예제 #1
def doc(doc):
    Returns the given doc as html.

    :param doc: name of the doc.
    tracker, config = setup()
    doc = tracker.doc(doc)
    return to_json({'content': doc.read(convert=True)})
예제 #2
파일: api.py 프로젝트: ndreynolds/hopper
def doc(doc):
    Returns the given doc as html.

    :param doc: name of the doc.
    tracker, config = setup()
    doc = tracker.doc(doc)
    return to_json({'content': doc.read(convert=True)})
예제 #3
def doc_raw(doc):
    Returns the given doc in raw form.

    :param doc: name of the doc.
    tracker, config = setup()
    doc = tracker.doc(doc)
    return to_json({'content': doc.read()})
예제 #4
파일: api.py 프로젝트: ndreynolds/hopper
def doc_raw(doc):
    Returns the given doc in raw form.

    :param doc: name of the doc.
    tracker, config = setup()
    doc = tracker.doc(doc)
    return to_json({'content': doc.read()})
예제 #5
파일: api.py 프로젝트: ndreynolds/hopper
def open_issue(id):
    Open the issue with the given id.

    :param id: id of the issue.
    success = False
    if issue_view.open(id, redirect_after=False):
        success = True
    return to_json({'success': success})
예제 #6
def issue(id):
    Return the issue with the given id.

    :param id: id of the issue. Only the number of characters necessary to
               uniquely identify it are required, but using more is a good
    tracker, config = setup()
    return to_json(tracker.issue(id).fields)
예제 #7
def label(label, status=None):
    Returns issues that have a given label.

    :param label: label to filter by.
    :param status: status to filter by, in addition to the label.
    tracker, config = setup()
    issues = [i.fields for i in tracker.issues(label=label, status=status)]
    return to_json(issues)
예제 #8
파일: api.py 프로젝트: ndreynolds/hopper
def label(label, status=None):
    Returns issues that have a given label.

    :param label: label to filter by.
    :param status: status to filter by, in addition to the label.
    tracker, config = setup()
    issues = [i.fields for i in tracker.issues(label=label, status=status)]
    return to_json(issues)
예제 #9
파일: api.py 프로젝트: ndreynolds/hopper
def issue(id):
    Return the issue with the given id.

    :param id: id of the issue. Only the number of characters necessary to
               uniquely identify it are required, but using more is a good
    tracker, config = setup()
    return to_json(tracker.issue(id).fields)
예제 #10
def open_issue(id):
    Open the issue with the given id.

    :param id: id of the issue.
    success = False
    if issue_view.open(id, redirect_after=False):
        success = True
    return to_json({'success': success})
예제 #11
파일: api.py 프로젝트: ndreynolds/hopper
def search(query, status=None):
    Returns issues that match the search query.

    :param query: string to search issues for.
    :param status: status to filter by, in addition to the search query.
    tracker, config = setup()
    issues = [i.fields for i in 
              tracker.query().search(sstr=query, status=status)]
    return to_json(issues)
예제 #12
def close_issue(id):
    Close the issue with the given id.

    :param id: id of the issue.
    # this func and open_issue just hijack the issues view functions.
    # there's a lot to do here, and no sense repeating it.
    success = False
    if issue_view.close(id, redirect_after=False):
        success = True
    return to_json({'success': success})
예제 #13
def search(query, status=None):
    Returns issues that match the search query.

    :param query: string to search issues for.
    :param status: status to filter by, in addition to the search query.
    tracker, config = setup()
    issues = [
        i.fields for i in tracker.query().search(sstr=query, status=status)
    return to_json(issues)
예제 #14
파일: api.py 프로젝트: ndreynolds/hopper
def close_issue(id):
    Close the issue with the given id.

    :param id: id of the issue.
    # this func and open_issue just hijack the issues view functions.
    # there's a lot to do here, and no sense repeating it.
    success = False
    if issue_view.close(id, redirect_after=False):
        success = True
    return to_json({'success': success})
예제 #15
def index(status='open'):
    Render the issue index view.

