def main():
    global cfgTree
    cfgTree = CFGTree()

    seg = idaapi.get_segm_by_name("__text")

    # Loop from segment start to end
    func_ea = seg.startEA

    # Get a function at the start of the segment (if any)
    func = idaapi.get_func(func_ea)
    if func is None:
        # No function there, try to get the next one
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(func_ea)

    seg_start = seg.startEA
    seg_end = seg.end_ea
    while func is not None and func.start_ea < seg_end:
        funcea = func.start_ea
        fflags = idc.get_func_flags(funcea)
        if (fflags & idc.FUNC_LIB) or (fflags & idc.FUNC_THUNK):

        # print("Function %s at 0x%x" % (idc.get_func_name(funcea), funcea))
        flow = idaapi.FlowChart(idaapi.get_func(funcea), flags=idaapi.FC_PREDS)
        construct_cfg(flow, funcea, seg_start, seg_end)
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(funcea)
예제 #2
 def __list_functions(cls):
     start,end = idaapi.cvar.inf.minEA,idaapi.cvar.inf.maxEA
     func = idaapi.get_func(start)
     if not func:
         func = idaapi.get_next_func(start)
     while func and func.startEA < end:
         startea = func.startEA
         yield startea
         func = idaapi.get_next_func(startea)
예제 #3
def getFuncRanges():
    funcs_addr = []
    start = 0
    next_func = idaapi.get_next_func(start)
    while next_func:
        size = next_func.size()
        if size > MIN_FUNC_SIZE:
            if size > MAX_FUNC_SIZE:
                size = MAX_FUNC_SIZE

            funcs_addr.append(next_func.start_ea - start)
            yield (next_func.start_ea, size)

        next_func = idaapi.get_next_func(next_func.start_ea)
예제 #4
def Functions(start, end):
    Get a list of functions

    @param start: start address
    @param end:   end address

    @return: list of heads between start and end

    @note: The last function that starts before 'end' is included even
    if it extends beyond 'end'.
    funclist = []
    func = idaapi.get_func(start)

    if func:

    ea = start

    while 1:
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(ea)

        if not func: break

        if func.startEA < end:
            ea = func.startEA

    return funclist
예제 #5
def Functions(start=None, end=None):
    Get a list of functions

    @param start: start address (default: inf.minEA)
    @param end:   end address (default: inf.maxEA)

    @return: list of heads between start and end

    @note: The last function that starts before 'end' is included even
    if it extends beyond 'end'. Any function that has its chunks scattered
    in multiple segments will be reported multiple times, once in each segment
    as they are listed.
    if not start: start = idaapi.cvar.inf.minEA
    if not end: end = idaapi.cvar.inf.maxEA

    # find first function head chunk in the range
    chunk = idaapi.get_fchunk(start)
    if not chunk:
        chunk = idaapi.get_next_fchunk(start)
    while chunk and chunk.startEA < end and (chunk.flags
                                             & idaapi.FUNC_TAIL) != 0:
        chunk = idaapi.get_next_fchunk(chunk.startEA)
    func = chunk

    while func and func.startEA < end:
        startea = func.startEA
        yield startea
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(startea)
예제 #6
def Functions(start=None, end=None):
    Get a list of functions

    @param start: start address (default: inf.minEA)
    @param end:   end address (default: inf.maxEA)

    @return: list of heads between start and end

    @note: The last function that starts before 'end' is included even
    if it extends beyond 'end'. Any function that has its chunks scattered
    in multiple segments will be reported multiple times, once in each segment
    as they are listed.
    if not start: start = idaapi.cvar.inf.minEA
    if not end:   end = idaapi.cvar.inf.maxEA

