예제 #1
def test_zero_dynamics():
    'test a system with zero dynamic (only should process one frame)'

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    # with time and affine variable
    mode = ha.new_mode('mode')
    mode.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])

    # initial set
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(-5, -5), (0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1)], mode)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, mode)]

    # settings
    settings = HylaaSettings(math.pi/4, 20*math.pi)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE
    core = Core(ha, settings)

    core.do_step() # pop
    core.do_step() # propagate and remove

    assert core.aggdag.get_cur_state() is None, "cur state should be none, since mode dynamics were zero"
예제 #2
def test_redundant_invariants():
    'test removing of redundant invariants'

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    mode = ha.new_mode('mode')
    # dynamics: x' = 1, y' = 1, a' = 0
    mode.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])

    # invariant: x <= 2.5
    mode.set_invariant([[1, 0, 0]], [2.5])

    # initial set has x0 = [0, 1]
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(0, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)], mode)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, mode)]

    # settings, step size = 0.1
    settings = HylaaSettings(0.1, 5.0)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_NONE
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE

    result = Core(ha, settings).run(init_list)

    # check last cur_state to ensure redundant constraints were not added
    assert result.last_cur_state.lpi.get_num_rows() == 3 + 2*3 + 1 # 3 for basis matrix, 2*3 for initial constraints
예제 #3
def test_init_outside_invariant():
    'test when initial state is outside of the mode invariant'

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    mode = ha.new_mode('mode')
    mode.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]]) # x' = 1, y' = 1, a' = 0

    # x <= 2.5
    mode.set_invariant([[1, 0, 0]], [2.5])

    # initial set, x = [3, 4]
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(3, 4), (0, 1), (1, 1)], mode)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, mode)]

    # transition to error if x >= 10
    error = ha.new_mode('error')
    trans = ha.new_transition(mode, error)
    trans.set_guard([[-1., 0, 0],], [-10]) 

    # settings
    settings = HylaaSettings(1.0, 5.0)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE

        Core(ha, settings).run(init_list)
        assert False, "running with initial state outside of invariant did not raise RuntimeError"
    except RuntimeError:
예제 #4
def define_settings():
    '''get the hylaa settings object
    see hylaa/settings.py for a complete list of reachability settings'''

    # step_size = 0.001, max_time = 0.75
    settings = HylaaSettings(0.001, 0.15)
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_IMAGE # try PLOT_VIDEO (takes 10 minutes)
    settings.plot.xdim_dir = 2
    settings.plot.ydim_dir = 0
    settings.plot.label.title = "Fuzzy PD Controller"
    settings.plot.label.axes_limits = (-0.01, 0.3, -1.1, 1.1) 
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE

    #self.aggstrat = aggstrat.Aggregated()

    # custom settings for video export
    def make_video_writer():
        'returns the Writer to create a video for export'

        writer_class = animation.writers['ffmpeg']
        return writer_class(fps=50, metadata=dict(artist='Me'), bitrate=1800)

    settings.plot.make_video_writer_func = make_video_writer
    return settings
예제 #5
def define_settings():
    '''get the hylaa settings object
    see hylaa/settings.py for a complete list of reachability settings'''

    # step_size = 5.0E-4, max_time = 2.0
    settings = HylaaSettings(5.0E-3, 2.0)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_IMAGE
    settings.plot.xdim_dir = 0  # [0, None, None]

    #x0_dir = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0833333333333333, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=float)
    #settings.plot.ydim_dir = [2, 6, 8]
    settings.plot.ydim_dir = 2

    #settings.stop_on_error = False
    #settings.plot.draw_stride = 5
    #settings.plot.num_angles = 4096 * 128 # required for convex hull to show up correctly
    #settings.aggregation.agg_mode = AggregationSettings.AGG_NONE

    #def custom_pop_func(waiting_list):
    #    'custom pop function for aggregation'

    #    mode = waiting_list[0].mode

    #    state_list = [state for state in waiting_list if state.mode == mode]

    #    num = 2 # performing clustering with this number of items

    #    return heapq.nsmallest(num, state_list, lambda s: s.cur_steps_since_start)

    #settings.aggregation.custom_pop_func = custom_pop_func
    settings.aggstrat.agg_type = Aggregated.AGG_CONVEX_HULL

    return settings
예제 #6
def define_settings(unsafe_box):
    'get the hylaa settings object'

    step = math.pi / 6
    max_time = 3 * math.pi
    settings = HylaaSettings(step, max_time)

    settings.process_urgent_guards = True
    settings.aggstrat.deaggregate = True  # use deaggregation
    settings.aggstrat.deagg_preference = Aggregated.DEAGG_LEAVES_FIRST
    settings.aggstrat.agg_type = Aggregated.AGG_CONVEX_HULL

