def iterateList(self, mappings): ''' iterate forward, then backward, until null or duplicate ''' done = [0] obj = self #print 'going forward ' for fieldname in [forward, backward]: link = getattr(obj, fieldname) addr = utils.getaddress(link) log.debug('iterateList got a <%s>/0x%x' % (link.__class__.__name__, addr)) nb = 0 while addr not in done: #print '%x %s'%(addr, addr in done) done.append(addr) memoryMap = utils.is_valid_address_value( addr, mappings, structType) if memoryMap == False: raise ValueError( 'the link of this linked list has a bad value') st = memoryMap.readStruct(addr, structType) model.keepRef(st, structType, addr) log.debug("keepRefx2 %s.%s @%x" % (structType, fieldname, addr)) yield addr # next link = getattr(st, fieldname) addr = utils.getaddress(link) #print 'going backward after %x'%(addr) raise StopIteration
def iterateList(self, mappings): ''' iterate forward, then backward, until null or duplicate ''' done = [0] obj = self #print 'going forward ' for fieldname in [forward, backward]: link = getattr(obj, fieldname) addr = utils.getaddress(link) log.debug('iterateList got a <%s>/0x%x'%(link.__class__.__name__,addr)) nb=0 while addr not in done: #print '%x %s'%(addr, addr in done) done.append(addr) memoryMap = utils.is_valid_address_value( addr, mappings, structType) if memoryMap == False: raise ValueError('the link of this linked list has a bad value') st = memoryMap.readStruct( addr, structType) model.keepRef(st, structType, addr) log.debug("keepRefx2 %s.%s @%x"%(structType, fieldname, addr )) yield addr # next link = getattr(st, fieldname) addr = utils.getaddress(link) #print 'going backward after %x'%(addr) raise StopIteration
def test_keepRef(self): self.assertNotEqual( self.mappings, None ) for fname, ftype in self.heap_obj.getFields(): attr = getattr(self.heap_obj, fname) if isCStringPointer(ftype): # ignore that - attr_addr = getaddress(attr.ptr) continue elif isPointerType(ftype): attr_addr = getaddress(attr) else: continue if attr_addr == 0: continue self.assertTrue( utils.is_valid_address_value(attr_addr, self.mappings), '%s: 0x%x is not valid'%(fname, attr_addr)) # the book should register struct type, not pointer to strut type attr_type = model.get_subtype(ftype) # look in the books saved = model.getRefByAddr( attr_addr ) _class, _addr, _obj = saved[0] self.assertEquals( attr_addr, _addr) self.assertEquals( attr_type, _class, '%s != %s' %(type(ftype), type(_class))) self.assertTrue( model.hasRef( model.get_subtype(ftype), attr_addr)) return
def _HEAP_getFreeLists(self, mappings): ''' Understanding_the_LFH.pdf page 18 ++ We iterate on _HEAP.FreeLists to get ALL free blocks. @returns freeblock_addr : the address of the _HEAP_ENTRY (chunk header) size : the size of the free chunk + _HEAP_ENTRY header size, in blocks. ''' res = list() sentinel = self._orig_address_ + 0xc4 # utils.offsetof(_HEAP, 'FreeLists') # FIXME - should be ## for freeblock in self.iterateListField( mappings, 'FreeLists'): for freeblock_addr in self.FreeLists._iterateList(mappings): if freeblock_addr == sentinel: continue m = mappings.getMmapForAddr(freeblock_addr) freeblock = m.readStruct(freeblock_addr, _LIST_ENTRY) blink_value = utils.getaddress(freeblock.BLink) if (blink_value & 1): # points to _HEAP_BUCKET +1 log.warning('This freeblock BLink point to _HEAP_BUCKET at %x' % (blink_value)) # its then a HEAP_ENTRY.. #chunk_header = m.readStruct( freeblock_addr - 2*Config.WORDSIZE, _HEAP_ENTRY) chunk_header = m.readStruct(freeblock_addr - 2 * Config.WORDSIZE, N11_HEAP_ENTRY3DOT_13DOT_2E) # Union stuff if self.EncodeFlagMask: log.debug('EncodeFlagMask is set on the HEAP. decoding is needed.') chunk_header = _HEAP_ENTRY_decode(chunk_header, self) #log.debug('chunk_header: %s'%(chunk_header.toString())) res.append( (freeblock_addr, chunk_header.Size)) # size = header + freespace return res
def test_keepRef(self): self.assertNotEqual(self.mappings, None) for fname, ftype in self.heap_obj.getFields(): attr = getattr(self.heap_obj, fname) if isCStringPointer(ftype): # ignore that - attr_addr = getaddress(attr.ptr) continue elif isPointerType(ftype): attr_addr = getaddress(attr) else: continue if attr_addr == 0: continue self.assertTrue( utils.is_valid_address_value(attr_addr, self.mappings), '%s: 0x%x is not valid' % (fname, attr_addr)) # the book should register struct type, not pointer to strut type attr_type = model.get_subtype(ftype) # look in the books saved = model.getRefByAddr(attr_addr) _class, _addr, _obj = saved[0] self.assertEquals(attr_addr, _addr) self.assertEquals(attr_type, _class, '%s != %s' % (type(ftype), type(_class))) self.assertTrue(model.hasRef(model.get_subtype(ftype), attr_addr)) return
def _HEAP_getFreeLists(self, mappings): """ Understanding_the_LFH.pdf page 18 ++ We iterate on _HEAP.FreeLists to get ALL free blocks. @returns freeblock_addr : the address of the _HEAP_ENTRY (chunk header) size : the size of the free chunk + _HEAP_ENTRY header size, in blocks. """ res = list() sentinel = self._orig_address_ + 0xC4 # utils.offsetof(_HEAP, 'FreeLists') # FIXME - should be ## for freeblock in self.iterateListField( mappings, 'FreeLists'): for freeblock_addr in self.FreeLists._iterateList(mappings): if freeblock_addr == sentinel: continue m = mappings.getMmapForAddr(freeblock_addr) freeblock = m.readStruct(freeblock_addr, _LIST_ENTRY) blink_value = utils.getaddress(freeblock.BLink) if blink_value & 1: # points to _HEAP_BUCKET +1 log.warning("This freeblock BLink point to _HEAP_BUCKET at %x" % (blink_value)) # its then a HEAP_ENTRY.. # chunk_header = m.readStruct( freeblock_addr - 2*Config.WORDSIZE, _HEAP_ENTRY) chunk_header = m.readStruct(freeblock_addr - 2 * Config.WORDSIZE, N11_HEAP_ENTRY3DOT_13DOT_2E) # Union stuff if self.EncodeFlagMask: log.debug("EncodeFlagMask is set on the HEAP. decoding is needed.") chunk_header = _HEAP_ENTRY_decode(chunk_header, self) # log.debug('chunk_header: %s'%(chunk_header.toString())) res.append((freeblock_addr, chunk_header.Size)) # size = header + freespace return res
def _HEAP_getFreeLists_by_blocksindex(self, mappings): """ Understanding_the_LFH.pdf page 21 Not Implemented yet """ freeList = [] # 128 blocks start = ctypes.addressof(self.BlocksIndex) bi_addr = utils.getaddress(self.BlocksIndex) # enumerate BlocksIndex recursively on ExtendedLookup param while bi_addr != 0: log.debug("BLocksIndex is at %x" % (bi_addr)) m = mappings.getMmapForAddr(bi_addr) bi = m.readStruct(bi_addr, _HEAP_LIST_LOOKUP) """ ('ExtendedLookup', POINTER(_HEAP_LIST_LOOKUP)), ('ArraySize', __uint32_t), ('ExtraItem', __uint32_t), ('ItemCount', __uint32_t), ('OutOfRangeItems', __uint32_t), ('BaseIndex', __uint32_t), ('ListHead', POINTER(_LIST_ENTRY)), ('ListsInUseUlong', POINTER(__uint32_t)), ('ListHints', POINTER(POINTER(_LIST_ENTRY))), """ log.debug("ArraySize is %d" % (bi.ArraySize)) log.debug("BlocksIndex: %s" % (bi.toString())) hints_addr = utils.getaddress(bi.ListHints) log.debug("ListHints is pointing to %x" % (hints_addr)) extlookup_addr = utils.getaddress(bi.ExtendedLookup) log.debug("ExtendedLookup is pointing to %x" % (extlookup_addr)) if extlookup_addr == 0: """ all chunks of size greater than or equal to BlocksIndex->ArraySize - 1 will be stored in ascending order in FreeList[ArraySize-BaseIndex – 1] """ log.debug( "Free chunks >= %d stored at FreeList[ArraySize(%d)-BaseIndex(%d) – 1]" % (bi.ArraySize - 1, bi.ArraySize, bi.BaseIndex) ) # raise NotImplementedError() log.debug("-" * 80) bi_addr = extlookup_addr # raise NotImplementedError("NOT FINISHED") raise StopIteration
def _HEAP_getFreeLists_by_blocksindex(self, mappings): ''' Understanding_the_LFH.pdf page 21 Not Implemented yet ''' freeList = [] # 128 blocks start = ctypes.addressof(self.BlocksIndex) bi_addr = utils.getaddress(self.BlocksIndex) # enumerate BlocksIndex recursively on ExtendedLookup param while bi_addr != 0: log.debug('BLocksIndex is at %x' % (bi_addr)) m = mappings.getMmapForAddr(bi_addr) bi = m.readStruct(bi_addr, _HEAP_LIST_LOOKUP) ''' ('ExtendedLookup', POINTER(_HEAP_LIST_LOOKUP)), ('ArraySize', __uint32_t), ('ExtraItem', __uint32_t), ('ItemCount', __uint32_t), ('OutOfRangeItems', __uint32_t), ('BaseIndex', __uint32_t), ('ListHead', POINTER(_LIST_ENTRY)), ('ListsInUseUlong', POINTER(__uint32_t)), ('ListHints', POINTER(POINTER(_LIST_ENTRY))), ''' log.debug('ArraySize is %d' % (bi.ArraySize)) log.debug('BlocksIndex: %s' % (bi.toString())) hints_addr = utils.getaddress(bi.ListHints) log.debug('ListHints is pointing to %x' % (hints_addr)) extlookup_addr = utils.getaddress(bi.ExtendedLookup) log.debug('ExtendedLookup is pointing to %x' % (extlookup_addr)) if extlookup_addr == 0: ''' all chunks of size greater than or equal to BlocksIndex->ArraySize - 1 will be stored in ascending order in FreeList[ArraySize-BaseIndex – 1] ''' log.debug( 'Free chunks >= %d stored at FreeList[ArraySize(%d)-BaseIndex(%d) – 1]' % (bi.ArraySize - 1, bi.ArraySize, bi.BaseIndex)) #raise NotImplementedError() log.debug('-' * 80) bi_addr = extlookup_addr # raise NotImplementedError('NOT FINISHED') raise StopIteration
def _HEAP_SUBSEGMENT_get_freeblocks(self): """ Use AggregateExchg.Depth and NextFreeoffset to fetch the head, then traverse the links """ userblocks_addr = utils.getaddress(self.UserBlocks) if not bool(userblocks_addr): return [] if self.AggregateExchg.FreeEntryOffset == 0x2: log.debug(" * FirstFreeOffset==0x2 Depth==%d" % (self.AggregateExchg.Depth)) # self.AggregateExchg.Depth the size of UserBlock divided by the HeapBucket size # self.AggregateExchg.FreeEntryOffset starts at 0x2 (blocks), which means 0x10 bytes after UserBlocks # see Understanding LFH page 14 # nextoffset of user data is at current + offset*8 + len(HEAP_ENTRY) freeblocks = [ (userblocks_addr + (self.AggregateExchg.FreeEntryOffset * 8) + self.BlockSize * 8 * i, self.BlockSize * 8) for i in range(self.AggregateExchg.Depth) ] return freeblocks