    :param status: 'open' or 'closed'
    tracker, config = setup()

    # get the url params
    order = request.args.get('order', 'updated')
    direc = request.args.get('dir', 'asc')
    page = int(request.args.get('page', 1))
    label = request.args.get('label', None)

    # verify the params
    order = order if order in ['id', 'title', 'author'] else 'updated'
    reverse = True if direc == 'asc' else False
    per_page = 15 
    offset = (page - 1) * per_page if page > 1 else 0

    # run our query
    issues_ = tracker.query().select(limit=per_page, offset=offset, 
                                     status=status, order_by=order, 
                                     reverse=reverse, label=label)
    # humanize the timestamps
    map_attr(issues_, 'updated', relative_time)
    map_attr(issues_, 'created', relative_time)

    # get the number of issues by status
    n = tracker.query().count(status)

    # get the number of pages
    n_pages = n / per_page
    if n % per_page > 1:
        n_pages += 1

    # get pages to link to
    pages = pager(page, n_pages) if n > per_page else None

    # set the header
    header = 'Viewing %s issues for %s' % (status, tracker.config.name)
    if label:
        header += ' with label &nbsp; <span class="fancy-monospace">'
        header += '%s</span>' % label

    if request.json is not None:
        return to_json(request.json)
        return render_template('issues.html', issues_=issues_, 
                               selected='issues', status=status, 
                               order=order, page=page, pages=pages,
                               num_pages=n_pages, asc=reverse,
                               header=header, n=n, tracker=tracker)
예제 #16
def doc_edit(doc):
    Given a POST request that contains an 'edited' field, the given
    doc's raw content is replaced.

    :param doc: name of the doc to edit.
    :returns: {'success': True} if there were no errors.
    tracker, config = setup()
    success = False
    if request.form:
        doc = tracker.doc(doc)
        success = True
    return to_json({'success': success})
예제 #17
파일: api.py 프로젝트: ndreynolds/hopper
def doc_edit(doc):
    Given a POST request that contains an 'edited' field, the given
    doc's raw content is replaced.

    :param doc: name of the doc to edit.
    :returns: {'success': True} if there were no errors.
    tracker, config = setup()
    success = False
    if request.form:
        doc = tracker.doc(doc)
        success = True
    return to_json({'success': success})
예제 #18
def open_issues():
    """Returns open issues."""
    tracker, config = setup()
    issues = [i.fields for i in tracker.issues(status='open')]
    return to_json(issues)
예제 #19
def closed_issues():
    """Returns closed issues."""
    tracker, config = setup()
    issues = [i.fields for i in tracker.issues(status='closed')]
    return to_json(issues)
예제 #20
파일: api.py 프로젝트: ndreynolds/hopper
def closed_issues():
    """Returns closed issues."""
    tracker, config = setup()
    issues = [i.fields for i in tracker.issues(status='closed')]
    return to_json(issues)
예제 #21
파일: api.py 프로젝트: ndreynolds/hopper
def open_issues():
    """Returns open issues."""
    tracker, config = setup()
    issues = [i.fields for i in tracker.issues(status='open')]
    return to_json(issues)
예제 #22
파일: feed.py 프로젝트: ndreynolds/hopper
def main():
    tracker, config = setup()

    # get the offset param (intended for javascript requests)
    offset = int(request.args.get('offset', 0))

    # Get up to 20 commits starting at whatever offset.
    raw_history = tracker.history(n=offset+20, offset=offset)

    # Don't want the performance hit of checking how many commits there are.
    # Instead, we're guessing that there's more if we get a full 20 in the 
    # first batch. 
    more_history = False if len(raw_history) < 20 else True

