예제 #1
파일: sitesutils.py 프로젝트: hpleva/httk
def normalized_formula_parts(assignments, ratios, counts):

    formula = {}
    alloccs = {}
    maxc = 0
    for i in range(len(counts)):
        assignment = assignments[i]
        ratio = ratios[i]
        if not assignment in formula:
            formula[assignment] = FracVector.create(0)
            alloccs[assignment] = FracVector.create(0)
        occ = ratio
        formula[assignment] += occ * counts[i]
        alloccs[assignment] += FracVector.create(counts[i])
        if alloccs[assignment] > maxc:
            maxc = alloccs[assignment]

    alloccs = FracVector.create(alloccs.values())
    alloccs = (alloccs / maxc).simplify()

    for symbol in formula.keys():
        formula[symbol] = (formula[symbol] * alloccs.denom / maxc).simplify()
    #    if abs(value-int(value))<1e-6:
    #        formula[symbol] = int(value)
    #    elif int(100*(value-(int(value)))) > 1:
    #        formula[symbol] = float("%d.%.2e" % (value, 100*(value-(int(value)))))
    #    else:
    #        formula[symbol] = float("%d" % (value,))

    return formula
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, niggli_matrix, orientation=1, basis=None):
        Private constructor, as per httk coding guidelines. Use Cell.create instead.
        self.niggli_matrix = niggli_matrix
        self.orientation = orientation
        if basis is None:
            basis = FracVector.use(
                niggli_to_basis(niggli_matrix, orientation=orientation))
            c = basis
            maxele = max(c[0, 0], c[0, 1], c[0, 2], c[1, 0], c[1, 1], c[1, 2],
                         c[2, 0], c[2, 1], c[2, 2])
            maxeleneg = max(-c[0, 0], -c[0, 1], -c[0, 2], -c[1, 0], -c[1, 1],
                            -c[1, 2], -c[2, 0], -c[2, 1], -c[2, 2])
            if maxeleneg > maxele:
                scale = (-maxeleneg).simplify()
                scale = (maxele).simplify()
            basis = (basis * scale.inv()).simplify()

        self._basis = basis

        self.det = basis.det()
        self.inv = basis.inv()
        self.volume = abs(self.det)
        self.metric = niggli_to_metric(self.niggli_matrix)

        self.lengths, self.angles = niggli_to_lengths_angles(

        self.lengths = [FracVector.use(x).simplify() for x in self.lengths]
        self.angles = [FracVector.use(x).simplify() for x in self.angles]

        self.a, self.b, self.c = self.lengths
        self.alpha, self.beta, self.gamma = self.angles
예제 #3
def main():
    cell = FracVector.create([[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]])
    coordgroups = FracVector.create([[[2, 3, 5], [3, 5, 4]], [[4, 6, 7]]])
    assignments = [2, 5]

    print(cell, coordgroups)
    cell, coordgroups = coordswap(0, 2, cell, coordgroups)
    print(cell, coordgroups)

예제 #4
    def add_phase(self, symbols, counts, id, energy):
        Handles energy=None, for a phase we don't know the energy of.
        counts = FracVector.use(counts)
        phase = {}
        # In Python 3 symbols in an iterator, so we should convert it to
        # a list.
        symbols = list(symbols)
        for i in range(len(symbols)):
            symbol = symbols[i]
            if symbol in phase:
                phase[symbol] += counts[i]
                phase[symbol] = counts[i]
            self.seen_symbols[symbol] = True
        if energy is not None:
            self.phases += [phase]
            self.energies += [energy]
            self.ids += [id]
            self.other_phases += [phase]
            self.other_ids += [id]

        # Clear out so things get reevaluated
예제 #5
    def read_coords_occs(results, match):
        if results['in_input']:
            coordstr = 'sgcoords'
            occstr = 'sgoccupancies'
            seenstr = 'sgseen'
            idxstr = 'sgidx'
        elif results['in_output']:
            coordstr = 'coords'
            occstr = 'occupancies'
            seenstr = 'seen'
            idxstr = 'idx'

        newcoord = (match.group(2), match.group(3), match.group(4))
        #newcoord = FracVector.create([match.group(2),match.group(3),match.group(4)]).limit_denominator(5000000).simplify()
        species = match.group(1).split("/")
        occups = match.group(6).split("/")

        for j in range(len(species)):        
            occup = {'atom': periodictable.atomic_number(species[j]), 'ratio': FracVector.create(occups[j]), }
            if newcoord in results[seenstr]:
                idx = results[seenstr][newcoord]
                results[seenstr][newcoord] = results[idxstr]
                results[idxstr] += 1
예제 #6
    def read_coords(results, match):
        if not results['in_setting']:
            results['setting'].append({'coords': [], 'occupancies': [], 'wyckoff': [], 'multiplicities': []})
            results['in_setting'] = True

        newcoord = FracVector.create([match.group(4), match.group(5), match.group(6)]).limit_denominator(5000000).simplify()

        results['setting'][-1]['coords'].append([match.group(4), match.group(5), match.group(6)])
        if based_on_struct is None:
            abstract_symbol = match.group(1).strip()
            index = httk.basic.anonymous_symbol_to_int(abstract_symbol)