def _HEAP_SUBSEGMENT_get_freeblocks(self): ''' Use AggregateExchg.Depth and NextFreeoffset to fetch the head, then traverse the links ''' userblocks_addr = utils.getaddress(self.UserBlocks) if not bool(userblocks_addr): return [] if self.AggregateExchg.FreeEntryOffset == 0x2: log.debug(' * FirstFreeOffset==0x2 Depth==%d' % (self.AggregateExchg.Depth)) # self.AggregateExchg.Depth the size of UserBlock divided by the HeapBucket size # self.AggregateExchg.FreeEntryOffset starts at 0x2 (blocks), which means 0x10 bytes after UserBlocks # see Understanding LFH page 14 # nextoffset of user data is at current + offset*8 + len(HEAP_ENTRY) freeblocks = [ (userblocks_addr + (self.AggregateExchg.FreeEntryOffset * 8) + self.BlockSize * 8 * i, self.BlockSize * 8) for i in range(self.AggregateExchg.Depth) ] return freeblocks
def _HEAP_SEGMENT_loadMember(self, attr, attrname, attrtype, mappings, maxDepth): #log.debug('_loadMember attrname : %s'%(attrname)) if attrname == 'LastValidEntry': # isPointerType code. _attrType = model.get_subtype(attrtype) attr_obj_address = utils.getaddress(attr) #### memoryMap = utils.is_valid_address(attr, mappings, _attrType) if (not memoryMap): log.debug("LastValidEntry out of mapping - 0x%lx - ignore " % (attr_obj_address)) return True from haystack.model import getRef, keepRef, delRef # TODO CLEAN ref = getRef(_attrType, attr_obj_address) if ref: #log.debug("%s %s loading from references cache %s/0x%lx"%(attrname,attr,_attrType,attr_obj_address )) #DO NOT CHANGE STUFF SOUPID attr.contents = ref return True #log.debug("%s %s loading from 0x%lx (is_valid_address: %s)"%(attrname,attr,attr_obj_address, memoryMap )) ##### Read the struct in memory and make a copy to play with. ### ERRROR attr.contents=_attrType.from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readStruct(attr_obj_address, _attrType )) contents = memoryMap.readStruct(attr_obj_address, _attrType) # save that validated and loaded ref and original addr so we dont need to recopy it later keepRef(contents, _attrType, attr_obj_address) #log.debug("%s %s loaded memcopy from 0x%lx to 0x%lx"%(attrname, attr, attr_obj_address, (utils.getaddress(attr)) )) # recursive validation checks on new struct if not bool(attr): log.warning('Member %s is null after copy: %s' % (attrname, attr)) return True # go and load the pointed struct members recursively if not contents.loadMembers(mappings, maxDepth): log.debug('member %s was not loaded' % (attrname)) #invalidate the cache ref. delRef(_attrType, attr_obj_address) return False return True else: return super(_HEAP_SEGMENT, self)._loadMember(attr, attrname, attrtype, mappings, maxDepth)
def _HEAP_SUBSEGMENT_get_userblocks(self): """ AggregateExchg contains info on userblocks, number left, depth """ userblocks_addr = utils.getaddress(self.UserBlocks) if not bool(userblocks_addr): log.debug("Userblocks is null") return [] # its basically an array of self.BlockCount blocks of self.BlockSie*8 bytes. log.debug("fetching %d blocks of %d bytes" % (self.BlockCount, self.BlockSize * 8)) # UserBlocks points to _HEAP_USERDATA_HEADER. Real user data blocks will starts after sizeof( _HEAP_USERDATA_HEADER ) = 0x10 # each chunk starts with a 8 byte header + n user-writeable data # user writable chunk starts with 2 bytes for next offset # basically, first committed block is first. # ( page 38 ) userblocks = [(userblocks_addr + 0x10 + self.BlockSize * 8 * i, self.BlockSize * 8) for i in range(self.BlockCount)] # ## we need to substract non allocated blocks # self.AggregateExchg.Depth counts how many blocks are remaining free # if self.AggregateExchg.FreeEntryOffset == 0x2, there a are no commited blocks return userblocks
