예제 #1
def tf_network(dim_input=27, dim_output=7, batch_size=25, network_config=None):
    Specifying a fully-connected network in TensorFlow.

        dim_input: Dimensionality of input.
        dim_output: Dimensionality of the output.
        batch_size: Batch size.
        network_config: dictionary of network structure parameters
        a TfMap object used to serialize, inputs, outputs, and loss.
    n_layers = 2 if 'n_layers' not in network_config else network_config[
        'n_layers'] + 1
    dim_hidden = (n_layers - 1) * [
    ] if 'dim_hidden' not in network_config else network_config['dim_hidden']

    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer(dim_input, dim_output)
    mlp_applied, weights_FC, biases_FC = get_mlp_layers(
        nn_input, n_layers, dim_hidden, network_config['batch_norm'])
    fc_vars = weights_FC + biases_FC
    loss_out = get_loss_layer(mlp_out=mlp_applied,

    return TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision], [mlp_applied],
                                 [loss_out]), fc_vars, []
예제 #2
def example_tf_network(dim_input=27,
    An example of how one might want to specify a network in tensorflow.

        dim_input: Dimensionality of input.
        dim_output: Dimensionality of the output.
        batch_size: Batch size.
        a TfMap object used to serialize, inputs, outputs, and loss.
    n_layers = 4
    dim_hidden = (n_layers - 1) * [200]

    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer(dim_input, dim_output)
    mlp_applied = get_mlp_layers(nn_input, n_layers, dim_hidden)
    loss_out = get_loss_layer(mlp_out=mlp_applied,

    return TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision], [mlp_applied],
예제 #3
def fully_connected_tf_network_leaky_relu(dim_input, dim_output, batch_size=25, network_config=None):

    dim_hidden = network_config['dim_hidden'] + [dim_output]
    n_layers = len(dim_hidden)

    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer()

    weights = []
    biases = []
    in_shape = dim_input
    for layer_step in range(0, n_layers):
        cur_weight = init_weights([in_shape, dim_hidden[layer_step]], name='w_' + str(layer_step))
        cur_bias = init_bias([dim_hidden[layer_step]], name='b_' + str(layer_step))
        in_shape = dim_hidden[layer_step]

    cur_top = nn_input
    for layer_step in range(0, n_layers):
        if layer_step != n_layers-1:  # final layer has no RELU
            #cur_top = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(cur_top, weights[layer_step]) + biases[layer_step])
            cur_top = tf.nn.leaky_relu(tf.matmul(cur_top, weights[layer_step]) + biases[layer_step])
            cur_top = tf.matmul(cur_top, weights[layer_step]) + biases[layer_step]

    mlp_applied = cur_top
    loss_out = get_loss_layer(mlp_out=mlp_applied, action=action, precision=precision, batch_size=batch_size)
    #print(nn_input.get_shape(), action.get_shape())
    return TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision], [mlp_applied], [loss_out])
예제 #4
def tf_vae_network(dim_input=27,
    state_input = tf.placeholder('float', [None, dim_input],
    action_input = tf.placeholder('float', [None, dim_output],

    priori_mean, priori_sigma, priori_variables = \
        priori_network(state_input, dim_latent)

    latent_mean, latent_sigma, encoder_variables = \
        encoder_network(state_input, action_input, dim_latent)

    decoder_mean, decoder_sigma, policy_mean, policy_sigma, decoder_variables = \
        decoder_network(state_input, latent_mean, latent_sigma, priori_mean, priori_sigma, dim_output)

    loss_op = get_vae_loss(action_input, priori_mean, priori_sigma,
                           latent_mean, latent_sigma, decoder_mean,

    all_variables = priori_variables + encoder_variables + decoder_variables

    return TfMap.init_from_lists([state_input, action_input, None],
                                 [policy_mean, policy_sigma], [loss_op],
                                 policy_type="vae"), all_variables, []
예제 #5
def tf_gmm_network(dim_input=27,
    n_layers = 2 if 'n_layers' not in network_config else network_config[
        'n_layers'] + 1
    dim_hidden = (n_layers - 1) * [
    ] if 'dim_hidden' not in network_config else network_config['dim_hidden']
    #for each component, outputs weight(dim 1), mean(dim_output) and diag_covar (dim_output)
    dim_hidden.append(n_comp * (1 + dim_output * 2))

    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer(dim_input, dim_output)
    mlp_applied, weights_FC, biases_FC = get_mlp_layers(
        nn_input, n_layers, dim_hidden)
    fc_vars = weights_FC + biases_FC
    weight, mean, pre = get_gmm_coef(mlp_applied, dim_output, n_comp)

    loss_out = get_gmm_loss_layer(weight=weight, mean=mean, pre=pre, \
        action=action, n_comp=n_comp, dim_output=dim_output)

    return TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision],
                                 [weight, mean, pre], [loss_out],
                                 policy_type="gmm"), fc_vars, []
예제 #6
def first_derivative_network_swish(dim_input, dim_output, batch_size=25, network_config=None):