        wyckoff_string = match.group(3)
        wyckoff_symbol = wyckoff_string[wyckoff_string.index("(") + 1:wyckoff_string.rindex(")")]
        multiplicity = int(wyckoff_string[:wyckoff_string.index("(")])
        results['in_setting'] = True
예제 #7
def niggli_vol_to_scale(niggli_matrix, vol):
    niggli_matrix = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix)
    metric = niggli_to_metric(niggli_matrix)
    volsqr = metric.det()
    if volsqr == 0:
        raise Exception("niggli_vol_to_scale: singular cell matrix.")
    det = sqrt(float(volsqr))
    return (float(vol) / det)**(1.0 / 3.0)
예제 #8
def coordgroups_to_coords(coordgroups):
    coords = []
    counts = [len(x) for x in coordgroups]
    for group in coordgroups:
        for i in range(len(group)):
    coords = FracVector.stack_vecs(coords)
    return coords, counts
예제 #9
def cubic_supercell_transformation(structure,
    # Note: a better name for tolerance is max_extension or similar, it is not really a tolerance, it regulates the maximum number of repetitions of the primitive cell
    # in any directions to reach the soughts supercell

    if tolerance is None:
        prim_cell = structure.uc_cell.basis
        inv = prim_cell.inv().simplify()
        transformation = (inv * inv.denom).simplify()
        maxtol = max(int(FracVector.use(tolerance)), 2)
        bestlen = None
        bestortho = None
        besttrans = None
        #TODO: This loop may be possible to do with fewer iterations, since I suppose the only thing that
        #matter is the prime factors?
        for tol in range(1, maxtol):
            prim_cell = structure.uc_cell.basis
            prim_cell = structure.uc_cell.basis
            approxinv = prim_cell.inv().set_denominator(tol).simplify()
            if approxinv[0] == [0, 0, 0] or approxinv[1] == [
                    0, 0, 0
            ] or approxinv[2] == [0, 0, 0]:
            transformation = (approxinv * approxinv.denom).simplify()
                cell = Cell.create(basis=transformation * prim_cell)
            except Exception:
            ortho = (abs(cell.niggli_matrix[1][0]) +
                     abs(cell.niggli_matrix[1][1]) +
            equallen = abs(cell.niggli_matrix[0][0] - cell.niggli_matrix[0][1]
                           ) + abs(cell.niggli_matrix[0][0] -
            if ortho == 0 and equallen == 0:
                # Already perfectly cubic, use this
                besttrans = transformation
            elif bestlen is None or not (bestortho < ortho
                                         and bestlen < equallen):
                bestlen = equallen
                bestortho = ortho
                besttrans = transformation
            elif besttrans == None:
                bestlen = equallen
                bestortho = ortho
                besttrans = transformation

        transformation = besttrans

    if transformation == None:
        raise Exception(
            "Not possible to find a cubic supercell with this limitation of number of repeated cell (increase tolerance.)"

    return transformation
예제 #10
def niggli_scale_to_vol(niggli_matrix, scale):
    niggli_matrix = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix)
    metric = niggli_to_metric(niggli_matrix)
    volsqr = metric.det()
    if volsqr == 0:
        raise Exception("niggli_vol_to_scale: singular cell matrix.")
    det = sqrt(float(volsqr))
    if abs(det) < 1e-12:
        raise Exception("niggli_scale_to_vol: singular cell matrix.")
    return (((scale)**3) * det)
예제 #11
def reduced_to_cartesian(cell, coordgroups):
    cell = FracVector.use(cell)

    newcoordgroups = []

    for coordgroup in coordgroups:
        newcoordgroup = coordgroup * cell

    return newcoordgroups
예제 #12
def occupations_and_coords_to_assignments_and_coordgroups(
        occupationscoords, occupations):
    if len(occupationscoords) == 0:
        return [], FracVector((), 1)

    occupationscoords = FracVector.use(occupationscoords)

    new_coordgroups = []
    new_assignments = []
    for i in range(len(occupations)):
        for j in range(len(new_assignments)):
            if occupations[i] == new_assignments[j]:
    new_coordgroups = FracVector.create(new_coordgroups)
    return new_assignments, new_coordgroups
예제 #13
def cartesian_to_reduced(cell, coordgroups):
    cell = FracVector.use(cell)
    cellinv = cell.inv()

    newcoordgroups = []

    for coordgroup in coordgroups:
        newcoordgroup = coordgroup * cellinv

    return newcoordgroups
예제 #14
def coordgroups_cartesian_to_reduced(coordgroups, basis):
    basis = FracVector.use(basis)
    cellinv = basis.inv()

    newcoordgroups = []

    for coordgroup in coordgroups:
        newcoordgroup = coordgroup * cellinv

    return newcoordgroups
예제 #15
def clean_coordgroups_and_assignments(coordgroups, assignments):
    if len(assignments) != len(coordgroups):
        raise Exception(
            "Occupations and coords needs to be of the same length.")
    if len(assignments) == 0:
        return [], FracVector((), 1)

    new_coordgroups = []
    new_assignments = []
    for i in range(len(assignments)):
        for j in range(len(new_assignments)):
            if assignments[i] == new_assignments[j]:
                idx = j
                new_coordgroups[idx] = FracVector.chain_vecs(
                    [new_coordgroups[idx], coordgroups[i]])
            idx = len(coordgroups) - 1
    return new_coordgroups, new_assignments
예제 #16
    def read_coords(results, match):
        #for i in range(1,14):
        #    sys.stdout.write(match.group(i)+"|")
        species = periodictable.atomic_number(match.group(1))
        ratio = FracVector.create(re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '', match.group(11)))
        a1 = re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '', match.group(2))
        b1 = re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '', match.group(3))
        c1 = re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '', match.group(4))

        a = match.group(2).replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
        b = match.group(3).replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
        c = match.group(4).replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
        coord = FracVector.create([a1, b1, c1]).normalize()
        sys.stdout.write(str(species)+" "+str(coord.to_floats()))
        limcoord = FracVector.create([a1, b1, c1]).normalize()
        coordtuple = ((species, ratio.to_tuple()), limcoord.to_tuple())
        if coordtuple in seen_coords:
        results['occupancies'].append((species, float(ratio)))
예제 #17
def basis_to_niggli(basis):
    basis = FracVector.use(basis)

