예제 #1
def convert_before_saving_as_tiff( image_plus ):
    # The bUnwarpJ plug-in produces TIFF image stacks consisting of 3
    # slices which can be viewed in ImageJ.  The 3 slices are: 1) the
    # registered image, 2) the target image and 3) the black/white warp
    # image.  When running bUnwarpJ from the command line (as these
    # Galaxy wrappers do) the initial call to IJ.openImage() (to open the
    # registered source and target images produced by bUnwarpJ) in the
    # tool's jython_script.py returns an ImagePlus object with a single
    # slice which is the "generally undesired" slice 3 discussed above.
    # However, a call to IJ.saveAs() will convert the single-slice TIFF
    # into a 3-slice TIFF image stack (as described above) if the selected
    # format for saving is TIFF.  Galaxy supports only single-layered
    # images, so to work around this behavior, we have to convert the
    # image to something other than TIFF so that slices are eliminated.
    # We can then convert back to TIFF for saving.  There might be a way
    # to do this without converting twice, but I spent a lot of time looking
    # and I have yet to discover it.
    tmp_dir = imagej2_base_utils.get_temp_dir()
    tmp_out_png_path = imagej2_base_utils.get_temporary_image_path( tmp_dir, 'png' )
    IJ.saveAs( image_plus, 'png', tmp_out_png_path )
    return IJ.openImage( tmp_out_png_path )
예제 #2
def convert_before_saving_as_tiff(image_plus):
    # The bUnwarpJ plug-in produces TIFF image stacks consisting of 3
    # slices which can be viewed in ImageJ.  The 3 slices are: 1) the
    # registered image, 2) the target image and 3) the black/white warp
    # image.  When running bUnwarpJ from the command line (as these
    # Galaxy wrappers do) the initial call to IJ.openImage() (to open the
    # registered source and target images produced by bUnwarpJ) in the
    # tool's jython_script.py returns an ImagePlus object with a single
    # slice which is the "generally undesired" slice 3 discussed above.
    # However, a call to IJ.saveAs() will convert the single-slice TIFF
    # into a 3-slice TIFF image stack (as described above) if the selected
    # format for saving is TIFF.  Galaxy supports only single-layered
    # images, so to work around this behavior, we have to convert the
    # image to something other than TIFF so that slices are eliminated.
    # We can then convert back to TIFF for saving.  There might be a way
    # to do this without converting twice, but I spent a lot of time looking
    # and I have yet to discover it.
    tmp_dir = imagej2_base_utils.get_temp_dir()
    tmp_out_png_path = imagej2_base_utils.get_temporary_image_path(
        tmp_dir, 'png')
    IJ.saveAs(image_plus, 'png', tmp_out_png_path)
    return IJ.openImage(tmp_out_png_path)
예제 #3
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument( '--input', dest='input', help='Path to the input file' )
parser.add_argument( '--input_datatype', dest='input_datatype', help='Datatype of the input image' )
parser.add_argument( '--threshold_min', dest='threshold_min', type=float, help='Minimum threshold value' )
parser.add_argument( '--threshold_max', dest='threshold_max', type=float, help='Maximum threshold value' )
parser.add_argument( '--method', dest='method', help='Threshold method' )
parser.add_argument( '--display', dest='display', help='Display mode' )
parser.add_argument( '--black_background', dest='black_background', help='Black background' )
parser.add_argument( '--stack_histogram', dest='stack_histogram', help='Stack histogram' )
parser.add_argument( '--jython_script', dest='jython_script', help='Path to the Jython script' )
parser.add_argument( '--output', dest='output', help='Path to the output file' )
parser.add_argument( '--output_datatype', dest='output_datatype', help='Datatype of the output image' )
args = parser.parse_args()

tmp_dir = imagej2_base_utils.get_temp_dir()
# ImageJ expects valid image file extensions, so the Galaxy .dat extension does not
# work for some features.  The following creates a symlink with an appropriate file
# extension that points to the Galaxy dataset.  This symlink is used by ImageJ.
tmp_input_path = imagej2_base_utils.get_input_image_path( tmp_dir, args.input, args.input_datatype )
tmp_output_path = imagej2_base_utils.get_temporary_image_path( tmp_dir, args.output_datatype )
# Define command response buffers.
tmp_out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
tmp_stdout = open( tmp_out, 'wb' )
tmp_err = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
tmp_stderr = open( tmp_err, 'wb' )
# Java writes a lot of stuff to stderr, so we'll specify a file for handling actual errors.
error_log = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( delete=False ).name
# Build the command line.
cmd = imagej2_base_utils.get_base_command_imagej2( None, jython_script=args.jython_script )
if cmd is None: