예제 #1
def get_data(f, ind_vars):
    Reads f and returns a list of the independent variables.
    lines = reader(f)
    variables = lines.next()
    var_dict = make_variable_dictionary(variables)

    # Collect all of the data, but only the variables of interest.
    data = []
    for line in lines:
        datum = get_datum(line, var_dict, ind_vars, None)
    return data
예제 #2
def construct(f, ind_vars, target_var, max_depth):
    Given a csv data file 'f', a list of independent variables, and the target
    variable, a tree is built and returned.
    lines = reader(f)
    variables = lines.next()
    var_dict = make_variable_dictionary(variables)

    # Collect all of the data, but only the variables of interest.
    data = []
    for line in lines:
        datum = get_datum(line, var_dict, ind_vars, target_var)

    # Simplify variable dictionary:
    var_dict = simplify_var_dict(ind_vars, target_var)

    return make_tree(data, ind_vars, target_var, var_dict, max_depth, len(data))