    plot_settings = settings.plot
    plot_settings.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_IMAGE
    plot_settings.xdim_dir = 0
    plot_settings.ydim_dir = 1

    plot_settings.label.x_label = '$x$'
    plot_settings.label.y_label = '$y$'

    cols = []
    line = [(-10, -3), (10, -3)]

    line = []
    line.append((unsafe_box[0][0], unsafe_box[1][0]))
    line.append((unsafe_box[0][1], unsafe_box[1][0]))
    line.append((unsafe_box[0][1], unsafe_box[1][1]))
    line.append((unsafe_box[0][0], unsafe_box[1][1]))
    line.append((unsafe_box[0][0], unsafe_box[1][0]))


    settings.plot.extra_collections = cols

    plot_settings.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_VIDEO
    plot_settings.filename = 'ha_deagg.mp4'
    plot_settings.video_fps = 4
    plot_settings.video_extra_frames = 12  # extra frames at the end of a video so it doesn't end so abruptly
    plot_settings.video_pause_frames = 2  # frames to render in video whenever a 'pause' occurs

    plot_settings.label.axes_limits = [-6, 6, -4, 6]

    plot_settings.label.y_label = '$y$'
    plot_settings.label.x_label = '$x$'
    plot_settings.label.title = 'Deaggregation Demo'

    return settings
예제 #7
def test_agg_with_reset():
    'test the aggregation of states with a reset'

    # m1 dynamics: x' == 1, y' == 0, x0: [-3, -2], y0: [0, 1], step: 1.0
    # m1 invariant: x + y <= 0
    # m1 -> m2 guard: x + y >= 0 and y <= 0.5, reset = [[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0]] (x' = -y, y' = x, remove a)
    # m2 dynamics: x' == 0, y' == 0
    # time bound: 4
    # expected result: last state is line (not box!) from (0, 0) to (-0.5, -0.5) 

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    # mode one: x' = 1, y' = 0, a' = 0 
    m1 = ha.new_mode('m1')
    m1.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])

    # mode two: x' = 0, y' = 1 
    m2 = ha.new_mode('m2')
    m2.set_dynamics([[0, 0], [0, 0]])

    # invariant: x + y <= 0
    m1.set_invariant([[1, 1, 0]], [0])

    # guard: x + y == 0 & y <= 0.5
    trans1 = ha.new_transition(m1, m2, 'trans1')
    trans1.set_guard([[-1, -1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]], [0, 0, 0.5])
    trans1.set_reset(np.array([[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0]], dtype=float))

    # initial set has x0 = [-3, -2], y = [0, 1], a = 1
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(-3, -2), (0, 1), (1, 1)], m1)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, m1)]

    # settings, step size = 1.0
    settings = HylaaSettings(1.0, 4.0)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_NONE
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE

    # use agg_box
    settings.aggstrat.agg_type = Aggregated.AGG_BOX

    core = Core(ha, settings)
    result = core.run(init_list)

    lpi = result.last_cur_state.lpi

    # 2 basis matrix rows, 4 init constraints rows, 6 rows from guard conditions (2 from each)
    assert lpi.get_num_rows() == 2 + 4 + 6

    verts = result.last_cur_state.verts(core.plotman)
    assert len(verts) == 3
    assert np.allclose(verts[0], verts[-1])
    assert pair_almost_in((0, 0), verts)
    assert pair_almost_in((-0.5, -0.5), verts)
예제 #8
def make_settings():
    'make the reachability settings object'

    # see hylaa.settings for a list of reachability settings
    settings = HylaaSettings(1.0, 10.0) # step size = 1.0, time bound 10.0
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_IMAGE
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE
    settings.plot.filename = "demo_reset.png"

    return settings
예제 #9
def test_transition():
    'test a discrete transition'

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    # mode one: x' = 1, t' = 1, a' = 0 
    m1 = ha.new_mode('m1')
    m1.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])

    # mode two: x' = -1, t' = 1, a' = 0 
    m2 = ha.new_mode('m2')
    m2.set_dynamics([[0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])

    # invariant: t <= 2.5
    m1.set_invariant([[0, 1, 0]], [2.5])

    # guard: t >= 2.5
    trans1 = ha.new_transition(m1, m2, 'trans1')
    trans1.set_guard([[0, -1, 0]], [-2.5])

    # error t >= 4.5
    error = ha.new_mode('error')
    trans2 = ha.new_transition(m2, error, "to_error")
    trans2.set_guard([[0, -1, 0]], [-4.5])

