예제 #1
파일: grid.py 프로젝트: pelednoam/ielu
    def disambiguate_best_fit_strips(self, potential_strip_locs, M, N, graph):
        given a list of equally full potential strip locations, assign an 
        objective plausibility score to
        each strip based on the density of electrodes near missing points in 
        the strip.

        to do this, we interpolate the missing points based on the available  

        then we calculate the
        distances of these points to the nearest unrelated point (to account 
        for image artifacts that
        may cause us to lose the electrode to a nearby cluster). each 
        individual distance is capped at
        2*delta to limit the effect of outliers. 

        we return the sum of each of these distances in the grid as an 
        objective penalty function.
        the configuration that returns the lowest penalty function is returned 
        along with a list of its
        points in 3D space, including interpolated points

        if the strip locations all have the same penalty value, one of them is 
        returned arbitrarily
        (but not pseudorandomly)
        if len(potential_strip_locs) == 1:
                'Only one strip location possible, possibly the result of '
                'user intervention, returning it')
            print '%i potential %ix%i strip locations to check' % (
                len(potential_strip_locs), M, N)
            print potential_strip_locs

        #graph = self.repr_as_2d_graph(pad_zeros = max(M,N))

        best_penalty = np.inf
        best_points = []
        #best_loc = None
        best_loc = potential_strip_locs[0]

        origin = v, w = zip(*np.where(graph == 2))[0]

        #set the critical distance before we start adding points
        critdist = self.critdist()

        for r, c, orient in potential_strip_locs:

            cur_penalty = 0
            cur_points = []
            interpolated_points = []
            interpolated_gridpoints = []
            #total_points = 0

            strip_graph = (graph[r:r + N, c:c +
                                 M] if orient == 'horiz' else graph[c:c + M,
                                                                    r:r + N])

            for x, y in zip(*np.where(strip_graph)):
                #print "Added the existing point (%i,%i)"%(x+r-v,y+c-w)
                #print ("Added the existing point "
                #    "(%i,%i) which is %s"%(x+c-v,y+r-w,
                #    None if self.get_3d_point((x+c-v, y+r-w)) is None
                #    else 'not None')
                    self.get_3d_point((x + r - v, y + c -
                                       w) if orient == 'horiz' else (x + c - v,
                                                                     y + r -
                #total_points += 1

            print 'starting disambiguation with %i points' % (len(cur_points))

            iter = 0
            while len(interpolated_points) < M * N - len(cur_points):
                #for iter in xrange(M*N):
                iter += 1
                if iter > M * N:
                    raise ValueError("Infinite loop")
                for x, y in zip(*np.where(strip_graph == 0)):

                    i = x + r - v if orient == 'horiz' else x + c - v
                    j = y + c - w if orient == 'horiz' else y + r - w

                    if (i, j) in interpolated_gridpoints:

                    connectivity, orientation = (
                        self.get_local_connectivity_2d((i, j)))

                    pN = self.get_3d_point((i, j + 1))
                    pE = self.get_3d_point((i + 1, j))
                    pS = self.get_3d_point((i, j - 1))
                    pW = self.get_3d_point((i - 1, j))

                    pNN = self.get_3d_point((i, j + 2))
                    pEE = self.get_3d_point((i + 2, j))
                    pSS = self.get_3d_point((i, j - 2))
                    pWW = self.get_3d_point((i - 2, j))

                    if connectivity == 'FULL':
                        pInterp = (pN + pE + pS + pW) / 4

                    elif connectivity == 'TSHAPE':
                        if orientation in ('north', 'south'):
                            pInterp = (pE + pW) / 2
                            pInterp = (pN + pS) / 2

                    elif connectivity == 'LINE':
                        if orientation in ('north', 'south'):
                            pInterp = (pN + pS) / 2
                            pInterp = (pE + pW) / 2

                    elif connectivity in ('MOTIF', 'LEAF'):
                        if pNN is not None and (orientation == 'north' or
                                                (connectivity == 'MOTIF'
                                                 and orientation == 'east')):
                            pInterp = 2 * pN - pNN
                        elif pWW is not None and (orientation == 'west' or
                                                  (connectivity == 'MOTIF' and
                                                   orientation == 'north')):
                            pInterp = 2 * pW - pWW
                        elif pSS is not None and (orientation == 'south' or
                                                  (connectivity == 'MOTIF'
                                                   and orientation == 'west')):
                            pInterp = 2 * pS - pSS
                        elif pEE is not None and (orientation == 'east' or
                                                  (connectivity == 'MOTIF' and
                                                   orientation == 'south')):
                            pInterp = 2 * pE - pEE

