def test_exc(self): def raiseit(): raise RuntimeError("ha!") goless.go(raiseit) be.yield_() self.assertEqual(len(self.panic_calls), 1)
def test_exc(self): def raiseit(): raise RuntimeError('ha!') goless.go(raiseit) be.yield_() self.assertEqual(len(self.panic_calls), 1)
def integers(): yielder = goless.chan() def counter(): count = 0 while True: yielder.send(count) count += 1 goless.go(counter) return yielder
def test_behavior(self): chan = gochans.SyncChannel() results = [] goless.go(lambda: chan.send(1)) def check_results_empty(): self.assertFalse(results) chan.send(2) goless.go(check_results_empty) results = [chan.recv(), chan.recv()] self.assertEqual(results, [1, 2])
def simple(): channel = goless.chan() def goroutine(): while True: value = channel.recv() channel.send(value ** 2) goless.go(goroutine) for i in range(2, 5): channel.send(i) squared = channel.recv() print('%s squared is %s' % (i, squared))
def simple(): channel = goless.chan() def goroutine(): while True: value = channel.recv() channel.send(value**2) goless.go(goroutine) for i in range(2, 5): channel.send(i) squared = channel.recv() print('%s squared is %s' % (i, squared))
def main(): done = goless.chan() msgs = goless.chan() out = goless.chan() def produce(): for i in range(10): msgs.send(i) msgs.close() def consume(name): for msg in msgs: out.send('%s:%s ' % (name, msg)) out.close() def logger(): for msg in out: sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.write('\n') done.send() goless.go(produce) goless.go(consume, "one") goless.go(consume, "two") goless.go(logger) done.recv()
def pfor(): n = 10 items = range(n) results = [None] * n semaphore = goless.chan(n) def mapper(index, value): results[index] = dosomething(value) semaphore.send() for i, item in enumerate(items): goless.go(mapper, i, item) for _ in range(n): semaphore.recv() print('Finished: %s' % results)
def migrate_worker(setting): """ Migrates the populations and sends them to the migrated channel. """ population_a = None population_b = None while True: population_a = population_a or evolved.recv() population_b = evolved.recv() if population_b else population_a population = crossover_migration(population_a['population'], population_b['population']) redis_logs.send(population_a) migrated.send(population_a) population_a = population_b parameters = create_parameters(settings, population) go(populations.send, parameters)
def bench_channel(chan_size): c = chan(chan_size) def func(): for _ in xrange(QUEUE_LEN): c.send(0) c.close() count = 0 go(func) start = time.clock() for _ in xrange(QUEUE_LEN): c.recv() count += 1 end = time.clock() return end - start
def run(): channels = { 'c1': goless.chan(0), 'c2': goless.chan(0), 'c3': goless.chan(0) } workers = [make_worker(logme, channels['c1'], channels['c2']), make_worker(logme, channels['c2'], channels['c3'])]"run: defining send_messages...") print("run: defining send_messages...") def send_messages(): for ii in range(10): print("sending val={} into channel['c1']={}", val, channels['c1']) val = "val:{}".format(ii) channels['c1'].send(val) res = goless.go(send_messages) print("called goless.go(send_messages) => {}".format(res)) while True: cases = [goless.rcase(channels['c3']), goless.dcase()] case, val = if case == cases[1]: print("hit default, perhaps things are closed? case={} val={}".format(case, val)) break print("case={}; c3 => {}".format(case, val)) print("closing channel c3") channels['c3'].close() print("exiting")
def test_recv_and_send_with_room_do_not_block(self): resultschan = gochans.BufferedChannel(5) endchan = gochans.SyncChannel() def square(x): return x * x def func(): for num in range(5): resultschan.send(square(num)) endchan.send() goless.go(func) # Waiting on the endchan tells us our results are # queued up in resultschan endchan.recv() got = [resultschan.recv() for _ in range(5)] ideal = [square(i) for i in range(5)] self.assertEqual(got, ideal)