    # initial set has x0 = [0, 1], t = [0, 0.2], a = 1
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(0, 1), (0, 0.2), (1, 1)], m1)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, m1)]

    # settings, step size = 1.0
    settings = HylaaSettings(1.0, 10.0)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE
    settings.plot.store_plot_result = True

    result = Core(ha, settings).run(init_list)
    ce = result.counterexample

    assert len(ce) == 2
    assert ce[0].mode.name == 'm1'
    assert ce[0].outgoing_transition.name == 'trans1'

    assert ce[1].mode.name == 'm2'
    assert ce[1].outgoing_transition.name == 'to_error'

    assert ce[1].start[0] + 1e-9 >= 3.0
    assert ce[1].end[0] - 1e-9 <= 2.0

    polys = [obj[0] for obj in result.plot_data.mode_to_obj_list[0]['m1']]
    assert len(polys) == 4

    polys = [obj[0] for obj in result.plot_data.mode_to_obj_list[0]['m2']]
    assert len(polys) == 3

    assert result.last_cur_state.cur_steps_since_start[0] == 5
예제 #10
def test_agg_to_more_vars():
    'test the aggregation of states with a reset to a mode with new variables'

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    # mode one: x' = 1, a' = 0 
    m1 = ha.new_mode('m1')
    m1.set_dynamics([[0, 1], [0, 0]])

    # mode two: x' = 0, a' = 0, y' == 1 
    m2 = ha.new_mode('m2')
    m2.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]])

    # invariant: x <= 3.0
    m1.set_invariant([[1, 0]], [3.0])

    # guard: True
    trans1 = ha.new_transition(m1, m2, 'trans1')

    reset_mat = [[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0]]
    reset_minkowski = [[0], [0], [1]]
    reset_minkowski_constraints = [[1], [-1]]
    reset_minkowski_rhs = [3, -3] # y0 == 3
    trans1.set_reset(reset_mat, reset_minkowski, reset_minkowski_constraints, reset_minkowski_rhs)

    # initial set has x0 = [0, 1], a = 1
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(0, 1), (1, 1)], m1)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, m1)]

    # settings, step size = 1.0
    settings = HylaaSettings(1.0, 4.0)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_DEBUG
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE
    settings.plot.store_plot_result = True
    settings.plot.xdim_dir = 0
    settings.plot.ydim_dir = {'m1': 1, 'm2': 2}

    result = Core(ha, settings).run(init_list)

    polys = [obj[0] for obj in result.plot_data.mode_to_obj_list[0]['m1']]

    # 4 steps because invariant is allowed to be false for the final step
    assert 4 <= len(polys) <= 5, "expected invariant to become false after 4/5 steps"

    assert_verts_is_box(polys[0], [[0, 1], [1, 1]])
    assert_verts_is_box(polys[1], [[1, 2], [1, 1]])
    assert_verts_is_box(polys[2], [[2, 3], [1, 1]])
    assert_verts_is_box(polys[3], [[3, 4], [1, 1]])

    polys = [obj[0] for obj in result.plot_data.mode_to_obj_list[0]['m2']]

    assert_verts_is_box(polys[0], [[1, 4], [3, 3]])
    assert_verts_is_box(polys[1], [[1, 4], [4, 4]])
예제 #11
def make_settings():
    'make the reachability settings object'

    # see hylaa.settings for a list of reachability settings
    settings = HylaaSettings(math.pi / 8,
                             math.pi)  # step size = pi/8, time bound pi
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_IMAGE
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_NORMAL
    settings.plot.filename = "demo_inputs_reset.png"

    return settings
예제 #12
def make_settings():
    'make the reachability settings object'

    # see hylaa.settings for a list of reachability settings
    settings = HylaaSettings(math.pi / 4, math.pi) # step size = pi/4, time bound pi
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_IMAGE
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_NORMAL
    settings.plot.filename = "hylaa.png"

    settings.plot.label.title_size = 18
    settings.plot.plot_size = (6, 6)

    return settings
예제 #13
def make_settings():
    'make the reachability settings object'

    # see hylaa.settings for a list of reachability settings
    settings = HylaaSettings(0.1, 20.0)  # step size = 0.1, time bound 20.0
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE
    settings.plot.filename = "space_station.png"

    settings.plot.xdim_dir = None  # x dimension will be time

    dynamics = loadmat('iss.mat')
    y3 = dynamics['C'][2]
    settings.plot.ydim_dir = y3.toarray()[0]  # use y3 for the y plot direction

    return settings
예제 #14
def define_settings():
    'get the hylaa settings object'

    step = math.pi/16
    max_time = 2*math.pi
    settings = HylaaSettings(step, max_time)

    settings.stdout = stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE

    plot_settings = settings.plot
    plot_settings.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_IMAGE
    plot_settings.xdim_dir = 0
    plot_settings.ydim_dir = 1