    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer()

    weights = []
    biases = []
    in_shape = network_config['history_len']*2 + 1
    dim_hidden = [in_shape] + network_config['dim_hidden'] + [1]
    n_layers = len(dim_hidden) - 1
    param_dim = network_config['param_dim']
    weights_prev = network_config['weights_prev']
    #print('weights=', weights_prev)
    biases_prev = network_config['biases_prev']
    for layer_step in range(n_layers):
        if weights_prev is None:
            w_prev = None
            b_prev = None
            w_prev = weights_prev[layer_step]
            b_prev = biases_prev[layer_step]
        cur_weight = init_weights([in_shape, dim_hidden[layer_step+1]], w_prev, name='w_'+str(layer_step))
        cur_bias = init_bias([dim_hidden[layer_step+1]], b_prev, name='b_'+str(layer_step))
        in_shape = dim_hidden[layer_step+1]
    dim0 = batch_size
    cur_top = nn_input
    for layer_step in range(n_layers):
        top = {}
        #print('dim_input = ', dim_input)
        for i in range(dim_hidden[layer_step+1]):
            #print('dim0 = ', dim0)
            #top['slice_'+str(i)] = tf.zeros([dim0, param_dim])
            top['slice_'+str(i)] = weights[layer_step][0, i]*cur_top[:, 0:param_dim]
            for j in range(1, dim_hidden[layer_step]):
                #print(i, j, param_dim*j)
                #with tf.Session():
                #print(layer_step, i, j, weights[layer_step][j,i].get_shape())
                #print(top['slice_'+str(i)].get_shape(), tf.slice(cur_top, [0, param_dim*j],[dim0, param_dim]).get_shape())
                #print(cur_top.get_shape(), param_dim*j, param_dim)
                loc = cur_top[:, param_dim*j: param_dim*(j+1)]
                top['slice_'+str(i)] = tf.add(top['slice_'+str(i)], weights[layer_step][j,i]*loc)
            top['slice_'+str(i)] = top['slice_'+str(i)] + biases[layer_step][i]
        cur_top = top['slice_'+str(0)]
        for i in range(1, dim_hidden[layer_step+1]):
            #print(cur_top, top['slice_'+str(i)])
            cur_top = tf.concat([cur_top, top['slice_'+str(i)]], axis = 1)
        if layer_step != n_layers - 1:
            cur_top = tf.nn.swish(cur_top)
    #print(dim_output, param_dim)
    mlp_applied = cur_top
    loss_out = get_loss_layer(mlp_out=mlp_applied, action=action, precision=precision, batch_size=batch_size)

    return TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision], [mlp_applied], [loss_out])
예제 #7
def example_tf_network(dim_input=27, dim_output=7, batch_size=25, network_config=None):
    An example of how one might want to specify a network in tensorflow.

        dim_input: Dimensionality of input.
        dim_output: Dimensionality of the output.
        batch_size: Batch size.
        a TfMap object used to serialize, inputs, outputs, and loss.
    n_layers = 2
    dim_hidden = (n_layers - 1) * [40]

    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer(dim_input, dim_output)
    mlp_applied = get_mlp_layers(nn_input, n_layers, dim_hidden)
    loss_out = get_loss_layer(mlp_out=mlp_applied, action=action, precision=precision, batch_size=batch_size)

    return TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision], [mlp_applied], [loss_out])
예제 #8
def tf_network(dim_input=27, dim_output=7, batch_size=25, network_config=None):
    Specifying a fully-connected network in TensorFlow.

        dim_input: Dimensionality of input.
        dim_output: Dimensionality of the output.
        batch_size: Batch size.
        network_config: dictionary of network structure parameters
        a TfMap object used to serialize, inputs, outputs, and loss.
    n_layers = 2 if 'n_layers' not in network_config else network_config['n_layers'] + 1
    dim_hidden = (n_layers - 1) * [40] if 'dim_hidden' not in network_config else network_config['dim_hidden']

    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer(dim_input, dim_output)
    mlp_applied, weights_FC, biases_FC = get_mlp_layers(nn_input, n_layers, dim_hidden)
    fc_vars = weights_FC + biases_FC
    loss_out = get_loss_layer(mlp_out=mlp_applied, action=action, precision=precision, batch_size=batch_size)

    return TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision], [mlp_applied], [loss_out]), fc_vars, []
예제 #9
def multi_modal_network_fp(dim_input=27,
    An example a network in tf that has both state and image inputs, with the feature
    point architecture (spatial softmax + expectation).
        dim_input: Dimensionality of input.
        dim_output: Dimensionality of the output.
        batch_size: Batch size.
        network_config: dictionary of network structure parameters
        A tfMap object that stores inputs, outputs, and scalar loss.
    n_layers = 3
    layer_size = 20
    dim_hidden = (n_layers - 1) * [layer_size]
    pool_size = 2
    filter_size = 5

