예제 #1
def linear_trans_opt(param, *args):
    Computes the Log Marginal Likelihood using standard GP regression by first performing transformation of the data set
    :param param: transform_mat
    :param args:
    # Define arguments
    x_scatter = args[0]
    y_scatter = args[1]
    c = args[2]
    kernel = args[3]

    # Define parameters to be optimized - the matrix variables
    transform_mat = param

    # Begin transformation of the regression window
    xy_scatter = np.vstack(
        (x_scatter, y_scatter))  # Create the sample points to be rotated
    xy_scatter_transformed = fn.transform_array(transform_mat, xy_scatter, c)
    x_points_trans = xy_scatter_transformed[0]
    y_points_trans = xy_scatter_transformed[1]

    # 1. Obtain the maximum range in x and y in the transformed space - to define the regression window
    x_down = min(x_points_trans)
    x_up = max(x_points_trans)
    y_down = min(y_points_trans)
    y_up = max(y_points_trans)

    # --------------------- Conduct binning into transformed space - the x and y quad lengths will be different

    # ChangeParam
    quads_on_side = 20  # define the number of quads along each dimension
    k_mesh, y_edges, x_edges = np.histogram2d(y_points_trans,
                                              range=[[y_down, y_up],
                                                     [x_down, x_up]])
    x_mesh_plot, y_mesh_plot = np.meshgrid(
        x_edges, y_edges)  # creating mesh-grid for use
    x_mesh = x_mesh_plot[:-1, :
                         -1]  # Removing extra rows and columns due to edges
    y_mesh = y_mesh_plot[:-1, :-1]
    x_quad = fn.row_create(x_mesh)  # Creating the rows from the mesh
    y_quad = fn.row_create(y_mesh)
    xy_quad = np.vstack((x_quad, y_quad))
    k_quad = fn.row_create(k_mesh)

    # Start Optimization
    arguments = (xy_quad, k_quad, kernel)

    # Initialise kernel hyper-parameters - arbitrary value but should be as close to actual value as possible
    initial_hyperparameters = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1])

    # An optimization process is embedded within another optimization process
    solution = scopt.minimize(fun=short_log_integrand_data,
                                  'xatol': 1,
                                  'fatol': 100,
                                  'disp': True,
                                  'maxfev': 500

    print('Last function evaluation is ',
          solution.fun)  # This will be a negative value
    neg_log_likelihood = solution.fun  # We want to minimize the mirror image
    return neg_log_likelihood
예제 #2
def linear_trans_skinny_opt(param, *args):
    Computes the Log Marginal Likelihood using standard GP regression by first performing transformation of the data set
    This finds the average log marginal likelihood instead of the combined log_likelhood, and will find this average
    while adapting to the number of quadrats in the regression window after transformation
    :param param: transform_mat - matrix variables to be optimized
    :param args: x and y coordinates of scatter points,, center, kernel type, and array containing vertices
    the right order
    :return: the average log likelihood by dividing total log likelihood with number of selected quadrats
    # Define original required arguments
    xy_scatter = args[0]
    c = args[1]
    kernel = args[2]
    vertex_array = args[
        3]  # Have to be in the right order in the original mathematical space

    # Define parameters to be optimized - the matrix variables
    transform_mat = param

    # Begin transformation of the regression window
    xy_scatter_transformed = fn.transform_array(transform_mat, xy_scatter, c)
    x_points_trans = xy_scatter_transformed[0]
    y_points_trans = xy_scatter_transformed[1]

    # 1. Obtain the maximum range in x and y in the transformed space - to define the regression window
    x_down = min(x_points_trans)
    x_up = max(x_points_trans)
    y_down = min(y_points_trans)
    y_up = max(y_points_trans)