    A = basis.noms
    det = basis.det()
    if det == 0:
        raise Exception("basis_to_niggli: singular cell matrix.")

    if det > 0:
        orientation = 1
        orientation = -1

    s11 = A[0][0] * A[0][0] + A[0][1] * A[0][1] + A[0][2] * A[0][2]
    s22 = A[1][0] * A[1][0] + A[1][1] * A[1][1] + A[1][2] * A[1][2]
    s33 = A[2][0] * A[2][0] + A[2][1] * A[2][1] + A[2][2] * A[2][2]

    s23 = A[1][0] * A[2][0] + A[1][1] * A[2][1] + A[1][2] * A[2][2]
    s13 = A[0][0] * A[2][0] + A[0][1] * A[2][1] + A[0][2] * A[2][2]
    s12 = A[0][0] * A[1][0] + A[0][1] * A[1][1] + A[0][2] * A[1][2]

    new = FracVector.create(((s11, s22, s33), (2 * s23, 2 * s13, 2 * s12)),
    return new, orientation
예제 #18
def niggli_to_cell_old(niggli_matrix, orientation=1):
    cell = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix)
    niggli_matrix = niggli_matrix.to_floats()

    s11, s22, s33 = niggli_matrix[0][0], niggli_matrix[0][1], niggli_matrix[0][
    s23, s13, s12 = niggli_matrix[1][0] / 2.0, niggli_matrix[1][
        1] / 2.0, niggli_matrix[1][2] / 2.0

    a, b, c = sqrt(s11), sqrt(s22), sqrt(s33)
    alpha_rad, beta_rad, gamma_rad = acos(s23 / (b * c)), acos(
        s13 / (c * a)), acos(s12 / (a * b))

    iv = 1 - cos(alpha_rad)**2 - cos(beta_rad)**2 - cos(
        gamma_rad)**2 + 2 * cos(alpha_rad) * cos(beta_rad) * cos(gamma_rad)

    # Handle that iv may be very, very slightly < 0 by the floating point accuracy limit
    if iv > 0:
        v = sqrt(iv)
        v = 0.0

    if c * v < 1e-14:
        raise Exception(
            "niggli_to_cell: Physically unreasonable cell, cell vectors degenerate or very close to degenerate."

    if orientation < 0:
        cell = [[-a, 0.0, 0.0],
                [-b * cos(gamma_rad), -b * sin(gamma_rad), 0.0],
                    -c * cos(beta_rad),
                    -c * (cos(alpha_rad) - cos(beta_rad) * cos(gamma_rad)) /
                    sin(gamma_rad), -c * v / sin(gamma_rad)
        cell = [[a, 0.0, 0.0], [b * cos(gamma_rad), b * sin(gamma_rad), 0.0],
                    c * cos(beta_rad),
                    c * (cos(alpha_rad) - cos(beta_rad) * cos(gamma_rad)) /
                    sin(gamma_rad), c * v / sin(gamma_rad)

    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            cell[i][j] = round(cell[i][j], 14)

    return cell
예제 #19
def coordswap(fromidx, toidx, cell, coordgroups):
    new_coordgroups = []
    for group in coordgroups:
        coords = MutableFracVector.from_FracVector(group)
        rows = coords[:, toidx]
        coords[:, toidx] = coords[:, fromidx]
        coords[:, fromidx] = rows
    coordgroups = FracVector.create(new_coordgroups)

    cell = MutableFracVector.from_FracVector(cell)
    row = cell[toidx]
    cell[toidx] = cell[fromidx]
    cell[fromidx] = row
    cell = cell.to_FracVector()

    return (cell, coordgroups)
예제 #20
def coords_and_occupancies_to_coordgroups_and_assignments(coords, occupancies):
    if len(occupancies) != len(coords):
        raise Exception(
            "Occupations and coords needs to be of the same length.")
    if len(occupancies) == 0:
        return [], FracVector((), 1)

    coordgroups = []
    group_occupancies = []
    for i in range(len(occupancies)):
            idx = group_occupancies.index(occupancies[i])
        except ValueError:
            idx = len(group_occupancies)
    return coordgroups, group_occupancies
예제 #21
def normalized_formula_parts(assignments, ratios, counts):

    formula = {}
    alloccs = {}
    maxc = 0
    for i in range(len(counts)):
        assignment = assignments[i]
        ratio = ratios[i]
        if is_sequence(assignment):
            if len(assignment) == 1:
                assignment = assignment[0]
                ratio = ratio[0]
                occ = ratio
                assignment = tuple([(x, FracVector.use(y))
                                    for x, y in zip(assignment, ratio)])
                occ = 1
            occ = ratio
        if not assignment in formula:
            formula[assignment] = FracVector.create(0)
            alloccs[assignment] = FracVector.create(0)
        formula[assignment] += FracVector.create(occ * counts[i])
        alloccs[assignment] += FracVector.create(counts[i])
        if alloccs[assignment] > maxc:
            maxc = alloccs[assignment]

