예제 #1

Ca, Da = diag_H(H, nbeta)
Cb, Db = diag_H(H, nalpha)

t = time.time()
E = 0.0
Enuc = mol.nuclear_repulsion_energy()
Eold = 0.0

# Initialize the JK object
jk = psi4.core.JK.build(wfn.basisset())

# Build a DIIS helper object
diisa = scf_helper.DIIS_helper()
diisb = scf_helper.DIIS_helper()

print('\nTotal time taken for setup: %.3f seconds' % (time.time() - t))

print('\nStart SCF iterations:\n')
t = time.time()

for SCF_ITER in range(1, maxiter + 1):

    # Build Fock matrices
    J, K = scf_helper.compute_jk(jk, [Ca[:, :nbeta], Cb[:, :nalpha]])
    J = J[0] + J[1]
    Fa = H + J - K[0]
    Fb = H + J - K[1]
예제 #2
Docc = np.dot(Cnocc, Cnocc.T)
Cndocc = C[:, :ndocc]
Ddocc = np.dot(Cndocc, Cndocc.T)

t = time.time()
E = 0.0
Enuc = mol.nuclear_repulsion_energy()
Eold = 0.0
iter_type = 'CORE'

# Initialize the JK object
jk = psi4.core.JK.build(wfn.basisset())

# Build a DIIS helper object
diis = scf_helper.DIIS_helper()

print('\nTotal time taken for setup: %.3f seconds' % (time.time() - t))

print('\nStart SCF iterations:\n')
t = time.time()

for SCF_ITER in range(1, maxiter + 1):

    # Build a and b fock matrices
    J, K = scf_helper.compute_jk(jk, [C[:, :nocc], C[:, :ndocc]])
    J = J[0] + J[1]
    Fa = H + J - K[0]
    Fb = H + J - K[1]

    # Build MO Fock matrix
예제 #3
print('\nNumber of occupied orbitals: %d\n' % ndocc)
print('Number of basis functions:   %d\n' % nbf)

# Build H_core
V = mints.ao_potential()
T = mints.ao_kinetic()
H = T.clone()

# Orthogonalizer A = S^(-1/2)
A = mints.ao_overlap()
A.power(-0.5, 1.e-16)

# Build diis
diis = helper_HF.DIIS_helper(max_vec=6)

# Diagonalize routine
def build_orbitals(diag):
    Fp = psi4.core.Matrix.triplet(A, diag, A, True, False, True)

    Cp = psi4.core.Matrix(nbf, nbf)
    eigvals = psi4.core.Vector(nbf)
    Fp.diagonalize(Cp, eigvals, psi4.core.DiagonalizeOrder.Ascending)

    C = psi4.core.Matrix.doublet(A, Cp, False, False)

    Cocc = psi4.core.Matrix(nbf, ndocc)
    Cocc.np[:] = C.np[:, :ndocc]