예제 #1
class TransitivityLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, 
        super(TransitivityLoss, self).__init__()
        self.pointTnf = PointTnf(use_cuda=use_cuda)
        self.dist_metric = dist_metric
        self.transform = transform

    def forward(self, coord, theta_forward_1, theta_forward_2, theta_equiv):
        batch = theta_forward_1.size()[0]
        b,h,w = coord.size()
        coord = Variable(coord.expand(batch, h, w))

        im_size = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([[15, 15, 1]]))
        target_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(coord, im_size).cuda()

        if self.transform == 'affine':
            forward_norm_1 = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_forward_1, target_norm)
            forward_coord_1 = PointsToPixelCoords(forward_norm_1, im_size.cuda())

            forward_norm_2 = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_forward_2, forward_norm_1)
            forward_coord_2 = PointsToPixelCoords(forward_norm_2, im_size.cuda())

            equiv_norm = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_equiv, target_norm)
            equiv_coord = PointsToPixelCoords(equiv_norm, im_size.cuda())

        if self.dist_metric == 'L2':
            loss = torch.dist(forward_coord_2, equiv_coord, p=2)
        elif self.dist_metric == 'L1':
            loss = torch.dist(forward_coord_2, equiv_coord, p=1)

        return loss
예제 #2
class TransformedGridLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, geometric_model='affine', use_cuda=True, grid_size=20):
        super(TransformedGridLoss, self).__init__()
        self.geometric_model = geometric_model
        # define virtual grid of points to be transformed
        axis_coords = np.linspace(-1,1,grid_size)
        self.N = grid_size*grid_size
        X,Y = np.meshgrid(axis_coords,axis_coords)
        X = np.reshape(X,(1,1,self.N))
        Y = np.reshape(Y,(1,1,self.N))
        P = np.concatenate((X,Y),1)
        self.P = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(P),requires_grad=False)
        self.pointTnf = PointTnf(use_cuda=use_cuda)
        if use_cuda:
            self.P = self.P.cuda();

    def forward(self, theta, theta_GT):
        # expand grid according to batch size
        batch_size = theta.size()[0]
        P = self.P.expand(batch_size,2,self.N)
        # compute transformed grid points using estimated and GT tnfs
        if self.geometric_model=='affine':
            P_prime = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta,P)
            P_prime_GT = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_GT,P)
        elif self.geometric_model=='tps':
            P_prime = self.pointTnf.tpsPointTnf(theta.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3),P)
            P_prime_GT = self.pointTnf.tpsPointTnf(theta_GT,P)
        # compute MSE loss on transformed grid points
        loss = torch.sum(torch.pow(P_prime - P_prime_GT,2),1)
        loss = torch.mean(loss)
        return loss
예제 #3
class TransformedGridLoss():
    def __init__(self, geometric_model='affine', grid_size=20):
        self.geometric_model = geometric_model
        axis_coords = np.linspace(-1,1,grid_size)
        self.N = grid_size*grid_size
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(axis_coords, axis_coords)
        X = np.reshape(X, [1,1,self.N])
        Y = np.reshape(Y, [1,1,self.N])
        P = np.concatenate((X,Y),1)
        self.P = P
        self.pointTnf = PointTnf()

    def __call__(self, theta, theta_GT, batch_size):
        P = tf.cast(tf.tile(self.P, [batch_size,1,1]),'float32')

        if self.geometric_model == "affine":
            P_prime = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta, P)
            P_prime_GT = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_GT, P)

            print("Sorry, Cannot use TPS transformation not yet")

        loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(P_prime-P_prime_GT,2),1) # Squared distance (MSE loss)
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss)

        return loss
class TransformedGridLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, geometric_model='affine', use_cuda=True, grid_size=20):
        super(TransformedGridLoss, self).__init__()
        self.geometric_model = geometric_model
        # define virtual grid of points to be transformed
        axis_coords = np.linspace(-1, 1, grid_size)
        self.N = grid_size * grid_size
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(axis_coords, axis_coords)
        X = np.reshape(X, (1, 1, self.N))
        Y = np.reshape(Y, (1, 1, self.N))
        P = np.concatenate((X, Y), 1)
        self.P = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(P), requires_grad=False)
        self.pointTnf = PointTnf(use_cuda=use_cuda)
        if use_cuda:
            self.P = self.P.cuda()

    def forward(self, theta, theta_GT):
        # expand grid according to batch size
        batch_size = theta.size()[0]
        P = self.P.expand(batch_size, 2, self.N)
        # compute transformed grid points using estimated and GT tnfs
        if self.geometric_model == 'affine':
            P_prime = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta, P)
            P_prime_GT = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_GT, P)
        elif self.geometric_model == 'hom':
            P_prime = self.pointTnf.homPointTnf(theta, P)
            P_prime_GT = self.pointTnf.homPointTnf(theta_GT, P)
        elif self.geometric_model == 'tps':
            P_prime = self.pointTnf.tpsPointTnf(
                theta.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3), P)
            P_prime_GT = self.pointTnf.tpsPointTnf(theta_GT, P)
        # compute MSE loss on transformed grid points
        loss = torch.sum(torch.pow(P_prime - P_prime_GT, 2), 1)
        loss = torch.mean(loss)
        return loss
예제 #5
def pck_metric(batch,batch_start_idx,theta_aff,theta_tps,theta_aff_tps,stats,args,use_cuda=True):
    alpha = args.pck_alpha
    do_aff = theta_aff is not None
    do_tps = theta_tps is not None
    do_aff_tps = theta_aff_tps is not None
    source_im_size = batch['source_im_size']
    target_im_size = batch['target_im_size']

    source_points = batch['source_points']
    target_points = batch['target_points']
    # Instantiate point transformer
    pt = PointTnf(use_cuda=use_cuda,

