class TestRemoveEmailsOlders(TestCase): """Test command erase_emails, if older emails are removed""" def setUp(self): # Create two reports self.old_report = ReportFactory(email="*****@*****.**") self.recent_report = ReportFactory(email="*****@*****.**") # Modify date_insert for old_report one_year_one_day = timezone.timedelta(days=370) self.old_report.date_insert = - one_year_one_day def test_erase_old_emails(self): output = StringIO() call_command('erase_emails', stdout=output) old_report = Report.objects.get( self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(old_report.__str__(), "Anonymous report") def test_dry_run_command(self): """Test if dry_run mode keeps emails""" output = StringIO() call_command('erase_emails', dry_run=True, stdout=output) old_report = Report.objects.get( self.assertEqual(, "*****@*****.**")
def test_email_format_and_content(self): ReportFactory.create(email='*****@*****.**', comment="This is a 'comment'") sent_mail = mail.outbox[0] self.assertEqual(sent_mail.subject, '[Geotrek] Feedback from [email protected]') self.assertIn("Comment : This is a 'comment'", sent_mail.body) self.assertIn("Lat : 46.500000 / Lon : 3.000000", sent_mail.body)
def setUp(self): # Create two reports self.old_report = ReportFactory(email="*****@*****.**") self.recent_report = ReportFactory(email="*****@*****.**") # Modify date_insert for old_report one_year_one_day = timezone.timedelta(days=370) self.old_report.date_insert = - one_year_one_day
def test_email_format_and_content(self): ReportFactory.create(name=u'John Doe', email=u'*****@*****.**', comment=u'This is a comment') sent_mail = mail.outbox[0] self.assertEquals(sent_mail.subject, u'[Geotrek] Feedback from John Doe ([email protected])') self.assertIn(u"Comment : This is a comment", sent_mail.body) self.assertIn(u"Lat : 1.13 / Lon : 2.26", sent_mail.body)
def test_email_format_and_content(self): ReportFactory.create(name=u'John Doe', email=u'*****@*****.**', comment=u'This is a comment') sent_mail = mail.outbox[0] self.assertEquals( sent_mail.subject, u'[Geotrek] Feedback from John Doe ([email protected])') self.assertIn(u"Comment : This is a comment", sent_mail.body) self.assertIn(u"Lat : 46.5 / Lon : 3", sent_mail.body)
def test_email_format_and_content_fr(self): translation.activate('fr') ReportFactory.create(email='*****@*****.**', comment="Ceci est un commentaire") sent_mail = mail.outbox[0] self.assertEqual( sent_mail.subject, '[Geotrek] Signalement de [email protected]') self.assertIn("Commentaire : Ceci est un commentaire", sent_mail.body) self.assertIn("Lat : 46.500000 / Lon : 3.000000", sent_mail.body) self.assertIn( "", sent_mail.body) translation.deactivate()
def test_post_request_to_suricate(self, mock_post): """Test post request itself Request post is mock """ # Create a report without saving it report = # Define a mock response mock_response = mock.Mock() expected_dict = { "code_ok": "true", "check": "515996edc2da463424f4c6e21e19352f ", "message": "Merci d’avoir remonté ce problème, nos services vont traiter votre signalement." } mock_response.json.return_value = expected_dict mock_response.status_code = 200 # Define response for the fake API mock_post.return_value = mock_response # Call the function with the report result = post_report_to_suricate(report) self.assertEqual(result, None)
def test_save_report_post_to_suricate(self, mock_post_report_to_suricate): """Test post to suricate on save Report Helper `post_report_to_suricate` function is mock """ # Create a report report = ReportFactory() # Assert post_report_to_suricate is called mock_post_report_to_suricate.assert_called_once_with(report)
def test_post_request_to_suricate_fails(self, mock_post): """Test post request itself but fails Request post is mock """ # Define a mock response mock_response = mock.Mock() expected_dict = { "code_ok": "false", "error": { "code": "400", "message": "Erreur inconnue." } } mock_response.json.return_value = expected_dict mock_response.status_code = 400 # Define response for the fake API mock_post.return_value = mock_response # Create a report, should raise an excemption self.assertRaises(Exception, ReportFactory())
def test_email_format_and_content(self): ReportFactory.create(name=u"John Doe", email=u"*****@*****.**", comment=u"This is a comment") sent_mail = mail.outbox[0] self.assertEquals(sent_mail.subject, u"[Geotrek] Feedback from John Doe ([email protected])") self.assertIn(u"Comment : This is a comment", sent_mail.body) self.assertIn(u"Lat : 46.5 / Lon : 3", sent_mail.body)
def test_a_mail_is_not_sent_on_report_modification(self): r = ReportFactory.create() self.assertEquals(len(mail.outbox), 1) = "toto" self.assertEquals(len(mail.outbox), 1)
def test_email_failure_does_not_prevent_report_creation(self): r = ReportFactory.create() self.assertEquals(len(mail.outbox), 0) self.assertIsNotNone(
def test_a_mail_is_sent_on_report_creation(self): ReportFactory.create() self.assertEquals(len(mail.outbox), 1)
def test_a_mail_is_not_sent_on_report_modification(self): r = ReportFactory.create() self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1) r.comment = 'More info about it' self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1)
def test_a_mail_is_not_sent_on_report_modification(self): r = ReportFactory.create() self.assertEquals(len(mail.outbox), 1) = 'toto' self.assertEquals(len(mail.outbox), 1)