    # get the unique set of authors (in this history segment)
    users = set(strip_email(c.author) for c in raw_history)
    docs = tracker.docs()
    history = []
    for c in raw_history:
        split = c.author.index('<')
        name = c.author[:split]
        email = c.author[(split + 1):-1]
        time = relative_time(c.commit_time)
        message, obj = interpret(c.message, tracker)

        snippet = title = link = button = None

        if type(obj) is Comment:
            snippet = cut(obj.content, 190)
            link = url_for('issues.view', id=obj.issue.id[:6]) + '#comment-' + obj.id[:6]
            button = obj.issue.id[:6]
        if type(obj) is Issue:
            title = obj.title
            snippet = cut(obj.content, 190)
            link = url_for('issues.view', id=obj.id[:6])
            button = obj.id[:6]

        history.append({'user': {'name': name, 'email': email},
                        'message': message.strip(),
                        'time': time,
                        'link': link,
                        'button': button,
                        'title': title,
                        'snippet': snippet
    # If the request is async, we're all set.
    if request.is_xhr:
        return to_json(history)

    # Otherwise, we have to get some more info.

    header = 'Recent Activity for %s' % tracker.config.name
    # Issue counts
    n_open = tracker.query().count('open')
    n_closed = tracker.query().count('closed')
    n_total = n_open + n_closed
    # Graph percentages
    # the subtraction is spacing for the CSS.
    g_open = (float(n_open) / n_total) * 100 - 2 if n_total > 0 else 0
    g_closed = (float(n_closed) / n_total) * 100 - 2 if n_total > 0 else 0
    g_open = 1 if g_open < 1 else g_open
    g_closed = 1 if g_closed < 1 else g_closed

    return render_template('feed.html', history=history,
                           selected='feed', header=header, 
                           tracker=tracker, users=users,
                           docs=docs, n_open=n_open, 
                           n_closed=n_closed, n_total=n_total,
                           g_open=g_open, g_closed=g_closed,
예제 #23
파일: feed.py 프로젝트: ndreynolds/hopper
def main():
    tracker, config = setup()

    # get the offset param (intended for javascript requests)
    offset = int(request.args.get('offset', 0))

    # Get up to 20 commits starting at whatever offset.
    raw_history = tracker.history(n=offset + 20, offset=offset)

    # Don't want the performance hit of checking how many commits there are.
    # Instead, we're guessing that there's more if we get a full 20 in the
    # first batch.
    more_history = False if len(raw_history) < 20 else True

    # get the unique set of authors (in this history segment)
    users = set(strip_email(c.author) for c in raw_history)
    docs = tracker.docs()
    history = []
    for c in raw_history:
        split = c.author.index('<')
        name = c.author[:split]
        email = c.author[(split + 1):-1]
        time = relative_time(c.commit_time)
        message, obj = interpret(c.message, tracker)

        snippet = title = link = button = None

        if type(obj) is Comment:
            snippet = cut(obj.content, 190)
            link = url_for('issues.view',
                           id=obj.issue.id[:6]) + '#comment-' + obj.id[:6]
            button = obj.issue.id[:6]
        if type(obj) is Issue:
            title = obj.title
            snippet = cut(obj.content, 190)
            link = url_for('issues.view', id=obj.id[:6])
            button = obj.id[:6]

            'user': {
                'name': name,
                'email': email
            'message': message.strip(),
            'time': time,
            'link': link,
            'button': button,
            'title': title,
            'snippet': snippet
    # If the request is async, we're all set.
    if request.is_xhr:
        return to_json(history)

    # Otherwise, we have to get some more info.

    header = 'Recent Activity for %s' % tracker.config.name
    # Issue counts
    n_open = tracker.query().count('open')
    n_closed = tracker.query().count('closed')
    n_total = n_open + n_closed
    # Graph percentages
    # the subtraction is spacing for the CSS.
    g_open = (float(n_open) / n_total) * 100 - 2 if n_total > 0 else 0
    g_closed = (float(n_closed) / n_total) * 100 - 2 if n_total > 0 else 0
    g_open = 1 if g_open < 1 else g_open
    g_closed = 1 if g_closed < 1 else g_closed

    return render_template('feed.html',