    # warp points with estimated transformations
    target_points_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(target_points,target_im_size)

    if do_aff:
        # do affine only
        warped_points_aff_norm = pt.affPointTnf(theta_aff,target_points_norm)
        warped_points_aff = PointsToPixelCoords(warped_points_aff_norm,source_im_size)

    if do_tps:
        # do tps only
        warped_points_tps_norm = pt.tpsPointTnf(theta_tps,target_points_norm)
        warped_points_tps = PointsToPixelCoords(warped_points_tps_norm,source_im_size)
    if do_aff_tps:
        # do tps+affine
        warped_points_aff_tps_norm = pt.tpsPointTnf(theta_aff_tps,target_points_norm)
        warped_points_aff_tps_norm = pt.affPointTnf(theta_aff,warped_points_aff_tps_norm)
        warped_points_aff_tps = PointsToPixelCoords(warped_points_aff_tps_norm,source_im_size)
    L_pck = batch['L_pck'].data
    indices = range(batch_start_idx,batch_start_idx+current_batch_size)

#    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    if do_aff:
        pck_aff = pck(source_points.data, warped_points_aff.data, L_pck, alpha)
    if do_tps:
        pck_tps = pck(source_points.data, warped_points_tps.data, L_pck, alpha)
    if do_aff_tps:
        pck_aff_tps = pck(source_points.data, warped_points_aff_tps.data, L_pck, alpha)
    if do_aff:
        stats['aff']['pck'][indices] = pck_aff.unsqueeze(1).cpu().numpy()
    if do_tps:
        stats['tps']['pck'][indices] = pck_tps.unsqueeze(1).cpu().numpy()
    if do_aff_tps:
        stats['aff_tps']['pck'][indices] = pck_aff_tps.unsqueeze(1).cpu().numpy() 
    return stats
예제 #6
def pck_metric(batch,batch_start_idx,theta_aff,theta_tps,theta_aff_tps,model_tps,stats,args,use_cuda=True):
    alpha = args.pck_alpha
    do_aff = theta_aff is not None
    do_tps = theta_tps is not None
    do_aff_tps = theta_aff_tps is not None
    source_im_size = batch['source_im_size']
    target_im_size = batch['target_im_size']

    source_points = batch['source_points']
    target_points = batch['target_points']
    # Instantiate point transformer
    pt = PointTnf(use_cuda=use_cuda,

    # warp points with estimated transformations
    target_points_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(target_points,target_im_size)

    if do_aff:
        # do affine only
        warped_points_aff_norm = pt.affPointTnf(theta_aff,target_points_norm)
        warped_points_aff = PointsToPixelCoords(warped_points_aff_norm,source_im_size)

    if do_tps:
        # do tps only
        warped_points_tps_norm = pt.defPointTnf(theta_tps,target_points_norm,model_tps)
        warped_points_tps = PointsToPixelCoords(warped_points_tps_norm,source_im_size)
    if do_aff_tps:
        # do tps+affine
        warped_points_aff_tps_norm = pt.defPointTnf(theta_aff_tps,target_points_norm,model_tps)
        warped_points_aff_tps_norm = pt.affPointTnf(theta_aff,warped_points_aff_tps_norm)
        warped_points_aff_tps = PointsToPixelCoords(warped_points_aff_tps_norm,source_im_size)
    L_pck = batch['L_pck'].data
    indices = range(batch_start_idx,batch_start_idx+current_batch_size)

    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    if do_aff:
        pck_aff = pck(source_points.data, warped_points_aff.data, L_pck, alpha)
    if do_tps:
        pck_tps = pck(source_points.data, warped_points_tps.data, L_pck, alpha)
    if do_aff_tps:
        pck_aff_tps = pck(source_points.data, warped_points_aff_tps.data, L_pck, alpha)
    if do_aff:
        stats['aff']['pck'][indices] = pck_aff.unsqueeze(1).cpu().numpy()
    if do_tps:
        stats['tps']['pck'][indices] = pck_tps.unsqueeze(1).cpu().numpy()
    if do_aff_tps:
        stats['aff_tps']['pck'][indices] = pck_aff_tps.unsqueeze(1).cpu().numpy() 
    return stats
예제 #7
def flow_metrics(batch,batch_start_idx,theta_aff,theta_tps,theta_aff_tps,model_tps,stats,args,use_cuda=True):
    do_aff = theta_aff is not None
    do_tps = theta_tps is not None
    do_aff_tps = theta_aff_tps is not None

    for b in range(batch_size):
        h_src = int(batch['source_im_size'][b,0].data.cpu().numpy())
        w_src = int(batch['source_im_size'][b,1].data.cpu().numpy())
        h_tgt = int(batch['target_im_size'][b,0].data.cpu().numpy())
        w_tgt = int(batch['target_im_size'][b,1].data.cpu().numpy())

