def get_the_joke(match): language = get_group_from_match(match, 'language', 'english') category = get_group_from_match(match, 'category', 'neutral') try: message = get_joke(language=lang_codes[language], category=category) except: message = 'No {} {} jokes found.'.format(language, category) return message
def on_vote_poll(e): poll_code = get_group_from_match(e.match, 'poll_code', '') vote_value = get_group_from_match(e.match, 'vote_value', '+1') im = e.implant try: im.vote_rounds.insert_vote(poll_code,, vote_value) except Exception as exc: #im.add_memo(, reply_text=str(exc)) log.exception('Error `on_vote_poll`.') return str(exc) else: return 'Added vote by {}: `{}` for poll {}.'.format(, vote_value, poll_code)
def save_poll_timestamp(self, poll_match, timestamp): poll_code = get_group_from_match(poll_match, 'poll_code', '') try: self.vote_rounds.set_round_timestamp(poll_code, timestamp) except Exception as exc: #im.add_memo(, reply_text=str(exc)) #log.exception('Error `on_vote_poll`.') return str(exc) else: log.debug('Added {} to poll {}.'.format(timestamp, poll_code)) return True
def on_request_results(e): im = e.implant poll_code = get_group_from_match(e.match, 'poll_code', '') if not poll_code: return 'No voting round code given.' try: poll = im.vote_rounds.find_vote_round (poll_code) counter = im.vote_rounds.get_round_result(poll_code) except Exception as exc: return str(exc) else: reply_text = [] reply_text.append('Results for poll on `{}` with code `{}` '.format(poll['topic'], poll['code'])) reply_text.append(str(counter)) return '\n'.join(reply_text)
def on_request_results(e): im = e.implant poll_code = get_group_from_match(e.match, 'poll_code', '') if not poll_code: return 'No voting round code given.' try: poll = im.vote_rounds.find_vote_round (poll_code) counter = im.vote_rounds.get_round_result(poll_code) except Exception as exc: return str(exc) else: reply_text = [] reply_text.append('Results for poll `{}`:'.format(poll['code'])) reply_text.append('*{}*'.format(poll['topic'])) reply_text.append('*Positives:* {}'.format(counter[1])) reply_text.append('*Absent:* {}'.format(counter[0])) reply_text.append('*Negatives:* {}'.format(counter[-1])) #reply_text.append(str(counter)) return '\n'.join(reply_text)
def match_event(self, state, msg): event = None match = None if not state.isstate('idle') and msg == 'cancel': return 'cancel', None if state.isstate('idle'): tran_rgx = re.compile(EP_Regex.get_pattern(self._used_regexes[0])) vote_rgx = re.compile(EP_Regex.get_pattern(self._used_regexes[1])) # '(?P<action>\bcreate \b|\bclose \b|\bshow (?:\bresults of \b)?\b)' \ match = if match: action = get_group_from_match(match, 'action', '').strip() object = get_group_from_match(match, 'object', '').strip() poll_code = get_group_from_match(match, 'poll_code', '').strip() if action.startswith('show') and (action.endswith('result') or action.endswith('results')): if 'poll' in object or 'voting' in object: return 'request_results', match elif action.startswith('show'): if 'poll' in object or 'voting' in object: if 'open' in object: return 'request_open_polls', match else: return 'request_all_polls', match elif action.startswith('create'): if 'poll' in object or 'voting' in object: return 'open_poll', match elif action.startswith('close'): if 'poll' in object or 'voting' in object: if poll_code: return 'close_poll', match # match a vote value match = vote_rgx.match(msg) if match: action = get_group_from_match(match, 'action', '') if action.startswith('vote'): return 'vote_poll', match elif state.isstate('ask_topic'): if msg: return 'receive_topic', None else: return 'topic_error', None elif state.isstate('ask_code'): code_rgx = re.compile(EP_Regex.get_pattern(self._used_regexes[2])) match = code_rgx.match(msg) if match: return 'receive_code', match else: return 'code_error', None elif state.isstate('ask_hours'): match = re.compile(r"(?P<hours>[0-9]{1,3})").match(msg) if match: return 'receive_hours', match else: return 'hours_error', None elif state.isstate('ask_open_confirm'): if msg == 'yes' or msg == 'no': return 'confirm_open', None else: return 'confirm_open_error', None elif state.isstate('ask_close_confirm'): if msg == 'yes' or msg == 'no': return 'confirm_close', None else: return 'confirm_close_error', None else: event = None match = None return event, match
def on_receive_hours(e): hours = get_group_from_match(e.match, 'hours', '') e.implant.add_memo(, hours=hours) hours = e.implant.user_memo_item(, 'hours') return 'The poll will be open for voting for {} hours_'.format(hours)
def on_receive_code(e): poll_code = get_group_from_match(e.match, 'poll_code', '') e.implant.add_memo(, round_code=poll_code) poll_code = e.implant.user_memo_item(, 'round_code') return '_Set the poll code to "{}"_'.format(poll_code)
def on_vote_poll(e): poll_code = get_group_from_match(e.match, 'poll_code', '') vote_value = get_group_from_match(e.match, 'vote_value', '+1') return e.implant.add_vote(poll_code,, vote_value)