예제 #1
def ui_dialog(ui, parent, style):
    """ Creates a live GUI toolkit neutral user interface for a specified UI
    if ui.owner is None:
        ui.owner = LiveWindow()

    ui.owner.init(ui, parent, style)
    ui.control = control = ui.owner.control
    ui.control._parent = parent

        # fixme: Who sets 'ui' and why?...
        ui.control().ui = None
        ui.control = None
        ui.owner = None
        ui.result = False

    restore_window(ui, is_popup=(style in Popups))

    from facets.extra.helper.debug import log_if

    log_if(2, ui.control)


    control.modal = style == MODAL
예제 #2
 def _slot_clicked ( self, handler, connect ):
     from facets.extra.helper.debug import log_if
     log_if( 2, 'clicked!' )
     if connect:
         QObject.connect( self.control, SIGNAL( 'clicked()' ), handler )
         QObject.disconnect( self.control, SIGNAL( 'clicked()' ), handler )
예제 #3
 def hook_events ( self, ui, control, events = None, handler = None ):
     """ Hooks all specified events for all controls in a UI so that they
         can be routed to the correct event handler.
     # fixme: Implement this method. For now just log that is was called...
     from facets.extra.helper.debug import log_if
     log_if( 2, ('hook_events( ui = %s, control = %s, events = %s, '
                 'handler = %s )' % ( ui, control, events, handler )) )
예제 #4
 def shrink_wrap ( self ):
     """ Resizes the control so that it fits snugly around its child
     # fixme: Not sure how to do this for Qt. Maybe we do not have to do
     # anything? For now we'll just print a message to log the call...
     from facets.extra.helper.debug import log_if
     log_if( 2, 'shrink_wrap called for: %s' % self.control )
예제 #5
 def _slot_choose ( self, handler, connect ):
     from facets.extra.helper.debug import log_if
     log_if( 2, 'choose!' )
     if connect:
         QObject.connect( self.control, SIGNAL( 'activated(QString)' ),
                          handler )
         QObject.disconnect( self.control, SIGNAL( 'activated(QString)' ),
                             handler )
예제 #6
    def processEvent ( self, object, event ):
        """ Handles a Qt event by mapping it to a corresponding controller
            method (if any).
        # Try to convert the Qt event type to a GUI toolkit neutral name:
        name = EventMap.get( event.type(), None )
        if name is not None:
            handlers = []

            # Check to see if this is a mouse related event, which requires some
            # additional processing:
            if name in MouseEvents:
                handlers.extend( self.event_map.get( 'mouse', NoHandlers ) )

                # Now check to see if the name is also mouse button related,
                # which requires some additional qualification:
                if name in MouseButtons:
                    # Try to get the appropriate mouse button name:
                    prefix = MousePrefix.get( event.button(), None )
                    if prefix is None:
                        return None

                    # Create a composite name composed of the button name and
                    # the event type:
                    name = prefix + name

            # See if we have any methods to handle the event:
            handlers.extend( self.event_map.get( name, NoHandlers ) )
            if len( handlers ) > 0:
                from facets.extra.helper.debug import log_if
                log_if( 2 , 'event: %s' % name )

                # Create the right kind of adapted event:
                if name in DragDropEvents:
                    adapter = QtDrag( event, name = name )
                    adapter = QtUIEvent( event,
                        name            = name,
                        control_adapter = adapted_control( object )

                # Invoke the handler with the adapted version of the event:
                for handler in handlers:
                    handler( adapter )

                # Return whether or not we completely handled the event or not:
                if name in NeverHandledEvents:
                    adapter.handled = False

                return adapter

        return None
예제 #7
    def _slot_text_enter ( self, handler, connect ):
        from facets.extra.helper.debug import log_if
        log_if( 2, 'text enter!' )

        control = self.control
        if isinstance( control, QComboBox ):
            control = control.lineEdit()

        if connect:
            QObject.connect( control, SIGNAL( 'editingFinished()' ), handler )
            QObject.disconnect( control, SIGNAL( 'editingFinished()' ),
                                handler )
예제 #8
    def _slot_text_change ( self, handler, connect ):
        from facets.extra.helper.debug import log_if
        log_if( 2, 'text change!' )

        control = self.control
        if isinstance( control, QComboBox ):
            control = control.lineEdit()

        signal = 'textEdited(QString)'
        if isinstance( control, QTextEdit ):
            signal = 'textChanged()'

        if connect:
            QObject.connect( control, SIGNAL( signal ), handler )
            QObject.disconnect( control, SIGNAL( signal ), handler )
예제 #9
    def resynch_editor ( self ):
        """ Resynchronizes the contents of the editor when the object facet
            changes externally to the editor.
        # To try and reduce the number of double updates caused by a new object
        # and synchronized view name being changed in response to the same
        # event, we check that either the object or its displayed view has been
        # changed before preceding with the update:
        view  = None
        value = self.value
        if isinstance( value, HasFacets ):
            view = self.view_for( value, self.item_for( value ) )

        if (value is self._last_value) and (view is self._last_view):

        self._last_value, self._last_view = value, view
        panel = self._panel
        if panel is not None:
            # Dispose of the previous contents of the panel:
            if self._ui is not None:
                self._ui = None

            panel.layout = None

            # Create the new content for the panel:
            stretch = 0
            if not isinstance( value, HasFacets ):
                str_value = ''
                if value is not None:
                    str_value = self.str_value

                control    = toolkit().create_label( panel, str_value )
                is_control = True
                context = value.facet_context()
                handler = None
                if isinstance( value, Handler ):
                    handler = value

                context.setdefault( 'context', self.object )
                context.setdefault( 'context_handler', self.ui.handler )
                self._ui = ui = view.ui(
                    context, panel, 'editor', value.facet_view_elements(),
                    handler, self.factory.id
                control         = ui.control
                is_control      = ui.is_control
                self.scrollable = ui._scrollable
                ui.parent       = self.ui

                if view.resizable or view.scrollable or ui._scrollable:
                    stretch = 1

            # Add the control to the layout:
            layout = panel.layout
            if is_control:
                if layout is None:
                    layout = toolkit().create_box_layout()
                layout.add( control, stretch = stretch )
                layout = control

            panel.layout = layout

            # It is possible that this instance editor is embedded at some level
            # in a ScrolledWindow. If so, we need to inform the window that the
            # size of the editor's contents have (potentially) changed:
            # NB: There is a typo in the wxPython 2.6 code that prevents the
            # 'SendSizeEvent' from working correctly, so we just skip it.

            # fixme: Make this GUI toolkit neutral...
            if False: ###not is_wx26:
                while ((parent is not None) and
                       (not isinstance( parent(), wx.ScrolledWindow ))):
                    parent = parent.parent

                if parent is not None:

            from facets.extra.helper.debug import log_if
            log_if( 2,  panel )
예제 #10
 def _set_scroll_horizontal ( self, can_scroll ):
     from facets.extra.helper.debug import log_if
     log_if( 2, "control_adapter._set_scroll_horizontal called" )
예제 #11
 def _get_is_panel ( self ):
     # fixme: I'm not sure what the Qt equivalent of a panel is...
     from facets.extra.helper.debug import log_if
     log_if( 2, 'is_panel query for: %s' % self.control )
     return (self.control.__class__ is QWidget)