def doc_e_step(self, doc, ss, Elogsticks_1st, word_list, unique_words,
                   doc_word_ids, doc_word_counts, var_converge):
        e step for a single doc
        chunkids = [unique_words[id] for id in doc_word_ids]

        Elogbeta_doc = self.m_Elogbeta[:, doc_word_ids]
        ## very similar to the hdp equations
        v = np.zeros((2, self.m_K - 1))
        v[0] = 1.0
        v[1] = self.m_alpha

        # back to the uniform
        phi = np.ones((len(doc_word_ids), self.m_K)) * 1.0 / self.m_K

        likelihood = 0.0
        old_likelihood = -1e200
        converge = 1.0
        eps = 1e-100

        iter = 0
        max_iter = 100
        # not yet support second level optimization yet, to be done in the future
        while iter < max_iter and (converge < 0.0 or converge > var_converge):
            ### update variational parameters

            # var_phi
            if iter < 3:
                var_phi =, (Elogbeta_doc * doc_word_counts).T)
                 log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(var_phi)
                var_phi = np.exp(log_var_phi)
                var_phi =
                    phi.T, (Elogbeta_doc * doc_word_counts).T) + Elogsticks_1st
                 log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(var_phi)
                var_phi = np.exp(log_var_phi)

            # phi
            if iter < 3:
                phi =, Elogbeta_doc).T
                (log_phi, log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(phi)
                phi = np.exp(log_phi)
                phi =, Elogbeta_doc).T + Elogsticks_2nd
                (log_phi, log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(phi)
                phi = np.exp(log_phi)

            # v
            phi_all = phi * np.array(doc_word_counts)[:, np.newaxis]
            v[0] = 1.0 + np.sum(phi_all[:, :self.m_K - 1], 0)
            phi_cum = np.flipud(np.sum(phi_all[:, 1:], 0))
            v[1] = self.m_alpha + np.flipud(np.cumsum(phi_cum))
            Elogsticks_2nd = expect_log_sticks(v)

            likelihood = 0.0
            # compute likelihood
            # var_phi part/ C in john's notation
            likelihood += np.sum((Elogsticks_1st - log_var_phi) * var_phi)

            # v part/ v in john's notation, john's beta is alpha here
            log_alpha = np.log(self.m_alpha)
            likelihood += (self.m_K - 1) * log_alpha
            dig_sum = psi(np.sum(v, 0))
            likelihood += np.sum(
                (np.array([1.0, self.m_alpha])[:, np.newaxis] - v) *
                (psi(v) - dig_sum))
            likelihood -= np.sum(gammaln(np.sum(v, 0))) - np.sum(gammaln(v))

            # Z part
            likelihood += np.sum((Elogsticks_2nd - log_phi) * phi)

            # X part, the data part
            likelihood += np.sum(
                phi.T *, Elogbeta_doc * doc_word_counts))

            converge = (likelihood - old_likelihood) / abs(old_likelihood)
            old_likelihood = likelihood

            if converge < -0.000001:
                logger.warning('likelihood is decreasing!')

            iter += 1

        # update the suff_stat ss
        # this time it only contains information from one doc
        ss.m_var_sticks_ss += np.sum(var_phi, 0)
        ss.m_var_beta_ss[:, chunkids] +=,
                                                phi.T * doc_word_counts)

        return likelihood
예제 #2
파일: 프로젝트: abs51295/gensim
    def doc_e_step(self, ss, Elogsticks_1st, unique_words, doc_word_ids, doc_word_counts, var_converge):
        e step for a single doc
        chunkids = [unique_words[id] for id in doc_word_ids]

        Elogbeta_doc = self.m_Elogbeta[:, doc_word_ids]
        # very similar to the hdp equations
        v = np.zeros((2, self.m_K - 1))
        v[0] = 1.0
        v[1] = self.m_alpha

        # back to the uniform
        phi = np.ones((len(doc_word_ids), self.m_K)) * 1.0 / self.m_K

        likelihood = 0.0
        old_likelihood = -1e200
        converge = 1.0

        iter = 0
        max_iter = 100
        # not yet support second level optimization yet, to be done in the future
        while iter < max_iter and (converge < 0.0 or converge > var_converge):
            # update variational parameters

            # var_phi
            if iter < 3:
                var_phi =, (Elogbeta_doc * doc_word_counts).T)
                (log_var_phi, log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(var_phi)
                var_phi = np.exp(log_var_phi)
                var_phi =, (Elogbeta_doc * doc_word_counts).T) + Elogsticks_1st
                (log_var_phi, log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(var_phi)
                var_phi = np.exp(log_var_phi)

            # phi
            if iter < 3:
                phi =, Elogbeta_doc).T
                (log_phi, log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(phi)
                phi = np.exp(log_phi)
                phi =, Elogbeta_doc).T + Elogsticks_2nd  # noqa:F821
                (log_phi, log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(phi)
                phi = np.exp(log_phi)

