예제 #1
def get_order_list(self, portfolio: Portfolio,
                   stock_market_data: StockMarketData):
    stock_price_a = stock_market_data[Company.A].get_last()[-1]
    stock_price_b = stock_market_data[Company.B].get_last()[-1]

    order_list = []
    if self.actions[self.last_action][0] > 0:
        amount_to_buy_stock_a = int(portfolio.cash *
                                    self.actions[self.last_action][0] //
            Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, amount_to_buy_stock_a))
    elif self.actions[self.last_action][0] < 0:
        # sell everything we have, look at the actions, we don't have -0.8 or sth just -1
        # we don't need any calculation for "amount_to_sell_stock_a"
            Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, portfolio.get_stock(Company.A)))

    if self.actions[self.last_action][1] > 0:
        amount_to_buy_stock_b = int(portfolio.cash *
                                    self.actions[self.last_action][1] //
            Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, amount_to_buy_stock_b))
    elif self.actions[self.last_action][1] < 0:
        # sell everything we have, look at the actions, we don't have -0.8 or sth just -1
        # we don't need any calculation for "amount_to_sell_stock_b"
            Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, portfolio.get_stock(Company.B)))

    return order_list
예제 #2
    def make_order(self, company: Company, orderTyp: OrderType, percentage,
                   portfolio: Portfolio,
                   stock_market_data: StockMarketData) -> Order:
         creates an Order
            company: the company for the order
            orderTyp: the OrderTyp (as Vote instance)
            percentage: an integer indicating how much percent should be bought or sold
         Returns an order for one company of instance Order
        if orderTyp == OrderType.BUY:
            stock_price = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(company)
            port = portfolio.cash * percentage
            amount_to_buy = int(port // stock_price)
                f"{self.get_name()}: Got best action to buy {company}: and bought {amount_to_buy}"
            return Order(OrderType.BUY, company,
                         amount_to_buy) if amount_to_buy > 0 else None

        elif orderTyp == OrderType.SELL:
            amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(company)
            amount_to_sell *= percentage
                f"{self.get_name()}: Got best action to sell {company}: and sold {amount_to_sell}"
            return Order(OrderType.SELL, company,
                         amount_to_sell) if amount_to_sell > 0 else None

            assert False
    def test_update_action_order_does_not_matter(self):
        stock_market_data = StockMarketData([Company.A, Company.B],

        # Create two equal designed portfolios
        portfolio1 = Portfolio(0, {Company.A: 100})
        portfolio2 = Portfolio(0, {Company.A: 100})

        # Create two order lists with the same entries, however in different order
        order_list_1 = [
            Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, 50),
            Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, 100)
        order_list_2 = [
            Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, 100),
            Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, 50)

        # Execute the trade action lists on the two portfolios: Sell 100 stocks, skip buying because no cash available
        portfolio1.update_with_order_list(stock_market_data, order_list_1)
        portfolio2.update_with_order_list(stock_market_data, order_list_2)

        # The portfolios should still be equal after applying the actions
        self.assertEqual(portfolio1.cash, 10275.9895)
        self.assertEqual(portfolio1.cash, portfolio2.cash)
        self.assertEqual(portfolio1.stocks[Company.A], 0)
        self.assertEqual(portfolio1.stocks, portfolio2.stocks)
예제 #4
    def __follow_expert_vote(self, company: Company, stock_data: StockData,
                             vote: Vote, buy_weight: float,
                             portfolio: Portfolio, order_list: List[Order]):
        assert company is not None
        assert stock_data is not None
        assert vote is not None
        assert portfolio is not None
        assert order_list is not None

        if vote is Vote.BUY or vote is Vote.HOLD:
            assert buy_weight is not None and 0 < buy_weight <= 1.0
            stock_price = stock_data.get_last()[-1]
            amount_to_buy = int(buy_weight * portfolio.cash // stock_price)
                f"{self.get_name()}: Got vote to buy {company}: {amount_to_buy} shares a {stock_price}"
            if amount_to_buy > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, company, amount_to_buy))
        elif vote == Vote.SELL:
            # sell as many stocks as possible
            amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(company)
                f"{self.get_name()}: Got vote to sell {company}: {amount_to_sell} shares available"
            if amount_to_sell > 0:
                    Order(OrderType.SELL, company, amount_to_sell))
            # do nothing
            assert vote == Vote.HOLD
            logger.debug(f"{self.get_name()}: Got vote to hold {company}")
예제 #5
    def test_update_do_not_drop_below_cash_0(self):
        stock_market_data = StockMarketData([Company.A, Company.B], [Period.TESTING])
        portfolio = Portfolio(110)