    # List of indices for state (vector) data and image (tensor) data in observation.
    x_idx, img_idx, i = [], [], 0
    for sensor in network_config['obs_include']:
        dim = network_config['sensor_dims'][sensor]
        if sensor in network_config['obs_image_data']:
            img_idx = img_idx + list(range(i, i + dim))
            x_idx = x_idx + list(range(i, i + dim))
        i += dim

    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer(dim_input, dim_output)

    state_input = nn_input[:, 0:x_idx[-1] + 1]
    image_input = nn_input[:, x_idx[-1] + 1:img_idx[-1] + 1]

    # image goes through 3 convnet layers
    num_filters = network_config['num_filters']

    im_height = network_config['image_height']
    im_width = network_config['image_width']
    num_channels = network_config['image_channels']
    image_input = tf.reshape(image_input,
                             [-1, num_channels, im_width, im_height])
    image_input = tf.transpose(image_input, perm=[0, 3, 2, 1])

    # we pool twice, each time reducing the image size by a factor of 2.
    conv_out_size = int(im_width / (2.0 * pool_size) * im_height /
                        (2.0 * pool_size) * num_filters[1])
    first_dense_size = conv_out_size + len(x_idx)

    # Store layers weight & bias
    with tf.variable_scope('conv_params'):
        weights = {
                [filter_size, filter_size, num_channels, num_filters[0]],
                name='wc1'),  # 5x5 conv, 1 input, 32 outputs
                [filter_size, filter_size, num_filters[0], num_filters[1]],
                name='wc2'),  # 5x5 conv, 32 inputs, 64 outputs
                [filter_size, filter_size, num_filters[1], num_filters[2]],
                name='wc3'),  # 5x5 conv, 32 inputs, 64 outputs

        biases = {
            'bc1': init_bias([num_filters[0]], name='bc1'),
            'bc2': init_bias([num_filters[1]], name='bc2'),
            'bc3': init_bias([num_filters[2]], name='bc3'),

    conv_layer_0 = conv2d(img=image_input,
                          strides=[1, 2, 2, 1])
    conv_layer_1 = conv2d(img=conv_layer_0, w=weights['wc2'], b=biases['bc2'])
    conv_layer_2 = conv2d(img=conv_layer_1, w=weights['wc3'], b=biases['bc3'])

    _, num_rows, num_cols, num_fp = conv_layer_2.get_shape()
    num_rows, num_cols, num_fp = [int(x) for x in [num_rows, num_cols, num_fp]]
    x_map = np.empty([num_rows, num_cols], np.float32)
    y_map = np.empty([num_rows, num_cols], np.float32)

    for i in range(num_rows):
        for j in range(num_cols):
            x_map[i, j] = (i - num_rows / 2.0) / num_rows
            y_map[i, j] = (j - num_cols / 2.0) / num_cols

    x_map = tf.convert_to_tensor(x_map)
    y_map = tf.convert_to_tensor(y_map)

    x_map = tf.reshape(x_map, [num_rows * num_cols])
    y_map = tf.reshape(y_map, [num_rows * num_cols])

    # rearrange features to be [batch_size, num_fp, num_rows, num_cols]
    features = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(conv_layer_2, [0, 3, 1, 2]),
                          [-1, num_rows * num_cols])
    softmax = tf.nn.softmax(features)

    fp_x = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(x_map, softmax), [1], keep_dims=True)
    fp_y = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(y_map, softmax), [1], keep_dims=True)

    fp = tf.reshape(tf.concat(1, [fp_x, fp_y]), [-1, num_fp * 2])

    fc_input = tf.concat(concat_dim=1, values=[fp, state_input])

    fc_output, weights_FC, biases_FC = get_mlp_layers(fc_input, n_layers,
    fc_vars = weights_FC + biases_FC

    loss = euclidean_loss_layer(a=action,
    nnet = TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision], [fc_output],
    last_conv_vars = fc_input
    return nnet, fc_vars, last_conv_vars
예제 #10
def multi_modal_network(dim_input=27,
    An example a network in tf that has both state and image inputs.

        dim_input: Dimensionality of input.
        dim_output: Dimensionality of the output.
        batch_size: Batch size.
        network_config: dictionary of network structure parameters
        A tfMap object that stores inputs, outputs, and scalar loss.
    n_layers = 2
    layer_size = 20
    dim_hidden = (n_layers - 1) * [layer_size]
    pool_size = 2
    filter_size = 3

    # List of indices for state (vector) data and image (tensor) data in observation.
    x_idx, img_idx, i = [], [], 0
    for sensor in network_config['obs_include']:
        dim = network_config['sensor_dims'][sensor]
        if sensor in network_config['obs_image_data']:
            img_idx = img_idx + list(range(i, i + dim))
            x_idx = x_idx + list(range(i, i + dim))
        i += dim