                    # if we found a singleton it means not enough of the other
                    # points have been interpolated yet
                    # we pass and wait
                    elif connectivity == 'SINGLETON':
                        pInterp = None

                    #from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtRemoveInputHook
                    #import pdb

                    if pInterp is None:
                        raise ValueError('Could not interpolate point with '
                                         'current methods')
                    elif self.get_3d_point((i, j)) is not None:
                        # in case the nonexistent point was added in a
                        # previous iteration dont add it again
                        #if GridPoint(pInterp) in interpolated_gridpoints:
                        #    continue
                        # greedily growing the grid here might cause bias. but
                        # check for bugs adding the same point multiple times
                        if (i, j) in interpolated_gridpoints:
                            raise ValueError(
                                "Internal error: should never be"
                                "adding a point that already exists")

                        #otherwise, we added this point on another strip
                        #choice. We should add it to the interpolated
                        #points  as normally, but not add the point to the Grid

                    elif GridPoint(pInterp) in self.connectivity:
                        # suppose the exact point to be interpolated at i,j is actually
                        # already in the grid at m,n and the grid has horribly
                        # twisted over itself. To gracefully handle this (the
                        # solution will be bad), we would like to allow this
                        # configuration.

                        # we previously got an error because we can't add two points
                        # (i,j) and also (m,n) with the same coordinates.

                        # give it a different value
                        px, py, pz = pInterp
                        pInterp = np.array((px + .01, py, pz))

                        print 'adding the repeat point (%i,%i), %s' % (
                            i, j, str(pInterp))
                        self.add_point(pInterp, (i, j))
                        if graph[i, j] == 0:
                            graph[i, j] = 1

                        print 'adding the point (%i,%i), %s' % (i, j,
                        self.add_point(pInterp, (i, j))
                        if graph[i, j] == 0:
                            graph[i, j] = 1
                        #total_points += 1

                    interpolated_gridpoints.append((i, j))

                    points_left = rm_pts(cur_points, self.all_elecs)

                    if len(points_left) > 0:
                        pPenalty, _ = find_nearest_pt(
                            pInterp, rm_pts(cur_points, self.all_elecs))
                        cur_penalty += np.min((norm(pPenalty - pInterp),
                                               2 * self.delta * critdist))
                        cur_penalty = np.inf

            #update the winner
            if cur_penalty < best_penalty:
                best_penalty = cur_penalty
                best_points = cur_points
                best_loc = (r, c, orient)

        return best_loc, best_points
예제 #2
파일: grid.py 프로젝트: kingjr/gselu
    def disambiguate_best_fit_strips(self, potential_strip_locs, M, N):
        given a list of equally full potential strip locations, assign an 
        objective plausibility score to
        each strip based on the density of electrodes near missing points in 
        the strip.

        to do this, we interpolate the missing points based on the available  

        then we calculate the
        distances of these points to the nearest unrelated point (to account 
        for image artifacts that
        may cause us to lose the electrode to a nearby cluster). each 
        individual distance is capped at
        2*delta to limit the effect of outliers. 

        we return the sum of each of these distances in the grid as an 
        objective penalty function.
        the configuration that returns the lowest penalty function is returned 
        along with a list of its
        points in 3D space, including interpolated points

        if the strip locations all have the same penalty value, one of them is 
        returned arbitrarily
        (but not pseudorandomly)
        if len(potential_strip_locs) == 1:
            print ('Only one strip location possible, possibly the result of '
                'user intervention, returning it')
            print '%i potential %ix%i strip locations to check' % (
                len(potential_strip_locs), M, N)
            print potential_strip_locs

        graph = self.repr_as_2d_graph(pad_zeros = max(M,N))

        best_penalty = np.inf
        best_points = []
        #best_loc = None
        best_loc = potential_strip_locs[0]

        origin = v,w = zip(*np.where(graph==2))[0]

