def bel_ll_types(b0, b1, v0, world, sm, wp, noise_type, noise):
    bm = fwd.calc_belief_matrix(sm, wp)
    ll = 0
    ll += np.log(prob_noisy(b0, bm[0, 0], noise_type, noise)) 
    ll += np.log(prob_noisy(b1, bm[0, 1], noise_type, noise))
    ll += np.log(my_binom_pmf(v0[0], v0[1], sm[0, world]))    
    return ll
def beliefs_loglike_marg(responses, world, sm, wp, noise_type, noise):
    belief_matrix = fwd.calc_belief_matrix(sm, wp)
    num_ppl = responses.shape[1]
    probs = np.empty(num_ppl)
    prob_signals = sm[:, world]
    bayes_s0 = belief_matrix[0,:]
    for k in range(num_ppl):
        given_s0 = responses[0][k]
        prob_assuming_sigs = np.array([prob_noisy(given_s0, bs0, noise_type, noise[k])
                                       for bs0 in bayes_s0])
        probs[k] = np.sum(prob_signals * prob_assuming_sigs)
    loglike = np.sum(np.log(probs))
    return loglike
예제 #3
def sm_expt(wp=np.array([.1, .9])):
    grid = 100
    res = np.zeros((grid, grid))
    for s in np.arange(grid):
        sm0 = s / grid
        for t in np.arange(0, s):
            sm1 = t / grid
            sm = np.array([[sm0, sm1], [1-sm0, 1-sm1]])
            bel = fwd.calc_belief_matrix(sm, wp)
            if bel[0,0] > .5 and bel[0,1] < .5:
                res[s, t] = 1
    plt.imshow(res, cmap=cm.Greys_r)
def try_proposal():
    for k in range(1000):
        wp = fwd.sample_wp()
        sm = fwd.sample_sm_restriction()
        #print("wp: ", wp)
        #print("sm: ", sm)
        #print("beliefs: ", fwd.calc_belief_matrix(sm, wp))
        for j in range(100):
            sm = prop_sm(sm, wp)
            #print("sm: ", sm)
            #print("beliefs: ", fwd.calc_belief_matrix(sm, wp))
            beliefs = fwd.calc_belief_matrix(sm, wp)
            if beliefs[0][0] < .5 or beliefs[0][1] > .5:
def beliefs_loglike_binary(responses, signals, sm, wp, noise_type, noise):
    belief_matrix = fwd.calc_belief_matrix(sm, wp)  
    probs = np.empty(len(signals))
    for k in range(len(signals)):
        bayes_s0 = belief_matrix[0][signals[k]]
        given_s0 = responses[k]
        #probs[k] = prob_noisy(given_s0, bayes_s0, noise_type, noise[k])
        probs0 = truncnorm.cdf(.5, -bayes_s0 / noise, (1-bayes_s0)/scale, loc=bayes_s0,
                                scale=noise)  #assuming truncnorm, write own func.
        if responses[k] == 0:
            probs[k] = probs0
            probs[k] = 1 - probs0
    loglike = np.sum(np.log(probs))
    return loglike
def meta_loglike_marg(meta, world, sm, wp, noise, params,
                      belief_matrix=None, meta_matrix=None):
    """Gives log prob of meta given responses, latent variables
    Args: meta      - 2d, rows are options, cols ppl
          signals   - np.arr, counting from 0
          signals   - np.arr
          sm        - signal matrix; 2d np.arr, cols is world, rows are signals
          wp        - np.arr giving prior on different world states
          noise_type - str giving noise model for meta beliefs
          noise      - amt of meta noise (interpretation depends on noise_type)
    Returns: log prob 
    if not params['use_meta']:
        return 0
    if params['prior_wp_sm'] in ["none", "signal_assumption"]:
        if belief_matrix is None:
            belief_matrix = fwd.calc_belief_matrix(sm, wp)
    if meta_matrix is None:
        meta_matrix = fwd.calc_meta_matrix(sm, wp, belief_matrix)
    #see from belief matrix whether 0, 100 or meta_matrix.