    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer(dim_input, dim_output)

    state_input = nn_input[:, 0:x_idx[-1] + 1]
    image_input = nn_input[:, x_idx[-1] + 1:img_idx[-1] + 1]

    # image goes through 2 convnet layers
    num_filters = network_config['num_filters']

    im_height = network_config['image_height']
    im_width = network_config['image_width']
    num_channels = network_config['image_channels']
    image_input = tf.reshape(image_input,
                             [-1, im_width, im_height, num_channels])

    # we pool twice, each time reducing the image size by a factor of 2.
    conv_out_size = int(im_width / (2.0 * pool_size) * im_height /
                        (2.0 * pool_size) * num_filters[1])
    first_dense_size = conv_out_size + len(x_idx)

    # Store layers weight & bias
    weights = {
            [filter_size, filter_size, num_channels, num_filters[0]],
            (pool_size, pool_size)),  # 5x5 conv, 1 input, 32 outputs
            [filter_size, filter_size, num_filters[0], num_filters[1]],
            (pool_size, pool_size)),  # 5x5 conv, 32 inputs, 64 outputs

    biases = {
        'bc1': init_bias([num_filters[0]]),
        'bc2': init_bias([num_filters[1]]),

    conv_layer_0 = conv2d(img=image_input, w=weights['wc1'], b=biases['bc1'])

    conv_layer_0 = max_pool(conv_layer_0, k=pool_size)

    conv_layer_1 = conv2d(img=conv_layer_0, w=weights['wc2'], b=biases['bc2'])

    conv_layer_1 = max_pool(conv_layer_1, k=pool_size)

    conv_out_flat = tf.reshape(conv_layer_1, [-1, conv_out_size])

    fc_input = tf.concat(concat_dim=1, values=[conv_out_flat, state_input])

    fc_output, _, _ = get_mlp_layers(fc_input, n_layers, dim_hidden)

    loss = euclidean_loss_layer(a=action,
    return TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision], [fc_output],
예제 #11
def recurrent_neural_network_multilayers(dim_input, dim_output, batch_size=25, network_config=None):
    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer()
    weights = []
    biases = []
    T = network_config['history_len']
    out_shape = 3
    in_shape = out_shape + 2
    dim_hidden = [in_shape] + network_config['dim_hidden'] + [out_shape]
    n_layers = len(dim_hidden) - 1
    param_dim = network_config['param_dim']
    weights_prev = network_config['weights_prev']
    biases_prev = network_config['biases_prev']    
    in_shape1 = in_shape
    for layer_step in range(n_layers):
        if weights_prev is None:
            w_prev = None
            b_prev = None
            w_prev = weights_prev[layer_step]
            b_prev = biases_prev[layer_step]
        cur_weight = init_weights([in_shape1, dim_hidden[layer_step+1]], w_prev, name='w_'+str(layer_step))
        cur_bias = init_bias([dim_hidden[layer_step+1]], b_prev, name='b_'+str(layer_step))
        in_shape1 = dim_hidden[layer_step+1]
    weights_output = []
    biases_output = []
    dim_hidden_output = [out_shape] + network_config['dim_hidden_output'] + [1]
    n_layers_output = len(dim_hidden_output)-1
    weights_prev_output = network_config['weights_prev_output']
    biases_prev_output = network_config['biases_prev_output']
    out_shape1 = out_shape
    for layer_step in range(n_layers_output):
        if weights_prev_output is None:
            w_prev = None
            b_prev = None
            w_prev = weights_prev_output[layer_step]
            b_prev = biases_prev_output[layer_step]
        cur_weight = init_weights([out_shape1, dim_hidden_output[layer_step+1]], w_prev, name='w_o_'+str(layer_step))
        cur_bias = init_bias([dim_hidden_output[layer_step+1]], b_prev, name='b_o_'+str(layer_step))
        out_shape1 = dim_hidden_output[layer_step+1]
    h = nn_input[:, 0:out_shape*param_dim]*0.0
    for t in range(T):
        grad_t = nn_input[:, t*param_dim:(t+1)*param_dim]
        loc_t = nn_input[:, (T+t)*param_dim:(T+t+1)*param_dim]
        nn_input_t = tf.concat([grad_t, loc_t], axis=1)
        nn_input_t = tf.concat([nn_input_t, h], axis=1)
        h = fcn4rnn(nn_input_t, param_dim, weights, biases, dim_hidden, 'inner')
    grad_cur = nn_input[:, (2*T)*param_dim:(2*T+1)*param_dim]
    loc_cur = nn_input[:, (2*T+1)*param_dim:(2*T+2)*param_dim]
    nn_input_cur = tf.concat([grad_cur, loc_cur], axis=1)
    nn_input_cur = tf.concat([nn_input_cur, h], axis=1)
    h = fcn4rnn(nn_input_cur, param_dim, weights, biases, dim_hidden, 'inner')  
    y = fcn4rnn(h, param_dim, weights_output, biases_output, dim_hidden_output, 'outer')
    mlp_applied = y
    loss_out = get_loss_layer(mlp_out=mlp_applied, action=action, precision=precision, batch_size=batch_size)

    return TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision], [mlp_applied], [loss_out])
예제 #12
def first_derivative_network(dim_input, dim_output, batch_size=25, network_config=None):

