예제 #1
def meanOf(points, height=None, LatLon=LatLon):
    '''Compute the geographic mean of several points.

       @param points: Points to be averaged (L{LatLon}[]).
       @keyword height: Optional height at mean point, overriding
                        the mean height (C{meter}).
       @keyword LatLon: Optional (sub-)class to return the mean
                        point (L{LatLon}) or C{None}.

       @return: Point at geographic mean and height (L{LatLon}) or
                3-tuple (C{degrees90}, C{degrees180}, height) if
                I{LatLon} is C{None}.

       @raise TypeError: Some I{points} are not L{LatLon}.

       @raise ValueError: No I{points}.
    # geographic mean
    n, points = _Trll.points2(points, closed=False)

    m = sumOf(points[i].toVector3d() for i in range(n))
    a, b = m.to2ll()

    if height is None:
        h = fmean(points[i].height for i in range(n))
        h = height
    return (a, b, h) if LatLon is None else LatLon(a, b, height=h)
예제 #2
def meanOf(points, height=None, LatLon=LatLon):
    '''Compute the geographic mean of several points.

       @param points: Points to be averaged (L{LatLon}[]).
       @keyword height: Optional height at mean point, overriding
                        the mean height (C{meter}).
       @keyword LatLon: Optional (sub-)class to return the mean
                        point (L{LatLon}) or C{None}.

       @return: Point at geographic mean and height (B{C{LatLon}}) or
                a L{LatLon3Tuple}C{(lat, lon, height)} if
                B{C{LatLon}} is C{None}.

       @raise TypeError: Some B{C{points}} are not L{LatLon}.

       @raise ValueError: No B{C{points}}.
    # geographic mean
    n, points = _Trll.points2(points, closed=False)

    m = sumOf(points[i].toVector3d() for i in range(n))
    a, b = m.to2ll()

    if height is None:
        h = fmean(points[i].height for i in range(n))
        h = height
    r = LatLon3Tuple(a, b, h) if LatLon is None else \
              LatLon(a, b, height=h)
    return _xnamed(r, meanOf.__name__)
예제 #3
def meanOf(points, height=None, LatLon=LatLon):
    '''Compute the geographic mean of the supplied points.

       @param points: Points to be averaged (L{LatLon}[]).
       @keyword height: Optional height at mean point overriding
                        the mean height (meter).
       @keyword LatLon: Optional LatLon class to return mean point
                        (L{LatLon}) or None.

       @return: Point at geographic mean and height (L{LatLon}) or
                3-tuple (mean_lat, mean_lon, height) if I{LatLon}
                is None.

       @raise TypeError: Some I{points} are not L{LatLon}.

       @raise ValueError: No I{points}.
    # geographic mean
    n, points = _Trll.points(points, closed=False)

    m = sumOf(points[i].toVector3d() for i in range(n))
    a, b = m.to2ll()

    if height is None:
        h = fmean(points[i].height for i in range(n))
        h = height
    return (a, b, h) if LatLon is None else LatLon(a, b, height=h)
예제 #4
def intersection(start1, end1, start2, end2, height=None, LatLon=LatLon):
    '''Locate the intersection of two paths each defined by two
       points or by a start point and an initial bearing.

       @param start1: Start point of the first path (L{LatLon}).
       @param end1: End point of the first path (L{LatLon}) or
                    the initial bearing at the first start point
                    (compass C{degrees360}).
       @param start2: Start point of the second path (L{LatLon}).
       @param end2: End point of the second path (L{LatLon}) or
                    the initial bearing at the second start point
                    (compass C{degrees360}).
       @keyword height: Optional height at the intersection point,
                        overriding the mean height (C{meter}).
       @keyword LatLon: Optional (sub-)class to return the
                        intersection point (L{LatLon}).

       @return: The intersection point (B{C{LatLon}}) or 3-tuple
                (C{degrees90}, C{degrees180}, height) if B{C{LatLon}}
                is C{None} or C{None} if no unique intersection

       @raise TypeError: If B{C{start*}} or B{C{end*}} is not L{LatLon}.

       @raise ValueError: Intersection is ambiguous or infinite or
                          the paths are parallel, coincident or null.


       >>> p = LatLon(51.8853, 0.2545)
       >>> q = LatLon(49.0034, 2.5735)
       >>> i = intersection(p, 108.55, q, 32.44)  # 50.9076°N, 004.5086°E
    _Nvll.others(start1, name='start1')
    _Nvll.others(start2, name='start2')

    # If gc1 and gc2 are great circles through start and end points
    # (or defined by start point and bearing), then the candidate
    # intersections are simply gc1 × gc2 and gc2 × gc1.  Most of the
    # work is deciding the correct intersection point to select!  If
    # bearing is given, that determines the intersection, but if both
    # paths are defined by start/end points, take closer intersection.
    gc1, s1, e1 = _Nvll._gc3(start1, end1, 'end1')
    gc2, s2, e2 = _Nvll._gc3(start2, end2, 'end2')

    hs = start1.height, start2.height
    # there are two (antipodal) candidate intersection
    # points ... we have to choose the one to return
    i1 = gc1.cross(gc2, raiser='paths')
    # postpone computing i2 until needed
    # i2 = gc2.cross(gc1, raiser='paths')