        grid_X,grid_Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1,1,w_tgt),np.linspace(-1,1,h_tgt))
        grid_X = torch.FloatTensor(grid_X).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(3)
        grid_Y = torch.FloatTensor(grid_Y).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(3)
        grid_X = Variable(grid_X,requires_grad=False)
        grid_Y = Variable(grid_Y,requires_grad=False)
        if use_cuda:
            grid_X = grid_X.cuda()
            grid_Y = grid_Y.cuda()

        grid_X_vec = grid_X.view(1,1,-1)
        grid_Y_vec = grid_Y.view(1,1,-1)

        grid_XY_vec = torch.cat((grid_X_vec,grid_Y_vec),1)        

        def pointsToGrid (x,h_tgt=h_tgt,w_tgt=w_tgt): return x.contiguous().view(1,2,h_tgt,w_tgt).transpose(1,2).transpose(2,3)

        idx = batch_start_idx+b
        if do_aff:
            grid_aff = pointsToGrid(pt.affPointTnf(theta_aff[b,:].unsqueeze(0),grid_XY_vec))
            flow_aff = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_aff,h_src=h_src,w_src=w_src)
            flow_aff_path = os.path.join(result_path,'aff',batch['flow_path'][b])
        if do_tps:
            grid_tps = pointsToGrid(pt.defPointTnf(theta_tps[b,:].unsqueeze(0),grid_XY_vec,model_tps))
            flow_tps = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_tps,h_src=h_src,w_src=w_src)
            flow_tps_path = os.path.join(result_path,'tps',batch['flow_path'][b])
        if do_aff_tps:
            grid_aff_tps = pointsToGrid(pt.affPointTnf(theta_aff[b,:].unsqueeze(0),pt.defPointTnf(theta_aff_tps[b,:].unsqueeze(0),grid_XY_vec,model_tps)))
            flow_aff_tps = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_aff_tps,h_src=h_src,w_src=w_src)
            flow_aff_tps_path = os.path.join(result_path,'aff_tps',batch['flow_path'][b])

        idx = batch_start_idx+b
    return stats
예제 #8
class TransformedGridLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, geometric_model='affine', use_cuda=True, grid_size=20):
        super(TransformedGridLoss, self).__init__()
        self.geometric_model = geometric_model
        if self.geometric_model == 'vqmt3d':
            self.get_mat_fun = None
        elif self.geometric_model == 'affine_simple' or self.geometric_model == 'affine_simple_4':
            self.get_mat_fun = affine_mat_from_simple
        elif self.geometric_model == 'rotate':
            self.get_mat_fun = get_rotate_matrix
        elif self.geometric_model == 'scale':
            self.get_mat_fun = get_scale_matrix
        elif self.geometric_model == 'shift_y':
            self.get_mat_fun = get_shift_y_matrix
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Specified geometric model is unsupported')
        # define virtual grid of points to be transformed
        axis_coords = np.linspace(-1, 1, grid_size)
        self.N = grid_size * grid_size
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(axis_coords, axis_coords)
        X = np.reshape(X, (1, 1, self.N))
        Y = np.reshape(Y, (1, 1, self.N))
        P = np.concatenate((X, Y), 1)
        self.P = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(P), requires_grad=False)
        self.pointTnf = PointTnf(use_cuda=use_cuda)
        if use_cuda:
            self.P = self.P.cuda()

    def forward(self, theta, theta_GT):
        # expand grid according to batch size
        batch_size = theta.size(0)
        P = self.P.expand(batch_size, 2, self.N)
        # compute transformed grid points using estimated and GT tnfs
        if self.get_mat_fun:
            theta_aff = self.get_mat_fun(theta)
            theta_aff_GT = self.get_mat_fun(theta_GT)
            theta_aff = get_vqmt3d_matrix(theta[:, 0], theta[:, 1])
            theta_aff_GT = get_vqmt3d_matrix(theta_GT[:, 0], theta_GT[:, 1])

        P_prime = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_aff, P)
        P_prime_GT = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_aff_GT, P)
        # compute MSE loss on transformed grid points
        loss = torch.sum(torch.pow(P_prime - P_prime_GT, 2), 1)
        loss = torch.mean(loss)
        return loss
class TransLoss(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, 

        super(TransLoss, self).__init__()

        self.pointTnf = PointTnf(use_cuda=use_cuda)
        self.transform = transform

        self.coord = []
        for i in range(config.NUM_OF_COORD):
            for j in range(config.NUM_OF_COORD):
                xx = []
        self.coord = np.expand_dims(np.array(self.coord).transpose(), axis=0)
        self.coord = torch.from_numpy(self.coord).float()

        if use_cuda:
            self.coord = self.coord.cuda()

    def forward(self, theta_A, theta_B, theta_C):
        batch = theta_A.size()[0]
        b,h,w = self.coord.size()
        self.coord = Variable(self.coord.expand(batch, h, w))

        img_size = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([[240, 240, 1]])).cuda()

        A_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(self.coord, img_size)
        A_norm = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_A, A_norm)
        A_coord = PointsToPixelCoords(A_norm, img_size)
        B_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(A_coord, img_size)
        B_norm = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_B, B_norm)
        B_coord = PointsToPixelCoords(B_norm, img_size)