def _HEAP_SEGMENT_loadMember(self, attr, attrname, attrtype, mappings, maxDepth): # log.debug('_loadMember attrname : %s'%(attrname)) if attrname == "LastValidEntry": # isPointerType code. _attrType = model.get_subtype(attrtype) attr_obj_address = utils.getaddress(attr) #### memoryMap = utils.is_valid_address(attr, mappings, _attrType) if not memoryMap: log.debug("LastValidEntry out of mapping - 0x%lx - ignore " % (attr_obj_address)) return True from haystack.model import getRef, keepRef, delRef # TODO CLEAN ref = getRef(_attrType, attr_obj_address) if ref: # log.debug("%s %s loading from references cache %s/0x%lx"%(attrname,attr,_attrType,attr_obj_address )) # DO NOT CHANGE STUFF SOUPID attr.contents = ref return True # log.debug("%s %s loading from 0x%lx (is_valid_address: %s)"%(attrname,attr,attr_obj_address, memoryMap )) ##### Read the struct in memory and make a copy to play with. ### ERRROR attr.contents=_attrType.from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readStruct(attr_obj_address, _attrType )) contents = memoryMap.readStruct(attr_obj_address, _attrType) # save that validated and loaded ref and original addr so we dont need to recopy it later keepRef(contents, _attrType, attr_obj_address) # log.debug("%s %s loaded memcopy from 0x%lx to 0x%lx"%(attrname, attr, attr_obj_address, (utils.getaddress(attr)) )) # recursive validation checks on new struct if not bool(attr): log.warning("Member %s is null after copy: %s" % (attrname, attr)) return True # go and load the pointed struct members recursively if not contents.loadMembers(mappings, maxDepth): log.debug("member %s was not loaded" % (attrname)) # invalidate the cache ref. delRef(_attrType, attr_obj_address) return False return True else: return super(_HEAP_SEGMENT, self)._loadMember(attr, attrname, attrtype, mappings, maxDepth)
def _HEAP_SUBSEGMENT_get_userblocks(self): ''' AggregateExchg contains info on userblocks, number left, depth ''' userblocks_addr = utils.getaddress(self.UserBlocks) if not bool(userblocks_addr): log.debug('Userblocks is null') return [] # its basically an array of self.BlockCount blocks of self.BlockSie*8 bytes. log.debug('fetching %d blocks of %d bytes' % (self.BlockCount, self.BlockSize * 8)) # UserBlocks points to _HEAP_USERDATA_HEADER. Real user data blocks will starts after sizeof( _HEAP_USERDATA_HEADER ) = 0x10 # each chunk starts with a 8 byte header + n user-writeable data # user writable chunk starts with 2 bytes for next offset # basically, first committed block is first. # ( page 38 ) userblocks = [(userblocks_addr + 0x10 + self.BlockSize * 8 * i, self.BlockSize * 8) for i in range(self.BlockCount)] # ## we need to substract non allocated blocks # self.AggregateExchg.Depth counts how many blocks are remaining free # if self.AggregateExchg.FreeEntryOffset == 0x2, there a are no commited blocks return userblocks
def _HEAP_getFrontendChunks(self, mappings): """ windows xp ? the list of chunks from the frontend are deleted from the segment chunk list. Functionnaly, (page 28) LFH_HEAP should be fetched by HEAP_BUCKET calcul """ res = list() all_free = list() all_committed = list() log.debug("_HEAP_getFrontendChunks") if self.FrontEndHeapType == 1: # windows XP per default ptr = self.FrontEndHeap ## TODO delete this ptr from the heap-segment entries chunks for x in range(128): log.debug("finding lookaside %d at @%x" % (x, ptr)) m = mappings.getMmapForAddr(ptr) st = m.readStruct(ptr, _HEAP_LOOKASIDE) # load