            # v
            phi_all = phi * np.array(doc_word_counts)[:, np.newaxis]
            v[0] = 1.0 + np.sum(phi_all[:, :self.m_K - 1], 0)
            phi_cum = np.flipud(np.sum(phi_all[:, 1:], 0))
            v[1] = self.m_alpha + np.flipud(np.cumsum(phi_cum))
            Elogsticks_2nd = expect_log_sticks(v)

            likelihood = 0.0
            # compute likelihood
            # var_phi part/ C in john's notation
            likelihood += np.sum((Elogsticks_1st - log_var_phi) * var_phi)

            # v part/ v in john's notation, john's beta is alpha here
            log_alpha = np.log(self.m_alpha)
            likelihood += (self.m_K - 1) * log_alpha
            dig_sum = psi(np.sum(v, 0))
            likelihood += np.sum((np.array([1.0, self.m_alpha])[:, np.newaxis] - v) * (psi(v) - dig_sum))
            likelihood -= np.sum(gammaln(np.sum(v, 0))) - np.sum(gammaln(v))

            # Z part
            likelihood += np.sum((Elogsticks_2nd - log_phi) * phi)

            # X part, the data part
            likelihood += np.sum(phi.T *, Elogbeta_doc * doc_word_counts))

            converge = (likelihood - old_likelihood) / abs(old_likelihood)
            old_likelihood = likelihood

            if converge < -0.000001:
                logger.warning('likelihood is decreasing!')

            iter += 1

        # update the suff_stat ss
        # this time it only contains information from one doc
        ss.m_var_sticks_ss += np.sum(var_phi, 0)
        ss.m_var_beta_ss[:, chunkids] +=, phi.T * doc_word_counts)

        return likelihood
예제 #3
파일: 프로젝트: Zarak36/NLP
    def doc_e_step(self, ss, Elogsticks_1st, unique_words, doc_word_ids, doc_word_counts, var_converge):
        """Performs E step for a single doc.

        ss : :class:`~gensim.models.hdpmodel.SuffStats`
            Stats for all document(s) in the chunk.
        Elogsticks_1st : numpy.ndarray
            Computed Elogsticks value by stick-breaking process.
        unique_words : dict of (int, int)
            Number of unique words in the chunk.
        doc_word_ids : iterable of int
            Word ids of for a single document.
        doc_word_counts : iterable of int
            Word counts of all words in a single document.
        var_converge : float
            Lower bound on the right side of convergence. Used when updating variational parameters for a single

            Computed value of likelihood for a single document.

        chunkids = [unique_words[id] for id in doc_word_ids]

        Elogbeta_doc = self.m_Elogbeta[:, doc_word_ids]
        # very similar to the hdp equations
        v = np.zeros((2, self.m_K - 1))
        v[0] = 1.0
        v[1] = self.m_alpha

        # back to the uniform
        phi = np.ones((len(doc_word_ids), self.m_K)) * 1.0 / self.m_K

        likelihood = 0.0
        old_likelihood = -1e200
        converge = 1.0

        iter = 0
        max_iter = 100
        # not yet support second level optimization yet, to be done in the future
        while iter < max_iter and (converge < 0.0 or converge > var_converge):
            # update variational parameters

            # var_phi
            if iter < 3:
                var_phi =, (Elogbeta_doc * doc_word_counts).T)
                (log_var_phi, log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(var_phi)
                var_phi = np.exp(log_var_phi)
                var_phi =, (Elogbeta_doc * doc_word_counts).T) + Elogsticks_1st
                (log_var_phi, log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(var_phi)
                var_phi = np.exp(log_var_phi)

            # phi
            if iter < 3:
                phi =, Elogbeta_doc).T
                (log_phi, log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(phi)
                phi = np.exp(log_phi)
                phi =, Elogbeta_doc).T + Elogsticks_2nd  # noqa:F821
                (log_phi, log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(phi)
                phi = np.exp(log_phi)

            # v
            phi_all = phi * np.array(doc_word_counts)[:, np.newaxis]
            v[0] = 1.0 + np.sum(phi_all[:, :self.m_K - 1], 0)
            phi_cum = np.flipud(np.sum(phi_all[:, 1:], 0))
            v[1] = self.m_alpha + np.flipud(np.cumsum(phi_cum))
            Elogsticks_2nd = expect_log_sticks(v)

            likelihood = 0.0
            # compute likelihood
            # var_phi part/ C in john's notation
            likelihood += np.sum((Elogsticks_1st - log_var_phi) * var_phi)