        # Create a order list whose individual actions are within the limit but in sum are over the limit
        # Most recent stock price of stock A is 102.759895
        order_list = [Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, 1), Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, 1)]
        portfolio.update_with_order_list(stock_market_data, order_list)
        self.assertEqual(portfolio.cash, 7.240105)
        self.assertEqual(portfolio.stocks[Company.A], 1)
예제 #6
 def get_orders(order_index):
     order_combination_dict = {0: ["BUY", "BUY"], 1: ["SELL", "SELL"], 2: ["BUY", "SELL"], 3: ["SELL", "BUY"]}
     order_dict = {"BUY": 1, "SELL": 2}
     action_combination = order_combination_dict[order_index]
     order_a = order_dict[action_combination[0]]
     order_b = order_dict[action_combination[1]]
     order_a = Order(OrderType(order_a), Company.A, portfolio.get_stock(Company.A))
     order_b = Order(OrderType(order_b), Company.B, portfolio.get_stock(Company.B))
     order_list = [order_a, order_b]
     return order_list
예제 #7
    def trade(self, portfolio: Portfolio,
              stock_market_data: StockMarketData) -> List[Order]:
        Generate actions to be taken on the "stock market"
          portfolio : current Portfolio of this traders
          stock_market_data : StockMarketData for evaluation

          A OrderList instance, may be empty never None
        assert portfolio is not None
        assert stock_market_data is not None

        if self.__bought_stocks:
            return []
            self.__bought_stocks = True

            # Calculate how many cash to spend per company
            company_list = stock_market_data.get_companies()

            # Invest (100 // `len(companies)`)% of cash into each stock
            order_list = []
            for company in company_list:
                available_cash_per_stock = portfolio.cash / len(company_list)
                most_recent_price = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(
                amount_to_buy = available_cash_per_stock // most_recent_price
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, company, amount_to_buy))
            return order_list
예제 #8
    def test_update_no_sufficient_cash_reserve(self):
        stock_market_data = StockMarketData([Company.A, Company.B], [Period.TESTING])
        portfolio = Portfolio(0, {Company.A: 200})
        order_list = [Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, 100)]

        # Trade volume is too high for current cash reserve. Nothing should happen
        portfolio.update_with_order_list(stock_market_data, order_list)
        self.assertEqual(portfolio.cash, 0)
        self.assertEqual(portfolio.stocks[Company.A], 200)
예제 #9
    def test_update_sufficient_cash_reserve(self):
        stock_market_data = StockMarketData([Company.A, Company.B], [Period.TESTING])
        portfolio = Portfolio(20000, {Company.A: 200})
        order_list = [Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, 100)]

        # Current cash reserve is sufficient for trade volume. Trade should happen
        portfolio.update_with_order_list(stock_market_data, order_list)
        self.assertEqual(portfolio.cash, 9724.0105)
        self.assertEqual(portfolio.stocks[Company.A], 300)
    def get_order(self, portfolio, company, voteOrder, voteOther, stock_data):
        order = None
        if voteOrder == Vote.BUY:
            stock_price = stock_data.get_most_recent_price(company)
            if (voteOrder == voteOther):
                amount = (portfolio.cash / 2) / stock_price
                amount = portfolio.cash / stock_price

            if amount > 0:
                order = Order(OrderType.BUY, company, amount)
        elif voteOrder == Vote.SELL:
            amount = portfolio.get_stock(company)
            if amount > 0:
                order = Order(OrderType.SELL, company, amount)
            order = None

        return order
예제 #11
 def follow_orders(orders):
     order_list = []
     company_list = stock_market_data.get_companies()
     for company, order in zip(company_list, orders):
         stock_data = stock_market_data[company]
         if order.type == OrderType.BUY:
             # buy as many stocks as possible
             stock_price = stock_data.get_last()[-1]
             amount_to_buy = int(portfolio.cash // stock_price)
             logger.debug(f"{self.get_name()}: Got order to buy {company}: {amount_to_buy} shares a {stock_price}")
             if amount_to_buy > 0:
                 order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, company, amount_to_buy))
         elif order.type == OrderType.SELL:
             # sell as many stocks as possible
             amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(company)
             logger.debug(f"{self.get_name()}: Got order to sell {company}: {amount_to_sell} shares available")
             if amount_to_sell > 0:
                 order_list.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, amount_to_sell))
     return order_list
예제 #12
    def __follow_action(self, company: Company, stock_data: StockData,
                        vote: Vote, portfolio: Portfolio,
                        order_list: List[Order]):
        Protected helper method to calculate amount of stocks to be bought and sold.

        :param company: Company
        :param stock_data: StockData
        :param vote: Vote
        :param portfolio: Portfolio
        :param order_list: List[Order]
        :return: None (writes result to order_list)

        assert company is not None
        assert stock_data is not None
        assert vote is not None
        assert portfolio is not None
        assert order_list is not None