members on self.FrontEndHeap car c'est un void * for free in st.iterateList("ListHead"): # single link list. ## TODO delete this free from the heap-segment entries chunks log.debug("free") res.append(free) # ??? pass ptr += ctypes.sizeof(_HEAP_LOOKASIDE) elif self.FrontEndHeapType == 2: # win7 per default ptr = self.FrontEndHeap log.debug("finding frontend at @%x" % (ptr)) m = mappings.getMmapForAddr(ptr) st = m.readStruct(ptr, _LFH_HEAP) # LFH is a big chunk allocated by the backend allocator, called subsegment # but rechopped as small chunks of a heapbin. # Active subsegment hold that big chunk. # # # load members on self.FrontEndHeap car c'est un void * if not st.loadMembers(mappings, 10): log.error("Error on loading frontend") raise model.NotValid("Frontend load at @%x is not valid" % (ptr)) # log.debug(st.LocalData[0].toString()) # for sinfo in st.LocalData[0].SegmentInfo: #### 128 _HEAP_LOCAL_SEGMENT_INFO # TODO , what about ActiveSubsegment ? for items_ptr in sinfo.CachedItems: # 16 caches items max items_addr = utils.getaddress(items_ptr) if not bool(items_addr): # log.debug('NULL pointer items') continue m = mappings.getMmapForAddr(items_addr) subsegment = m.readStruct(items_addr, _HEAP_SUBSEGMENT) # log.debug(subsegment) ## TODO current subsegment.SFreeListEntry is on error at some depth. ## bad pointer value on the second subsegment chunks = subsegment.get_userblocks() free = subsegment.get_freeblocks() committed = set(chunks) - set(free) all_free.extend(free) all_committed.extend(committed) log.debug( "subseg: 0x%0.8x, commit: %d chunks free: %d chunks" % (items_addr, len(committed), len(free)) ) else: # print 'FrontEndHeapType == %d'%(self.FrontEndHeapType) # raise StopIteration pass return all_committed, all_free
def _HEAP_getSegmentList(self, mappings): """ list all heap entries attached to one Heap structure. Heap.SegmentList points to the _LIST_ENTRY of Heap.Segment. +0x10 Iteration on SegmentList should return Segment. Offset is needed and provided through _listHead_. FIXME: offset could/should be automated by declaring child _LIST_ENTRY fieldname (SegmentListEntry) BUT iteration should stop on sentinel values. Internal algoritm of iterateListField will not use the root LIST_Entry address as a valid object. It will use it as a sentinel. If there is another sentinel... bad luck.... Heap.Segment.Entry is a valid Heap_entry, addr+size*8 should point to FirstValidEntry. """ allocated = list() free = list() # log.debug('%s'%(self)) for segment in self.iterateListField(mappings, "SegmentList"): # for segment_addr in self.SegmentList._iterateList( mappings): segment_addr = segment._orig_addr_ first_addr = utils.getaddress(segment.FirstEntry) last_addr = utils.getaddress(segment.LastValidEntry) log.debug( "Heap.Segment: 0x%0.8x FirstEntry: 0x%0.8x LastValidEntry: 0x%0.8x" % (segment_addr, first_addr, last_addr) ) skiplist = dict() for ucr in segment.iterateListField(mappings, "UCRSegmentList"): ucr_addr = ucr._orig_addr_ if ucr_addr is None: log.error("None in _orig_addr_") seg_addr = utils.getaddress(ucr.SegmentEntry.FLink) if ucr.Address is None: log.error("None in ucr.Address") try: log.debug( "Heap.Segment.UCRSegmentList: 0x%0.8x addr: 0x%0.8x size: 0x%0.5x" % (ucr_addr, ucr.Address, ucr.Size * 8) ) except TypeError, e: import code code.interact(local=locals()) # log.debug("%s"%(ucr.SegmentEntry)) # TODO - CHECK FOR CONSISTENCY ? more