    alloccs = FracVector.create(alloccs.values())
    alloccs = (alloccs / maxc).simplify()

    for symbol in formula.keys():
        formula[symbol] = (formula[symbol] * alloccs.denom / maxc).simplify()
    #    if abs(value-int(value))<1e-6:
    #        formula[symbol] = int(value)
    #    elif int(100*(value-(int(value)))) > 1:
    #        formula[symbol] = float("%d.%.2e" % (value, 100*(value-(int(value)))))
    #    else:
    #        formula[symbol] = float("%d" % (value,))

    return formula
예제 #22
def transform(structure, transformation, max_search_cells=20, max_atoms=1000):

    transformation = FracVector.use(transformation).simplify()
    #if transformation.denom != 1:
    #    raise Exception("Structure.transform requires integer transformation matrix")

    old_cell = structure.uc_cell
    new_cell = Cell.create(basis=transformation * old_cell.basis)
    conversion_matrix = (old_cell.basis * new_cell.inv).simplify()

    volume_ratio = abs(
        (new_cell.basis.det() / abs(old_cell.basis.det()))).simplify()
    seek_counts = [
        int((volume_ratio * x).simplify()) for x in structure.uc_counts
    #print("SEEK_COUNTS",seek_counts, volume_ratio, structure.uc_counts, transformation)
    total_seek_counts = sum(seek_counts)
    if total_seek_counts > max_atoms:
        raise Exception("Structure.transform: more than " + str(max_atoms) +
                        " needed. Change limit with max_atoms parameter.")

    #if max_search_cells != None and maxvec[0]*maxvec[1]*maxvec[2] > max_search_cells:
    #    raise Exception("Very obtuse angles in cell, to search over all possible lattice vectors will take a very long time. To force, set max_search_cells = None when calling find_prototypeid()")

    ### Collect coordinate list of all sites inside the new cell
    coordgroups = structure.uc_reduced_coordgroups
    extendedcoordgroups = [[] for x in range(len(coordgroups))]

    if max_search_cells is not None:
        max_search = [max_search_cells, max_search_cells, max_search_cells]
        max_search = None

    for offset in breath_first_idxs(dim=3, end=max_search, negative=True):
        #print("X",offset, seek_counts)
        for idx in range(len(coordgroups)):
            coordgroup = coordgroups[idx]
            newcoordgroup = coordgroup + FracVector([offset] * len(coordgroup))
            new_reduced = newcoordgroup * conversion_matrix
            new_reduced = [
                x for x in new_reduced if x[0] >= 0 and x[1] >= 0 and x[2] >= 0
                and x[0] < 1 and x[1] < 1 and x[2] < 1
            extendedcoordgroups[idx] += new_reduced
            c = len(new_reduced)
            seek_counts[idx] -= c
            total_seek_counts -= c
            if seek_counts[idx] < 0:
                #print("X",offset, seek_counts)
                raise Exception(
                    "Structure.transform safety check error, internal error: too many atoms in supercell."
        if total_seek_counts == 0:
        raise Exception(
            "Very obtuse angles in cell, to search over all possible lattice vectors will take a very long time. To force, set max_search_cells = None when calling find_prototypeid()"

    return structure.create(uc_reduced_coordgroups=extendedcoordgroups,
예제 #23
def out_to_struct(ioa):
    Example input::
        Symmetry information:
        Trigonal crystal system.
        Space group number     : 165
        Hall symbol            : -P 3 2"c
        Hermann-Mauguin symbol : P-3c1
        Bravais lattice vectors :
          0.8660254  -0.5000000   0.0000000 
          0.0000000   1.0000000   0.0000000 
          0.0000000   0.0000000   1.0231037 
        All sites, (lattice coordinates):
        Atom           a1          a2          a3 
        La      0.6609000   0.0000000   0.2500000
        La      0.3391000   0.0000000   0.7500000
        F       0.0000000   0.0000000   0.2500000
        F       0.0000000   0.0000000   0.7500000
        Unit cell volume  : 328.6477016 A^3
        Unit cell density :   3.5764559 u/A^3 =   5.9388437 g/cm^3
    results = {}
    results['output_cell'] = []
    results['input_cell'] = []
    results['coords'] = []
    results['sgcoords'] = []
    results['occupancies'] = []
    results['sgoccupancies'] = []
    results['in_output'] = False
    results['in_input'] = False
    results['in_input_coords'] = False
    results['in_coords'] = False
    results['in_cell'] = False
    results['in_input_cell'] = False
    results['in_bib'] = False
    results['bib'] = ""
    results['seen'] = {}
    results['sgseen'] = {}
    results['idx'] = 0
    results['sgidx'] = 0
    def read_cell(results, match):
        if results['in_input']:
            results['input_cell'].append([(match.group(1)), (match.group(2)), (match.group(3))])
        elif results['in_output']:
            results['output_cell'].append([(match.group(1)), (match.group(2)), (match.group(3))])

    def read_coords_occs(results, match):
        if results['in_input']:
            coordstr = 'sgcoords'
            occstr = 'sgoccupancies'
            seenstr = 'sgseen'
            idxstr = 'sgidx'
        elif results['in_output']:
            coordstr = 'coords'
            occstr = 'occupancies'
            seenstr = 'seen'
            idxstr = 'idx'

        newcoord = (match.group(2), match.group(3), match.group(4))
        #newcoord = FracVector.create([match.group(2),match.group(3),match.group(4)]).limit_denominator(5000000).simplify()
        species = match.group(1).split("/")
        occups = match.group(6).split("/")