        if vote == Vote.BUY:
            # buy as many stocks as possible
            stock_price = stock_data.get_last()[-1]
            amount_to_buy = int(portfolio.cash // stock_price)
                f"{self.get_name()}: Got vote to buy {company}: {amount_to_buy} shares a {stock_price}"
            if amount_to_buy > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, company, amount_to_buy))
        elif vote == Vote.SELL:
            # sell as many stocks as possible
            amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(company)
                f"{self.get_name()}: Got vote to sell {company}: {amount_to_sell} shares available"
            if amount_to_sell > 0:
                    Order(OrderType.SELL, company, amount_to_sell))
            # do nothing
            assert vote == Vote.HOLD
            logger.debug(f"{self.get_name()}: Got vote to hold {company}")
예제 #13
    def __create_order_for_company(
            self, company: Company, portfolio: Portfolio, vote: Vote,
            stock_market_data: StockMarketData) -> Order:
        order = None
        if vote == Vote.SELL:
            amount = portfolio.get_stock(company)
            if amount > 0:
                order = Order(OrderType.SELL, company, amount)
        elif vote == Vote.BUY:
            stock_price = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(company)
            amount = 0
            if (self.type_a == self.type_b):
                # buy both - half portfolio value for each
                amount = int((portfolio.cash // 2) // stock_price)
                amount = int(portfolio.cash // stock_price)

            if amount > 0:
                order = Order(OrderType.BUY, company, amount)
        return order
예제 #14
    def buy(self, stock_data, company, order_list, portfolio, percent):
        stock_price = stock_data.get_last()[-1]
        amount_to_buy = int(np.divide(portfolio.cash * percent, stock_price))

        if amount_to_buy > 0:
            order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, company, amount_to_buy))
예제 #15
    def trade(self, portfolio: Portfolio, stock_market_data: StockMarketData) -> List[Order]:
        Generate action to be taken on the "stock market"
          portfolio : current Portfolio of this traders
          stock_market_data : StockMarketData for evaluation

          A OrderList instance, may be empty never None
        assert portfolio is not None
        assert stock_market_data is not None
        assert stock_market_data.get_companies() == [Company.A, Company.B]

        # INPUT layer:  1 (buy or sell A?)
        # output layer: 2 ([buy_A, sell_A])

        # TODO Compute the current state
        stock_data_A = stock_market_data[Company.A]
        expertA_voteA = self.expert_a.vote(stock_data_A)
        expertB_voteA = self.expert_b.vote(stock_data_A)
        stock_data_B = stock_market_data[Company.B]
        expertA_voteB = self.expert_a.vote(stock_data_B)
        expertB_voteB = self.expert_b.vote(stock_data_B)

        state = np.array([[
            self.vote_map[expertA_voteA] + self.vote_map[expertB_voteA],
            self.vote_map[expertA_voteB] + self.vote_map[expertB_voteB],

        # do action 0 or 1?
        predictions = self.model.predict(state)
        if random.random() < self.epsilon:
            # use random actions for A and B
            action_A = random.randrange(2)
            action_B = random.randrange(2)
            # use prediction actions
            action_A = np.argmax(predictions[0][0:2])
            action_B = np.argmax(predictions[0][2:4])
        action_A = np.argmax(predictions[0][0:2])
        action_B = np.argmax(predictions[0][2:4])

        current_price_a = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(Company.A)
        current_price_b = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(Company.B)

        money_to_spend = portfolio.cash
        order_list = []

        # do stuff for A
        if action_A == 0:
            # buy all A
            amount_to_buy = money_to_spend // current_price_a
            if amount_to_buy > 0:
                money_to_spend -= amount_to_buy * current_price_a
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, amount_to_buy))
        elif action_A == 1:
            # sell all A
            amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(Company.A)
            if amount_to_sell > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, amount_to_sell))
            assert False

        # do stuff for B
        if action_B == 0:
            # buy all B
            amount_to_buy = money_to_spend // current_price_b
            if amount_to_buy > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, amount_to_buy))
        elif action_B == 1:
            # sell all B
            amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(Company.B)
            if amount_to_sell > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, amount_to_sell))
            assert False

        if self.last_state is not None:
            # train
            diff_a = (current_price_a / self.last_price_a - 1)
            diff_b = (current_price_b / self.last_price_b - 1)
            fut_reward_a_buy = np.max(predictions[0][0])
            fut_reward_a_buy = fut_reward_a_buy if fut_reward_a_buy > 0 else 0
            fut_reward_a_sell = np.max(predictions[0][1])
            fut_reward_a_sell = fut_reward_a_sell if fut_reward_a_sell > 0 else 0
            fut_reward_b_buy = np.max(predictions[0][2])
            fut_reward_b_buy = fut_reward_b_buy if fut_reward_b_buy > 0 else 0
            fut_reward_b_sell = np.max(predictions[0][3])
            fut_reward_b_sell = fut_reward_b_sell if fut_reward_b_sell > 0 else 0
            reward_vec = np.array([[
                diff_a + self.gamma * fut_reward_a_buy,
                -diff_a + self.gamma * fut_reward_a_sell,
                diff_b + self.gamma * fut_reward_b_buy,
                -diff_b  + self.gamma * fut_reward_b_sell
            #reward_vec = np.array([[portfolio.get_value(stock_market_data)]])
            self.model.fit(self.last_state, reward_vec, verbose=0)
        self.last_state = state
        self.last_action_a = action_A
        self.last_action_b = action_B
        self.last_portfolio_value = portfolio.get_value(stock_market_data)
        self.last_price_a = current_price_a
        self.last_price_b = current_price_b

        return order_list
예제 #16
    def trade(self, portfolio: Portfolio, stock_market_data: StockMarketData) -> List[Order]:
        Generate actions to be taken on the "stock market"
          portfolio : current Portfolio of this traders
          stock_market_data : StockMarketData for evaluation