    #plot_settings.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_VIDEO
    #plot_settings.filename = 'ha.mp4'
    #plot_settings.video_fps = 2
    #plot_settings.video_extra_frames = 10 # extra frames at the end of a video so it doesn't end so abruptly
    #plot_settings.video_pause_frames = 5 # frames to render in video whenever a 'pause' occurs
    plot_settings.label.y_label = '$y$'
    plot_settings.label.x_label = '$x$'
    plot_settings.label.title = 'Harmonic Oscillator'

    return settings
예제 #15
def define_settings():
    'get the hylaa settings object'

    step = 1
    max_time = 28
    # max_time = 22
    settings = HylaaSettings(step, max_time)

    settings.stdout = stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE

    plot_settings = settings.plot
    plot_settings.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_IMAGE
    plot_settings.xdim_dir = 0
    plot_settings.ydim_dir = 1

    # plot_settings.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_VIDEO
    # plot_settings.filename = 'tmpc.mp4'
    plot_settings.video_fps = 1
    plot_settings.video_extra_frames = 2  # extra frames at the end of a video so it doesn't end so abruptly
    plot_settings.video_pause_frames = 2  # frames to render in video whenever a 'pause' occurs

    plot_settings.label.y_label = '$y$'
    plot_settings.label.x_label = '$x$'
    plot_settings.label.title = 'TMPC mode 1 X vs Y'

    return settings
예제 #16
def test_ha():
    'test for the harmonic oscillator example with line initial set (from ARCH 2018 paper)'

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    # with time and affine variable
    mode = ha.new_mode('mode')
    mode.set_dynamics([[0, 1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0]])

    error = ha.new_mode('error')

    trans1 = ha.new_transition(mode, error)
    trans1.set_guard([[1., 0, 0, 0], [-1., 0, 0, 0]], [4.0, -4.0])

    # initial set
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(-5, -5), (0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1)], mode)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, mode)]

    # settings
    settings = HylaaSettings(math.pi/4, 2*math.pi)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE
    settings.plot.store_plot_result = True
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE
    core = Core(ha, settings)
    result = core.run(init_list)

    assert result.has_concrete_error

    ce = result.counterexample[0]

    # [-5.0, 0.6568542494923828, 0.0, 1.0] -> [4.0, 3.0710678118654737, 2.356194490192345, 1.0]

    assert ce.mode == mode
    assert np.allclose(ce.start, np.array([-5, 0.65685, 0, 1], dtype=float))
    assert np.allclose(ce.end, np.array([4, 3.07106, 2.35619, 1], dtype=float))

    # check the reachable state (should always have x <= 3.5)
    obj_list = result.plot_data.mode_to_obj_list[0][mode.name]

    for obj in obj_list:
        verts = obj[0]
        for vert in verts:
            x, _ = vert

            assert x <= 4.9
예제 #17
def test_unaggregation():
    'test an unaggregated discrete transition'

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    # mode one: x' = 1, t' = 1, a' = 0 
    m1 = ha.new_mode('m1')
    m1.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])

    # mode two: x' = -1, t' = 1, a' = 0 
    m2 = ha.new_mode('m2')
    m2.set_dynamics([[0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])

    # invariant: t <= 2.5
    m1.set_invariant([[0, 1, 0]], [2.5])

    # guard: t >= 0.5
    trans1 = ha.new_transition(m1, m2, 'trans1')
    trans1.set_guard([[0, -1, 0]], [-0.5])

    # error x >= 4.5
    error = ha.new_mode('error')
    trans2 = ha.new_transition(m2, error, "to_error")
    trans2.set_guard([[-1, 0, 0]], [-4.5])

    # initial set has x0 = [0, 0.2], t = [0, 0.2], a = 1
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(0, 0.2), (0, 0.2), (1, 1)], m1)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, m1)]

    # settings, step size = 1.0
    settings = HylaaSettings(1.0, 10.0)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_DEBUG
    settings.plot.store_plot_result = True
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE

    settings.aggstrat = aggstrat.Unaggregated()

    result = Core(ha, settings).run(init_list)

    # expected no exception

    # m2 should be reachable
    polys = [obj[0] for obj in result.plot_data.mode_to_obj_list[0]['m2']]
    assert len(polys) > 15
예제 #18
def define_settings(ha, limit):
    'get the hylaa settings object'

    step = 0.0025
    max_time = 1.0
    settings = HylaaSettings(step, max_time)