    # Conduct binning into transformed space - the x and y quad lengths will be different

    # ChangeParam
    quads_on_side = 20  # define the number of quads along each dimension
    k_mesh, y_edges, x_edges = np.histogram2d(y_points_trans,
                                              range=[[y_down, y_up],
                                                     [x_down, x_up]])
    x_mesh_plot, y_mesh_plot = np.meshgrid(
        x_edges, y_edges)  # creating mesh-grid for use
    x_mesh = x_mesh_plot[:-1, :
                         -1]  # Removing extra rows and columns due to edges
    y_mesh = y_mesh_plot[:-1, :-1]
    x_quad = fn.row_create(x_mesh)  # Creating the rows from the mesh
    y_quad = fn.row_create(y_mesh)
    xy_quad = np.vstack((x_quad, y_quad))
    k_quad = fn.row_create(k_mesh)

    # Selection of quadrats that fall inside the polygon

    # Transform the vertices using the same transformation matrix
    transformed_vertices = fn.transform_array(transform_mat, vertex_array,

    # Create polygon and
    polygon = mpath.Path(np.transpose(transformed_vertices))
    polygon_indicator = polygon.contains_points(np.transpose(xy_quad),

    x_quad_polygon = x_quad[polygon_indicator]
    y_quad_polygon = y_quad[polygon_indicator]
    xy_quad_polygon = np.vstack((x_quad_polygon, y_quad_polygon))
    k_quad_polygon = k_quad[polygon_indicator]

    # Begin Optimization using selected quadrats
    arguments = (xy_quad_polygon, k_quad_polygon, kernel)

    # Initialise kernel hyper-parameters - arbitrary value but should be as close to actual value as possible
    initial_hyperparameters = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1])

    # An optimization process is embedded within another optimization process
    solution = scopt.minimize(fun=short_log_integrand_data,
                                  'xatol': 1,
                                  'fatol': 100,
                                  'disp': True,
                                  'maxfev': 1000

    positive_log_likelihood = solution.fun  # We want to minimize the mirror image
    selected_quadrats_n = k_quad_polygon.size
    avg_positive_log_likelihood = positive_log_likelihood / selected_quadrats_n
    print('Last function evaluation is ',
          solution.fun)  # This will be a negative value
    print('The number of selected quadrats inside polygon is',
    return avg_positive_log_likelihood
예제 #3
# Initialise Array containing Frobenius Norm
frob_norm = np.zeros_like(element_skew)

start_iteration = time.clock()

# Over here, I am not trying to optimize for matrix variables, but just optimizing for the kernel
for i in range(iterate_count):
    # initial_mat_var = np.array([mat_element[a], 0, mat_element[c], mat_element[d]])
    start_iteration = time.clock()
    initial_mat_var = np.array([element_skew[i], 0, 0, element_skew[i]])
    frob_norm[i] = fn.frob_norm(initial_mat_var)
    print(' ------------- Start of Current Iteration', i + 1)
    print('The Current Matrix Variables are', initial_mat_var)
    print('The Current Frobenius Norm is', frob_norm[i])

    xy_scatter_transformed = fn.transform_array(initial_mat_var, xy_within_box,
    x_points_trans = xy_scatter_transformed[0]
    y_points_trans = xy_scatter_transformed[1]

    # Obtain the maximum range in x and y in the transformed space
    # Transform the vertices
    transformed_vertices = fn.transform_array(initial_mat_var, vertices,

    x_down = min(transformed_vertices[0])
    x_up = max(transformed_vertices[0])
    y_down = min(transformed_vertices[1])
    y_up = max(transformed_vertices[1])

    # ChangeParam - create histogram in transformed space before quadrat selection
    quads_on_side = 20  # define the number of quads along each dimension
예제 #4
# ------------------------------------------ End of Regression Window Selection before Transformation

# ------------------------------------------ Start of Performing Transformation
xy_within_box = np.vstack(
    (x_within_box, y_within_box))  # Create the sample points to be rotated

# Initialise kernel hyperparameters
initial_hyperparameters = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1])

# ChangeParam *** IMPORTANT
# transform_matrix_array = np.array([0.3, 3.5, 3.5, 0.3])
# transform_matrix_array = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1])
transform_matrix_array = np.array([0.30, 0.93, 0.65, -0.23])

transformed_xy_within_box = fn.transform_array(transform_matrix_array,
                                               xy_within_box, center)
x_points_trans = transformed_xy_within_box[0]
y_points_trans = transformed_xy_within_box[1]

vertices = np.array([[x_lower, x_lower, x_upper, x_upper],
                     [y_lower, y_upper, y_upper, y_lower]])
print('The Original Vertices are', vertices)