          A OrderList instance, may be empty never None
        assert portfolio is not None
        assert stock_market_data is not None
        assert stock_market_data.get_companies() == [Company.A, Company.B]

        # Compute the current state
        expert_votes = [
            for i, company in enumerate(stock_market_data.get_companies())
        shares_owned = [
            for company in stock_market_data.get_companies()
        if State is StateExpertsOnly:
            state = StateExpertsOnly(expert_votes, portfolio.get_value(stock_market_data))
        elif State is StateExpertsCashShares:
            state = StateExpertsCashShares(expert_votes, portfolio.cash, shares_owned, portfolio.get_value(stock_market_data))
            raise RuntimeError

        if self.train_while_trading:
            # store state as experience in memory
            if len(self.memory) > 0:
                self.memory[-1].state2 = state
            experience = Experience(

            # train
            if len(self.memory) >= self.min_size_of_memory_before_training:
                if self.days_passed % self.train_each_n_days == 0:

            # determine probability for random actions
            if not self.is_evolved_model:
                # first training episode
                random_action_probability = (
                        (self.epsilon ** self.days_passed) * (1.0 - self.random_action_min_probability) +
                # subsequent training episode
                random_action_probability = self.random_action_min_probability

            if self.training_occasions == 0 or random.random() < random_action_probability:
                actions = [Action.get_random(), Action.get_random()]
                # choose actions by querying network
                x = state.to_input()
                y = self.model.predict(numpy.array([x]))
                assert y.shape == (1, self.action_size)
                actions = Action.from_model_prediction(y[0])

            experience.actions = actions
            # not training -> always choose actions by querying network
            actions = Action.from_model_prediction(self.model.predict(numpy.array([state.to_input()]))[0])

        # translate actions into orders
        orders: typing.List[Order] = []
        companies_with_actions_and_magnitudes = list(zip(list(Company), actions, Action.get_action_magnitudes(actions)))
        for comp, action, mag in companies_with_actions_and_magnitudes:
            if action.is_buy():
                cash_limit = portfolio.cash * mag
                date, stock_price = stock_market_data[comp].get_last()
                shares_amount = cash_limit / stock_price
                if shares_amount > 0:
                    orders.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, comp, shares_amount))
            elif action.is_sell():
                shares_amount = portfolio.get_stock(comp) * mag
                if shares_amount > 0:
                    orders.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, comp, shares_amount))

        self.days_passed += 1
        return orders
예제 #17
    def trade(self, portfolio: Portfolio,
              stock_market_data: StockMarketData) -> List[Order]:
        Generate action to be taken on the "stock market"
          portfolio : current Portfolio of this traders
          stock_market_data : StockMarketData for evaluation

          A OrderList instance, may be empty never None
        assert portfolio is not None
        assert stock_market_data is not None
        assert stock_market_data.get_companies() == [Company.A, Company.B]

        # INPUT layer:  1 (buy or sell A?)
        # output layer: 2 ([buy_A, sell_A])

        # TODO Compute the current state
        stock_data_A = stock_market_data[Company.A]
        expertA_voteA = self.expert_a.vote(stock_data_A)
        expertB_voteA = self.expert_b.vote(stock_data_A)
        stock_data_B = stock_market_data[Company.B]
        expertA_voteB = self.expert_a.vote(stock_data_B)
        expertB_voteB = self.expert_b.vote(stock_data_B)

        state = np.array([[
            self.vote_map[expertA_voteA] + self.vote_map[expertB_voteA],
            self.vote_map[expertA_voteB] + self.vote_map[expertB_voteB],

        # do action 0 or 1?
        predictions = self.model.predict(state)
        action_A = np.argmax(predictions[0][0:2])
        action_B = np.argmax(predictions[0][2:4])

        most_recent_price_A = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(
        most_recent_price_B = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(
        order_list = []

        money_to_spend = portfolio.cash

        # do stuff for A
        if action_A == 0:
            # buy all A
            amount_to_buy = money_to_spend // most_recent_price_A
            if amount_to_buy > 0:
                money_to_spend -= amount_to_buy * most_recent_price_A
                    Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, amount_to_buy))
        elif action_A == 1:
            # sell all A
            amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(Company.A)
            if amount_to_sell > 0:
                    Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, amount_to_sell))
            assert False

        # do stuff for B
        if action_B == 0:
            # buy all B
            amount_to_buy = money_to_spend // most_recent_price_B
            if amount_to_buy > 0:
                    Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, amount_to_buy))
        elif action_B == 1:
            # sell all B
            amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(Company.B)
            if amount_to_sell > 0:
                    Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, amount_to_sell))
            assert False

        if self.last_state is not None:
            # train
            diff = (portfolio.get_value(stock_market_data) /
                    self.last_portfolio_value - 1)
            rec_vec = np.array([[-diff, -diff, -diff, -diff]])
            rec_vec[0][self.last_action_a] = diff
            rec_vec[0][2 + self.last_action_b] = diff