    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer()
    gpu_ids = network_config['gpu_ids']
    solver_type = network_config['solver_type']
    with tf.variable_scope("train"):
        weights = []
        biases = []
        in_shape = network_config['history_len']*2 + 1
        dim_hidden = [in_shape] + network_config['dim_hidden'] + [1]
        n_layers = len(dim_hidden) - 1
        param_dim = network_config['param_dim']
        weights_prev = network_config['weights_prev']
        #print('weights=', weights_prev)
        biases_prev = network_config['biases_prev']
        for layer_step in range(n_layers):
            if weights_prev is None:
                w_prev = None
                b_prev = None
                w_prev = weights_prev[layer_step]
                b_prev = biases_prev[layer_step]
            cur_weight = init_weights([in_shape, dim_hidden[layer_step+1]], w_prev, name='w_'+str(layer_step))
            cur_bias = init_bias([dim_hidden[layer_step+1]], b_prev, name='b_'+str(layer_step))
            in_shape = dim_hidden[layer_step+1]
    dim0 = batch_size
    def my_net(nn_input, n_layers, dim_hidden, param_dim, weights, biases):
        cur_top = nn_input
        for layer_step in range(n_layers):
            top = {}
            #print('dim_input = ', dim_input)
            for i in range(dim_hidden[layer_step+1]):
                #print('dim0 = ', dim0)
                #top['slice_'+str(i)] = tf.zeros([dim0, param_dim])
                top['slice_'+str(i)] = weights[layer_step][0, i]*cur_top[:, 0:param_dim]
                for j in range(1, dim_hidden[layer_step]):
                    #print(i, j, param_dim*j)
                    #with tf.Session():
                    #print(layer_step, i, j, weights[layer_step][j,i].get_shape())
                    #print(top['slice_'+str(i)].get_shape(), tf.slice(cur_top, [0, param_dim*j],[dim0, param_dim]).get_shape())
                    #print(cur_top.get_shape(), param_dim*j, param_dim)
                    loc = cur_top[:, param_dim*j: param_dim*(j+1)]
                    top['slice_'+str(i)] = tf.add(top['slice_'+str(i)], weights[layer_step][j,i]*loc)
                top['slice_'+str(i)] = top['slice_'+str(i)] + biases[layer_step][i]
            cur_top = top['slice_'+str(0)]
            for i in range(1, dim_hidden[layer_step+1]):
                #print(cur_top, top['slice_'+str(i)])
                cur_top = tf.concat([cur_top, top['slice_'+str(i)]], axis = 1)
            if layer_step != n_layers - 1:
                cur_top = tf.nn.relu(cur_top)
        #print(dim_output, param_dim)
        mlp_applied = cur_top
        return mlp_applied

    with tf.variable_scope("train", reuse=True):
        mlp_applied = my_net(nn_input, n_layers, dim_hidden, param_dim, weights, biases)
        loss_out = get_loss_layer(mlp_out=mlp_applied, action=action, precision=precision, batch_size=batch_size)

    nn_input_splits = tf.split(nn_input, num_or_size_splits=len(gpu_ids), axis=0)
    action_splits = tf.split(action, num_or_size_splits=len(gpu_ids), axis=0)
    precision_splits = tf.split(precision, num_or_size_splits=len(gpu_ids), axis=0)
    tower_grads = []
    tower_loss = []
    mlp_applied_all = []
    optimizer = get_optimizer(solver_type, network_config)
    with tf.variable_scope("train", reuse=True):
        for i in range(len(gpu_ids)):
            gpu_id = gpu_ids[i]
            with tf.device('/gpu:%d' % gpu_id):
                mlp_applied_each = my_net(nn_input_splits[i], n_layers, dim_hidden, param_dim, weights, biases)
                loss_out_each = get_loss_layer(mlp_out=mlp_applied_each, action=action_splits[i], precision=precision_splits[i], batch_size=int(batch_size/len(gpu_ids)))
                tf.summary.scalar('loss_out_gpu%d' % gpu_id, loss_out_each)
                grads = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss_out_each)
    avg_tower_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tower_loss, axis=0)
    tf.summary.scalar('avg_tower_loss', avg_tower_loss)
    grads_avg = average_gradients(tower_grads)
    summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
    solver_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_avg)
    mlp_applied_4prob = mlp_applied_all[0]
    for i in range(1, len(gpu_ids)):
        mlp_applied_4prob = tf.concat([mlp_applied_4prob, mlp_applied_all[i]], axis=0)

    return TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision], [mlp_applied], [loss_out]), solver_op, summary_op, avg_tower_loss, mlp_applied_4prob
예제 #13
def multi_modal_network(dim_input=27, dim_output=7, batch_size=25, network_config=None):
    An example a network in theano that has both state and image inputs.

