예제 #1
	def queryDBSv3(self, api, **params):
		if not os.environ.get('X509_USER_PROXY', ''):
			raise UserError('VOMS proxy needed to query DBS3! Environment variable X509_USER_PROXY is not set!')
		proxyPath = utils.resolvePath(os.environ.get('X509_USER_PROXY', ''), mustExist = False)
		if not os.path.exists(proxyPath):
			raise UserError('VOMS proxy needed to query DBS3! Environment variable X509_USER_PROXY is "%s"' % proxyPath)
		return readJSON(self.url + '/%s' % api, params, cert = proxyPath)
예제 #2
	def getPhedexSEList(self, blockPath, dictSE):
		dictSE[blockPath] = []
		url = 'https://cmsweb.cern.ch/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/blockreplicas'
		for phedexBlock in readJSON(url, {'block': blockPath})['phedex']['block']:
			for replica in phedexBlock['replica']:
				if self.nodeFilter(replica['node'], replica['complete'] == 'y'):
					location = None
					if self.locationFormat == 'hostname':
						location = replica.get('se')
					elif self.locationFormat == 'sitedb':
						location = replica.get('node')
					elif self.locationFormat == 'both' and (replica.get('node') or replica.get('se')):
						location = '%s/%s' % (replica.get('node'), replica.get('se'))
					if location:
						utils.vprint('Warning: Dataset block %s replica at %s / %s is skipped!' %
							(blockPath, replica.get('node'), replica.get('se')), -1)
예제 #3
 def getPhedexSEList(self, blockPath, dictSE):
     dictSE[blockPath] = []
     url = 'https://cmsweb.cern.ch/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/blockreplicas'
     for phedexBlock in readJSON(url,
                                 {'block': blockPath})['phedex']['block']:
         for replica in phedexBlock['replica']:
             if self.nodeFilter(replica['node'],
                                replica['complete'] == 'y'):
                 location = None
                 if self._locationFormat == CMSLocationFormat.hostname:
                     location = replica.get('se')
                 elif self._locationFormat == CMSLocationFormat.siteDB:
                     location = replica.get('node')
                 elif (self._locationFormat == CMSLocationFormat.both) and (
                         replica.get('node') or replica.get('se')):
                     location = '%s/%s' % (replica.get('node'),
                 if location:
                         'Warning: Dataset block %s replica at %s / %s is skipped!'
                         % (blockPath, replica.get('node'),
                            replica.get('se')), -1)
예제 #4
def lfn2pfn(node, lfn):
	return readJSON('https://cmsweb.cern.ch/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/lfn2pfn',
		{'node': node, 'protocol': 'srmv2', 'lfn': lfn})['phedex']['mapping'][0]['pfn']
예제 #5
from grid_control.gc_exceptions import RuntimeError
from grid_control.utils.webservice import readJSON
from grid_control_cms.provider_sitedb import SiteDB

def lfn2pfn(node, lfn):
	return readJSON('https://cmsweb.cern.ch/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/lfn2pfn',
		{'node': node, 'protocol': 'srmv2', 'lfn': lfn})['phedex']['mapping'][0]['pfn']

parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-s', '--SE', dest='SE', default=None, help='Resolve LFN on CMS SE into PFN')
parser.add_option('', '--lfn', dest='lfn', default='/store/user/<hypernews name>', help='Name of default LFN')
parser.add_option('', '--se-prot', dest='seprot', default='srmv2', help='Name of default SE protocol')
(opts, args) = parseOptions(parser)

if opts.SE:
	if '<hypernews name>' in opts.lfn:
		token = AccessToken.getInstance('VomsProxy', getConfig(), None)
		site_db = SiteDB()
		hnName = site_db.dn_to_username(dn=token.getFQUsername())
		if not hnName:
			raise RuntimeError('Unable to map grid certificate to hypernews name!')
		opts.lfn = opts.lfn.replace('<hypernews name>', hnName)

	tmp = readJSON('https://cmsweb.cern.ch/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/lfn2pfn',
		{'node': opts.SE, 'protocol': opts.seprot, 'lfn': opts.lfn})['phedex']['mapping']
	for entry in tmp:
		if len(tmp) > 1:
			print entry['node'],
		print entry['pfn']
예제 #6
def lfn2pfn(node, lfn):
	return readJSON('https://cmsweb.cern.ch/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/lfn2pfn',
		{'node': node, 'protocol': 'srmv2', 'lfn': lfn})['phedex']['mapping'][0]['pfn']
예제 #7
from gcSupport import Options, Plugin, getConfig, scriptOptions
from grid_control.utils.webservice import readJSON
from grid_control_cms.provider_sitedb import SiteDB

def lfn2pfn(node, lfn):
	return readJSON('https://cmsweb.cern.ch/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/lfn2pfn',
		{'node': node, 'protocol': 'srmv2', 'lfn': lfn})['phedex']['mapping'][0]['pfn']

parser = Options()
parser.addText(None, 's', 'SE', default = None,         help = 'Resolve LFN on CMS SE into PFN')
parser.addText(None, ' ', 'se-prot', default = 'srmv2', help = 'Name of default SE protocol')
parser.addText(None, ' ', 'lfn',     default = '/store/user/<hypernews name>', help = 'Name of default LFN')
options = scriptOptions(parser)

if options.opts.SE:
	if '<hypernews name>' in options.opts.lfn:
		token = Plugin.getClass('AccessToken').createInstance('VomsProxy', getConfig(), None)
		site_db = SiteDB()
		hnName = site_db.dn_to_username(dn=token.getFQUsername())
		if not hnName:
			raise Exception('Unable to map grid certificate to hypernews name!')
		options.opts.lfn = options.opts.lfn.replace('<hypernews name>', hnName)

	tmp = readJSON('https://cmsweb.cern.ch/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/lfn2pfn',
		{'node': options.opts.SE, 'protocol': options.opts.se_prot, 'lfn': options.opts.lfn})['phedex']['mapping']
	for entry in tmp:
		if len(tmp) > 1:
			print(entry['node'] + ' ' + entry['pfn'])