# Transform the vertices using the same transformation matrix
transformed_vertices = fn.transform_array(transform_matrix_array, vertices,
print('The Transformed Vertices are', transformed_vertices)

# 1. Obtain the maximum range in x and y in the transformed space
x_min = min(transformed_vertices[0])
x_max = max(transformed_vertices[0])
예제 #5
# Initialise Log Likelihood Array and Frobenius Norm array
likelihood_matrix = np.zeros((alpha_array.size, beta_array.size))
frob_matrix = np.zeros((alpha_array.size, beta_array.size))

start_iteration = time.clock()

# iterate for each value of alpha
for i in range(alpha_array.size):
    for j in range(beta_array.size):
        transform_matrix_array = np.array(
            [alpha_array[i], beta_array[j], beta_array[j], alpha_array[i]])
        # transform_matrix_array = np.array([0, alpha_array[i], alpha_array[i], 0])
        frob_matrix[i, j] = np.sqrt(sum(transform_matrix_array**2))

        # ChangeParam - Conduct the transformation
        transformed_xy_within_box = fn.transform_array(transform_matrix_array,
                                                       xy_within_box, center)
        x_points_trans = transformed_xy_within_box[0]
        y_points_trans = transformed_xy_within_box[1]

        # 1. Obtain the maximum range in x and y in the transformed space
        x_min = min(x_points_trans)
        x_max = max(x_points_trans)
        y_min = min(y_points_trans)
        y_max = max(y_points_trans)

        print('x range is', x_max - x_min)
        print('y range is', y_max -
              y_min)  # Display regression window size at each iteration

        # ChangeParam
        quads_on_side = 10  # define the number of quads along each dimension
예제 #6
# Create index of the maximum log likelihood
opt_index = np.argmax(log_likelihood_array)
max_likelihood = log_likelihood_array[opt_index]
opt_matrix_variables = matrix_variables_mat[opt_index, :]

print('The optimal points are at', matrix_variables_mat)
print('The globally-optimal matrix variables are', opt_matrix_variables)
print('The globally-optimal log marginal likelihood is', max_likelihood)
print('The kernel is ', ker)
print('The year is', year)

# Perform the transformation using the optimized matrix variables
xy_within_box = np.vstack((x_within_box, y_within_box))

# Perform transformation using the optimal matrix variables that were tabulated beforehand
transformed_xy = fn.transform_array(opt_matrix_variables, xy_within_box,

# Split coordinates for plotting
transformed_x = transformed_xy[0]
transformed_y = transformed_xy[1]

# This is the plot including all scatter points in Brazil
scatter_plot_fig = plt.figure()
scatter_plot = scatter_plot_fig.add_subplot(111)
scatter_plot.scatter(x_points, y_points, marker='o', color='black', s=0.3)
예제 #7
elif transform == 'special':
    transform_matrix_array = np.array(
        [-0.30117594, 0.92893405, -0.65028918, -0.2277159])
elif transform == 'line':
    transform_matrix_array = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1])
    transform_matrix_array = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1])

frob_norm = fn.frob_norm(transform_matrix_array)

print('The optimal Transformation Matrix Variables are',
print('The optimal Frobenius Norm is', frob_norm)

# ChangeParam - Conduct the transformation about the center of the regression window
transformed_xy_within_box = fn.transform_array(transform_matrix_array,
                                               xy_within_box, center)
x_points_trans = transformed_xy_within_box[0]
y_points_trans = transformed_xy_within_box[1]

# Obtain the maximum range in x and y in the transformed space - to define the regression window
# This is to maximise the number of selected quadrats
x_min = min(x_points_trans)
x_max = max(x_points_trans)
y_min = min(y_points_trans)
y_max = max(y_points_trans)

# First create a regression window with 20 x 20 quadrats before selecting the relevant quadrats
# ChangeParam
quads_on_side = 30  # define the number of quads along each dimension for the large regression window
k_mesh, y_edges, x_edges = np.histogram2d(y_points_trans,