예제 #1
class IdPoolsRanges(object):
    Base class for Id Pools Ranges API client.

    Has common function used by: vMAC, vSN, vWWN
    def __init__(self, type, con):

        uri = ""
        if type == 'vmac':
            uri = '/rest/id-pools/vmac/ranges'
        elif type == 'vsn':
            uri = '/rest/id-pools/vsn/ranges'
        elif type == 'vwwn':
            uri = '/rest/id-pools/vwwn/ranges'
            raise HPEOneViewValueError(
                "Invalid type: {0}, types allowed: vmac, vsn, vwwn, ".format(

        self._client = ResourceClient(con, uri)

    def create(self, resource, timeout=-1):
        Creates range.

            resource (dict): Object to create
            timeout: Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation
                in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion.

            dict: Created range.
        return self._client.create(resource, timeout=timeout)

    def get(self, id_or_uri):
        Gets range.

        Using the allocator and collector associated with the range, IDs may be allocated from or collected back to the

            id_or_uri: Can be either the range ID or URI.

            dict: Range
        return self._client.get(id_or_uri)

    def enable(self, information, id_or_uri, timeout=-1):
        Enables or disables a range.

            information (dict): Information to update.
            id_or_uri: ID or URI of range.
            timeout: Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation
                in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion.

            dict: Updated resource.

        uri = self._client.build_uri(id_or_uri)

        return self._client.update(information, uri, timeout=timeout)

    def delete(self, resource, force=False, timeout=-1):
        Deletes range.

            resource (dict):
                Object to delete
            force (bool):
                If set to true, the operation completes despite any problems with
                network connectivity or errors on the resource itself. The default is false.
                Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation
                in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion.

            bool: Indicates if the resource was successfully deleted.
        return self._client.delete(resource, force=force, timeout=timeout)

    def get_allocated_fragments(self, id_or_uri, count=-1, start=0):
        Gets all fragments that have been allocated in range.

                ID or URI of range.
                 The number of resources to return. A count of -1 requests all items. The actual number of items in
                 the response may differ from the requested count if the sum of start and count exceed the total number
                 of items.
                The first item to return, using 0-based indexing. If not specified, the default is 0 - start with the
                first available item.

            list: A list with the allocated fragements.
        uri = self._client.build_uri(
            id_or_uri) + "/allocated-fragments?start={0}&count={1}".format(
                start, count)
        return self._client.get_collection(uri)

    def allocate(self, information, id_or_uri, timeout=-1):
        Allocates a set of IDs from range.

        The allocator returned contains the list of IDs successfully allocated.

            information (dict):
                Information to update. Can result in system specified IDs or the system reserving user-specified IDs.
                ID or URI of vSN range.
                Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation
                in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion.

            dict: Allocator
        uri = self._client.build_uri(id_or_uri) + "/allocator"

        return self._client.update(information, uri, timeout=timeout)

    def collect(self, information, id_or_uri, timeout=-1):
        Collects a set of IDs back to range.

        The collector returned contains the list of IDs successfully collected.

            information (dict):
                The list of IDs to be collected
                ID or URI of range
                Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation
                in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion.

            dict: Collector containing list of collected IDs successfully collected.
        uri = self._client.build_uri(id_or_uri) + "/collector"

        return self._client.update(information, uri, timeout=timeout)

    def get_free_fragments(self, id_or_uri, count=-1, start=0):
        Gets all free fragments in a vSN range.

                ID or URI of range.
                 The number of resources to return. A count of -1 requests all items. The actual number of items in
                 the response may differ from the requested count if the sum of start and count exceed the total number
                 of items.
                The first item to return, using 0-based indexing. If not specified, the default is 0 - start with the
                first available item.

            list: A list with the free fragments.
        uri = self._client.build_uri(
            id_or_uri) + "/free-fragments?start={0}&count={1}".format(
                start, count)
        return self._client.get_collection(uri)
예제 #2
class Backups(object):
    Backups API client.

    URI = '/rest/backups'

    def __init__(self, con):
        self._client = ResourceClient(con, self.URI)

    def get_all(self):
        Retrieves the details for any current appliance backup. Only one backup file is present on the appliance at any

            list: A list of Backups.
        return self._client.get_collection(self.URI)

    def get(self, id_or_uri):
        Gets the details of the specified backup.

            id_or_uri: ID or URI of the backup

            dict: Details of the specified backup.
        return self._client.get(id_or_uri)

    def create(self, timeout=-1):
        Starts backing up the appliance. After completion, the backup file must be downloaded and saved off-appliance.
        Appliance backups can be started at any time, and do not require any special setup to prepare the appliance for
        the backup.

                Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation
                in OneView, just stop waiting for its completion.

            dict: Details of the created backup.

        return self._client.create_with_zero_body(timeout=timeout)

    def download(self, id_or_uri, file_path):
        Downloads a backup archive previously created on the appliance. Uploaded backup files cannot be downloaded.

            id_or_uri: ID or URI of the Artifact Bundle.
            file_path(str): Destination file path.

            bool: Successfully downloaded.
        return self._client.download(id_or_uri, file_path)

    def upload(self, file_path):
        Uploads an appliance backup file in preparation of a restore. Any existing backup on the appliance is removed.

        After the backup file is uploaded and validated, its details are returned. The URI of the backup can be used to
        start a restore.

            file_path (str): The local backup filepath

            dict: Details of the uploaded backup.
        return self._client.upload(file_path, self.URI + '/archive')

    def get_config(self):
        Retrieves the details of the backup configuration for the remote server and automatic backup schedule.

            id_or_uri: ID or URI of the backup

            dict: Details of the backup configuration for the remote server and automatic backup schedule.
        return self._client.get('config')

    def update_config(self, config, timeout=-1):
        Updates the remote server configuration and the automatic backup schedule for backup.

            config (dict): Object to update.
                Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation
                in OneView, just stop waiting for its completion.

            dict: Backup details.

        return self._client.update(config,
                                   uri=self.URI + "/config",

    def update_remote_archive(self, save_uri, timeout=-1):
        Saves a backup of the appliance to a previously-configured remote location.

            save_uri (dict): The URI for saving the backup to a previously configured location.
                Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation
                in OneView, just stop waiting for its completion.

            dict: Backup details.

        return self._client.update_with_zero_body(uri=save_uri,
class IdPoolsIpv4Ranges(object):
    The ID pools IPv4 ranges resource provides a Client API for managing IPv4 ranges.
    URI = '/rest/id-pools/ipv4/ranges'

    def __init__(self, con):
        self._client = ResourceClient(con, self.URI)

    def create(self, resource, timeout=-1):
        Creates an IPv4 range.

            resource (dict): Object to create
            timeout: Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation
                in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion.

            dict: Created range.
        return self._client.create(resource, timeout=timeout)

    def get(self, id_or_uri):
        Gets an IPv4 range by ID or URI.

        Using the allocator and collector associated with the range, IDs may be allocated from or collected back to the

            id_or_uri: Can be either the range ID or URI.

            dict: Range
        return self._client.get(id_or_uri)

    def enable(self, information, id_or_uri, timeout=-1):
        Enables or disables an IPv4 range.

            information (dict): Information to update.
            id_or_uri: ID or URI of range.
            timeout: Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation
                in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion.

            dict: Updated IPv4 range.

        uri = self._client.build_uri(id_or_uri)

        return self._client.update(information, uri, timeout=timeout)

    def update(self, information, timeout=-1):
        Edit an IPv4 Range.

            information (dict): Information to update.
            timeout: Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation
                in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion.

            dict: Updated IPv4 range.

        return self._client.update(information, timeout=timeout)

    def delete(self, resource, force=False, timeout=-1):
        Deletes an IPv4 range.

            resource (dict):
                Object to delete
            force (bool):
                If set to true, the operation completes despite any problems with
                network connectivity or errors on the resource itself. The default is false.
                Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation
                in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion.

            bool: Indicates if the resource was successfully deleted.
        return self._client.delete(resource, force=force, timeout=timeout)

    def get_allocated_fragments(self, id_or_uri, count=-1, start=0):
        Gets all fragments that have been allocated in range.

                ID or URI of range.
                 The number of resources to return. A count of -1 requests all items. The actual number of items in
                 the response may differ from the requested count if the sum of start and count exceed the total number
                 of items.
                The first item to return, using 0-based indexing. If not specified, the default is 0 - start with the
                first available item.

            list: A list with the allocated fragements.
        uri = self._client.build_uri(id_or_uri) + "/allocated-fragments?start={0}&count={1}".format(start, count)
        return self._client.get_collection(uri)

    def get_free_fragments(self, id_or_uri, count=-1, start=0):
        Gets all free fragments in an IPv4 range.

                ID or URI of range.
                 The number of resources to return. A count of -1 requests all items. The actual number of items in
                 the response may differ from the requested count if the sum of start and count exceed the total number
                 of items.
                The first item to return, using 0-based indexing. If not specified, the default is 0 - start with the
                first available item.

            list: A list with the free fragments.
        uri = self._client.build_uri(id_or_uri) + "/free-fragments?start={0}&count={1}".format(start, count)
        return self._client.get_collection(uri)