            #reward_vec = np.array([[portfolio.get_value(stock_market_data)]])
            self.model.fit(self.last_state, rec_vec)

        self.last_state = state
        self.last_action_a = action_A
        self.last_action_b = action_B
        self.last_portfolio_value = portfolio.get_value(stock_market_data)

        return order_list
    def trade(self, portfolio: Portfolio, stock_market_data: StockMarketData) -> List[Order]:
        Generate action to be taken on the "stock market"
          portfolio : current Portfolio of this traders
          stock_market_data : StockMarketData for evaluation

          A OrderList instance, may be empty never None
        assert portfolio is not None
        assert stock_market_data is not None
        assert stock_market_data.get_companies() == [Company.A, Company.B]
        self.day += 1
        # TODO Compute the current state
        order_list = []
        stock_data_a = stock_market_data[Company.A]
        stock_data_b = stock_market_data[Company.B]
        # Expert A
        expert_a = self.expert_a.vote(stock_data_a)
        #  Expert B
        expert_b = self.expert_b.vote(stock_data_b)

        state = np.array([[
            self.vote_num[expert_a], self.vote_num[expert_b], ]])

        action = self.decide_action(state)

        # TODO Store state as experience (memory) and train the neural network only if trade() was called before at least once

        if self.last_state is not None:
            reward = (portfolio.get_value(stock_market_data) - self.last_portfolio_value) / self.last_portfolio_value
            self.memory.append((self.last_state, self.last_action, reward, state))

        # TODO Create actions for current state and decrease epsilon for fewer random actions

        act0 = 0
        act1 = 0
        act2 = 0
        act3 = 0
        act4 = 0
        act5 = 0
        act6 = 0
        act7 = 0
        act8 = 0

        # What amount of the stocks should be bought or sold
        percent_buy = 1
        percent_sell = 1

        if action == 0:
            # Buy A
            stock_price_a = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(Company.A)
            amount_to_buy_a = int((portfolio.cash*percent_buy/2) // stock_price_a)
            if amount_to_buy_a > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, amount_to_buy_a))
            # Buy B
            stock_price_b = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(Company.B)
            amount_to_buy_b = int((portfolio.cash*percent_buy/2) // stock_price_b)
            if amount_to_buy_b > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, amount_to_buy_b))
            act0 += 1
        elif action == 1:
            # Buy A
            stock_price_a = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(Company.A)
            amount_to_buy_a = int(portfolio.cash *percent_buy// stock_price_a)
            if amount_to_buy_a > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, amount_to_buy_a))
            # Sell B
            amount_to_sell_b = int(portfolio.get_stock(Company.B)*percent_sell)
            if amount_to_sell_b > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, amount_to_sell_b))
            act1 += 1
        elif action == 2:
            # Sell A
            amount_to_sell_a = int(portfolio.get_stock(Company.A)*percent_sell)
            if amount_to_sell_a > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, amount_to_sell_a))
            # Buy B
            stock_price_b = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(Company.B)
            amount_to_buy_b = int(portfolio.cash*percent_buy // stock_price_b)
            if amount_to_buy_b > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, amount_to_buy_b))
            act2 += 1
        elif action == 3:
            # Sell A
            amount_to_sell_a = int(portfolio.get_stock(Company.A)*percent_sell)
            if amount_to_sell_a > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, amount_to_sell_a))
            # Sell B
            amount_to_sell_b = int(portfolio.get_stock(Company.B)*percent_sell)
            if amount_to_sell_b > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, amount_to_sell_b))
            act3 += 1
        elif action == 4:
            # Sell A
            amount_to_sell_a = int(portfolio.get_stock(Company.A)*percent_sell)
            if amount_to_sell_a > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, amount_to_sell_a))
            # Hold B
            act4 += 1
        elif action == 5:
            # Hold A
            # Sell B
            amount_to_sell_b = int(portfolio.get_stock(Company.B)*percent_sell)
            if amount_to_sell_b > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, amount_to_sell_b))
            act5 += 1
        elif action == 6:
            # Buy A
            stock_price_a = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(Company.A)
            amount_to_buy_a = int((portfolio.cash*percent_buy) // stock_price_a)
            if amount_to_buy_a > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, amount_to_buy_a))
            # Hold B
            act6 += 1
        elif action == 7:
            # Hold A
            # Buy B
            stock_price_b = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(Company.B)
            amount_to_buy_b = int((portfolio.cash*percent_buy) // stock_price_b)
            if amount_to_buy_b > 0:
                order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, amount_to_buy_b))
            act7 += 1
        elif action == 8:
            # Hold A
            # Hold B
            order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, 0))
            act8 += 1
            print("undefined action called"+str(action))

        # Decrease the epsilon for fewer random actions
        if self.epsilon > self.epsilon_min:
            self.epsilon *= self.epsilon_decay