    #settings.interval_guard_optimization = False
    #settings.time_elapse.scipy_sim.max_step = 0.001

    #settings.time_elapse.scipy_sim.rtol = 1e-9
    #settings.time_elapse.scipy_sim.atol = 1e-12

    settings.stdout = stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE

    plot_settings = settings.plot

    plot_settings.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_IMAGE

    #plot_settings.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_VIDEO
    #plot_settings.filename = 'building.mp4'

    plot_settings.xdim_dir = None
    plot_settings.ydim_dir = ha.transitions[0].guard_csr[0].toarray()[0]

    plot_settings.label.y_label = '$y_{1}$'
    plot_settings.label.x_label = 'Time'
    plot_settings.label.title = 'Building (Uncertain Inputs)'
    #plot_settings.label.axes_limits = (0.4, 0.6, -0.0002, -0.0001)
    plot_settings.plot_size = (12, 8)

    settings.stop_on_concrete_error = False
    settings.make_counterexample = False

    line = [(0.0, -limit), (max_time, -limit)]
    lc = collections.LineCollection([line],
    plot_settings.extra_collections = [lc]

    return settings
예제 #19
def test_agg_no_counterexample():
    'test that aggregation to error does not create a counterexample'

    # m1 dynamics: x' == 1, y' == 0, x0, y0: [0, 1], step: 1.0
    # m1 invariant: x <= 3
    # m1 -> m2 guard: True
    # m2 dynamics: x' == 0, y' == 1
    # m2 -> error: y >= 3

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    # mode one: x' = 1, y' = 0, a' = 0 
    m1 = ha.new_mode('m1')
    m1.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])

    # mode two: x' = 0, y' = 1, a' = 0 
    m2 = ha.new_mode('m2')
    m2.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])

    # invariant: x <= 3.0
    m1.set_invariant([[1, 0, 0]], [3.0])

    # guard: True
    trans1 = ha.new_transition(m1, m2, 'trans1')

    error = ha.new_mode('error')
    trans2 = ha.new_transition(m2, error, 'trans2')
    trans2.set_guard([[0, -1, 0]], [-3]) # y >= 3

    # initial set has x0 = [0, 1], t = [0, 1], a = 1
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(0, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)], m1)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, m1)]

    # settings, step size = 1.0
    settings = HylaaSettings(1.0, 10.0)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_DEBUG
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE

    result = Core(ha, settings).run(init_list)

    assert not result.counterexample
예제 #20
def test_over_time_range():
    'test plotting over time with aggergation (time range)'

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    mode_a = ha.new_mode('A')
    mode_b = ha.new_mode('B')
    # dynamics: x' = a, a' = 0
    mode_a.set_dynamics([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
    mode_b.set_dynamics([[0, 1], [0, 0]])

    # invariant: x <= 2.5
    mode_a.set_invariant([[1, 0]], [2.5])

    trans1 = ha.new_transition(mode_a, mode_b, 'first')

    # initial set has x0 = [0, 0]
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(0, 0), (1, 1)], mode_a)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, mode_a)]

    # settings, step size = 1.0
    settings = HylaaSettings(1.0, 4.0)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_DEBUG
    settings.process_urgent_guards = True
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE
    settings.plot.store_plot_result = True
    settings.plot.xdim_dir = None
    settings.plot.ydim_dir = 0

    result = Core(ha, settings).run(init_list)

    polys = [obj[0] for obj in result.plot_data.mode_to_obj_list[0][mode_b.name]]
    # expected with aggegregation: [0, 2.5] -> [1, 3.5] -> [2, 4.5] -> [3, 5.5] -> [4, 6.5]

    # 4 steps because invariant is allowed to be false for the final step
    assert len(polys) == 5, "expected invariant to become false after 5 steps"

    for i in range(5):
        assert_verts_is_box(polys[i], [[i, i + 3.0], [i, i + 3.0]])
예제 #21
def test_tt_with_invstr():
    'test time-triggered transitions combined with invariant strengthening'

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    # mode one: x' = 1, a' = 0 
    m1 = ha.new_mode('m1')
    m1.set_dynamics([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
    m1.set_invariant([[1, 0]], [2.0]) # invariant: x <= 2.0

    # mode two: x' = 1, a' = 0 
    m2 = ha.new_mode('m2')
    m2.set_dynamics([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
    m2.set_invariant([[1, 1]], [4.0]) # x + a <= 4.0

    # guard: x >= 2.0
    trans1 = ha.new_transition(m1, m2, 'trans1')
    trans1.set_guard([[-1, 0]], [-2.0])

    # error x >= 4.0
    error = ha.new_mode('error')
    trans2 = ha.new_transition(m2, error, "to_error")
    trans2.set_guard([[-1, 0]], [-4.0])