heapdebug than haystack debug skiplist[ucr.Address] = ucr.Size * 8 # # obviously not usable, first entry sits on heap header. # chunk_header = segment.Entry # if self.EncodeFlagMask: #heap.EncodeFlagMask # log.debug('EncodeFlagMask is set on the HEAP. decoding is needed.') # chunk_header = _HEAP_ENTRY_decode(chunk_header, self) # chunk_addr = segment._orig_addr_ + utils.offsetof(_HEAP_SEGMENT, 'Entry') # log.debug('Heap.Segment.Entry: 0x%0.8x\n%s'%( chunk_addr, chunk_header)) # print segment from haystack.model import getRef # TODO CLEAN chunk_addr = first_addr while chunk_addr < last_addr: if chunk_addr in skiplist: size = skiplist[chunk_addr] log.debug("Skipping 0x%0.8x - skip %0.5x bytes to 0x%0.8x" % (chunk_addr, size, chunk_addr + size)) chunk_addr += size continue chunk_header = getRef(_HEAP_ENTRY, chunk_addr) if chunk_header is None: # force read it chunk_header = _get_chunk(mappings, self, chunk_addr) if self.EncodeFlagMask: # heap.EncodeFlagMask chunk_header = _HEAP_ENTRY_decode(chunk_header, self) # log.debug('\t\tEntry: 0x%0.8x\n%s'%( chunk_addr, chunk_header)) if (chunk_header.Flags & 1) == 1: log.debug("Chunk 0x%0.8x is in use size: %0.5x" % (chunk_addr, chunk_header.Size * 8)) allocated.append((chunk_addr, chunk_header.Size * 8)) else: log.debug("Chunk 0x%0.8x is FREE" % (chunk_addr)) free.append((chunk_addr, chunk_header.Size * 8)) pass chunk_addr += chunk_header.Size * 8
def _HEAP_getSegmentList(self, mappings): ''' list all heap entries attached to one Heap structure. Heap.SegmentList points to the _LIST_ENTRY of Heap.Segment. +0x10 Iteration on SegmentList should return Segment. Offset is needed and provided through _listHead_. FIXME: offset could/should be automated by declaring child _LIST_ENTRY fieldname (SegmentListEntry) BUT iteration should stop on sentinel values. Internal algoritm of iterateListField will not use the root LIST_Entry address as a valid object. It will use it as a sentinel. If there is another sentinel... bad luck.... Heap.Segment.Entry is a valid Heap_entry, addr+size*8 should point to FirstValidEntry. ''' allocated = list() free = list() #log.debug('%s'%(self)) for segment in self.iterateListField(mappings, 'SegmentList'): #for segment_addr in self.SegmentList._iterateList( mappings): segment_addr = segment._orig_addr_ first_addr = utils.getaddress(segment.FirstEntry) last_addr = utils.getaddress(segment.LastValidEntry) log.debug( 'Heap.Segment: 0x%0.8x FirstEntry: 0x%0.8x LastValidEntry: 0x%0.8x' % (segment_addr, first_addr, last_addr)) skiplist = dict() for ucr in segment.iterateListField(mappings, 'UCRSegmentList'): ucr_addr = ucr._orig_addr_ if ucr_addr is None: log.error('None in _orig_addr_') seg_addr = utils.getaddress(ucr.SegmentEntry.FLink) if ucr.Address is None: log.error('None in ucr.Address') try: log.debug( "Heap.Segment.UCRSegmentList: 0x%0.8x addr: 0x%0.8x size: 0x%0.5x" % (ucr_addr, ucr.Address, ucr.Size * 8)) except TypeError, e: import code code.interact(local=locals()) #log.debug("%s"%(ucr.SegmentEntry)) # TODO - CHECK FOR CONSISTENCY ? more heapdebug than haystack debug skiplist[ucr.Address] = ucr.Size * 8 # # obviously not usable, first entry sits on heap header. #chunk_header = segment.Entry #if self.EncodeFlagMask: #heap.EncodeFlagMask # log.debug('EncodeFlagMask is set on the HEAP. decoding is needed.') # chunk_header = _HEAP_ENTRY_decode(chunk_header, self) #chunk_addr = segment._orig_addr_ + utils.offsetof(_HEAP_SEGMENT, 'Entry') #log.debug('Heap.Segment.Entry: 0x%0.8x\n%s'%( chunk_addr, chunk_header)) #print segment from haystack.model import getRef # TODO CLEAN chunk_addr = first_addr while (chunk_addr < last_addr): if chunk_addr in skiplist: size = skiplist[chunk_addr] log.debug('Skipping 0x%0.8x - skip %0.5x bytes to 0x%0.8x' % (chunk_addr, size, chunk_addr + size)) chunk_addr += size continue chunk_header = getRef(_HEAP_ENTRY, chunk_addr) if chunk_header is None: # force read it chunk_header = _get_chunk(mappings, self, chunk_addr) if self.EncodeFlagMask: #heap.EncodeFlagMask chunk_header = _HEAP_ENTRY_decode(chunk_header, self) #log.debug('\t\tEntry: 0x%0.8x\n%s'%( chunk_addr, chunk_header)) if ((chunk_header.Flags & 1) == 1): log.debug('Chunk 0x%0.8x is in use size: %0.5x' % (chunk_addr, chunk_header.Size * 8)) allocated.append((chunk_addr, chunk_header.Size * 8)) else: log.debug('Chunk 0x%0.8x is FREE' % (chunk_addr)) free.append((chunk_addr, chunk_header.Size * 8)) pass chunk_addr += chunk_header.Size * 8
def _HEAP_getFrontendChunks(self, mappings): ''' windows xp ? the list of chunks from the frontend are deleted from the segment chunk list. Functionnaly, (page 28) LFH_HEAP should be fetched by HEAP_BUCKET calcul ''' res = list() all_free = list() all_committed = list() log.debug('_HEAP_getFrontendChunks') if self.FrontEndHeapType == 1: # windows XP per default ptr = self.FrontEndHeap ## TODO delete this ptr from the heap-segment entries chunks for x in range(128): log.debug('finding lookaside %d at @%x' % (x, ptr)) m = mappings.getMmapForAddr(ptr) st = m.readStruct(ptr, _HEAP_LOOKASIDE) # load members on self.FrontEndHeap car c'est un void * for free in st.iterateList('ListHead'): # single link list. ## TODO delete this free from the heap-segment entries chunks log.debug('free') res.append(free) #??? pass ptr += ctypes.sizeof(_HEAP_LOOKASIDE) elif self.FrontEndHeapType == 2: # win7 per default ptr = self.FrontEndHeap log.debug('finding frontend at @%x' % (ptr)) m = mappings.getMmapForAddr(ptr) st = m.readStruct(ptr, _LFH_HEAP) # LFH is a big chunk allocated by the backend allocator, called subsegment # but rechopped as small chunks of a heapbin. # Active subsegment hold that big chunk. # # # load members on self.FrontEndHeap car c'est un void * if not st.loadMembers(mappings, 10): log.error('Error on loading frontend') raise model.NotValid('Frontend load at @%x is not valid' % (ptr)) #log.debug(st.LocalData[0].toString()) # for sinfo in st.LocalData[ 0].SegmentInfo: #### 128 _HEAP_LOCAL_SEGMENT_INFO # TODO , what about ActiveSubsegment ? for items_ptr in sinfo.CachedItems: # 16 caches items max items_addr = utils.getaddress(items_ptr) if not bool(items_addr): #log.debug('NULL pointer items') continue m = mappings.getMmapForAddr(items_addr) subsegment = m.readStruct(items_addr, _HEAP_SUBSEGMENT) #log.debug(subsegment) ## TODO current subsegment.SFreeListEntry is on error at some depth. ## bad pointer value on the second subsegment chunks = subsegment.get_userblocks() free = subsegment.get_freeblocks() committed = set(chunks) - set(free) all_free.extend(free) all_committed.extend(committed) log.debug( 'subseg: 0x%0.8x, commit: %d chunks free: %d chunks' % (items_addr, len(committed), len(free))) else: #print 'FrontEndHeapType == %d'%(self.FrontEndHeapType) #raise StopIteration pass return all_committed, all_free