        for j in range(len(species)):        
            occup = {'atom': periodictable.atomic_number(species[j]), 'ratio': FracVector.create(occups[j]), }
            if newcoord in results[seenstr]:
                idx = results[seenstr][newcoord]
                results[seenstr][newcoord] = results[idxstr]
                results[idxstr] += 1
    def read_coords(results, match):
        if results['in_input']:
            coordstr = 'sgcoords'
            occstr = 'sgoccupancies'
            seenstr = 'sgseen'
            idxstr = 'sgidx'
        elif results['in_output']:
            coordstr = 'coords'
            occstr = 'occupancies'
            seenstr = 'seen'
            idxstr = 'idx'

        newcoord = (match.group(2), match.group(3), match.group(4))
        #newcoord = FracVector.create([match.group(2),match.group(3),match.group(4)]).limit_denominator(5000000).simplify()
        species = match.group(1)
        occup = {'atom': periodictable.atomic_number(species)}        

        if newcoord in results[seenstr]:
            idx = results[seenstr][newcoord]
            results[seenstr][newcoord] = results[idxstr]
            results[idxstr] += 1

        #if results['in_input']:
        #    results['sgcoords'].append(newcoord)
        #    results['sgoccupancies'].append(periodictable.atomic_symbol(match.group(1)))
        #elif results['in_output']:
        #    results['coords'].append(newcoord)
        #    results['occupancies'].append(periodictable.atomic_symbol(match.group(1)))
    def read_volume(results, match):
        results['volume'] = match.group(1)

    def read_hall(results, match):
        if results['in_input']:
            results['sghall'] = match.group(1)
        elif results['in_output']:
            results['hall'] = match.group(1)

    def read_id(results, match):
        results['id'] = match.group(1)

    def coords_stop(results, match):
        results['in_coords'] = False

    def coords_start(results, match):
        if results['in_input']:
            results['in_input_coords'] = True
        elif results['in_output']:
            results['in_coords'] = True

    def cell_stop(results, match):
        results['in_cell'] = False

    def input_cell_stop(results, match):
        results['in_input_cell'] = False

    def cell_start(results, match):
        results['in_cell'] = True

    def input_cell_start(results, match):
        results['in_input_cell'] = True

    def output_start(results, match):
        results['in_output'] = True        
        results['in_input'] = False

    def read_version(results, match):
        results['version'] = match.group(1)

    def read_name(results, match):
        expr = httk.basic.parse_parexpr(match.group(1))
        # Grab the last, nested, parenthesed expression 
        p = ""
        for x in expr:
            if x[0] == 0:
                p = x[1]
        results['name'] = p

    def read_bib(results, match):
        if match.group(1).strip() != 'Failed to get author information, No journal information':
            results['bib'] += match.group(1).strip()

    def bib_start(results, match):
        results['in_bib'] = True

    def bib_stop_input_start(results, match):
        results['in_bib'] = False
        results['in_input'] = True

    def read_source(results, match):        
        results['source'] = match.group(1).rstrip('.')
    out = httk.basic.micro_pyawk(ioa, [
        ['^ *INPUT CELL INFORMATION *$', None, bib_stop_input_start],
        ['^ *CIF2CELL ([0-9.]*)', None, read_version],
        ['^ *Output for (.*\)) *$', None, read_name],
        ['^ *Database reference code: *([0-9]+)', None, read_id],
        ['^ *All sites, (lattice coordinates): *$', lambda results, match: results['in_cell'], cell_stop],
        ['^ *Representative sites *: *$', lambda results, match: results['in_input_cell'], input_cell_stop],
        ['^ *$', lambda results, match: results['in_coords'], coords_stop],
        ['^ *([-0-9.]+) +([-0-9.]+) +([-0-9.]+) *$', lambda results, match: results['in_cell'] or results['in_input_cell'], read_cell],
        ['^ *([a-zA-Z]+) +([-0-9.]+) +([-0-9.]+) +([-0-9.]+) *$', lambda results, match: results['in_coords'] or results['in_input_coords'], read_coords],
        ['^ *([a-zA-Z/]+) +([-0-9.]+) +([-0-9.]+) +([-0-9.]+)( +([-0-9./]+)) *$', lambda results, match: results['in_coords'] or results['in_input_coords'], read_coords_occs],
        #            ['^ *Hermann-Mauguin symbol *: *(.*)$',lambda results,match: results['in_output'],read_spacegroup],
        ['^ *Hall symbol *: *(.*)$', lambda results, match: results['in_output'] or results['in_input'], read_hall],
        ['^ *Unit cell volume *: *([-0-9.]+) +A\^3 *$', lambda results, match: results['in_output'], read_volume],
        ['^ *Bravais lattice vectors : *$', lambda results, match: results['in_output'], cell_start],
        ['^ *Lattice parameters: *$', lambda results, match: results['in_input'], input_cell_start],
        ['^ *Atom +a1 +a2 +a3', lambda results, match: results['in_output'] or results['in_input'], coords_start],
        ['^ *OUTPUT CELL INFORMATION *$', None, output_start],
        ['^([^\n]*)$', lambda results, match: results['in_bib'], read_bib],
        ['^ *BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION *$', None, bib_start],
        ['CIF file exported from +(.*) *$', None, read_source]
    ], debug=False, results=results)

    out['bib'] = out['bib'].strip()

