'Add negative cylinder at x and y.'
	negativePegRadius = derivation.pegRadius + derivation.halfPegClearance
	inradius = complex(negativePegRadius, negativePegRadius)
	copyShallow = derivation.xmlElement.getCopyShallow()
	start = Vector3(x, y, derivation.height)
	cylinderOutput = cylinder.getGeometryOutputByEndStart(0.0, inradius, start, derivation.topOverBottom, copyShallow)
def addNegativePeg(derivation, negatives, x, y):
    'Add negative cylinder at x and y.'
    negativePegRadius = derivation.pegRadius + derivation.halfPegClearance
    inradius = complex(negativePegRadius, negativePegRadius)
    copyShallow = derivation.xmlElement.getCopyShallow()
    start = Vector3(x, y, derivation.height)
    cylinderOutput = cylinder.getGeometryOutputByEndStart(
        0.0, inradius, start, derivation.topOverBottom, copyShallow)
예제 #4
파일: peg.py 프로젝트: marrrry/ReplicatorG
def addPeg(bevel, endZ, outputs, radius, start, topOverBottom, xmlElement):
    'Add beveled cylinder to outputs given bevel, endZ, radius and start.'
    height = abs(start.z - endZ)
    bevelStartRatio = max(1.0 - bevel / height, 0.5)
    oneMinusBevelStartRatio = 1.0 - bevelStartRatio
    trunkEndZ = bevelStartRatio * endZ + oneMinusBevelStartRatio * start.z
    trunkTopOverBottom = bevelStartRatio * topOverBottom + oneMinusBevelStartRatio
    sides = evaluate.getSidesMinimumThreeBasedOnPrecision(
        max(radius.real, radius.imag), xmlElement)
        cylinder.getGeometryOutputByEndStart(trunkEndZ, radius, sides, start,
                                             trunkTopOverBottom, xmlElement))
    capRadius = radius * trunkTopOverBottom
    capStart = bevelStartRatio * Vector3(
        start.x, start.y, endZ) + oneMinusBevelStartRatio * start
    radiusMaximum = max(radius.real, radius.imag)
    endRadiusMaximum = radiusMaximum * topOverBottom - bevel
    trunkRadiusMaximum = radiusMaximum * trunkTopOverBottom
    capTopOverBottom = endRadiusMaximum / trunkRadiusMaximum
        cylinder.getGeometryOutputByEndStart(endZ, capRadius, sides, capStart,
                                             capTopOverBottom, xmlElement))