        dim_input: Dimensionality of input.
        dim_output: Dimensionality of the output.
        batch_size: Batch size.
        network_config: dictionary of network structure parameters
        A tfMap object that stores inputs, outputs, and scalar loss.
    n_layers = 2
    layer_size = 20
    dim_hidden = (n_layers - 1)*[layer_size]
    pool_size = 2
    filter_size = 3

    # List of indices for state (vector) data and image (tensor) data in observation.
    x_idx, img_idx, i = [], [], 0
    for sensor in network_config['obs_include']:
        dim = network_config['sensor_dims'][sensor]
        if sensor in network_config['obs_image_data']:
            img_idx = img_idx + list(range(i, i+dim))
            x_idx = x_idx + list(range(i, i+dim))
        i += dim

    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer(dim_input, dim_output)

    state_input = nn_input[:, 0:x_idx[-1]+1]
    image_input = nn_input[:, x_idx[-1]+1:img_idx[-1]+1]

    # image goes through 2 convnet layers
    num_filters = network_config['num_filters']

    im_height = network_config['image_height']
    im_width = network_config['image_width']
    num_channels = network_config['image_channels']
    image_input = tf.reshape(image_input, [-1, im_width, im_height, num_channels])

    # we pool twice, each time reducing the image size by a factor of 2.
    conv_out_size = int(im_width/(2.0*pool_size)*im_height/(2.0*pool_size)*num_filters[1])
    first_dense_size = conv_out_size + len(x_idx)

    # Store layers weight & bias
    weights = {
        'wc1': get_xavier_weights([filter_size, filter_size, num_channels, num_filters[0]], (pool_size, pool_size)), # 5x5 conv, 1 input, 32 outputs
        'wc2': get_xavier_weights([filter_size, filter_size, num_filters[0], num_filters[1]], (pool_size, pool_size)), # 5x5 conv, 32 inputs, 64 outputs

    biases = {
        'bc1': init_bias([num_filters[0]]),
        'bc2': init_bias([num_filters[1]]),

    conv_layer_0 = conv2d(img=image_input, w=weights['wc1'], b=biases['bc1'])

    conv_layer_0 = max_pool(conv_layer_0, k=pool_size)

    conv_layer_1 = conv2d(img=conv_layer_0, w=weights['wc2'], b=biases['bc2'])

    conv_layer_1 = max_pool(conv_layer_1, k=pool_size)

    conv_out_flat = tf.reshape(conv_layer_1, [-1, conv_out_size])

    fc_input = tf.concat(concat_dim=1, values=[conv_out_flat, state_input])

    fc_output = get_mlp_layers(fc_input, n_layers, dim_hidden)

    loss = euclidean_loss_layer(a=action, b=fc_output, precision=precision, batch_size=batch_size)
    return TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision], [fc_output], [loss])
예제 #14
def multi_modal_network_spatial_softmax(dim_input=27, dim_output=7, batch_size=25, network_config=None):
    An example a network in theano that has both state and image inputs.
        dim_input: Dimensionality of input.
        dim_output: Dimensionality of the output.
        batch_size: Batch size.
        network_config: dictionary of network structure parameters
        A tfMap object that stores inputs, outputs, and scalar loss.
    n_layers = 3
    layer_size = 20
    dim_hidden = (n_layers - 1)*[layer_size]
    pool_size = 2
    filter_size = 3

    # List of indices for state (vector) data and image (tensor) data in observation.
    x_idx, img_idx, i = [], [], 0
    for sensor in network_config['obs_include']:
        dim = network_config['sensor_dims'][sensor]
        if sensor in network_config['obs_image_data']:
            img_idx = img_idx + list(range(i, i+dim))
            x_idx = x_idx + list(range(i, i+dim))
        i += dim

    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer(dim_input, dim_output)

    state_input = nn_input[:, 0:x_idx[-1]+1]
    image_input = nn_input[:, x_idx[-1]+1:img_idx[-1]+1]

    # image goes through 2 convnet layers
    num_filters = network_config['num_filters']

    im_height = network_config['image_height']
    im_width = network_config['image_width']
    num_channels = network_config['image_channels']
    image_input = tf.reshape(image_input, [-1, num_channels, im_width, im_height])
    image_input = tf.transpose(image_input, perm=[0,3,2,1])

    # we pool twice, each time reducing the image size by a factor of 2.
    conv_out_size = int(im_width/(2.0*pool_size)*im_height/(2.0*pool_size)*num_filters[1])
    first_dense_size = conv_out_size + len(x_idx)

