예제 #1
    def POST(self, mode, name):
        user_data = web.input()

        # GTO request (URI download)
        if "token" in user_data and len(user_data) == 1:
            gto_file = os.path.join(GTO_BASE_PATH, name, name + ".gto")

            # open torrent file in binary mode on Windows
            torrent = open(gto_file, "rb")
                torrent_data = torrent.read()
            return torrent_data
        # Upload request
        # Add CA cert to GTO and set the tracker address
        if "token" in user_data and "file" in user_data and len(user_data) == 2:
            gtodict = decode(user_data.file)

            if not "nossl" in mode:
                cert_file = open(CA_CERT, "r")
                    ca_cert_data = cert_file.read()
                gtodict["info"]["ssl-cert"] = ca_cert_data

            gtodict["announce"] = TRACKER_ADDRESS

            return encode_dict(gtodict)
예제 #2
    def scrape(self, user_data):
        infohash = user_data.info_hash
        ip = web.ctx.ip

        # return state = 0 if the completed flag is set
        response_dict = {"files": {infohash: {"state": 0, "complete": 0, "downloaded": 0, "incomplete": 0}}}

        if infohash in self.torrents_completed and self.torrents_completed[infohash]:
            response_dict = {"files": {infohash: {"state": 1, "complete": 0, "downloaded": 0, "incomplete": 0}}}

        return encode_dict(response_dict)
예제 #3
    def announce(self, user_data):
        infohash = user_data.info_hash
        ip = web.ctx.ip if not "ip" in user_data else user_data.ip

        # add torrent to dicts, if new
        if not infohash in self.torrents:
            self.torrents[infohash] = []
            self.torrents_completed[infohash] = False

        # set completed flag when completed event arrives
        if "event" in user_data and user_data.event == "completed":
            self.torrents_completed[infohash] = True

        # TODO only remove peer-id
        # if 'event' in user_data and user_data.event == 'stopped':
        #    del self.torrents[infohash]

        # create a peer dict entry for requester
        # webpy is giving us unicode strings, so coerce into legacy strings
        peer_dict = {"peer id": str(user_data.peer_id), "ip": str(ip), "port": int(user_data.port)}

        # add peer dict entry to swarm dict, if it doesn't exist
        if not peer_dict in self.torrents[infohash]:

        # only give server peers to clients, and client peers to servers
        swarm = self.torrents[infohash]
        filtered_swarm = []

        # figure out which partition of the swarm to return (clients or servers)
        if GT_CLIENT_TAG in user_data.peer_id:
            # requester a client, only return servers
            filtered_swarm = [x for x in swarm if GT_SERVER_TAG in x["peer id"]]
            # requester a server, only return clients
            filtered_swarm = [x for x in swarm if GT_CLIENT_TAG in x["peer id"]]

        # assemble response dict
        response_dict = {"interval": 5, "min interval": 5, "peers": filtered_swarm}

        # bencode response
        return encode_dict(response_dict)