    # find first function head chunk in the range
    chunk = idaapi.get_fchunk(start)
    if not chunk:
        chunk = idaapi.get_next_fchunk(start)
    while chunk and chunk.startEA < end and (chunk.flags & idaapi.FUNC_TAIL) != 0:
        chunk = idaapi.get_next_fchunk(chunk.startEA)
    func = chunk

    while func and func.startEA < end:
        startea = func.startEA
        yield startea
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(startea)
def Functions(start, end):
    Get a list of functions

    @param start: start address
    @param end:   end address

    @return: list of heads between start and end

    @note: The last function that starts before 'end' is included even
    if it extends beyond 'end'.
    funclist = []
    func = idaapi.get_func(start)

    if func:

    ea = start

    while 1:
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(ea)

        if not func: break

        if func.startEA < end:
            ea = func.startEA

    return funclist
예제 #8
def Functions(start=idaapi.cvar.inf.minEA, end=idaapi.cvar.inf.maxEA):
    Get a list of functions

    @param start: start address (default: inf.minEA)
    @param end:   end address (default: inf.maxEA)

    @return: list of heads between start and end

    @note: The last function that starts before 'end' is included even
    if it extends beyond 'end'. Any function that has its chunks scattered
    in multiple segments will be reported multiple times, once in each segment
    as they are listed.
    func = idaapi.get_func(start)
    if not func:
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(start)
    while func and func.startEA < end:
        yield func.startEA
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(func.startEA)
예제 #9
def Functions(start=idaapi.cvar.inf.minEA, end=idaapi.cvar.inf.maxEA):
    Get a list of functions

    @param start: start address (default: inf.minEA)
    @param end:   end address (default: inf.maxEA)

    @return: list of heads between start and end

    @note: The last function that starts before 'end' is included even
    if it extends beyond 'end'. Any function that has its chunks scattered
    in multiple segments will be reported multiple times, once in each segment
    as they are listed.
    func = idaapi.get_func(start)
    if not func:
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(start)
    while func and func.startEA < end:
        yield func.startEA
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(func.startEA)
예제 #10
def workaround_Functions(start=idaapi.cvar.inf.minEA, end=idaapi.cvar.inf.maxEA):
    Get a list of functions

    @param start: start address (default: inf.minEA)
    @param end:   end address (default: inf.maxEA)

    @return: list of heads between start and end

    @note: The last function that starts before 'end' is included even
    if it extends beyond 'end'.
    func = idaapi.get_func(start)
    if not func:
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(start)
    while func and func.startEA < end:
        startea = func.startEA
        yield startea
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(startea)
        addr = startea
        while func and startea == func.startEA:
            addr = idaapi.next_head(addr, end)
            func = idaapi.get_next_func(addr)
예제 #11
def workaround_Functions(start=idaapi.cvar.inf.minEA,
    Get a list of functions

    @param start: start address (default: inf.minEA)
    @param end:   end address (default: inf.maxEA)

    @return: list of heads between start and end

    @note: The last function that starts before 'end' is included even
    if it extends beyond 'end'.
    func = idaapi.get_func(start)
    if not func:
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(start)
    while func and func.startEA < end:
        startea = func.startEA
        yield startea
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(startea)
        addr = startea
        while func and startea == func.startEA:
            addr = idaapi.next_head(addr, end)
            func = idaapi.get_next_func(addr)
예제 #12
def Functions(start=idaapi.cvar.inf.minEA, end=idaapi.cvar.inf.maxEA):
    Get a list of functions

    @param start: start address (default: inf.minEA)
    @param end:   end address (default: inf.maxEA)

    @return: list of heads between start and end

    @note: The last function that starts before 'end' is included even
    if it extends beyond 'end'.
    func = idaapi.get_func(start)
    while func and func.startEA < end:
        yield func.startEA
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(func.startEA)
예제 #13
def Funcs(*args):
    Enumerate array items