    rc_a, rc_b, rc_c = [float(x) for x in out['input_cell'][0]]
    rc_alpha, rc_beta, rc_gamma = [float(x) for x in out['input_cell'][1]]

    uc_a, uc_b, uc_c = [float(x) for x in out['output_cell'][0]]
    uc_alpha, uc_beta, uc_gamma = [float(x) for x in out['output_cell'][1]]

    rc_cell = FracVector.create(out['input_cell'])
    uc_cell = FracVector.create(out['output_cell'])
    coords = FracVector.create(out['coords']).limit_denominator(5000000).simplify()
    sgcoords = FracVector.create(out['sgcoords']).limit_denominator(5000000).simplify()

    hall_symbol = out['hall']
    sghall_symbol = out['sghall']
    tags = {}
    if 'source' in out:
        tags['source'] = out['source']+":"+out['id']
    if 'bib' in out and out['bib'] != '':
        refs = [out['bib']]
        refs = None
    if 'name' in out:
        tags['name'] = filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, out['name'])

    # This is to handle a weird corner case, where atoms in a disordered structure
    # are placed on equivalent but different sites in the representative representation; then
    # they will be mapped to the same sites in the filled cell. Our solution in that case is
    # to throw away the rc_cell, since it is incorrect - it has equivalent sites that appear
    # different even though they are the same.
    remaining_filled_sites = list(out['occupancies'])
    for i in range(len(out['sgoccupancies'])):
        if out['sgoccupancies'][i] in remaining_filled_sites:
            remaining_filled_sites = filter(lambda a: a != out['sgoccupancies'][i], remaining_filled_sites)
    if len(remaining_filled_sites) > 0:
        rc_cell_broken = True
        rc_cell_broken = False

    if not rc_cell_broken:    
        struct = Structure.create(rc_lengths=rc_cell[0],
                                  tags=tags, refs=refs, periodicity=0)
        struct = Structure.create(uc_cell=uc_cell,
                                  tags=tags, refs=refs, periodicity=0)        

    # A bit of santiy check to trigger on possible bugs from cif2cell
    if len(struct.uc_sites.counts) != len(struct.rc_sites.counts):
        print(struct.uc_sites.counts, struct.rc_sites.counts)
        raise Exception("cif2cell_if.out_to_struct: non-sensible parsing of cif2cell output.")

    #if 'volume' in out:
    #    vol = FracVector.create(out['volume'])
    #    volstruct = httk.Structure.create(a=a,b=b,c=c,alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, occupancies=out['sgoccupancies'], coords=sgcoords, hall_symbol=sghall_symbol, refs=refs)
    #    vol = volstruct.volume

    #struct = httk.Structure.create(cell,occupancies=out['occupancies'],coords=coords,volume=vol,tags=tags,hall_symbol=hall_symbol, refs=refs)
    #struct._sgstructure = httk.SgStructure.create(a=a,b=b,c=c,alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, occupancies=out['sgoccupancies'], coords=sgcoords, hall_symbol=sghall_symbol)
    #print("HERE WE ARE:",out['sgoccupancies'],sgcoords,sghall_symbol)
    #print("HERE WE ARE:",out['occupancies'],coords)
    #struct = httk.Structure.create(cell, volume=vol, unique_occupations=out['sgoccupancies'], uc_occupations=out['occupancies'], unique_reduced_occupationscoords=sgcoords, uc_reduced_occupationscoords=coords, spacegroup=sghall_symbol, tags=tags, refs=refs, periodicity=0)
    #print("HERE",sgcoords, coords)
    #counts = [len(x) for x in out['occupancies']]
    #p1structure = httk.Structure.create(cell,occupancies=out['occupancies'],coords=coords,volume=vol,tags=tags, refs=refs, periodicity=0)

    return struct
예제 #24
파일: sitesutils.py 프로젝트: hpleva/httk
def coords_reduced_to_cartesian(cell, coords):
    cell = FracVector.use(cell)
    newcoords = coords * cell
    return newcoords
예제 #25
def get_primitive_basis_transform(hall_symbol):
    Transform to be applied to conventional unit cell to give the primitive unit cell
    half = Fraction(1, 2)
    lattice_symbol = hall_symbol.lstrip("-")[0][0]
    crystal_system = crystal_system_from_hall(hall_symbol)

    lattrans = None
    unit = FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])

    if lattice_symbol == 'P':
        lattrans = unit
    elif crystal_system == 'cubic':
        if lattice_symbol == 'F':
            lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, 0], [half, 0, half],
                                          [0, half, half]])
        elif lattice_symbol == 'I':
            lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, half],
                                          [-half, half, half],
                                          [-half, -half, half]])
    elif crystal_system == 'hexagonal' or crystal_system == 'trigonal':
        if lattice_symbol == 'R':
            lattrans = unit

    elif crystal_system == 'tetragonal':
        if lattice_symbol == 'I':
            lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, -half, half],
                                          [half, half, half],
                                          [-half, -half, half]])

    elif crystal_system == 'orthorhombic':
        if lattice_symbol == 'A':
            lattrans = FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], [0, half, half],
                                          [0, -half, half]])
        elif lattice_symbol == 'B':
            lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, 0, half], [0, 1, 0],
                                          [-half, 0, half]])
        elif lattice_symbol == 'C':
            lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, 0], [-half, half, 0],
                                          [0, 0, 1]])
        elif lattice_symbol == 'F':  # or lattice_symbol == 'A' or lattice_symbol == 'B' or lattice_symbol == 'C':
            lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, 0, half], [half, half, 0],
                                          [0, half, half]])
        elif lattice_symbol == 'I':
            lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, half],
                                          [-half, half, half],
                                          [-half, -half, half]])

