예제 #1
def register_domain(app, domain):
    """Add all resources in a domain to the app.

    The domain has to be deep-copied first because eve will modify it
    (since it heavily relies on setdefault()), which can cause problems
    especially in test environments, since the defaults don't get properly
    erase sometimes.

    TODO: Make tests better maybe so this is no problem anymore?

        app (Eve object): The app to extend
        domain (dict): The domain to be added to the app, will not be changed
    domain_copy = deepcopy(domain)

    for resource, settings in domain_copy.items():
        app.register_resource(resource, settings)
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, app, endpoint_schema=None):
        if not endpoint_schema:
            endpoint_schema = {'schema': self.schema}
            if self.additional_lookup is not None:
                endpoint_schema.update({'additional_lookup': self.additional_lookup})
            if self.extra_response_fields is not None:
                endpoint_schema.update({'extra_response_fields': self.extra_response_fields})
            if self.datasource is not None:
                endpoint_schema.update({'datasource': self.datasource})
            if self.item_methods is not None:
                endpoint_schema.update({'item_methods': self.item_methods})
            if self.resource_methods is not None:
                endpoint_schema.update({'resource_methods': self.resource_methods})
            if self.public_methods is not None:
                endpoint_schema.update({'public_methods': self.public_methods})
            if self.url is not None:
                endpoint_schema.update({'url': self.url})
            if self.item_url is not None:
                endpoint_schema.update({'item_url': self.item_url})
            if self.embedded_fields is not None:
                endpoint_schema.update({'embedded_fields': self.embedded_fields})
            if self.versioning is not None:
                endpoint_schema.update({'versioning': self.versioning})
            if self.internal_resource is not None:
                endpoint_schema.update({'internal_resource': self.internal_resource})
            if self.resource_title is not None:
                endpoint_schema.update({'resource_title': self.resource_title})

        on_insert_event = getattr(app, 'on_insert_%s' % self.endpoint_name)
        on_insert_event += self.on_create
        on_inserted_event = getattr(app, 'on_inserted_%s' % self.endpoint_name)
        on_inserted_event += self.on_created
        on_update_event = getattr(app, 'on_update_%s' % self.endpoint_name)
        on_update_event += self.on_update
        on_updated_event = getattr(app, 'on_updated_%s' % self.endpoint_name)
        on_updated_event += self.on_updated
        on_delete_event = getattr(app, 'on_delete_item_%s' % self.endpoint_name)
        on_delete_event += self.on_delete
        on_deleted_event = getattr(app, 'on_deleted_item_%s' % self.endpoint_name)
        on_deleted_event += self.on_deleted
        app.register_resource(self.endpoint_name, endpoint_schema)
        superdesk.apps[self.endpoint_name] = self
예제 #3
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: amiv-eth/amivapi
def register_domain(app, domain):
    """Add all resources in a domain to the app.

    The domain has to be deep-copied first because eve will modify it
    (since it heavily relies on setdefault()), which can cause problems
    especially in test environments, since the defaults don't get properly
    erase sometimes.

    TODO: Make tests better maybe so this is no problem anymore?

        app (Eve object): The app to extend
        domain (dict): The domain to be added to the app, will not be changed
    domain_copy = deepcopy(domain)

    for resource, settings in domain_copy.items():
        # Add default for the resource title:
        # Capitalize like Eve does with item titles
        settings.setdefault('resource_title', resource.capitalize())

        app.register_resource(resource, settings)
        _better_schema_defaults(app, resource, settings)
예제 #4
def _get_lock():
    """Get mongolock instance using app mongodb."""
    app.register_resource('_lock', _lock_resource_settings)  # setup dummy resource for locks
    return SuperdeskMongoLock(client=app.data.mongo.pymongo('_lock').db)
예제 #5
def _get_lock():
    """Get mongolock instance using app mongodb."""
    app.register_resource('_lock', _lock_resource_settings)  # setup dummy resource for locks
    return mongolock.MongoLock(client=app.data.mongo.pymongo('_lock').db)
예제 #6
def init_app(app):
    # this is required for mongo
    app.register_resource(TOKEN_RESOURCE, {'schema': AuthSubscriberTokenResource.schema})