    @param <range>: see getrange

    @return: list of all function starts

    (first, last)= getrange(args)
    # find first function head chunk in the range
    chunk = idaapi.get_fchunk(first)
    if not chunk:
        chunk = idaapi.get_next_fchunk(first)
    while chunk and chunk.startEA < last and (chunk.flags & idaapi.FUNC_TAIL) != 0:
        chunk = idaapi.get_next_fchunk(chunk.startEA)
    func = chunk

    while func and func.startEA < last:
        yield func.startEA
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(func.startEA)
예제 #14
def Funcs(*args):
    Enumerate array items

    @param <range>: see getrange

    @return: list of all function starts

    (first, last) = getrange(args)
    # find first function head chunk in the range
    chunk = idaapi.get_fchunk(first)
    if not chunk:
        chunk = idaapi.get_next_fchunk(first)
    while chunk and chunk.start_ea < last and (chunk.flags
                                               & idaapi.FUNC_TAIL) != 0:
        chunk = idaapi.get_next_fchunk(chunk.start_ea)
    func = chunk

    while func and func.start_ea < last:
        yield func.start_ea
        func = idaapi.get_next_func(func.start_ea)
예제 #15
파일: 프로젝트: wwzcrack/RLOBF
def raw_main(p=True):
    global res
    # find .text section startEA first
    #text_startEA = None
    #for s in Segments():
    #    if SegName(s) == '.text':
    #        text_startEA = s
    #        break
    #if text_startEA is None:
    #    text_startEA = 0
    #f = idaapi.get_func(text_startEA)
    f = idaapi.get_next_func(0)
    fc = idaapi.FlowChart(f)

    while f:
        funcea = f.startEA
        fn = GetFunctionName(funcea)
        # if "Pl" in fn:
        #     funcaddr = f.startEA
        #     f = idaapi.get_next_func(funcaddr)
        #     continue

        q = idaapi.qflow_chart_t("The title", f, 0, 0, idaapi.FC_PREDS)
        for n in xrange(0, q.size()):
            b = q[n]
            if p:
                res.append("%x - %x [%d]:\n" % (b.startEA, b.endEA, n))

            for ns in xrange(0, q.nsucc(n)):
                res.append("SUCC:  %d->%d\n" % (n, q.succ(n, ns)))
            pred_set = set()
            for ns in xrange(0, q.npred(n)):
                res.append("PRED:  %d->%d\n" % (n, q.pred(n, ns)))
                pred_set.add(q.pred(n, ns))

            if q.nsucc(n) == 0:
                # this is a block with no successors
                last_insn = None
                for h in Heads(b.startEA, b.endEA):
                    last_insn = h
                if last_insn is None:
                insn = DecodeInstruction(last_insn)
                if idaapi.is_ret_insn(insn):
                disasm_str = GetDisasm(last_insn)
                if 'abort' in disasm_str or 'exit' in disasm_str or 'hlt' in disasm_str or '___stack_chk_fail' in disasm_str or '___assert_fail' in disasm_str:
                if idaapi.is_indirect_jump_insn(insn):
                    # if this function ends with an indirect jump, it means ida failed to
                    # determine the successors. We treat all blocks in this function as possible successors
                    #with open('wierd_jump.txt', 'a') as tmp_f:
                    #    tmp_f.write(disasm_str + '\n')
                    for tn in xrange(0, q.size()):
                        res.append("SUCC:  %d->%d\n" % (n, tn))
                        if tn not in pred_set:
                            res.append("PRED:  %d->%d\n" % (tn, n))
                elif idaapi.is_call_insn(insn):
                    # if this function ends with a call (not something like abort), it is somewhat wierd.
                    # do not solve this temporarily
                    #with open('wierd_call.txt', 'a') as tmp_f:
                    #    tmp_f.write(disasm_str + '\n')
                    for tn in xrange(0, q.size()):
                        res.append("SUCC:  %d->%d\n" % (n, tn))
                        if tn not in pred_set:
                            res.append("PRED:  %d->%d\n" % (tn, n))

        funcaddr = f.startEA
        f = idaapi.get_next_func(funcaddr)