        #set the critical distance before we start adding points
        critdist = self.critdist()

        for r,c,orient in potential_strip_locs:

            cur_penalty = 0
            cur_points = []
            interpolated_points = []
            interpolated_gridpoints = []
            #total_points = 0

            strip_graph = (graph[r:r+N,c:c+M] if orient=='horiz' else 
                graph[c:c+M, r:r+N])

            for x,y in zip(*np.where(strip_graph)):
                #print "Added the existing point (%i,%i)"%(x+r-v,y+c-w)
                #print ("Added the existing point "
                #    "(%i,%i) which is %s"%(x+c-v,y+r-w,
                #    None if self.get_3d_point((x+c-v, y+r-w)) is None 
                #    else 'not None')
                cur_points.append(self.get_3d_point( (x+r-v, y+c-w) if 
                    orient=='horiz' else (x+c-v, y+r-w) ))
                #total_points += 1

            print 'starting disambiguation with %i points'%(len(cur_points))

            iter = 0
            while len(interpolated_points) < M*N - len(cur_points):
            #for iter in xrange(M*N):
                iter += 1
                if iter > M*N:
                    raise ValueError("Infinite loop")
                for x,y in zip(*np.where(strip_graph==0)):

                    i = x+r-v if orient=='horiz' else x+c-v
                    j = y+c-w if orient=='horiz' else y+r-w

                    if (i,j) in interpolated_gridpoints:

                    connectivity, orientation = (self.
                        get_local_connectivity_2d( (i,j) ))

                    pN = self.get_3d_point( (i, j+1) ) 
                    pE = self.get_3d_point( (i+1, j) )
                    pS = self.get_3d_point( (i, j-1) )
                    pW = self.get_3d_point( (i-1, j) )

                    pNN = self.get_3d_point( (i, j+2) )
                    pEE = self.get_3d_point( (i+2, j) )
                    pSS = self.get_3d_point( (i, j-2) )
                    pWW = self.get_3d_point( (i-2, j) )

                    if connectivity == 'FULL':
                        pInterp = (pN+pE+pS+pW)/4

                    elif connectivity=='TSHAPE':
                        if orientation in ('north','south'):
                            pInterp = (pE+pW)/2
                            pInterp = (pN+pS)/2

                    elif connectivity=='LINE':
                        if orientation in ('north','south'):
                            pInterp = (pN+pS)/2
                            pInterp = (pE+pW)/2

                    elif connectivity in ('MOTIF', 'LEAF'):
                        if pNN is not None and (orientation=='north' 
                                or (connectivity=='MOTIF' and
                            pInterp = 2*pN-pNN
                        elif pWW is not None and (orientation=='west' 
                                or (connectivity=='MOTIF' and 
                            pInterp = 2*pW-pWW
                        elif pSS is not None and (orientation=='south' 
                                or (connectivity=='MOTIF' and 
                            pInterp = 2*pS-pSS
                        elif pEE is not None and (orientation=='east' 
                                or (connectivity=='MOTIF' and 
                            pInterp = 2*pE-pEE

                    # if we found a singleton it means not enough of the other 
                    # points have been interpolated yet
                    # we pass and wait
                    elif connectivity == 'SINGLETON':
                        pInterp = None
                    if pInterp is None:
                        raise ValueError('Could not interpolate point with ' 
                            'current methods')
                    elif self.get_3d_point((i,j)) is not None:
                        # in case the nonexistent point was added in a 
                        # previous iteration dont add it again
                        #if GridPoint(pInterp) in interpolated_gridpoints:
                        #    continue
                        # greedily growing the grid here might cause bias. but 
                        # check for bugs adding the same point multiple times
                        if (i,j) in interpolated_gridpoints:
                            raise ValueError("Internal error: should never be" 
                                "adding a point that already exists")
                        #otherwise, we added this point on another strip 
                        #choice. We should add it to the interpolated
                        #points  as normally, but not add the point to the Grid

                        print 'adding the point (%i,%i), %s'%(i,j,str(pInterp))
                        self.add_point(pInterp, (i,j)) 
                        #total_points += 1


                    points_left = rm_pts(cur_points, self.all_elecs)
                    if len(points_left) > 0:
                        pPenalty, _ = find_nearest_pt(pInterp, 
                            rm_pts(cur_points, self.all_elecs))
                        cur_penalty += np.min((norm(pPenalty-pInterp), 
                        cur_penalty = np.inf

            #update the winner
            if cur_penalty < best_penalty:
                best_penalty = cur_penalty
                best_points = cur_points
                best_loc = (r,c,orient)
        return best_loc, best_points 
예제 #3
파일: grid.py 프로젝트: pelednoam/ielu
 def remaining_points(self):
     return rm_pts(self.points, self.all_elecs)
예제 #4
파일: grid.py 프로젝트: kingjr/gselu
 def remaining_points(self):
     return rm_pts( self.points, self.all_elecs )