        # TODO Save created state, actions and portfolio value for the next call of trade()

        self.last_state = state
        self.last_action = action
        self.last_portfolio_value = portfolio.get_value(stock_market_data)

        return order_list
예제 #19
 def sell(self, company, order_list, portfolio):
     amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(company)
     if amount_to_sell > 0:
         order_list.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, company, amount_to_sell))
예제 #20
    def choose_actions(self,
                       stock_data_a: StockData,
                       stock_data_b: StockData,
                       portfolio: Portfolio,
                       order_list: List[Order],
        assert epsilon is not None
        assert model_choice is not None

        action_a = None
        action_b = None

        if random.random() < self.epsilon:
            action_comb = random.randrange(10)
            action_comb = model_choice

        potential_buy_a = int(portfolio.cash // stock_data_a.get_last()[-1])
        potential_buy_b = int(portfolio.cash // stock_data_b.get_last()[-1])

        potential_sell_a = portfolio.get_stock(Company.A)
        potential_sell_b = portfolio.get_stock(Company.B)
        """10 action combinations:
        - buy  100% A, buy    0% B  # buy only A completely
        - buy  100% A, sell 100% B  # sell all B, buy all A
        - buy   50% A, buy   50% B  # buy both
        - buy    0% A, buy  100% B  # buy only B completely
        - sell 100% A, sell   0% B  # sell only A completely
        - sell 100% A, sell 100% B  # sell both completely
        - sell 100% A, buy  100% B  # sell all A, buy all B
        - sell  50% A, sell  50% B  # sell both half
        - sell   0% A, sell 100% B  # sell only B completely
        - hold                      # do nothing
        logger.debug(f"{self.get_name()}: chooses action comb {action_comb}")
        if action_comb == 0:
            # buy  100% A, buy    0% B  # buy only A completely
            action_a = OrderType.BUY.value
            action_b = 0
            order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, potential_buy_a))
        elif action_comb == 1:
            # buy  100% A, sell 100% B  # sell all B, buy all A
            action_a = OrderType.BUY.value
            action_b = OrderType.SELL.value
            order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, potential_buy_a))
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, potential_sell_b))
        elif action_comb == 2:
            # buy   50% A, buy   50% B  # buy both
            action_a = OrderType.BUY.value
            action_b = OrderType.SELL.value
                Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, potential_buy_a // 2))
            remaining_cash = portfolio.cash - (potential_buy_a //
                                               2) * stock_data_a.get_last()[-1]
            potential_buy_b = int(remaining_cash //
            order_list.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B,
        elif action_comb == 3:
            # buy    0% A, buy  100% B  # buy only B completely
            action_a = 0
            action_b = OrderType.BUY.value
            order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, potential_buy_b))
        elif action_comb == 4:
            # sell 100% A, sell   0% B  # sell only A completely
            action_a = OrderType.SELL.value
            action_b = 0
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, potential_sell_a))
        elif action_comb == 5:
            # sell 100% A, sell 100% B  # sell both completely
            action_a = OrderType.SELL.value
            action_b = OrderType.SELL.value
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, potential_sell_a))
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, potential_sell_b))
        elif action_comb == 6:
            # sell 100% A, buy  100% B  # sell all A, buy all B
            action_a = OrderType.SELL.value
            action_b = OrderType.BUY.value
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, potential_sell_a))
            order_list.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, potential_buy_b))
        elif action_comb == 7:
            # sell  50% A, sell  50% B  # sell both half
            action_a = OrderType.SELL.value
            action_b = OrderType.SELL.value
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, potential_sell_a // 2))
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, potential_sell_b // 2))
        elif action_comb == 8:
            # sell   0% A, sell 100% B  # sell only B completely
            action_a = 0
            action_b = OrderType.SELL.value
                Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, potential_sell_b))
        elif action_comb == 9:
            # hold                      # do nothing
            action_a = 0
            action_b = 0
        return action_a, action_b, order_list
 def get_order_item(self, action, order, sell_off, company):
     if action > 0:
         return Order(OrderType.BUY, company, order)
         return Order(OrderType.SELL, company, sell_off)
예제 #22
    def trade(self, portfolio: Portfolio,
              stock_market_data: StockMarketData) -> List[Order]:
        Generate action to be taken on the "stock marketf"
          portfolio : current Portfolio of this traders
          stock_market_data : StockMarketData for evaluation
          A OrderList instance, may be empty never None
        assert portfolio is not None
        assert stock_market_data is not None
        assert stock_market_data.get_companies() == [Company.A, Company.B]

        # TODO Compute the current state

        stock_data_a = None
        stock_data_b = None
        last_stock_data_a = None
        last_stock_data_b = None

        company_list = stock_market_data.get_companies()
        for company in company_list:
            if company == Company.A:
                stock_data_a = stock_market_data[Company.A]
                last_stock_data_a = stock_data_a.get_from_offset(-2)
            elif company == Company.B:
                stock_data_b = stock_market_data[Company.B]
                last_stock_data_b = stock_data_b.get_from_offset(-2)
                assert False

        vote_a = self.expert_a.vote(stock_data_a)
        vote_b = self.expert_b.vote(stock_data_b)

        state = State(last_stock_data_a, last_stock_data_b, vote_a, vote_b)