def test_successful_recv_does_yield_control(self): """Test that send with a waiting receiver *does* give control to the waiting receiver.""" chan = goless.chan() actions = [] def other(): actions.append('send pending') chan.send() actions.append('send acted') goless.go(other) actions.append('recv pending') chan.recv() actions.append('recv acted') self.assertEqual(actions, [ 'recv pending', 'send pending', 'recv acted', ])
def pipeline(): files = goless.chan() hashes = goless.chan() results = goless.chan() def scanner(): for d, dn, f in os.walk('.'): for fn in f: files.send(os.path.join(d, fn)) files.close() def hasher(): for f in files: with open(f, 'rb') as fd: md5 = hashlib.md5( hashes.send((f, md5)) hashes.close() def collector(): for f, md5 in hashes: results.send((f, md5)) results.close() goless.go(scanner) goless.go(hasher) goless.go(collector) for filename, md5hash in results: print('%s: %s' % (filename, md5hash))
def pipeline(): files = goless.chan() hashes = goless.chan() results = goless.chan() def scanner(): for d, dn, f in os.walk('.'): for fn in f: files.send(os.path.join(d,fn)) files.close() def hasher(): for f in files: with open(f, 'rb') as fd: md5 = hashlib.md5( hashes.send((f, md5)) hashes.close() def collector(): for f, md5 in hashes: results.send((f, md5)) results.close() goless.go(scanner) goless.go(hasher) goless.go(collector) for filename, md5hash in results: print('%s: %s' % (filename, md5hash))
def _successful_op_does_not_yield_control(self, thisop, otherop): chan = self.makechan() actions = [] def other(): actions.append('other pending') getattr(chan, otherop)() actions.append('other acted') actions.append('other start') goless.go(other) actions.append('this pending') getattr(chan, thisop)() actions.append('this acted') self.assertEqual(actions, [ 'other start', 'this pending', 'other pending', 'other acted', 'this acted' ])
def test_successful_recv_continues(self): """Test that recv with a waiting sender *does not* give control to the waiting sender.""" chan = goless.chan() actions = [] def other(): actions.append('recv pending') chan.recv() actions.append('recv acted') goless.go(other) actions.append('send pending') chan.send() actions.append('send acted') self.assertEqual(actions, [ 'send pending', 'recv pending', 'recv acted', 'send acted', ])
def bench_select(use_default): c = chan(0) cases = [ selecting.scase(c, 1), selecting.rcase(c), selecting.scase(c, 1), selecting.rcase(c), ] if use_default: cases.append(selecting.dcase()) def sender(): while True: c.send(0) c.recv() go(sender) start = time.clock() for i in xrange(QUEUE_LEN): end = time.clock() return end - start
def test_select(self): # c1 = goless.chan() c2 = goless.chan() def func1(): time.sleep(.1) c1.send('one') goless.go(func1) def func2(): time.sleep(.2) c2.send('two') goless.go(func2) # We don't print since we run this as a test. callbacks = [] for i in range(2): _, val =[goless.rcase(c1), goless.rcase(c2)]) callbacks.append(val) self.assertEqual(callbacks, ['one', 'two'])
def make_worker(workerfn, cin, cout, startWorker=True): def worker(): while True: case, val =[goless.rcase(cin)]) if val is None: print("cin returned None, is it closed?") cout.close() return print("f1: case={}, val={}".format(case, val)) cout.send(workerfn(val)) if startWorker: res = goless.go(worker) print("started worker: {} => {}".format(worker, res)) return worker
