예제 #1
 def delete_problem_state(self, instructor, problem_url_name):
     """Submits the current problem for deletion"""
     return submit_delete_problem_state_for_all_students(
예제 #2
    def define_randomized_custom_response_problem(self, problem_url_name, redefine=False):
        Defines a custom response problem that uses a random value to determine correctness.

        Generated answer is also returned as the `msg`, so that the value can be used as a
        correct answer by a test.

        If the `redefine` flag is set, then change the definition of correctness (from equals
        to not-equals).
        factory = CustomResponseXMLFactory()
        script = textwrap.dedent(
                def check_func(expect, answer_given):
                    expected = str(random.randint(0, 100))
                    return {'ok': answer_given %s expected, 'msg': expected}
            % ("!=" if redefine else "==")
        problem_xml = factory.build_xml(script=script, cfn="check_func", expect="42", num_responses=1)
        if redefine:
            self.module_store.update_item(InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name), problem_xml)
            # Use "per-student" rerandomization so that check-problem can be called more than once.
            # Using "always" means we cannot check a problem twice, but we want to call once to get the
            # correct answer, and call a second time with that answer to confirm it's graded as correct.
            # Per-student rerandomization will at least generate different seeds for different users, so
            # we get a little more test coverage.
                metadata={"rerandomize": "per_student"},
예제 #3
 def reset_problem_attempts(self, instructor, problem_url_name):
     """Submits the current problem for resetting"""
     return submit_reset_problem_attempts_for_all_students(
예제 #4
 def submit_rescore_one_student_answer(self, instructor, problem_url_name, student):
     """Submits the particular problem for rescoring for a particular student"""
     return submit_rescore_problem_for_student(
예제 #5
 def submit_rescore_all_student_answers(self, instructor, problem_url_name):
     """Submits the particular problem for rescoring"""
     return submit_rescore_problem_for_all_students(
예제 #6
    def test_rescoring_bad_unicode_input(self):
        """Generate a real failure in rescoring a problem, with an answer including unicode"""
        # At one point, the student answers that resulted in StudentInputErrors were being
        # persisted (even though they were not counted as an attempt).  That is not possible
        # now, so it's harder to generate a test for how such input is handled.
        problem_url_name = "H1P1"
        # set up an option problem -- doesn't matter really what problem it is, but we need
        # it to have an answer.
        self.submit_student_answer("u1", problem_url_name, [OPTION_1, OPTION_1])

        # return an input error as if it were a numerical response, with an embedded unicode character:
        expected_message = u"Could not interpret '2/3\u03a9' as a number"
        with patch("capa.capa_problem.LoncapaProblem.rescore_existing_answers") as mock_rescore:
            mock_rescore.side_effect = StudentInputError(expected_message)
            instructor_task = self.submit_rescore_all_student_answers("instructor", problem_url_name)

        # check instructor_task returned
        instructor_task = InstructorTask.objects.get(id=instructor_task.id)
        self.assertEqual(instructor_task.task_state, "SUCCESS")
        self.assertEqual(instructor_task.requester.username, "instructor")
        self.assertEqual(instructor_task.task_type, "rescore_problem")
        task_input = json.loads(instructor_task.task_input)
        self.assertFalse("student" in task_input)
        status = json.loads(instructor_task.task_output)
        self.assertEqual(status["attempted"], 1)
        self.assertEqual(status["succeeded"], 0)
        self.assertEqual(status["total"], 1)
예제 #7
    def submit_student_answer(self, username, problem_url_name, responses):
        Use ajax interface to submit a student answer.

        Assumes the input list of responses has two values.
        def get_input_id(response_id):
            """Creates input id using information about the test course and the current problem."""
            # Note that this is a capa-specific convention.  The form is a version of the problem's
            # URL, modified so that it can be easily stored in html, prepended with "input-" and
            # appended with a sequence identifier for the particular response the input goes to.
            return 'input_i4x-{0}-{1}-problem-{2}_{3}'.format(TEST_COURSE_ORG.lower(),
                                                              TEST_COURSE_NUMBER.replace('.', '_'),
                                                              problem_url_name, response_id)

        # make sure that the requested user is logged in, so that the ajax call works
        # on the right problem:
        # make ajax call:
        modx_url = reverse('modx_dispatch',
                           kwargs={'course_id': self.course.id,
                                   'location': InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name),
                                   'dispatch': 'problem_check', })

        # we assume we have two responses, so assign them the correct identifiers.
        resp = self.client.post(modx_url, {
            get_input_id('2_1'): responses[0],
            get_input_id('3_1'): responses[1],
        return resp
예제 #8
    def submit_student_answer(self, username, problem_url_name, responses):
        Use ajax interface to submit a student answer.