    elif crystal_system == 'monoclinic':
        if lattice_symbol == 'A':
            lattrans = FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], [0, half, -half],
                                          [0, half, half]])
        if lattice_symbol == 'B':
            lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, 0, -half], [0, 1, 0],
                                          [half, 0, half]])
        if lattice_symbol == 'C':
            lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, -half, 0], [half, half, 0],
                                          [0, 0, 1]])

    elif crystal_system == 'triclinic':
        lattrans = unit

        raise Exception(
            "structureutils.get_primitive_basis_transform: unknown crystal system, "
            + str(crystal_system))

    if lattrans is None:
        raise Exception(
            "structureutils.get_primitive_basis_transform: no match for lattice transform."

    return lattrans
예제 #26
def build_supercell_old(structure, transformation, max_search_cells=1000):
    ### New basis matrix, note: works in units of old_cell.scale to avoid floating point errors
    #print("BUILD SUPERCELL",structure.uc_sites.cell.basis.to_floats(), repetitions)

    transformation = FracVector.use(transformation).simplify()
    if transformation.denom != 1:
        raise Exception(
            "Structure.build_supercell requires integer transformation matrix")

    old_cell = structure.uc_sites.cell.get_normalized_longestvec()
    new_cell = Cell.create(basis=transformation * old_cell.basis)
    #conversion_matrix = (new_cell.inv*old_cell.basis).T().simplify()
    conversion_matrix = (old_cell.basis * new_cell.inv).T().simplify()

    volume_ratio = (new_cell.basis.det() /

    # Generate the reduced (old cell) coordinates of each corner in the new cell
    # This determines how far we must loop the old cell to cover all these corners
    nb = new_cell.basis
    corners = FracVector.create([(0, 0, 0), nb[0], nb[1], nb[2], nb[0] + nb[1],
                                 nb[0] + nb[2], nb[1] + nb[2],
                                 nb[0] + nb[1] + nb[2]])
    reduced_corners = corners * (old_cell.basis.inv().T())

    maxvec = [
        int(reduced_corners[:, 0].max()) + 2,
        int(reduced_corners[:, 1].max()) + 2,
        int(reduced_corners[:, 2].max()) + 2
    minvec = [
        int(reduced_corners[:, 0].min()) - 2,
        int(reduced_corners[:, 1].min()) - 2,
        int(reduced_corners[:, 2].min()) - 2

    if max_search_cells is not None and maxvec[0] * maxvec[1] * maxvec[
            2] > max_search_cells:
        raise Exception(
            "Very obtuse angles in cell, to search over all possible lattice vectors will take a very long time. To force, set max_search_cells = None when calling find_prototypeid()"

    ### Collect coordinate list of all sites inside the new cell
    coordgroups = structure.uc_reduced_coordgroups
    extendedcoordgroups = [[] for x in range(len(coordgroups))]
    for idx in range(len(coordgroups)):
        coordgroup = coordgroups[idx]
        for i in range(minvec[0], maxvec[0]):
            for j in range(minvec[1], maxvec[1]):
                for k in range(minvec[2], maxvec[2]):
                    newcoordgroup = coordgroup + FracVector(
                        ((i, j, k), ) * len(coordgroup))
                    new_reduced = newcoordgroup * conversion_matrix
                    new_reduced = [
                        x for x in new_reduced if x[0] >= 0 and x[1] >= 0
                        and x[2] >= 0 and x[0] < 1 and x[1] < 1 and x[2] < 1
                    extendedcoordgroups[idx] += new_reduced

    # Safety check for avoiding bugs that change the ratio of atoms
    new_counts = [len(x) for x in extendedcoordgroups]
    for i in range(len(structure.uc_counts)):
        if volume_ratio * structure.uc_counts[i] != new_counts[i]:
            print("Volume ratio:", float(volume_ratio), volume_ratio)
            print("Extended coord groups:",
            print("Old counts:", structure.uc_counts,
            print("New counts:", new_counts, structure.assignments.symbols)
            #raise Exception("Structure.build_supercell safety check failure. Volume changed by factor "+str(float(volume_ratio))+", but atoms in group "+str(i)+" changed by "+str(float(new_counts[i])/float(structure.uc_counts[i])))