    # selection of intersection point depends on how
    # paths are defined (by bearings or endpoints)
    if e1 and e2:  # endpoint+endpoint
        d = sumOf((s1, s2, e1, e2)).dot(i1)
        hs += end1.height, end2.height
    elif e1 and not e2:  # endpoint+bearing
        # gc2 x v2 . i1 +ve means v2 bearing points to i1
        d = gc2.cross(s2).dot(i1)
        hs += end1.height,
    elif e2 and not e1:  # bearing+endpoint
        # gc1 x v1 . i1 +ve means v1 bearing points to i1
        d = gc1.cross(s1).dot(i1)
        hs += end2.height,
    else:  # bearing+bearing
        # if gc x v . i1 is +ve, initial bearing is
        # towards i1, otherwise towards antipodal i2
        d1 = gc1.cross(s1).dot(i1)  # +ve means p1 bearing points to i1
        d2 = gc2.cross(s2).dot(i1)  # +ve means p2 bearing points to i1
        if d1 > 0 and d2 > 0:
            d = 1  # both point to i1
        elif d1 < 0 and d2 < 0:
            d = -1  # both point to i2
        else:  # d1, d2 opposite signs
            # intersection is at further-away intersection
            # point, take opposite intersection from mid-
            # point of v1 and v2 [is this always true?]
            d = -s1.plus(s2).dot(i1)

    h = fmean(hs) if height is None else height
    i = i1 if d > 0 else gc2.cross(gc1, raiser='paths')
    return i.toLatLon(height=h,
                      LatLon=LatLon)  # Nvector(i.x, i.y, i.z).toLatLon(...)
예제 #5
def trilaterate(point1,
    '''Locate a point at given distances from three other points.
       See also U{Trilateration<http://WikiPedia.org/wiki/Trilateration>}.

       @param point1: First point (L{LatLon}).
       @param distance1: Distance to the first point (C{meter}, same units
                         as I{radius}).
       @param point2: Second point (L{LatLon}).
       @param distance2: Distance to the second point (C{meter}, same units
                         as I{radius}).
       @param point3: Third point (L{LatLon}).
       @param distance3: Distance to the third point (C{meter}, same units
                         as I{radius}).
       @keyword radius: Optional, mean earth radius (C{meter}).
       @keyword height: Optional height at the trilaterated point, overriding
                        the mean height (C{meter}, same units as I{radius}).
       @keyword LatLon: Optional (sub-)class for the trilaterated point

       @return: Trilaterated point (L{LatLon}).

       @raise TypeError: One of the I{points} is not L{LatLon}.

       @raise ValueError: Invalid I{radius}, some I{distances} exceed
                          trilateration or some I{points} coincide.
    def _nd2(p, d, name, *qs):
        # return Nvector and radial distance squared
        _Nvll.others(p, name=name)
        for q in qs:
            if p.isequalTo(q, EPS):
                raise ValueError('%s %s: %r' % ('coincident', 'points', p))
        return p.toNvector(), (float(d) / radius)**2

    if float(radius or 0) < EPS:
        raise ValueError('%s %s: %r' % ('radius', 'invalid', radius))

    n1, d12 = _nd2(point1, distance1, 'point1')
    n2, d22 = _nd2(point2, distance2, 'point2', point1)
    n3, d32 = _nd2(point3, distance3, 'point3', point1, point2)

    # the following uses x,y coordinate system with origin at n1, x axis n1->n2
    x = n2.minus(n1)
    y = n3.minus(n1)
    z = 0

    d = x.length  # distance n1->n2
    if d > EPS:  # and (y.length * 2) > EPS:
        X = x.unit()  # unit vector in x direction n1->n2
        i = X.dot(y)  # signed magnitude of x component of n1->n3
        Y = y.minus(X.times(i)).unit()  # unit vector in y direction
        j = Y.dot(y)  # signed magnitude of y component of n1->n3
        if abs(j) > EPS:
            x = fsum_(d12, -d22, d**2) / d  # n1->intersection x- and ...
            y = fsum_(d12, -d32, i**2, j**2, -2 * x * i) / j  # ... y-component
            z = (x**2 + y**2) * 0.25

#   z = sqrt(d12 - z)  # z will be NaN for no intersections
    if not 0 < z < d12:
        raise ValueError('no %s for %r, %r, %r at %r, %r, %r' %
                         ('trilaterate', point1, point2, point3, distance1,
                          distance2, distance3))
#   Z = X.cross(Y)  # unit vector perpendicular to plane
# note don't use Z component; assume points at same height
    n = n1.plus(X.times(x)).plus(Y.times(y))  # .plus(Z.times(z))

    if height is None:
        h = fmean((point1.height, point2.height, point3.height))
        h = height
    return n.toLatLon(height=h,
                      LatLon=LatLon)  # Nvector(n.x, n.y, n.z).toLatLon(...)
예제 #6
def intersection(start1,
    '''Compute the intersection point of two paths both defined
       by two points or a start point and bearing from North.