        C_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(B_coord, img_size)
        C_norm = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_C, C_norm)
        C_coord = PointsToPixelCoords(C_norm, img_size)

        loss = (torch.dist(self.coord, C_coord, p=2) ** 2) / (config.NUM_OF_COORD * config.NUM_OF_COORD) / batch

        return loss
예제 #10
class SequentialGridLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, use_cuda=True, grid_size=20):
        super(SequentialGridLoss, self).__init__()
        self.N = grid_size * grid_size
        # define virtual grid of points to be transformed
        axis_coords = np.linspace(-1, 1, grid_size)
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(axis_coords, axis_coords)
        X = X.ravel()[None, None, ...]
        Y = Y.ravel()[None, None, ...]
        P = np.concatenate((X, Y), axis=1)
        self.P = torch.tensor(P, dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=False)
        self.pointTnf = PointTnf(use_cuda=use_cuda)
        self.weights = [5000.0, 3000.0, 3000.0]
        if use_cuda:
            self.P = self.P.cuda()

    def warp_and_mse(self, mat, mat_GT, P, P_GT):
        P_warp = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(mat, P)
        P_warp_GT = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(mat_GT, P_GT)
        loss = torch.sum(torch.pow(P_warp - P_warp_GT, 2), 1)
        loss = torch.mean(loss)
        return loss, P_warp, P_warp_GT

    def forward(self, theta, theta_GT):
        # expand grid according to batch size
        batch_size = theta.size(0)
        P = self.P.expand(batch_size, 2, self.N)

        rotate_mat = get_rotate_matrix(theta[:, 0])
        rotate_mat_GT = get_rotate_matrix(theta_GT[:, 0])
        loss_rotate, P_rotate, P_rotate_GT = self.warp_and_mse(
            rotate_mat, rotate_mat_GT, P, P)

        scale_mat = get_scale_matrix(theta[:, 1])
        scale_mat_GT = get_scale_matrix(theta_GT[:, 1])
        loss_scale, P_scale, P_scale_GT = self.warp_and_mse(
            scale_mat, scale_mat_GT, P_rotate, P_rotate_GT)

        shift_mat = get_shift_y_matrix(theta[:, 2])
        shift_mat_GT = get_shift_y_matrix(theta_GT[:, 2])
        loss_shift, P_shift, P_shift_GT = self.warp_and_mse(
            shift_mat, shift_mat_GT, P_scale, P_scale_GT)

        return self.weights[0] * loss_rotate + self.weights[
            1] * loss_scale + self.weights[2] * loss_shift
예제 #11
class GridLossWithMSE(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
        super(GridLossWithMSE, self).__init__()
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.geometric_model = geometric_model
        # define virtual grid of points to be transformed
        axis_coords = np.linspace(-1, 1, grid_size)
        self.N = grid_size * grid_size
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(axis_coords, axis_coords)
        X = np.reshape(X, (1, 1, self.N))
        Y = np.reshape(Y, (1, 1, self.N))
        P = np.concatenate((X, Y), 1)
        self.P = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(P), requires_grad=False)
        self.pointTnf = PointTnf(use_cuda)
        if use_cuda:
            self.P = self.P.cuda()

    def forward(self, theta, theta_GT, tb_writer=None, step=None):
        # expand grid according to batch size
        batch_size = theta.size()[0]
        P = self.P.expand(batch_size, 2, self.N)
        # compute transformed grid points using estimated and GT tnfs
        if self.geometric_model == 'affine':
            P_prime = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta, P)
            P_prime_GT = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_GT, P)
        elif self.geometric_model == 'tps':
            P_prime = self.pointTnf.tpsPointTnf(
                theta.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3), P)
            P_prime_GT = self.pointTnf.tpsPointTnf(theta_GT, P)
        # compute MSE loss on transformed grid points
        grid_loss = torch.sum(torch.pow(P_prime - P_prime_GT, 2), 1)
        grid_loss = torch.mean(grid_loss)

        # compute MSE on affinity matrices
        mse_loss = ((theta.view([-1, 2, 3]) - theta_GT)**2).mean()

        if tb_writer is not None and step is not None:
            tb_writer.add_scalar('grid loss', grid_loss.data.item(), step)
            tb_writer.add_scalar('MSE loss', mse_loss.data.item(), step)

        return self.alpha * grid_loss + (1 - self.alpha) * mse_loss
class CycleLoss(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, 

        super(CycleLoss, self).__init__()

        self.pointTnf = PointTnf(use_cuda=use_cuda)
        self.transform = transform

        self.coord = []
        for i in range(config.NUM_OF_COORD):
            for j in range(config.NUM_OF_COORD):
                xx = []
                xx.append(float(i) * image_size / config.NUM_OF_COORD)
                xx.append(float(j) * image_size / config.NUM_OF_COORD)
        self.coord = np.expand_dims(np.array(self.coord).transpose(), axis=0)
        self.coord = torch.from_numpy(self.coord).float()

        if use_cuda:
            self.coord = self.coord.cuda()

    def forward(self, theta_forward, theta_backward):
        batch = theta_forward.size()[0]
        b,h,w = self.coord.size()
        coord = Variable(self.coord.expand(batch, h, w))

        img_size = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([[240, 240, 1]])).cuda()

        forward_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(coord, img_size)
        forward_norm = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_forward, forward_norm)
        forward_coord = PointsToPixelCoords(forward_norm, img_size)
        backward_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(forward_coord, img_size)
        backward_norm = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_backward, backward_norm)
        backward_coord = PointsToPixelCoords(backward_norm, img_size)

        loss = (torch.dist(coord, backward_coord, p=2) ** 2) / (config.NUM_OF_COORD * config.NUM_OF_COORD) / batch

        return loss
예제 #13
def pck_metric(batch,
    alpha = args.pck_alpha

    source_im_size = batch['source_im_size']
    target_im_size = batch['target_im_size']

    source_points = batch['source_points']
    target_points = batch['target_points']

