예제 #1
     print 'Running Stepp (1971) completeness analysis:'
     print np.min(catalogue.data['magnitude'])
     completeness_table = stepp.completeness(catalogue, completeness_config)
     print completeness_table
     print 'done!'
     # Print the output completeness table
     #for row in completeness_table:
     #    print '%8.1f  %8.2f' %(row[0], row[1])
     #In[ ]:
     create_stepp_plot(stepp, #filename=output_base+"_stepp.png",
                       figsize=(10, 8), dpi=dpi,
 if model_name == 'hmtk_sa3':
     ct = np.array([  [ 1986,      3. ]
                      [ 1986,      3.5]
                      [ 1986,      4. ]
                      [ 1960,      4.5]
                      [ 1958,      5. ]
                      [ 1958,      5.5]
                      [ 1927,      6. ]
                      [ 1898,      6.5]
                      [ 1885,      7. ]
                      [ 1885,      7.5]
예제 #2
    print completeness_config

    # Run analysis
    print 'Running Stepp (1971) completeness analysis:'
    completeness_table = stepp.completeness(catalogue, completeness_config)
    print completeness_table
    print 'done!'

    # Print the output completeness table
    #for row in completeness_table:
    #    print '%8.1f  %8.2f' %(row[0], row[1])

    # In[ ]:

    from hmtk.plotting.seismicity.completeness.plot_stepp_1972 import create_stepp_plot
    create_stepp_plot(stepp, "data_output/stepp_plot_taiwan_01.png")

res, spc = 0.5, 100
#res, spc = 1, 50
#res, spc = 0.1, 500

#[xmin, xmax, spcx, ymin, ymax, spcy, zmin, zmax, spcz]
_l = [118.5, 124, res, 20.0, 26.5, res, 0, 300, 300]
nx = round((_l[1] - _l[0]) / _l[2], 0)
ny = round((_l[4] - _l[3]) / _l[5], 0)
grid_shape = (nx, ny)
# create grid specifications
grid_limits = utils.Grid.make_from_list(_l)

#[ -80,  -30,  res,  -37,   13,  res,    0,   30,   30])
#[ 118.5,  124,  res,  20.0,   26.5,  res,    0,   300,   300])
예제 #3
print 'Catalogue sorted chronologically!'

# In[ ]:

stepp = Stepp1971()

completeness_config = {
    'magnitude_bin': 1,
    'time_bin': 5,
    'increment_lock': False
print completeness_config

# Run analysis
print 'Running Stepp (1971) completeness analysis:'
completeness_table = stepp.completeness(catalogue, completeness_config)
print completeness_table
print 'done!'

# Print the output completeness table
#for row in completeness_table:
#    print '%8.1f  %8.2f' %(row[0], row[1])

# In[ ]:

from hmtk.plotting.seismicity.completeness.plot_stepp_1972 import create_stepp_plot
create_stepp_plot(stepp, "data_output/stepp_plot_catalogue_bsb2013.png")

# In[ ]:
예제 #4
# In[ ]:

stepp = Stepp1971()

completeness_config = {'magnitude_bin': 1,
                       'time_bin': 5,
                       'increment_lock': False}
print completeness_config

# Run analysis
print 'Running Stepp (1971) completeness analysis:'
completeness_table = stepp.completeness(catalogue, completeness_config)
print completeness_table
print 'done!'

# Print the output completeness table
#for row in completeness_table:
#    print '%8.1f  %8.2f' %(row[0], row[1])

# In[ ]:

from hmtk.plotting.seismicity.completeness.plot_stepp_1972 import create_stepp_plot
create_stepp_plot(stepp, "data_output/stepp_plot_catalogue_bsb2013.png")

# In[ ]:

예제 #5
    # Run analysis
    print 'Running Stepp (1971) completeness analysis:'
    completeness_table = stepp.completeness(catalogue, completeness_config)
    print completeness_table
    print 'done!'

    # Print the output completeness table
    #for row in completeness_table:
    #    print '%8.1f  %8.2f' %(row[0], row[1])
    # In[ ]:
    from hmtk.plotting.seismicity.completeness.plot_stepp_1972 import create_stepp_plot
    create_stepp_plot(stepp, "data_output/stepp_plot_taiwan_01.png")

res, spc = 0.5, 100
#res, spc = 1, 50
#res, spc = 0.1, 500

#[xmin, xmax, spcx, ymin, ymax, spcy, zmin, zmax, spcz]
_l = [ 118.5,  124,  res,  20.0,   26.5,  res,    0,   300,   300]
nx = round((_l[1] - _l[0]) / _l[2],0)
ny = round((_l[4] - _l[3]) / _l[5],0)
grid_shape = (nx, ny)
# create grid specifications
grid_limits = utils.Grid.make_from_list(_l)