    # initial set has x0 = [0, 1]
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(0, 1), (0, 1)], m1)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, m1)]

    # settings, step size = 0.1
    settings = HylaaSettings(0.1, 5.0)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE

    # run setup() only and check the result
    core = Core(ha, settings)

    assert trans1.time_triggered
    assert not trans2.time_triggered # not time-triggered because invariant of m2 is True
예제 #22
def test_plot_over_time():
    'test doing a plot over time'

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    mode = ha.new_mode('mode')
    mode.set_dynamics([[0, 1], [-1, 0]])

    # initial set
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(-5, -4), (0, 1)], mode)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, mode)]

    # settings
    settings = HylaaSettings(math.pi/4, math.pi)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE
    settings.plot.store_plot_result = True
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE
    settings.plot.ydim_dir = None # y dimension will be time

    result = Core(ha, settings).run(init_list)

    assert not result.has_aggregated_error and not result.has_concrete_error

    # check the reachable state
    # we would expect at the end that x = [4, 5], t = pi

    obj_list = result.plot_data.mode_to_obj_list[0][mode.name]

    for vert in obj_list[0][0]:
        x, y = vert

        assert abs(y) < 1e-6, "initial poly time is wrong"
        assert abs(-5 - x) < 1e-6 or abs(-4 - x) < 1e-6

    for vert in obj_list[-1][0]:
        x, y = vert

        assert abs(math.pi - y) < 1e-6, "final poly time is wrong"
        assert abs(5 - x) < 1e-6 or abs(4 - x) < 1e-6
예제 #23
def test_init_unsat():
    'initial region unsat with multiple invariant conditions'

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    mode = ha.new_mode('A')
    mode.set_invariant([[1, 0], [1, 0]], [2, 3]) # x <= 2 and x <= 3
    # initial set
    lpi1 = lputil.from_box([(10, 11), (0, 1)], mode)
    lpi2 = lputil.from_box([(0, 1), (0, 1)], mode)

    init_list = [StateSet(lpi1, mode), StateSet(lpi2, mode)]

    # settings
    settings = HylaaSettings(1, 5)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE
    core = Core(ha, settings)
    core.run(init_list)    # expect no exception during running
예제 #24
def test_redundant_inv_transition():
    'test removing of redundant invariants with a transition'

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    mode1 = ha.new_mode('mode1')
    # dynamics: x' = 1, y' = 1, a' = 0
    mode1.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])

    # invariant: x <= 2.5
    mode1.set_invariant([[1, 0, 0]], [2.5])

    mode2 = ha.new_mode('mode2')
    mode2.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])

    ha.new_transition(mode1, mode2).set_guard([[-1, 0, 0]], [-2.5]) # x >= 2.5

    # initial set has x0 = [0, 1]
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(0, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)], mode1)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, mode1)]

    # settings, step size = 0.1
    settings = HylaaSettings(0.1, 5.0)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_DEBUG
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE

    core = Core(ha, settings)

    for _ in range(20):

    assert core.result.last_cur_state.lpi.get_num_rows() == 3 + 2*3 + 1 # 3 for basis matrix, 2*3 for init constraints

    assert len(core.aggdag.waiting_list) > 2

예제 #25
def test_multiple_init_states():
    'test with multiple initial states in the same mode (should NOT do aggregation)'

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    # with time and affine variable
    mode = ha.new_mode('mode')
    mode.set_dynamics([[0, 0], [0, 0]])

    # initial set
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(-5, -4), (0, 1)], mode)
    init_lpi2 = lputil.from_box([(-5, -5), (2, 3)], mode)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, mode), StateSet(init_lpi2, mode)]

    # settings
    settings = HylaaSettings(math.pi/4, math.pi)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_NONE
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE
    core = Core(ha, settings)

예제 #26
def test_invariants():
    'test invariant trimming'

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    mode = ha.new_mode('mode')
    # dynamics: x' = 1, y' = 1, a' = 0
    mode.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])

    # invariant: x <= 2.5
    mode.set_invariant([[1, 0, 0]], [2.5])

    # initial set has x0 = [0, 1]
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(0, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)], mode)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, mode)]

    # settings, step size = 1.0
    settings = HylaaSettings(1.0, 5.0)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_VERBOSE
    settings.plot.store_plot_result = True

    result = Core(ha, settings).run(init_list)