    # Instantiate point transformer
    pt = PointTnf(use_cuda=use_cuda, tps_reg_factor=args.tps_reg_factor)

    # warp points with estimated transformations
    target_points_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(target_points, target_im_size)

    warped_points_aff_tps_norm = pt.tpsPointTnf(theta_aff_tps,
    warped_points_aff_tps_norm = pt.affPointTnf(theta_aff,
    warped_points_aff_tps = PointsToPixelCoords(warped_points_aff_tps_norm,

    L_pck = batch['L_pck'].data

    current_batch_size = batch['source_im_size'].size(0)
    indices = range(batch_start_idx, batch_start_idx + current_batch_size)

    pck_aff_tps = pck(source_points.data, warped_points_aff_tps.data, L_pck,

    stats['aff_tps']['pck'][indices] = pck_aff_tps.unsqueeze(1).cpu().numpy()

    return stats
예제 #14
파일: eval_util.py 프로젝트: xiangruz/aitom
def area_metrics(batch,
    do_aff = theta_aff is not None
    do_tps = theta_tps is not None
    do_aff_tps = theta_aff_tps is not None

    batch_size = batch['source_im_size'].size(0)

    pt = PointTnf(use_cuda=use_cuda)

    for b in range(batch_size):
        h_src = int(batch['source_im_size'][b, 0].data.cpu().numpy())
        w_src = int(batch['source_im_size'][b, 1].data.cpu().numpy())
        h_tgt = int(batch['target_im_size'][b, 0].data.cpu().numpy())
        w_tgt = int(batch['target_im_size'][b, 1].data.cpu().numpy())

        target_mask_np, target_mask = poly_str_to_mask(

        source_mask_np, source_mask = poly_str_to_mask(

        grid_X, grid_Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, w_tgt),
                                     np.linspace(-1, 1, h_tgt))
        grid_X = torch.FloatTensor(grid_X).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(3)
        grid_Y = torch.FloatTensor(grid_Y).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(3)
        grid_X = Variable(grid_X, requires_grad=False)
        grid_Y = Variable(grid_Y, requires_grad=False)

        if use_cuda:
            grid_X = grid_X.cuda()
            grid_Y = grid_Y.cuda()

        grid_X_vec = grid_X.view(1, 1, -1)
        grid_Y_vec = grid_Y.view(1, 1, -1)

        grid_XY_vec = torch.cat((grid_X_vec, grid_Y_vec), 1)

        def pointsToGrid(x, h_tgt=h_tgt, w_tgt=w_tgt):
            return x.contiguous().view(1, 2, h_tgt,
                                       w_tgt).transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3)

        idx = batch_start_idx + b

        if do_aff:
            grid_aff = pointsToGrid(
                pt.affPointTnf(theta_aff[b, :].unsqueeze(0), grid_XY_vec))
            warped_mask_aff = F.grid_sample(source_mask,
            flow_aff = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_aff,

                idx] = intersection_over_union(warped_mask_aff, target_mask)
                idx] = label_transfer_accuracy(warped_mask_aff, target_mask)
            stats['aff']['localization_error'][idx] = localization_error(
                source_mask_np, target_mask_np, flow_aff)
        if do_tps:
            grid_tps = pointsToGrid(
                pt.tpsPointTnf(theta_tps[b, :].unsqueeze(0), grid_XY_vec))
            warped_mask_tps = F.grid_sample(source_mask,
            flow_tps = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_tps,

                idx] = intersection_over_union(warped_mask_tps, target_mask)
                idx] = label_transfer_accuracy(warped_mask_tps, target_mask)
            stats['tps']['localization_error'][idx] = localization_error(
                source_mask_np, target_mask_np, flow_tps)
        if do_aff_tps:
            grid_aff_tps = pointsToGrid(
                    theta_aff[b, :].unsqueeze(0),
                    pt.tpsPointTnf(theta_aff_tps[b, :].unsqueeze(0),
            warped_mask_aff_tps = F.grid_sample(source_mask,
            flow_aff_tps = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(
                source_grid=grid_aff_tps, h_src=h_src, w_src=w_src)

                idx] = intersection_over_union(warped_mask_aff_tps,
                idx] = label_transfer_accuracy(warped_mask_aff_tps,
            stats['aff_tps']['localization_error'][idx] = localization_error(
                source_mask_np, target_mask_np, flow_aff_tps)

    return stats
예제 #15
class TransformedGridLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, geometric_model='affine', use_cuda=True, grid_size=20):
        super(TransformedGridLoss, self).__init__()
        self.geometric_model = geometric_model

