def comments(request, post_id): print 'comments' all_comments = comment.objects.all() main_post = post.objects.get(messageId=post_id) post_comments = comment.objects.filter(messageId=post_id) counter = len(all_comments) print 'counter= ' + str(counter) if request.method == 'POST': print 'if post comments' form = comment_form(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): print 'form is valid comments' counter += 1 newcomment = newcomment.username = request.session.get('username') newcomment.messageId = post_id = newcomment.commentId = counter print len(comment.objects.all()) else: print "fml"+str(form.errors) else: print 'comment GET' form = comment_form() return render(request, 'kerbie/comment.html', {'post':main_post, 'comments':post_comments})
def get(self, username): user ={'username': username}) if not user: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) if user == self.current_user and user.is_admin: self.redirect('/admin') return pagination = self.get_comments_for(user) f = comment_form() self.render('profile/wall', pagination=pagination, user=user, f=f)
def GET(self, arg): post = self.get_post(arg) f = comment_form() if post: post.view_count += 1 widget = get_sidebar() widget['relative_posts'] = sidebar.relative_posts(post) # get relative posts in sidebar widget return render_template('single.html', post=post, widget=widget, form=f, admin=web.ctx.session.username, location='single') else: raise web.notfound()
def post(self, username): user, pagination = self.get_comments_for(username) f = comment_form() data = self.get_arguments() try: if f.validates(tornado.web._O(data)): comment = Comment() { 'from': self.current_user, 'for': user, 'comment': data['comment'] } ) self.set_flash(self._("Comment has been saved.")) self.redirect("/profile/%s" % username) return raise Exception() except Exception, e: f.note = f.note if f.note else e self.render('profile/%s' % username, pagination=pagination, user=user, f=f)
def POST(self, arg): post = self.get_post(arg) f = comment_form() if not f.validates(): return render.single(post=post, widget=get_sidebar(), form=f, location='single') else: # store the comment data here comment = Comment( author =, email =, url = f.url.value, content = markdown(f.comment.value), ip = web.ctx.get('ip', ''), post_id = ) web.ctx.orm.add(comment) post.comment_count += 1 # update the comment_count of this post post.view_count -= 1 # as we will redirect to the same page next, so~ # self.validate_comment(comment) web.ctx.orm.commit() web.seeother(comment.get_absolute_url())
def POST(self,arg): post = self.get_post(arg) f = comment_form() if post: if f.validates(): #store comment comment = Comment( author =, email =, url = f.url.value, content = f.comment.value, ip = web.ctx.get('ip', '') , post_id = ) web.ctx.orm.add(comment) post.comment_count += 1 web.ctx.orm.commit() web.seeother(comment.get_absolute_url()) else: return render.single(post=post, widget=get_sidebar(),form = f,location='single') else: raise web.notfound
def index():#function comment_form = forms.comment_form() title = "my form" return render_template('index.html', title = title, form = comment_form)
def render(self, user=None): from forms import comment_form f = comment_form() return self.render_string('modules/comment-box', f=f)