        Assumes the input list of responses has two values.

        def get_input_id(response_id):
            """Creates input id using information about the test course and the current problem."""
            # Note that this is a capa-specific convention.  The form is a version of the problem's
            # URL, modified so that it can be easily stored in html, prepended with "input-" and
            # appended with a sequence identifier for the particular response the input goes to.
            return "input_i4x-{0}-{1}-problem-{2}_{3}".format(
                TEST_COURSE_ORG.lower(), TEST_COURSE_NUMBER.replace(".", "_"), problem_url_name, response_id

        # make sure that the requested user is logged in, so that the ajax call works
        # on the right problem:
        # make ajax call:
        modx_url = reverse(
                "course_id": self.course.id.to_deprecated_string(),
                "usage_id": quote_slashes(
                "handler": "xmodule_handler",
                "suffix": "problem_check",

        # we assume we have two responses, so assign them the correct identifiers.
        resp = self.client.post(modx_url, {get_input_id("2_1"): responses[0], get_input_id("3_1"): responses[1]})
        return resp
예제 #9
 def _test_submit_with_long_url(self, task_function, student=None):
     problem_url_name = 'x' * 255
     location = InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         if student is not None:
             task_function(self.create_task_request(self.instructor), location, student)
             task_function(self.create_task_request(self.instructor), location)
예제 #10
    def test_reset_failure(self):
        """Simulate a failure in resetting attempts on a problem"""
        problem_url_name = 'H1P1'
        location = InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name)
        self.submit_student_answer('u1', problem_url_name, [OPTION_1, OPTION_1])

        expected_message = "bad things happened"
        with patch('courseware.models.StudentModule.save') as mock_save:
            mock_save.side_effect = ZeroDivisionError(expected_message)
            instructor_task = self.reset_problem_attempts('instructor', location)
        self._assert_task_failure(instructor_task.id, 'reset_problem_attempts', problem_url_name, expected_message)
예제 #11
 def test_submit_nonexistent_modules(self):
     # confirm that a rescore of a non-existent module returns an exception
     problem_url = InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location("NonexistentProblem")
     request = None
     with self.assertRaises(ItemNotFoundError):
         submit_rescore_problem_for_student(request, problem_url, self.student)
     with self.assertRaises(ItemNotFoundError):
         submit_rescore_problem_for_all_students(request, problem_url)
     with self.assertRaises(ItemNotFoundError):
         submit_reset_problem_attempts_for_all_students(request, problem_url)
     with self.assertRaises(ItemNotFoundError):
         submit_delete_problem_state_for_all_students(request, problem_url)
예제 #12
    def test_delete_failure(self):
        """Simulate a failure in deleting state of a problem"""
        problem_url_name = "H1P1"
        location = InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name)
        self.submit_student_answer("u1", problem_url_name, [OPTION_1, OPTION_1])