            # v part/ v in john's notation, john's beta is alpha here
            log_alpha = np.log(self.m_alpha)
            likelihood += (self.m_K - 1) * log_alpha
            dig_sum = psi(np.sum(v, 0))
            likelihood += np.sum((np.array([1.0, self.m_alpha])[:, np.newaxis] - v) * (psi(v) - dig_sum))
            likelihood -= np.sum(gammaln(np.sum(v, 0))) - np.sum(gammaln(v))

            # Z part
            likelihood += np.sum((Elogsticks_2nd - log_phi) * phi)

            # X part, the data part
            likelihood += np.sum(phi.T *, Elogbeta_doc * doc_word_counts))

            converge = (likelihood - old_likelihood) / abs(old_likelihood)
            old_likelihood = likelihood

            if converge < -0.000001:
                logger.warning('likelihood is decreasing!')

            iter += 1

        # update the suff_stat ss
        # this time it only contains information from one doc
        ss.m_var_sticks_ss += np.sum(var_phi, 0)
        ss.m_var_beta_ss[:, chunkids] +=, phi.T * doc_word_counts)

        return likelihood
예제 #4
    def doc_e_step(self, ss, Elogsticks_1st, unique_words, doc_word_ids, doc_word_counts, var_converge):
        """Performs E step for a single doc.

        ss : :class:`~gensim.models.hdpmodel.SuffStats`
            Stats for all document(s) in the chunk.
        Elogsticks_1st : numpy.ndarray
            Computed Elogsticks value by stick-breaking process.
        unique_words : dict of (int, int)
            Number of unique words in the chunk.
        doc_word_ids : iterable of int
            Word ids of for a single document.
        doc_word_counts : iterable of int
            Word counts of all words in a single document.
        var_converge : float
            Lower bound on the right side of convergence. Used when updating variational parameters for a single

            Computed value of likelihood for a single document.

        chunkids = [unique_words[id] for id in doc_word_ids]

        Elogbeta_doc = self.m_Elogbeta[:, doc_word_ids]
        # very similar to the hdp equations
        v = np.zeros((2, self.m_K - 1))
        v[0] = 1.0
        v[1] = self.m_alpha

        # back to the uniform
        phi = np.ones((len(doc_word_ids), self.m_K)) * 1.0 / self.m_K

        likelihood = 0.0
        old_likelihood = -1e200
        converge = 1.0

        iter = 0
        max_iter = 100
        # not yet support second level optimization yet, to be done in the future
        while iter < max_iter and (converge < 0.0 or converge > var_converge):
            # update variational parameters

            # var_phi
            if iter < 3:
                var_phi =, (Elogbeta_doc * doc_word_counts).T)
                (log_var_phi, log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(var_phi)
                var_phi = np.exp(log_var_phi)
                var_phi =, (Elogbeta_doc * doc_word_counts).T) + Elogsticks_1st
                (log_var_phi, log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(var_phi)
                var_phi = np.exp(log_var_phi)

            # phi
            if iter < 3:
                phi =, Elogbeta_doc).T
                (log_phi, log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(phi)
                phi = np.exp(log_phi)
                phi =, Elogbeta_doc).T + Elogsticks_2nd  # noqa:F821
                (log_phi, log_norm) = matutils.ret_log_normalize_vec(phi)
                phi = np.exp(log_phi)

            # v
            phi_all = phi * np.array(doc_word_counts)[:, np.newaxis]
            v[0] = 1.0 + np.sum(phi_all[:, :self.m_K - 1], 0)
            phi_cum = np.flipud(np.sum(phi_all[:, 1:], 0))
            v[1] = self.m_alpha + np.flipud(np.cumsum(phi_cum))
            Elogsticks_2nd = expect_log_sticks(v)

            likelihood = 0.0
            # compute likelihood
            # var_phi part/ C in john's notation
            likelihood += np.sum((Elogsticks_1st - log_var_phi) * var_phi)

            # v part/ v in john's notation, john's beta is alpha here
            log_alpha = np.log(self.m_alpha)
            likelihood += (self.m_K - 1) * log_alpha
            dig_sum = psi(np.sum(v, 0))
            likelihood += np.sum((np.array([1.0, self.m_alpha])[:, np.newaxis] - v) * (psi(v) - dig_sum))
            likelihood -= np.sum(gammaln(np.sum(v, 0))) - np.sum(gammaln(v))

            # Z part
            likelihood += np.sum((Elogsticks_2nd - log_phi) * phi)

            # X part, the data part
            likelihood += np.sum(phi.T *, Elogbeta_doc * doc_word_counts))

            converge = (likelihood - old_likelihood) / abs(old_likelihood)
            old_likelihood = likelihood

            if converge < -0.000001:
                logger.warning('likelihood is decreasing!')

            iter += 1

        # update the suff_stat ss
        # this time it only contains information from one doc
        ss.m_var_sticks_ss += np.sum(var_phi, 0)
        ss.m_var_beta_ss[:, chunkids] +=, phi.T * doc_word_counts)

        return likelihood