       @param start1: Start point of the first path (L{LatLon}).
       @param end1: End point ofthe first path (L{LatLon}) or
                    the initial bearing at the first start point
                    (compass C{degrees360}).
       @param start2: Start point of the second path (L{LatLon}).
       @param end2: End point of the second path (L{LatLon}) or
                    the initial bearing at the second start point
                    (compass C{degrees360}).
       @keyword height: Optional height for the intersection point,
                        overriding the mean height (C{meter}).
       @keyword wrap: Wrap and unroll longitudes (C{bool}).
       @keyword LatLon: Optional (sub-)class to return the intersection
                        point (L{LatLon}) or C{None}.

       @return: The intersection point (B{C{LatLon}}) or a
                L{LatLon3Tuple}C{(lat, lon, height)} if B{C{LatLon}}
                is C{None}.  An alternate intersection point might
                be the L{antipode} to the returned result.

       @raise TypeError: A B{C{start}} or B{C{end}} point not L{LatLon}.

       @raise ValueError: Intersection is ambiguous or infinite or
                          the paths are parallel, coincident or null.


       >>> p = LatLon(51.8853, 0.2545)
       >>> s = LatLon(49.0034, 2.5735)
       >>> i = intersection(p, 108.547, s, 32.435)  # '50.9078°N, 004.5084°E'
    _Trll.others(start1, name='start1')
    _Trll.others(start2, name='start2')

    hs = [start1.height, start2.height]

    a1, b1 = start1.to2ab()
    a2, b2 = start2.to2ab()

    db, b2 = unrollPI(b1, b2, wrap=wrap)
    r12 = haversine_(a2, a1, db)
    if abs(r12) < EPS:  # [nearly] coincident points
        a, b = map1(degrees, favg(a1, a2), favg(b1, b2))

    # see <https://www.EdWilliams.org/avform.htm#Intersection>
    elif isscalar(end1) and isscalar(end2):  # both bearings
        sa1, ca1, sa2, ca2, sr12, cr12 = sincos2(a1, a2, r12)

        x1, x2 = (sr12 * ca1), (sr12 * ca2)
        if abs(x1) < EPS or abs(x2) < EPS:
            raise ValueError('intersection %s: %r vs %r' % ('parallel',
                                                            (start1, end1),
                                                            (start2, end2)))

        # handle domain error for equivalent longitudes,
        # see also functions asin_safe and acos_safe at
        # <https://www.EdWilliams.org/avform.htm#Math>
        t1, t2 = map1(acos1, (sa2 - sa1 * cr12) / x1, (sa1 - sa2 * cr12) / x2)
        if sin(db) > 0:
            t12, t21 = t1, PI2 - t2
            t12, t21 = PI2 - t1, t2

        t13, t23 = map1(radiansPI2, end1, end2)
        x1, x2 = map1(
            t13 - t12,  # angle 2-1-3
            t21 - t23)  # angle 1-2-3
        sx1, cx1, sx2, cx2 = sincos2(x1, x2)
        if sx1 == 0 and sx2 == 0:  # max(abs(sx1), abs(sx2)) < EPS
            raise ValueError('intersection %s: %r vs %r' % ('infinite',
                                                            (start1, end1),
                                                            (start2, end2)))
        sx3 = sx1 * sx2
        #       if sx3 < 0:
        #           raise ValueError('intersection %s: %r vs %r' % ('ambiguous',
        #                            (start1, end1), (start2, end2)))
        x3 = acos1(cr12 * sx3 - cx2 * cx1)
        r13 = atan2(sr12 * sx3, cx2 + cx1 * cos(x3))

        a, b = _destination2(a1, b1, r13, t13)
        # choose antipode for opposing bearings
        if _xb(a1, b1, end1, a, b, wrap) < 0 or \
           _xb(a2, b2, end2, a, b, wrap) < 0:
            a, b = antipode(a, b)

    else:  # end point(s) or bearing(s)
        x1, d1 = _x3d2(start1, end1, wrap, '1', hs)
        x2, d2 = _x3d2(start2, end2, wrap, '2', hs)
        x = x1.cross(x2)
        if x.length < EPS:  # [nearly] colinear or parallel paths
            raise ValueError('intersection %s: %r vs %r' % ('colinear',
                                                            (start1, end1),
                                                            (start2, end2)))
        a, b = x.to2ll()
        # choose intersection similar to sphericalNvector
        d1 = _xdot(d1, a1, b1, a, b, wrap)
        d2 = _xdot(d2, a2, b2, a, b, wrap)
        if (d1 < 0 and d2 > 0) or (d1 > 0 and d2 < 0):
            a, b = antipode(a, b)

    h = fmean(hs) if height is None else height
    r = LatLon3Tuple(a, b, h) if LatLon is None else \
              LatLon(a, b, height=h)
    return _xnamed(r, intersection.__name__)