예제 #1
def getBloats( param=None ) :
        item_name = 'POSTGRES_'
        status = []
        perfdata = '-'
        output = ''
        if param != None :
		check = param['check']
		item_name = item_name + check.upper()
		warning = fac.getSizeFactor(param['warning'])
		critical = fac.getSizeFactor(param['critical'])
                query = getQuery(check,warning[1],warning[0])  
                results = sql.getSQLResult ( {'host': param['host'][0] , 'port' : param['port'][0], 'dbname': param['dbname'], 'user' : param['user'] ,'password' : param['password'] } ,query )

		if results[0] == None :
			return '2' + ' ' + item_name + ' ' + '-' + ' ' + results[1]
		rows = results[1]
		if len(rows) > 0 :
                	for row in rows :
                                out_unit = ''
                                if int(row[3]) >= int(critical[0]) :
                                        out_unit = [row[3] , critical[2] ]
                                elif int(row[3]) >= int(warning[0]) :
                                        out_unit = [ row[3], warning[2] ]

                        	if perfdata == '-' :
                                	perfdata = row[0] + '=' + str(row[3]) + ';' +  str(warning[0]) + ';' + str(critical[0]) 
                                	output =  '{0:s} has {1:s} {2:s} ({3:s})% worth of bloat'.format(row[0],str(row[3]), out_unit[1], str(row[2]) )
                        	elif perfdata != '-'  :
                                	perfdata = perfdata + '|' + row[0] + '=' + str(row[3]) + ';' +  str(warning[0]) + ';' + str(critical[0])
                                	output =  output + ';{0:s} has {1:s} {2:s} ({3:s})% worth of bloat'.format(row[0],str(row[3]), out_unit[1], str(row[2]) )

                		status.append( st.getStatus( int(row[3]),int(warning[0]) , int(critical[0])  ) )

                	status.sort( reverse=True )
                	return str(status[0]) + ' ' + item_name + ' ' + str(perfdata) + ' ' + output
		else : 
			return '0' + ' ' + item_name  + ' ' + '-' + ' ' + 'OK'
예제 #2
def getRelationSizes( param=None ) :
        item_name = 'POSTGRES_'
        status = []
        perfdata = '-'
        output = 'OK'
        if param != None :
		warning = fac.getSizeFactor( param['warning'] )
		critical = fac.getSizeFactor( param['critical'] )
		item_name = item_name + str(param['check']).upper()
                query = getQuery ( param['check'],warning[1],critical[1],warning[1] ,warning[0] ) 
                results = sql.getSQLResult ( {'host': param['host'][0] , 'port' : param['port'][0], 'dbname': param['dbname'], 'user' : param['user'] ,'password' : param['password'] } ,query )
		if results[0] == None : 
			return '2' + ' ' + item_name  + ' ' + '-' + ' ' + results[1]

		rows = results[1]

		if len(rows) > 0 :
                	for row in rows :
				out_unit = ''
				if int(row[2]) >= int(critical[0]) :
					out_unit = [row[2] , critical[2] ]
				elif int(row[1]) >= int(warning[0]) :
					out_unit = [ row[1], warning[2] ]
                        	if perfdata == '-' :
                                	perfdata = row[0] + '=' + str(row[3]) + ';' +  str(warning[0]) + ';' + str(critical[0])
                                	output =  '{0:s} is {1:d} {2:s} big'.format(row[0],out_unit[0],out_unit[1])
                        	elif perfdata != '-'  :
                                	perfdata = perfdata + '|' + row[0] + '=' + str(row[3]) + ';' +  str(warning[0]) + ';' + str(critical[0])
                                	output =  output + ';{0:s} is {1:d} {2:s} big'.format(row[0],out_unit[0],out_unit[1])
			status.sort( reverse=True )
			return str(status[0]) + ' ' + item_name + ' ' + str(perfdata) + ' ' + output
		elif len(rows) == 0 :
                	return str(status[0]) + ' ' + item_name + ' ' + str(perfdata) + ' ' + output