예제 #1
def show_round(request, code):
    round = None
    type = None
    last_round = False
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if code not in ['', None]:
            round = get_round(code)
            if round == None: return(HttpResponse("The round " + code + " does not exist."))
            type = "P" if round.round_type == "T" else "T"
            if round.completed == True and round.game.completed == False:
                return(HttpResponse("This round has been completed. However the game is not over yet."))
            elif (round.completed == True and round.game.completed == True) or round.update_status == -1:
                return(HttpResponseRedirect("/view/" + round.game.game_code))
            elif round.update_status == -2:
                return(HttpResponse("This round code is no longer valid."))
            if round.round_number == round.game.game_length - 1:
                last_round = True
        else: type = "F"
        forms = select_forms(type, last_round)
        out = {'round': round, 'type': type, 'last_round': last_round}
        return(render(request, 'round.html', out))
예제 #2
def wait_round(request, code):
    r = get_round(code)
    if r is not None:
        if r.completed == True:
            return(HttpResponse("This round has been completed."))
        elif r.update_status == 2:
            return(HttpResponse("Another reminder email has been sent to " + r.email_address + " and given 24 more hours to complete the round."))
        else: return(HttpResponse("Unable to complete wait request."))
        return(HttpResponse("This round does not exist"))
예제 #3
def reset_round(request, code):
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = reset_round_form(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            r = get_round(request.POST["round"])
            new_email = form.cleaned_data["new_email"]
            chk = r.reset_round(new_email)
            if chk == None: return(HttpResponse("Round has been reset! A request to play has been sent to " + new_email + "."))
            else: return(HttpResponse(chk))
        else: return(HttpResponse("Unknown error. Go back and try again."))
        r = get_round(code)
        if r is not None:
            if r.completed == True:
                return(HttpResponse("This round has been completed."))
            elif r.update_status == 2:
                form = reset_round_form()
                return(render(request, 'reset.html', {"form":form, "round":r}))
            else: return(HttpResponse("Unable to complete reset request."))
            return(HttpResponse("This round does not exist"))