    # check the reachable state
    polys = [obj[0] for obj in result.plot_data.mode_to_obj_list[0][mode.name]]

    # 4 steps because invariant is allowed to be false for the final step
    assert len(polys) == 4, "expected invariant to become false after 4 steps"

    assert_verts_is_box(polys[0], [[0, 1], [0, 1]])

    assert_verts_is_box(polys[1], [[1, 2], [1, 2]])

    assert_verts_is_box(polys[2], [[2, 3], [2, 3]])

    assert_verts_is_box(polys[3], [[3, 3.5], [3, 4]])
예제 #27
def test_stateset_bad_init():
    'test constructing a stateset with a basis matrix that is not the identity (should raise error)'

    # this is from an issue reported by Mojtaba Zarei

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    mode = ha.new_mode('mode')
    mode.set_dynamics([[0, 1], [-1, 0]])

    # initial set
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(-5, -5), (0, 1)], mode)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, mode)]

    # settings
    settings = HylaaSettings(math.pi/4, math.pi)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_NONE
    settings.plot.store_plot_result = True
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE
    core = Core(ha, settings)
    result = core.run(init_list)

    # use last result
    stateset = result.last_cur_state
    mode = stateset.mode
    lpi = stateset.lpi

        init_states = [StateSet(lpi, mode)]
        settings = HylaaSettings(0.1, 0.1)
        core = Core(ha, settings)

        result = core.run(init_states)
        assert False, "assertion should be raised if init basis matrix is not identity"
    except RuntimeError:
예제 #28
def test_agg_ha():
    'test aggregation with the harmonic oscillator dynamics'

    ha = HybridAutomaton('Deaggregation Example')

    m1 = ha.new_mode('green')
    m1.set_dynamics([[0, 1], [-1, 0]])

    m2 = ha.new_mode('cyan')
    m2.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -2], [0, 0, 0]])

    t1 = ha.new_transition(m1, m2)
    reset_mat = [[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0]]
    t1.set_reset(reset_mat, [[0], [0], [1]], [[1], [-1]], [1, -1]) # create 3rd variable with a0 = 1

    mode = ha.modes['green']
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(-5, -4), (-0.5, 0.5)], mode)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, mode)]

    step = math.pi/4
    settings = HylaaSettings(step, 2*step)
    settings.process_urgent_guards = True
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_DEBUG

    core = Core(ha, settings)

    core.do_step() # pop
    #xs, ys = zip(*core.cur_state.verts(core.plotman))
    #plt.plot(xs, ys, 'k-')
    core.do_step() # 0
    #xs, ys = zip(*core.cur_state.verts(core.plotman))
    #plt.plot(xs, ys, 'k-')

    core.do_step() # 1
    #xs, ys = zip(*core.cur_state.verts(core.plotman))
    #plt.plot(xs, ys, 'k-')
    core.do_step() # 2
    assert len(core.aggdag.waiting_list) > 1

    #for state in core.waiting_list:
    #    xs, ys = zip(*state.verts(core.plotman))
    #    plt.plot(xs, ys, 'k-')
    core.do_step() # pop
    assert not core.aggdag.waiting_list

    lpi = core.aggdag.get_cur_state().lpi

    # 3 constraints from basis matrix
    # 2 aggregation directions from premode arnoldi, +1 from null space
    # + 2 more aggregation directions from box (3rd is omited since it's exactly the same as null space direction)

    #xs, ys = zip(*core.cur_state.verts(core.plotman))
    #plt.plot(xs, ys, 'r--')

    assert lpi.get_num_rows() == 3 + 2 * (5)
    assert lputil.is_point_in_lpi((-5, 2, 1), lpi)
예제 #29
def test_plain():
    'test plain aggregation of states across discrete transitions'

    # m1 dynamics: x' == 1, y' == 0, x0, y0: [0, 1], step: 1.0
    # m1 invariant: x <= 3
    # m1 -> m2 guard: True
    # m2 dynamics: x' == 0, y' == 1
    # time bound: 4
    # excepted final states to be: x: [0, 4], y: [4,5]
    # x is [1, 4] because no transitions are allowed at step 0 (simulation-equiv semantics) and a transition is
    #        allowed one step after the invariant becomes false
    # y is [4,5] because after aggregation, the time elapsed for the aggregated set will be 0.0, the minimum

    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    # mode one: x' = 1, y' = 0, a' = 0 
    m1 = ha.new_mode('m1')
    m1.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])

    # mode two: x' = 0, y' = 1, a' = 0 
    m2 = ha.new_mode('m2')
    m2.set_dynamics([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])

    # invariant: x <= 3.0
    m1.set_invariant([[1, 0, 0]], [3.0])

    # guard: True
    trans1 = ha.new_transition(m1, m2, 'trans1')
    trans1.set_guard(csr_matrix((0, 0)), [])

    # initial set has x0 = [0, 1], t = [0, 1], a = 1
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box([(0, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)], m1)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, m1)]