        # define virtual grid of points to be transformed (grid_size x grid_size)
        axis_coords = np.linspace(-1, 1, grid_size)
        self.N = grid_size * grid_size
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(axis_coords, axis_coords)
        X = np.reshape(X, (1, 1, self.N))
        Y = np.reshape(Y, (1, 1, self.N))
        P = np.concatenate((X, Y), 1)
        self.P = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(P), requires_grad=False)
        self.pointTnf = PointTnf(use_cuda)
        if use_cuda:
            self.P = self.P.cuda()

    def forward(self, theta_AB, theta_BA, theta_AC, theta_CA, theta_GT_AB):
        # expand grid according to batch size
        batch_size = theta_AB.size()[0]
        P = self.P.expand(batch_size, 2, self.N)

        if self.geometric_model == 'affine':
            theta_GT_mat_AB = theta_GT_AB.view(-1, 2, 3)
            # inverse GT batch
            theta_GT_mat_temp = torch.cat(
                (theta_GT_mat_AB, (torch.cuda.FloatTensor(
                    [0, 0, 1]).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1).expand(
                        batch_size, 1, 3))), 1)
            for i in range(batch_size):
                theta_GT_mat_temp[i] = theta_GT_mat_temp[i].inverse()
            theta_GT_BA = theta_GT_mat_temp.view(-1, 9)[:, :6]

            # compute transformed grid points using estimated and GT tnfs
            P_prime_GT = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_GT_AB, P)
            P_prime_GT_inv = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_GT_BA, P)

            P_prime_original = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_AB, P)
            P_prime_original_inv = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_BA, P)

            P_prime_jittered = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_AC, P)
            P_prime_jittered_inv = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(theta_CA, P)

        # compute MSE loss on transformed grid points
        alpha = 0.5
        beta = 0.3
        gamma = 0.2

        l_original = torch.sum(torch.pow(
            P_prime_original - P_prime_GT, 2), 1) + torch.sum(
                torch.pow(P_prime_original_inv - P_prime_GT_inv, 2), 1)
        l_jittered = torch.sum(torch.pow(
            P_prime_jittered - P_prime_GT, 2), 1) + torch.sum(
                torch.pow(P_prime_jittered_inv - P_prime_GT_inv, 2), 1)
        l_identity = torch.sum(
            torch.pow(P_prime_original - P_prime_jittered, 2), 1) + torch.sum(
                torch.pow(P_prime_original_inv - P_prime_jittered_inv, 2), 1)

        Loss = (alpha * l_original) + (beta * l_jittered) + (gamma *
        Loss = torch.mean(Loss)

        return Loss
예제 #16
class PFWillowDataset(Dataset):
            Proposal Flow image pair dataset

            csv_file (string): Path to the csv file with image names and transformations.
            dataset_path (string): Directory with the images.
            output_size (2-tuple): Desired output size
            transform (callable): Transformation for post-processing the training pair (eg. image normalization)

    def __init__(self, csv_file, dataset_path, output_size=(240,240), transform=None, category=None):

        self.category_names = ['car(G)', 'car(M)', 'car(S)', 'duck(S)',
                               'motorbike(G)', 'motorbike(M)', 'motorbike(S)', 
                               'winebottle(M)', 'winebottle(wC)', 'winebottle(woC)']
        self.out_h, self.out_w = output_size
        self.pairs = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
        self.category = self.pairs.iloc[:,2].as_matrix().astype('float')
        if category is not None:
            cat_idx = np.nonzero(self.category==category)[0]
        self.img_A_names = self.pairs.iloc[:,0]
        self.img_B_names = self.pairs.iloc[:,1]
        self.point_A_coords = self.pairs.iloc[:, 3:5]
        self.point_B_coords = self.pairs.iloc[:, 5:7]
        self.flip = self.pairs.iloc[:,7].as_matrix().astype('int')
        self.dataset_path = dataset_path         
        self.transform = transform
        # no cuda as dataset is called from CPU threads in dataloader and produces confilct
        self.affineTnf = GeometricTnf(out_h=self.out_h, out_w=self.out_w, use_cuda=False) 
        """ Newly added """
        self.theta_identity = torch.Tensor(np.expand_dims(np.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0]]),0).astype(np.float32))
        self.pointTnf = PointTnf(use_cuda=False) 
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.pairs)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        # get pre-processed images
        flipA = False
        flipB = False
        if self.flip[idx] == 1:
            flipB = True
        elif self.flip[idx] == 2:
            flipA = True
        elif self.flip[idx] == 3:
            flipA = True
            flipB = True
        image_A, im_size_A = self.get_image(self.img_A_names, idx, flip=flipA)
        image_B, im_size_B = self.get_image(self.img_B_names, idx, flip=flipB)

        # category: class of pf-pascal, will be the index of class list plus 1
        image_category = self.category[idx]

        # get pre-processed point coords
        point_A_coords, warped_point_A_coords = self.get_points(self.point_A_coords, idx, flipA, im_size_A, (240,240,3))
        #print("point_A_coords size:", point_A_coords.size)
        #print("warped point_A_coords size:", warped_point_A_coords.size)
        point_B_coords, warped_point_B_coords = self.get_points(self.point_B_coords, idx, flipB, im_size_B, (240,240,3))
        correspondence = self.pack_corr(point_A_coords, warped_point_A_coords, warped_point_B_coords)