        # TODO Q-Learning
        nn_input = np.array(
            [np.array([state.aDiff, state.vote_a, state.bDiff, state.vote_b])])

        action_vals = self.model.predict(nn_input)

        # TODO Store state as experience (memory) and train the neural network only if trade() was called before at least once

        # TODO Create actions for current state and decrease epsilon for fewer random actions
        actions = [[
            Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A,
                  int((portfolio.cash / 2) // stock_data_a.get_last()[-1])),
            Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B,
                  int((portfolio.cash / 2) // stock_data_b.get_last()[-1]))
                           OrderType.BUY, Company.A,
                           int((portfolio.cash) //
                       Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B,
                       Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A,
                           OrderType.BUY, Company.B,
                           int(portfolio.cash // stock_data_b.get_last()[-1]))
                       Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A,
                       Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B,
                       Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, 0),
                       Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, 0)

        if not self.train_while_trading:
            self.epsilon = 0.0
            if self.epsilon > self.epsilon_min:
                self.epsilon *= self.epsilon_decay
                self.epsilon = self.epsilon_min

        # randomize action
        if random.random() < self.epsilon:
            next_action = random.choice(list(range(self.action_size)))
            next_action = np.argmax(action_vals[0])

        order_list = actions[next_action]
        portfolio_value = portfolio.get_value(
            stock_market_data, stock_market_data.get_most_recent_trade_day())

        if (self.last_state != None and self.train_while_trading):

            def reward(oldVal, newVal):
                neg = -100.0
                pos = 100.0

                q = newVal / oldVal

                if q < 1:
                    return neg
                elif q == 1:
                    return -10
                    print("Q: ", q)
                    return pos / 2 * oldVal / newVal

            r = reward(self.last_portfolio_value, portfolio_value)

            action_vals[0][self.last_order] = r

            self.memory.append([self.last_input, action_vals])

            if (len(self.memory) > self.min_size_of_memory_before_training):
                sample = random.sample(self.memory, self.batch_size)
                trainSample = list()
                testSample = list()

                for [sampleIn, sampleOut] in sample:

                self.model.fit(np.array(trainSample), np.array(testSample),

        # Save created state, actions and portfolio value for the next call of trade()

        self.last_input = nn_input
        self.last_state = state
        self.last_order = next_action
        self.last_portfolio_value = portfolio_value

        print(next_action, action_vals, portfolio.cash,
              portfolio.get_stock(Company.A), portfolio.get_stock(Company.B))
        return order_list
예제 #23
    def mapping_action_order(self, action, portfolio,
                             stock_market_data: StockMarketData):
        all_orders = []

        sell_price_A = portfolio.get_stock(Company.A)
        sell_price_B = portfolio.get_stock(Company.B)

        stock_price_A = stock_market_data[Company.A].get_last()[-1]
        stock_price_B = stock_market_data[Company.B].get_last()[-1]

        buy_price_A = int(portfolio.cash // stock_price_A)
        buy_price_B = int(portfolio.cash // stock_price_B)

        if action == 0:
            invest = int(portfolio.cash // 2)
            buy_price_A = int(invest // stock_price_A)
            all_orders.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, buy_price_A))
            buy_price_B = int(invest // stock_price_B)
            all_orders.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, buy_price_B))
        elif action == 1:
            all_orders.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, buy_price_A))
            all_orders.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, sell_price_B))
        elif action == 2:
            all_orders.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, buy_price_A))
        elif action == 3:
            all_orders.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, sell_price_A))
            all_orders.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, buy_price_B))
        elif action == 4:
            all_orders.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, sell_price_A))
            all_orders.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, sell_price_B))
        elif action == 5:
            all_orders.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, sell_price_A))
        elif action == 6:
            all_orders.append(Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, buy_price_B))
        elif action == 7:
            all_orders.append(Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, sell_price_B))
        elif action == 8:
            all_orders = all_orders

        return all_orders
    def trade(self, portfolio: Portfolio,
              stock_market_data: StockMarketData) -> List[Order]:
        Generate action to be taken on the "stock market"
          portfolio : current Portfolio of this traders
          stock_market_data : StockMarketData for evaluation

          A OrderList instance, may be empty never None
        assert portfolio is not None
        assert stock_market_data is not None
        assert stock_market_data.get_companies() == [Company.A, Company.B]