    # settings, step size = 1.0
    settings = HylaaSettings(1.0, 4.0)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_DEBUG
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE
    settings.plot.store_plot_result = True

    core = Core(ha, settings)
    result = core.run(init_list)

    # check history
    state = result.last_cur_state

    assert state.mode == m2
    assert len(state.aggdag_op_list) > 1
    op0 = state.aggdag_op_list[0]
    op1 = state.aggdag_op_list[1]
    assert isinstance(op0, OpTransition)

    assert len(core.aggdag.roots) == 1
    assert op0.child_node.stateset.mode is m2
    assert op0.transition == trans1
    assert op0.parent_node == core.aggdag.roots[0]
    assert isinstance(op0.poststate, StateSet)
    assert op0.step == 1
    assert isinstance(op0.child_node, AggDagNode)
    assert op0.child_node == op1.child_node
    assert op0.child_node not in core.aggdag.roots

    assert len(op0.parent_node.stateset.aggdag_op_list) == 1
    assert op0.parent_node.stateset.aggdag_op_list[0] is None
    # check polygons in m2
    polys2 = [obj[0] for obj in result.plot_data.mode_to_obj_list[0]['m2']]

    assert 4 <= len(polys2) <= 5

    assert_verts_is_box(polys2[0], [[1, 4], [0, 1]])
    assert_verts_is_box(polys2[1], [[1, 4], [1, 2]])
    assert_verts_is_box(polys2[2], [[1, 4], [2, 3]])
    assert_verts_is_box(polys2[3], [[1, 4], [3, 4]])
예제 #30
def test_tt_09():
    'test time-triggered transition at 0.9 bug'

    # this test is from an issue reported by Mojtaba Zarei
    tt_time = 0.9
    ha = HybridAutomaton()

    # the test seems to be sensitive to the a_matrix... my guess is the LP is barely feasible at the tt_time
    a_matrix = np.array(
        [[6.037291088, -4.007840286, 2.870370645, 43.12729646, 10.06751155, 23.26084098, -0.001965587832, 0, 0],
         [3.896645707, -0.03417905392, -9.564966476, 15.25894014, -21.57196438, 16.60548055, 0.03473846441, 0, 0],
         [22.72995871, 14.12055097, -0.9315267908, 136.9851951, -71.66383111, 109.7143863, 0.1169799769, 0, 0],
         [-38.16694597, 3.349061908, -9.10171149, -185.1866526, 9.210877185, -165.8086527, -0.06858712649, 0, 0],
         [46.78596597, 27.7996521, 17.18120319, 285.4632424, -135.289626, 235.9427441, 0.228154713, 0, 0],
         [-8.31135303, 3.243945466, -4.523811735, -39.26067436, -9.385678542, -36.63193931, -0.0008874747046, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=float)

    mode1 = ha.new_mode('mode')

    # time-triggered invariant: t <= tt_time
    mat = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]], dtype=float)
    rhs = [tt_time]

    mode1.set_invariant(mat, rhs)
    mode2 = ha.new_mode('mode2')

    # transition, guard: x >= -2 & y > 4 & t >= tt_time

    # transition, guard: t >= 0.9
    mat = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0]], dtype=float)
    rhs = [-tt_time]
    t = ha.new_transition(mode1, mode2)
    t.set_guard(mat, rhs)

    # initial set
    init_box = np.array([[-0.1584, -0.1000],
                         [-0.0124, 0.0698],
                         [-0.3128, 0.0434],
                         [-0.0208, 0.0998],
                         [-0.4895, 0.1964],
                         [-0.0027, 0.0262],
                         [42.40, 42.5],
                         [0, 0], # t(0) = 0
                         [1, 1]]) # affine(0) = 1
    init_lpi = lputil.from_box(init_box, mode1)
    init_list = [StateSet(init_lpi, mode1)]

    # settings
    settings = HylaaSettings(0.05, 1.0)
    settings.stdout = HylaaSettings.STDOUT_DEBUG
    settings.plot.store_plot_result = True
    settings.plot.plot_mode = PlotSettings.PLOT_NONE #INTERACTIVE

    #settings.plot.xdim_dir = 7 #None
    #settings.plot.ydim_dir = 0
    core = Core(ha, settings)
    result = core.run(init_list)

    mode2_list = result.plot_data.mode_to_obj_list[0]['mode2']
    assert len(mode2_list) == 3, f"mode2_list len was {len(mode2_list)}, expected 3 (0.9, 0.95, 1.0)"