        # compute PCK reference length L_pck (equal to max bounding box side in image_A)
        L_pck = torch.FloatTensor([torch.max(point_A_coords.max(1)[0] - point_A_coords.min(1)[0])])
        sample = {'source_image': image_A, 
                  'target_image': image_B, 
                  'source_im_size': im_size_A, 
                  'target_im_size': im_size_B, 
                  'source_points': point_A_coords, 
                  'target_points': point_B_coords, 
                  'warped_source_points': warped_point_A_coords, 
                  'warped_target_points': warped_point_B_coords, 
                  'correspondence': correspondence,
                  'category': image_category,
                  'L_pck': L_pck}
        if self.transform:
            sample = self.transform(sample)

        return sample

    def get_image(self, img_name_list, idx, flip):
        img_name = os.path.join(self.dataset_path, img_name_list.iloc[idx])
        image = io.imread(img_name)
        # if gray scale, convert to 3-channel image
        if image.ndim == 2:
            image = np.repeat(np.expand_dim(image, 2), axis=2, repeats=3)
        if flip:
            image = np.flip(image, 1)

        # get image size
        im_size = np.asarray(image.shape)
        # convert to torch Variable
        image = np.expand_dims(image.transpose((2,0,1)),0)
        image = torch.Tensor(image.astype(np.float32))
        image_var = Variable(image,requires_grad=False)
        # Resize image using bilinear sampling with identity affine tnf
        image = self.affineTnf(image_var).data.squeeze(0)
        im_size = torch.Tensor(im_size.astype(np.float32))
        return (image, im_size)
    def get_points(self, point_coords_list, idx, flip, im_size, warped_im_size):
        X = np.fromstring(point_coords_list.iloc[idx,0], sep=';')
        Y = np.fromstring(point_coords_list.iloc[idx,1], sep=';')
        if flip:
            X = im_size[1] - X
        Xpad = -np.ones(20); Xpad[:len(X)] = X
        Ypad = -np.ones(20); Ypad[:len(X)] = Y
        point_coords = np.concatenate((Xpad.reshape(1, 20), Ypad.reshape(1, 20)), axis=0)

        h,w,c = im_size
        im_size = torch.FloatTensor([[h,w,c]])
        coordinate = torch.FloatTensor(point_coords).view(1, 2, 20)
        #target_points_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(point_coords, im_size)
        target_points_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(coordinate, im_size)

        h,w,c = warped_im_size
        warped_im_size = torch.FloatTensor([[h,w,c]])
        warped_points_aff_norm = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(self.theta_identity, target_points_norm)
        warped_points_aff = PointsToPixelCoords(warped_points_aff_norm, warped_im_size)
        # make arrays float tensor for subsequent processing
        point_coords = torch.Tensor(point_coords.astype(np.float32))
        return point_coords, warped_points_aff
    def pack_corr(self, a, warp_a, warp_b): 
        corr = np.zeros((20, 5))
        for i in range(len(a.numpy()[0])):
            if a[0][i] >= 0:
                corr[i][0] = warp_a.numpy()[0][0][i]
                corr[i][1] = warp_a.numpy()[0][1][i]
                corr[i][2] = warp_b.numpy()[0][0][i]
                corr[i][3] = warp_b.numpy()[0][1][i]
                corr[i][4] = 1
        corr = torch.FloatTensor(corr).view(20,5)
        return corr
예제 #17
class PFPascalDataset(Dataset):
            Proposal Flow image pair dataset

            csv_file (string): Path to the csv file with image names and transformations.
            dataset_path (string): Directory with the images.
            output_size (2-tuple): Desired output size
            transform (callable): Transformation for post-processing the training pair (eg. image normalization)
    def __init__(self,
                 output_size=(240, 240),

        self.category_names = [
            'aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bottle', 'bus', 'car',
            'cat', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse', 'motorbike',
            'person', 'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor'
        self.random_crop = random_crop
        self.out_h, self.out_w = output_size
        self.pairs = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
        if dataset_size is not None:
            dataset_size = min(dataset_size, len(self.pairs))
            self.pairs = self.pairs.iloc[0:dataset_size, :]
        self.category = self.pairs.iloc[:, 2].as_matrix().astype('float')
        if category is not None:
            cat_idx = np.nonzero(self.category == category)[0]
            self.category = self.category[cat_idx]
            self.pairs = self.pairs.iloc[cat_idx, :]
        self.img_A_names = self.pairs.iloc[:, 0]
        self.img_B_names = self.pairs.iloc[:, 1]
        self.point_A_coords = self.pairs.iloc[:, 3:5]
        self.point_B_coords = self.pairs.iloc[:, 5:7]
        self.flip = self.pairs.iloc[:, 7].as_matrix().astype('int')
        self.dataset_path = dataset_path
        self.transform = transform
        # no cuda as dataset is called from CPU threads in dataloader and produces confilct
        self.affineTnf = GeometricTnf(out_h=self.out_h,
        """ Newly added """
        self.theta_identity = torch.Tensor(
            np.expand_dims(np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]),
        self.pointTnf = PointTnf(use_cuda=False)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.pairs)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):

        flipA = False
        flipB = False
        if self.flip[idx] == 1:
            flipB = True
        elif self.flip[idx] == 2:
            flipA = True
        elif self.flip[idx] == 3:
            flipA = True
            flipB = True

        image_A, im_size_A, boundary_A = self.get_image(self.img_A_names,
        image_B, im_size_B, boundary_B = self.get_image(self.img_B_names,