        # INPUT layer:  1 (buy or sell A?)
        # output layer: 2 ([buy_A, sell_A])

        # TODO Compute the current state
        stock_data_A = stock_market_data[Company.A]
        expertA_voteA = self.expert_a.vote(stock_data_A)
        stock_data_B = stock_market_data[Company.B]
        expertB_voteB = self.expert_b.vote(stock_data_B)

        state = np.array([[

        # do action 0 or 1?
        predictions = self.model.predict(state)

        # TODO Create actions for current state and decrease epsilon for fewer random actions
        if random.random() < self.epsilon:
            # use random actions for A and B
            action_A = random.randrange(2)
            action_B = random.randrange(2)
            # use prediction actions
            action_A = np.argmax(predictions[0][0:2])
            action_B = np.argmax(predictions[0][2:4])
        if self.epsilon > self.epsilon_min:
            self.epsilon *= self.epsilon_decay

        current_price_a = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(Company.A)
        current_price_b = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(Company.B)

        money_to_spend = portfolio.cash
        order_list = []

        # do stuff for A
        if action_A == 0:
            # buy all A
            amount_to_buy = money_to_spend // current_price_a
            if amount_to_buy > 0:
                money_to_spend -= amount_to_buy * current_price_a
                    Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, amount_to_buy))
        elif action_A == 1:
            # sell all A
            amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(Company.A)
            if amount_to_sell > 0:
                    Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, amount_to_sell))
            assert False

        # do stuff for B
        if action_B == 0:
            # buy all B
            amount_to_buy = money_to_spend // current_price_b
            if amount_to_buy > 0:
                    Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.B, amount_to_buy))
        elif action_B == 1:
            # sell all B
            amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(Company.B)
            if amount_to_sell > 0:
                    Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.B, amount_to_sell))
            assert False

        # TODO train the neural network only if trade() was called before at least once
        if self.last_state is not None:
            # train
            diff_a = (current_price_a / self.last_price_a - 1)
            diff_b = (current_price_b / self.last_price_b - 1)
            fut_reward_a = np.max(predictions[0][0:2])
            fut_reward_b = np.max(predictions[0][2:4])
            reward_vec = np.array([[
                diff_a + self.gamma * fut_reward_a,
                -diff_a + self.gamma * fut_reward_a,
                diff_b + self.gamma * fut_reward_b,
                -diff_b + self.gamma * fut_reward_b

            # TODO Store state as experience (memory) and replay
            # slides: <s, a, r, s'>
            # mine: <s, r>
            if self.min_size_of_memory_before_training <= len(self.memory):
                # take self.batch_size - 1 from memory
                batch = random.sample(self.memory, self.batch_size - 1)
                # append current state, reward
                batch.append((self.last_state, reward_vec))
                for x, y in batch:
                    self.model.fit(x, y, batch_size=self.batch_size, verbose=0)
                # only train with current (state, reward)

            self.memory.append((self.last_state, reward_vec))

        # TODO Save created state, actions and portfolio value for the next call of trade()
        self.last_state = state
        self.last_action_a = action_A
        self.last_action_b = action_B
        self.last_portfolio_value = portfolio.get_value(stock_market_data)
        self.last_price_a = current_price_a
        self.last_price_b = current_price_b
        return order_list
    def trade(self, portfolio: Portfolio,
              stock_market_data: StockMarketData) -> List[Order]:
        Generate action to be taken on the "stock market"
          portfolio : current Portfolio of this traders
          stock_market_data : StockMarketData for evaluation

          A OrderList instance, may be empty never None
        assert portfolio is not None
        assert stock_market_data is not None
        assert stock_market_data.get_companies() == [Company.A, Company.B]

        # INPUT layer:  1 (buy or sell A?)
        # output layer: 2 ([buy_A, sell_A])

        # TODO Compute the current state
        stock_data_a = stock_market_data[Company.A]
        vote_a_for_a = self.expert_a.vote(stock_data_a)
        vote_b_for_a = self.expert_b.vote(stock_data_a)
        #stock_data_b = stock_market_data[Company.B]
        #vote_b = self.expert_a.vote(stock_data_b)
        state = np.array([[
            self.vote_map[vote_a_for_a] + self.vote_map[vote_b_for_a]
        ]])  #, self.vote_map[vote_b]])

        # do action 0 or 1?
        predictions = self.model.predict(state)
        action = np.argmax(predictions)

        current_price_a = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_price(Company.A)
        order_list = []

        if action == 0:
            # buy all A
            amount_to_buy = portfolio.cash // current_price_a
            if amount_to_buy > 0:
                    Order(OrderType.BUY, Company.A, amount_to_buy))
        elif action == 1:
            # sell all A
            amount_to_sell = portfolio.get_stock(Company.A)
            if amount_to_sell > 0:
                    Order(OrderType.SELL, Company.A, amount_to_sell))
            assert False

        if self.last_state is not None:
            # train
            diff_a = (current_price_a / self.last_price_a - 1)
            if self.last_action_a == 0:
                rec_vec = np.array([[diff_a, -diff_a]])
            elif self.last_action_a == 1:
                rec_vec = np.array([[diff_a, -diff_a]])
                assert False  # wtf
            #reward_vec = np.array([[portfolio.get_value(stock_market_data)]])
            self.model.fit(self.last_state, rec_vec)

        self.last_state = state
        self.last_action_a = action
        self.last_portfolio_value = portfolio.get_value(stock_market_data)
        self.last_price_a = current_price_a

        return order_list