    return structure.create(uc_reduced_coordgroups=extendedcoordgroups,
예제 #27
def metric_to_niggli(cell):
    m = cell.noms
    return FracVector(
        ((m[0][0], m[1][1], m[2][2]), (2 * m[1][2], 2 * m[0][2], 2 * m[0][1])),
예제 #28
def niggli_to_metric(niggli):
    m = niggli.noms
    # Since the niggli matrix contains 2*the product of the off diagonal elements, we increase the denominator by cell.denom*2
    return FracVector(
        ((2 * m[0][0], m[1][2], m[1][1]), (m[1][2], 2 * m[0][1], m[1][0]),
         (m[1][1], m[1][0], 2 * m[0][2])), niggli.denom * 2).simplify()
예제 #29
def orthogonal_supercell_transformation(structure,
                                        ortho=[True, True, True]):
    # TODO: How to solve for exact orthogonal cell?
    if tolerance is None:
        prim_cell = structure.uc_cell.basis
        print("Starting cell:", prim_cell)
        inv = prim_cell.inv().simplify()
        if ortho[0]:
            row0 = (inv[0] / max(inv[0])).simplify()
            row0 = [1, 0, 0]
        if ortho[1]:
            row1 = (inv[1] / max(inv[1])).simplify()
            row1 = [0, 1, 0]
        if ortho[2]:
            row2 = (inv[2] / max(inv[2])).simplify()
            row2 = [0, 0, 1]
        transformation = FracVector.create(
            [row0 * row0.denom, row1 * row1.denom, row2 * row2.denom])
        maxtol = max(int(FracVector.use(tolerance)), 2)
        bestval = None
        besttrans = None
        for tol in range(1, maxtol):
            prim_cell = structure.uc_cell.basis
            inv = prim_cell.inv().set_denominator(tol).simplify()
            if inv[0] == [0, 0, 0] or inv[1] == [0, 0, 0
                                                 ] or inv[2] == [0, 0, 0]:
            absinv = abs(inv)
            if ortho[0]:
                row0 = (inv[0] / max(absinv[0])).simplify()
                row0 = [1, 0, 0]
            if ortho[1]:
                row1 = (inv[1] / max(absinv[1])).simplify()
                row1 = [0, 1, 0]
            if ortho[2]:
                row2 = (inv[2] / max(absinv[2])).simplify()
                row2 = [0, 0, 1]
            transformation = FracVector.create(
                [row0 * row0.denom, row1 * row1.denom, row2 * row2.denom])
                cell = Cell.create(basis=transformation * prim_cell)
            except Exception:
            maxval = (abs(cell.niggli_matrix[1][0]) +
                      abs(cell.niggli_matrix[1][1]) +
            if maxval == 0:
                besttrans = transformation
            if bestval is None or maxval < bestval:
                bestval = maxval
                besttrans = transformation
        transformation = besttrans

    if transformation == None:
        raise Exception(
            "Not possible to find a othogonal supercell with this limitation of number of repeated cell (increase tolerance.)"

    return transformation
예제 #30
    def create(cls,
        Create a new cell object,

        cell: any one of the following:

          - a 3x3 array with (in rows) the three basis vectors of the cell (a non-periodic system should conventionally use an identity matrix)

          - a dict with a single key 'niggli_matrix' with a 3x2 array with the Niggli Matrix representation of the cell

          - a dict with 6 keys, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma' giving the cell parameters as floats

        scaling: free form input parsed for a scale.
            positive value = multiply basis vectors by this value
            negative value = rescale basis vectors so that cell volume becomes abs(value).

        scale: set to non-None to multiply all cell vectors with this factor

        volume: set to non-None if the basis vectors only give directions, and the volume of the cell should be this value (overrides scale)

        periodicity: free form input parsed for periodicity
            sequence: True/False for each basis vector being periodic
            integer: number of non-periodic basis vectors

        if isinstance(cellshape, CellShape):
            basis = cellshape.basis
        elif cellshape is not None:
            basis = cell_to_basis(cellshape)

        if basis is not None:
            basis = FracVector.use(basis)

        if niggli_matrix is not None:
            niggli_matrix = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix)
            basis = FracVector.use(
                niggli_to_basis(niggli_matrix, orientation=orientation))

        if niggli_matrix is None and basis is not None:
            niggli_matrix, orientation = basis_to_niggli(basis)

        if niggli_matrix is None and lengths is not None and angles is not None:
            niggli_matrix = lengths_angles_to_niggli(lengths, angles)
            niggli_matrix = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix)
            if basis is None:
                basis = FracVector.use(
                    niggli_to_basis(niggli_matrix, orientation=1))

        if niggli_matrix is None and not (a is None or b is None or c is None
                                          or alpha is None or beta is None
                                          or gamma is None):
            niggli_matrix = lengths_angles_to_niggli([a, b, c],
                                                     [alpha, beta, gamma])
            niggli_matrix = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix)
            if basis is None:
                basis = FracVector.use(
                    niggli_to_basis(niggli_matrix, orientation=1))

        if niggli_matrix is None:
            raise Exception(
                "CellShape.create: Not enough information to specify a cell given."

        if scaling is None and scale is not None:
            scaling = scale

        if scaling is not None and volume is not None:
            raise Exception(
                "CellShape.create: cannot specify both scaling and volume!")

        if volume is not None:
            scaling = vol_to_scale(basis, volume)

        if scaling is not None:
            scaling = FracVector.use(scaling)
            niggli_matrix = (basis * scaling * scaling).simplify()
            if basis is not None:
                basis = (basis * scaling).simplify()

        # For the basis we use a somewhat unusual normalization where the largest one element
        # in the cell = 1, this way we avoid floating point operations for prototypes created
        # from cell vector (prototypes created from lengths and angles is another matter)

        if basis is not None:
            c = basis
            maxele = max(c[0, 0], c[0, 1], c[0, 2], c[1, 0], c[1, 1], c[1, 2],
                         c[2, 0], c[2, 1], c[2, 2])
            maxeleneg = max(-c[0, 0], -c[0, 1], -c[0, 2], -c[1, 0], -c[1, 1],
                            -c[1, 2], -c[2, 0], -c[2, 1], -c[2, 2])
            if maxeleneg > maxele:
                scale = (-maxeleneg).simplify()
                scale = (maxele).simplify()
            basis = (basis * scale.inv()).simplify()

        c = niggli_matrix
        maxele = max(c[0, 0], c[0, 1], c[0, 2])
        niggli_matrix = (niggli_matrix * maxele.inv()).simplify()

        return cls(niggli_matrix, orientation, basis)