        # get pre-processed point coords
        point_A_coords, warped_point_A_coords = self.get_points(
            self.point_A_coords, idx, flipA, im_size_A, (240, 240, 3),
        point_B_coords, warped_point_B_coords = self.get_points(
            self.point_B_coords, idx, flipB, im_size_B, (240, 240, 3),

        correspondence = self.pack_corr(point_A_coords, point_B_coords,
        #    if torch.sum(torch.sum(correspondence,1),0).numpy()[0] == 0:
        #        token = True
        #    else:
        #        token = False

        # category: class of pf-pascal, will be the index of class list plus 1
        image_category = self.category[idx]

        # compute PCK reference length L_pck (equal to max bounding box side in image_A)
        L_pck = torch.FloatTensor(
            [torch.max(point_A_coords.max(1)[0] - point_A_coords.min(1)[0])])

        sample = {
            'source_image': image_A,
            'target_image': image_B,
            'source_im_size': im_size_A,
            'target_im_size': im_size_B,
            'source_points': point_A_coords,
            'target_points': point_B_coords,
            'warped_source_points': warped_point_A_coords,
            'warped_target_points': warped_point_B_coords,
            'correspondence': correspondence,
            'category': image_category,
            'L_pck': L_pck

        if self.transform:
            sample = self.transform(sample)

        return sample

    def get_image(self, img_name_list, idx, flip):
        img_name = os.path.join(self.dataset_path, img_name_list.iloc[idx])
        image = io.imread(img_name)

        # if gray scale, convert to 3-channel image
        if image.ndim == 2:
            image = np.repeat(np.expand_dim(image, 2), axis=2, repeats=3)

        if self.random_crop:
            h, w, c = image.shape
            top = np.random.randint(h / 4)
            bottom = int(3 * h / 4 + np.random.randint(h / 4))
            left = np.random.randint(w / 4)
            right = int(3 * w / 4 + np.random.randint(w / 4))
            boundary = (top, bottom, left, right)
            image = image[top:bottom, left:right, :]

        if flip:
            image = np.flip(image, 1)

        # get image size
        im_size = np.asarray(image.shape)

        # convert to torch Variable
        image = np.expand_dims(image.transpose((2, 0, 1)), 0)
        image = torch.Tensor(image.astype(np.float32))
        image_var = Variable(image, requires_grad=False)

        # Resize image using bilinear sampling with identity affine tnf
        image = self.affineTnf(image_var).data.squeeze(0)

        im_size = torch.Tensor(im_size.astype(np.float32))

        return (image, im_size, boundary)

    def get_points(self, point_coords_list, idx, flip, im_size, warped_im_size,
        X = np.fromstring(point_coords_list.iloc[idx, 0], sep=';')
        Y = np.fromstring(point_coords_list.iloc[idx, 1], sep=';')

        top, bottom, left, right = boundary
        if self.random_crop:
            X = X - left
            Y = Y - top

        ind = []
        for i in range(len(X)):
            if X[i] < 0 or X[i] >= (right - left) or Y[i] < 0 or Y[i] >= (
                    bottom - top):

        if flip:
            X = im_size[1] - X
        Xpad = -np.ones(20)
        Xpad[:len(X)] = X
        Ypad = -np.ones(20)
        Ypad[:len(X)] = Y

        if len(ind) != 0:
            for i in ind:
                Xpad[i] = -1
                Ypad[i] = -1
        point_coords = np.concatenate(
            (Xpad.reshape(1, 20), Ypad.reshape(1, 20)), axis=0)

        h, w, c = im_size
        im_size = torch.FloatTensor([[h, w, c]])

        coordinate = torch.FloatTensor(point_coords).view(1, 2, 20)
        target_points_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(coordinate, im_size)

        h, w, c = warped_im_size
        warped_im_size = torch.FloatTensor([[h, w, c]])

        warped_points_aff_norm = self.pointTnf.affPointTnf(
            self.theta_identity, target_points_norm)
        warped_points_aff = PointsToPixelCoords(warped_points_aff_norm,

        # make arrays float tensor for subsequent processing
        point_coords = torch.Tensor(point_coords.astype(np.float32))
        return point_coords, warped_points_aff

    def pack_corr(self, a, b, warp_a, warp_b):
        corr = np.zeros((20, 5))
        for i in range(len(a.numpy()[0])):
            if a[0][i] >= 0 and a[0][i] < self.out_w \
               and a[1][i] >= 0 and a[1][i] < self.out_h \
               and b[0][i] >= 0 and b[0][i] < self.out_w \
               and b[1][i] >= 0 and b[1][i] < self.out_h:
                corr[i][0] = warp_a.numpy()[0][0][i]
                corr[i][1] = warp_a.numpy()[0][1][i]
                corr[i][2] = warp_b.numpy()[0][0][i]
                corr[i][3] = warp_b.numpy()[0][1][i]
                corr[i][4] = 1
        corr = torch.FloatTensor(corr).view(20, 5)
        return corr