    # Store layers weight & bias
    weights = {
        'wc1': get_xavier_weights([filter_size, filter_size, num_channels, num_filters[0]], (pool_size, pool_size)), # 5x5 conv, 1 input, 32 outputs
        'wc2': get_xavier_weights([filter_size, filter_size, num_filters[0], num_filters[1]], (pool_size, pool_size)), # 5x5 conv, 32 inputs, 64 outputs

    biases = {
        'bc1': init_bias([num_filters[0]]),
        'bc2': init_bias([num_filters[1]]),

    conv_layer_0 = conv2d(img=image_input, w=weights['wc1'], b=biases['bc1'])

    conv_layer_1 = conv2d(img=conv_layer_0, w=weights['wc2'], b=biases['bc2'])

    full_y = np.tile(np.arange(im_width), (im_height,1))
    full_x = np.tile(np.arange(im_height), (im_width,1)).T
    full_x = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.reshape(full_x, [-1,1]), dtype=tf.float32)
    full_y = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.reshape(full_y, [-1,1] ), dtype=tf.float32)
    feature_points = []
    for filter_number in range(num_filters[1]):
        conv_filter_chosen = conv_layer_1[:,:,:,filter_number]
        conv_filter_chosen = tf.reshape(conv_filter_chosen, [-1, im_width*im_height])
        conv_softmax = tf.nn.softmax(conv_filter_chosen)
        feature_points_x = tf.matmul(conv_softmax, full_x)
        feature_points_y = tf.matmul(conv_softmax, full_y)
    full_feature_points = tf.concat(concat_dim=1, values=feature_points)
    fc_input = tf.concat(concat_dim=1, values=[full_feature_points, state_input])

    fc_output = get_mlp_layers(fc_input, n_layers, dim_hidden)

    loss = euclidean_loss_layer(a=action, b=fc_output, precision=precision, batch_size=batch_size)

    return TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision], [fc_output], [loss])
예제 #15
def multi_modal_network_fp(dim_input=27, dim_output=7, batch_size=25, network_config=None):
    An example a network in tf that has both state and image inputs, with the feature
    point architecture (spatial softmax + expectation).
        dim_input: Dimensionality of input.
        dim_output: Dimensionality of the output.
        batch_size: Batch size.
        network_config: dictionary of network structure parameters
        A tfMap object that stores inputs, outputs, and scalar loss.
    n_layers = 3
    layer_size = 20
    dim_hidden = (n_layers - 1)*[layer_size]
    pool_size = 2
    filter_size = 5

    # List of indices for state (vector) data and image (tensor) data in observation.
    x_idx, img_idx, i = [], [], 0
    for sensor in network_config['obs_include']:
        dim = network_config['sensor_dims'][sensor]
        if sensor in network_config['obs_image_data']:
            img_idx = img_idx + list(range(i, i+dim))
            x_idx = x_idx + list(range(i, i+dim))
        i += dim

    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer(dim_input, dim_output)

    state_input = nn_input[:, 0:x_idx[-1]+1]
    image_input = nn_input[:, x_idx[-1]+1:img_idx[-1]+1]

    # image goes through 3 convnet layers
    num_filters = network_config['num_filters']

    im_height = network_config['image_height']
    im_width = network_config['image_width']
    num_channels = network_config['image_channels']
    image_input = tf.reshape(image_input, [-1, num_channels, im_width, im_height])
    image_input = tf.transpose(image_input, perm=[0,3,2,1])

    # we pool twice, each time reducing the image size by a factor of 2.
    conv_out_size = int(im_width/(2.0*pool_size)*im_height/(2.0*pool_size)*num_filters[1])
    first_dense_size = conv_out_size + len(x_idx)

    # Store layers weight & bias
    with tf.variable_scope('conv_params'):
        weights = {
            'wc1': init_weights([filter_size, filter_size, num_channels, num_filters[0]], name='wc1'), # 5x5 conv, 1 input, 32 outputs
            'wc2': init_weights([filter_size, filter_size, num_filters[0], num_filters[1]], name='wc2'), # 5x5 conv, 32 inputs, 64 outputs
            'wc3': init_weights([filter_size, filter_size, num_filters[1], num_filters[2]], name='wc3'), # 5x5 conv, 32 inputs, 64 outputs

        biases = {
            'bc1': init_bias([num_filters[0]], name='bc1'),
            'bc2': init_bias([num_filters[1]], name='bc2'),
            'bc3': init_bias([num_filters[2]], name='bc3'),

    conv_layer_0 = conv2d(img=image_input, w=weights['wc1'], b=biases['bc1'], strides=[1,2,2,1])
    conv_layer_1 = conv2d(img=conv_layer_0, w=weights['wc2'], b=biases['bc2'])
    conv_layer_2 = conv2d(img=conv_layer_1, w=weights['wc3'], b=biases['bc3'])