    num_ppl = meta.shape[1]
    probs = np.empty(num_ppl)
    prob_sigs = sm[:, world]
    if params['prior_wp_sm'] in ["none", "signal_assumption"]:
        if belief_matrix[0, 1] > .5:
            bayes_s0_sig = np.ones(2)
        elif belief_matrix[0, 0] < .5:
            bayes_s0_sig = np.zeros(2)
            bayes_s0 = meta_matrix[0,:]
        bayes_s0_sig = meta_matrix[0,:]
    for k in range(num_ppl):
        given_s0 = meta[0][k]
        probs_assuming_sigs = np.array([prob_noisy(given_s0, bs0,
                                                   params['noise_type'], noise[k])
                                        for bs0 in bayes_s0_sigs])
        probs[k] = np.sum(prob_sigs * probs_assuming_sigs)
    loglike = np.sum(np.log(probs))
    return loglike
예제 #7
def wp_expt(sm=np.array([[.7, .4], [.3, .6]]), wp=np.array([.1, .9]),
    params = setup_params.init_params_demo1()
    params['binary_beliefs'] = False
    indiv = fwd.generate_individual(params)
    grid = 100
    diff = 0
    res0 = np.zeros((grid-grid*diff, grid-grid*diff))
    res1 = np.zeros((grid-grid*diff, grid-grid*diff))
    bm0 = np.zeros((grid-grid*diff, grid-grid*diff))
    bm1 = np.zeros((grid-grid*diff, grid-grid*diff))
    mm0 = np.zeros((grid-grid*diff, grid-grid*diff))
    mm1 = np.zeros((grid-grid*diff, grid-grid*diff))
    mm0avg = np.zeros((grid-grid*diff, grid-grid*diff))
    #hacky since grid needn't be nice num.:
    for k, gen in enumerate(np.arange(diff * grid, grid)):  
        actual = {}
        gen_s0 = gen / grid + .01
        if change_wp:
            gen_wp = np.array([gen_s0, 1 - gen_s0])
            actual['wp'] = gen_wp

            actual['sm'] = sm
            actual['wp'] = wp
            gen_sm = np.array([[gen_s0, gen_s0 - diff],
                               [1 - gen_s0, 1 - gen_s0 + diff]])
            actual['sm'] = gen_sm
        actual['world'] = 0
        actual['signals'] = fwd.sample_signals(actual['world'], actual['sm'], 
        beliefs, meta = fwd.generate_data(actual, indiv, params)
        for j, ans in enumerate(np.arange(grid*diff, grid)):
            ans_s0 = ans / grid + .01
            if change_wp:
                ans_wp = np.array([ans_s0, 1 - ans_s0])
                ans_sm = actual['sm']
                ans_wp = actual['wp']
                ans_sm = np.array([[ans_s0, ans_s0 - diff],
                                   [1 - ans_s0, 1 - ans_s0 + diff]])
            ll = np.array([aggregation.reports_ll_marg(beliefs, meta, w,
                                                       ans_sm, ans_wp, 
                                                       for w in [0, 1]])
            ll += aggregation.log_prob_world(actual['world'], ans_wp)
            bel = fwd.calc_belief_matrix(ans_sm, ans_wp)
            bm0[k, j] = bel[0,0]
            bm1[k, j] = bel[0,1]
            met = fwd.calc_meta_matrix(ans_sm, ans_wp)
            mm0[k, j] = met[0,0]
            mm1[k, j] = met[0,1]
            if bel[0, 0] < .5:
                mm0avg[k,j] = 0
            elif bel[0, 1] > .5:
                mm0avg[k,j] = 1
                mm0avg[k,j] = met[0,0]
            if bel[0, 1] > .5:
                non_bij = 1
            elif bel[0,0] < .5:
                non_bij = -1
                non_bij = 0
            res0[k, j] = ll[0]
            res1[k, j] = ll[1]
    plt.imshow(res0, cmap=cm.Greys_r)
    plt.imshow(res1, cmap=cm.Greys_r)
    return res