def test_worker_pool(self): # jobs_done = [] # noinspection PyShadowingNames,PyShadowingBuiltins def worker(id, jobs, results): for j in jobs: jobs_done.append('w %s j %s' % (id, j)) time.sleep(.01) results.send(j * 2) jobs = goless.chan(100) results = goless.chan(100) for w in range(1, 4): goless.go(lambda: worker(w, jobs, results)) for j in range(1, 10): jobs.send(j) jobs.close() for a in range(1, 10): results.recv() self.assertEqual(len(jobs_done), 9)
print("{}[{}] got case={}, val={}".format(name, params['val'], case, val)) time.sleep(params['sleep']) print("{}[{}] sending to cout...".format(name, params['val'])) params['cout'].send("(" + name + ")=" + val + ";" + params['val']) return func1 funcs = [makeWorker({ 'name': 'workerA', 'cin': channels[0], 'cout': channels[1], 'val': 'one', 'sleep': 1 }), makeWorker({ 'name': 'workerB', 'cin': channels[1], 'cout': channels[2], 'val': 'two', 'sleep': 1 })] for f in funcs: goless.go(f) channels[0].send('(main)=inval') for i in range(1): case, val =[goless.rcase(channels[2])]) print("result={}".format(val))
def product_async(future_a, future_b): c = goless.chan() goless.go(lambda: c.send(future_a.recv() * future_b.recv())) return c
def inverse_async(future): c = goless.chan() goless.go(lambda: c.send(future.recv() * -1)) return c
def test_starts_with_params(self): called = mock.Mock() goless.go(called, 10, a=1) be.yield_() called.assert_called_once_with(10, a=1)
def recieve(self): if not self.__pause: for connection in self.__connections.values(): go(connection.foward) return self.__last.recieve()
oidList = [o.keys() for o in oids] for errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds in nextCmd(SnmpEngine(), CommunityData('public'), UdpTransportTarget((ip, 161)), ContextData(), [ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('x')) for x in oidList], lexicographicMode=False): if errorIndication: print "Error: ", errorIndication break elif errorStatus: print ('%s at %s' % (errorStatutus.prettyPrint(), errorIndex and varBinds[int(errorIndex)-1][0] or '?')) break else: for varBind in varBinds: print (' = '.join([x.prettyPrint() for x in varBind])) hosts = [ ('', 'AMC-9_1_DNCC_1'), ('', 'AMC-9_1_DNCC_2'), ('', 'AMC-1_DNCC_1A'), ('', 'AMC-1_DNCC_1A2'), ('', 'AMC-1_DNCC_1B'), ('', 'AMC-1_DNCC_1B2')] oids = [ {'.': 'dnccQosInrouteNumUser'}, {'.': 'dnccQosInrouteIGPID'}, {'.1.3.5..4.1.303.': 'dnccQosRemThru'}, {'.': 'dnccQosRemTotalBacklog'} ] for (ip, name) in hosts: print "Looking at IP address %s" % (ip, ) goless.go(getSNMP(ip, oids))
def start_touch_sensor(brick, port, channel): print("start touch sensor") setup_sensor(brick, port) goless.go(run_touch_sensor, brick, port, channel) print("touch sensor started")
def test_starts_stuff(self): items = [] goless.go(lambda: items.append(1)) be.yield_() self.assertEqual(items, [1])
for _ in range(0, settings.iterations * settings.requests): population = migrated.recv() if settings.only_population: print(population['population']) else: print(population) def log_to_redis_worker(settings): """ Logs to redis. """ for _ in range(0, settings.iterations * settings.requests): population = redis_logs.recv() if settings.log: if settings.only_population: log_to_redis_population(population) else: log_to_redis_coco(population) if __name__ == "__main__": # Gets the settings and makes the requests according to them using channels. settings = get_args() go(create_population_worker, settings) go(evolution_id_worker, settings) go(evolved_worker, settings) go(migrate_worker, settings) go(log_to_redis_worker, settings) print_worker(settings)
def start_infrared_sensor(brick, port, channel): print("start infrared sensor") setup_sensor(brick, port) goless.go(run_infrared_sensor, brick, port, channel) print("infrared sensor started")
def start_color_sensor(brick, port, channel): print("start color sensor") setup_sensor(brick, port) goless.go(run_color_sensor, brick, port, channel) print("color sensor started")