    _, num_rows, num_cols, num_fp = conv_layer_2.get_shape()
    num_rows, num_cols, num_fp = [int(x) for x in [num_rows, num_cols, num_fp]]
    x_map = np.empty([num_rows, num_cols], np.float32)
    y_map = np.empty([num_rows, num_cols], np.float32)

    for i in range(num_rows):
        for j in range(num_cols):
            x_map[i, j] = (i - num_rows / 2.0) / num_rows
            y_map[i, j] = (j - num_cols / 2.0) / num_cols

    x_map = tf.convert_to_tensor(x_map)
    y_map = tf.convert_to_tensor(y_map)

    x_map = tf.reshape(x_map, [num_rows * num_cols])
    y_map = tf.reshape(y_map, [num_rows * num_cols])

    # rearrange features to be [batch_size, num_fp, num_rows, num_cols]
    features = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(conv_layer_2, [0,3,1,2]),
                          [-1, num_rows*num_cols])
    softmax = tf.nn.softmax(features)

    fp_x = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(x_map, softmax), [1], keep_dims=True)
    fp_y = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(y_map, softmax), [1], keep_dims=True)

    fp = tf.reshape(tf.concat(1, [fp_x, fp_y]), [-1, num_fp*2])

    fc_input = tf.concat(concat_dim=1, values=[fp, state_input])

    fc_output, weights_FC, biases_FC = get_mlp_layers(fc_input, n_layers, dim_hidden)
    fc_vars = weights_FC + biases_FC

    loss = euclidean_loss_layer(a=action, b=fc_output, precision=precision, batch_size=batch_size)
    nnet = TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision], [fc_output], [loss], fp=fp)
    last_conv_vars = fc_input

    return nnet, fc_vars, last_conv_vars
예제 #16
def multi_modal_network_spatial_softmax(dim_input=27,
    An example a network in theano that has both state and image inputs.
        dim_input: Dimensionality of input.
        dim_output: Dimensionality of the output.
        batch_size: Batch size.
        network_config: dictionary of network structure parameters
        A tfMap object that stores inputs, outputs, and scalar loss.
    n_layers = 3
    layer_size = 20
    dim_hidden = (n_layers - 1) * [layer_size]
    pool_size = 2
    filter_size = 3

    # List of indices for state (vector) data and image (tensor) data in observation.
    x_idx, img_idx, i = [], [], 0
    for sensor in network_config['obs_include']:
        dim = network_config['sensor_dims'][sensor]
        if sensor in network_config['obs_image_data']:
            img_idx = img_idx + list(range(i, i + dim))
            x_idx = x_idx + list(range(i, i + dim))
        i += dim

    nn_input, action, precision = get_input_layer(dim_input, dim_output)

    state_input = nn_input[:, 0:x_idx[-1] + 1]
    image_input = nn_input[:, x_idx[-1] + 1:img_idx[-1] + 1]

    # image goes through 2 convnet layers
    num_filters = network_config['num_filters']

    im_height = network_config['image_height']
    im_width = network_config['image_width']
    num_channels = network_config['image_channels']
    image_input = tf.reshape(image_input,
                             [-1, num_channels, im_width, im_height])
    image_input = tf.transpose(image_input, perm=[0, 3, 2, 1])

    # we pool twice, each time reducing the image size by a factor of 2.
    conv_out_size = int(im_width / (2.0 * pool_size) * im_height /
                        (2.0 * pool_size) * num_filters[1])
    first_dense_size = conv_out_size + len(x_idx)

    # Store layers weight & bias
    weights = {
            [filter_size, filter_size, num_channels, num_filters[0]],
            (pool_size, pool_size)),  # 5x5 conv, 1 input, 32 outputs
            [filter_size, filter_size, num_filters[0], num_filters[1]],
            (pool_size, pool_size)),  # 5x5 conv, 32 inputs, 64 outputs

    biases = {
        'bc1': init_bias([num_filters[0]]),
        'bc2': init_bias([num_filters[1]]),

    conv_layer_0 = conv2d(img=image_input, w=weights['wc1'], b=biases['bc1'])

    conv_layer_1 = conv2d(img=conv_layer_0, w=weights['wc2'], b=biases['bc2'])

    full_y = np.tile(np.arange(im_width), (im_height, 1))
    full_x = np.tile(np.arange(im_height), (im_width, 1)).T
    full_x = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.reshape(full_x, [-1, 1]),
    full_y = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.reshape(full_y, [-1, 1]),
    feature_points = []
    for filter_number in range(num_filters[1]):
        conv_filter_chosen = conv_layer_1[:, :, :, filter_number]
        conv_filter_chosen = tf.reshape(conv_filter_chosen,
                                        [-1, im_width * im_height])
        conv_softmax = tf.nn.softmax(conv_filter_chosen)
        feature_points_x = tf.matmul(conv_softmax, full_x)
        feature_points_y = tf.matmul(conv_softmax, full_y)
    full_feature_points = tf.concat(concat_dim=1, values=feature_points)

    fc_input = tf.concat(concat_dim=1,
                         values=[full_feature_points, state_input])

    fc_output = get_mlp_layers(fc_input, n_layers, dim_hidden)

    loss = euclidean_loss_layer(a=action,

    return TfMap.init_from_lists([nn_input, action, precision], [fc_output],