예제 #1
파일: admin.py 프로젝트: Ritsyy/fjord
def translations_management_backfill_view(request):
    """Takes start and end dates and a model and backfills translations"""
    date_start = smart_date(request.POST.get('date_start'))
    date_end = smart_date(request.POST.get('date_end'))
    model_path = smart_str(request.POST.get('model'))

    if request.method == 'POST' and date_start and date_end and model_path:
        # NB: We just let the errors propagate because this is an
        # admin page. That way we get a traceback and all that detail.

        # We add one day to date_end so that it picks up the entire day of
        # date_end.
        # FIXME: We should do this in a less goofy way.
        date_end = date_end + timedelta(days=1)

        model_cls = import_by_path(model_path)

        # Get list of ids of all objects that need translating.
        id_list = list(
                date_start=date_start, date_end=date_end
            .values_list('id', flat=True)

        num = len(id_list)

        CHUNK_SIZE = 100

        # Need to generate a bunch of separate tasks because they take
        # a long time to run, so we do CHUNK_SIZE per task.
        while id_list:
            chunk = id_list[:CHUNK_SIZE]
            id_list = id_list[CHUNK_SIZE:]
            translate_tasks_by_id_list.delay(model_path, chunk)

            u'Task created to backfill translations for %s instances' % num

        return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path)

    from fjord.translations.tasks import REGISTERED_MODELS
    model_classes = [
        cls.__module__ + '.' + cls.__name__
        for cls in REGISTERED_MODELS

    return render(request, 'admin/translations_backfill.html', {
        'title': 'Translations - General Maintenance - Backfill',
        'settings': settings,
        'model_classes': model_classes,
        'date_start': request.POST.get('date_start', ''),
        'date_end': request.POST.get('date_end', ''),
        'model': request.POST.get('model', '')
예제 #2
파일: admin.py 프로젝트: xrile/fjord
def translations_management_backfill_view(request):
    """Takes start and end dates and a model and backfills translations"""
    date_start = smart_date(request.POST.get('date_start'))
    date_end = smart_date(request.POST.get('date_end'))
    model_path = smart_str(request.POST.get('model'))

    if request.method == 'POST' and date_start and date_end and model_path:
        # NB: We just let the errors propagate because this is an
        # admin page. That way we get a traceback and all that detail.

        # We add one day to date_end so that it picks up the entire day of
        # date_end.
        # FIXME: We should do this in a less goofy way.
        date_end = date_end + timedelta(days=1)

        model_cls = import_by_path(model_path)

        # Get list of ids of all objects that need translating.
        id_list = list(
                                                    'id', flat=True))

        num = len(id_list)

        CHUNK_SIZE = 100

        # Need to generate a bunch of separate tasks because they take
        # a long time to run, so we do CHUNK_SIZE per task.
        while id_list:
            chunk = id_list[:CHUNK_SIZE]
            id_list = id_list[CHUNK_SIZE:]
            translate_tasks_by_id_list.delay(model_path, chunk)

            u'Task created to backfill translations for %s instances' % num)

        return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path)

    from fjord.translations.tasks import REGISTERED_MODELS
    model_classes = [
        cls.__module__ + '.' + cls.__name__ for cls in REGISTERED_MODELS

    return render(
        request, 'admin/translations_backfill.html', {
            'title': 'Translations - General Maintenance - Backfill',
            'settings': settings,
            'model_classes': model_classes,
            'date_start': request.POST.get('date_start', ''),
            'date_end': request.POST.get('date_end', ''),
            'model': request.POST.get('model', '')
예제 #3
    def test_one(self):
        """Test the basic case"""
        model_path = SuperModel.__module__ + '.' + SuperModel.__name__

        obj = SuperModel(locale='br', desc=u'This is a test string')

        # Verify no translation, yet
        assert obj.trans_desc == u''
        translate_tasks_by_id_list.delay(model_path, [obj.id])

        # Fetch the object from the db to verify it's been translated.
        obj = SuperModel.objects.get(id=obj.id)

        assert obj.trans_desc == u'THIS IS A TEST STRING'
예제 #4
    def test_many(self):
        model_path = SuperModel.__module__ + '.' + SuperModel.__name__

        objs = []
        for i in range(50):
            obj = SuperModel(locale='br', desc=u'string %d' % i)

            model_path, [obj_.id for obj_ in objs])

        for obj in objs:
            obj = SuperModel.objects.get(id=obj.id)
            # Note: The fake translation just uppercases things. We're
            # abusing inner knowledge of that here.
            assert obj.trans_desc == obj.desc.upper()