예제 #1
def filter_allowed_users(users, doc, transition):
	"""Filters list of users by checking if user has access to doc and
	if the user satisfies 'workflow transision self approval' condition
	from frappe.permissions import has_permission
	filtered_users = []
	for user in users:
		if (has_approval_access(user, doc, transition)
			and has_permission(doctype=doc, user=user)):
	return filtered_users
예제 #2
def filter_allowed_users(users, doc, transition):
	"""Filters list of users by checking if user has access to doc and
	if the user satisfies 'workflow transision self approval' condition
	from frappe.permissions import has_permission
	filtered_users = []
	for user in users:
		if (has_approval_access(user, doc, transition)
			and has_permission(doctype=doc, user=user)):
	return filtered_users