        expected_message = "bad things happened"
        with patch("courseware.models.StudentModule.delete") as mock_delete:
            mock_delete.side_effect = ZeroDivisionError(expected_message)
            instructor_task = self.delete_problem_state("instructor", location)
        self._assert_task_failure(instructor_task.id, "delete_problem_state", problem_url_name, expected_message)
예제 #13
 def render_problem(self, username, problem_url_name):
     Use ajax interface to request html for a problem.
     # make sure that the requested user is logged in, so that the ajax call works
     # on the right problem:
     # make ajax call:
     modx_url = reverse('modx_dispatch',
                        kwargs={'course_id': self.course.id,
                                'location': InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name),
                                'dispatch': 'problem_get', })
     resp = self.client.post(modx_url, {})
     return resp
예제 #14
 def _assert_task_failure(self, entry_id, task_type, problem_url_name, expected_message):
     """Confirm that expected values are stored in InstructorTask on task failure."""
     instructor_task = InstructorTask.objects.get(id=entry_id)
     self.assertEqual(instructor_task.task_state, FAILURE)
     self.assertEqual(instructor_task.requester.username, 'instructor')
     self.assertEqual(instructor_task.task_type, task_type)
     task_input = json.loads(instructor_task.task_input)
     self.assertFalse('student' in task_input)
     self.assertEqual(task_input['problem_url'], InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name).to_deprecated_string())
     status = json.loads(instructor_task.task_output)
     self.assertEqual(status['exception'], 'ZeroDivisionError')
     self.assertEqual(status['message'], expected_message)
     # check status returned:
     status = InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.get_task_status(instructor_task.task_id)
     self.assertEqual(status['message'], expected_message)
예제 #15
 def render_problem(self, username, problem_url_name):
     Use ajax interface to request html for a problem.
     # make sure that the requested user is logged in, so that the ajax call works
     # on the right problem:
     # make ajax call:
     modx_url = reverse('xblock_handler',
                        kwargs={'course_id': self.course.id,
                                'usage_id': quote_slashes(InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name)),
                                'handler': 'xmodule_handler',
                                'suffix': 'problem_get', })
     resp = self.client.post(modx_url, {})
     return resp
예제 #16
    def test_rescoring_randomized_problem(self):
        """Run rescore scenario on custom problem that uses randomize"""
        # First define the custom response problem:
        problem_url_name = "H1P1"
        location = InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name)
        descriptor = self.module_store.get_item(location)
        # run with more than one user
        userlist = ["u1", "u2", "u3", "u4"]
        for username in userlist:
            # first render the problem, so that a seed will be created for this user
            self.render_problem(username, problem_url_name)
            # submit a bogus answer, in order to get the problem to tell us its real answer
            dummy_answer = "1000"
            self.submit_student_answer(username, problem_url_name, [dummy_answer, dummy_answer])
            # we should have gotten the problem wrong, since we're way out of range:
            self.check_state(username, descriptor, 0, 1, 1)
            # dig the correct answer out of the problem's message
            module = self.get_student_module(username, descriptor)
            state = json.loads(module.state)
            correct_map = state["correct_map"]
            log.info("Correct Map: %s", correct_map)
            # only one response, so pull it out:
            answer = correct_map.values()[0]["msg"]
            self.submit_student_answer(username, problem_url_name, [answer, answer])
            # we should now get the problem right, with a second attempt:
            self.check_state(username, descriptor, 1, 1, 2)

        # redefine the problem (as stored in Mongo) so that the definition of correct changes
        self.define_randomized_custom_response_problem(problem_url_name, redefine=True)
        # confirm that simply rendering the problem again does not result in a change
        # in the grade (or the attempts):
        self.render_problem("u1", problem_url_name)
        self.check_state("u1", descriptor, 1, 1, 2)

        # rescore the problem for only one student -- only that student's grade should change
        # (and none of the attempts):
        self.submit_rescore_one_student_answer("instructor", problem_url_name, User.objects.get(username="******"))
        for username in userlist:
            self.check_state(username, descriptor, 0 if username == "u1" else 1, 1, 2)

        # rescore the problem for all students
        self.submit_rescore_all_student_answers("instructor", problem_url_name)

        # all grades should change to being wrong (with no change in attempts)
        for username in userlist:
            self.check_state(username, descriptor, 0, 1, 2)
예제 #17
    def test_rescoring_option_problem(self, problem_edit, new_expected_scores, new_expected_max):
        Run rescore scenario on option problem.
        Verify rescoring updates grade after content change.
        Original problem definition has:
            num_inputs = 1
            num_responses = 2
            correct_answer = OPTION_1
        # get descriptor:
        problem_url_name = 'H1P1'
        location = InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name)
        descriptor = self.module_store.get_item(location)

        # first store answers for each of the separate users:
        self.submit_student_answer('u1', problem_url_name, [OPTION_1, OPTION_1])
        self.submit_student_answer('u2', problem_url_name, [OPTION_1, OPTION_2])
        self.submit_student_answer('u3', problem_url_name, [OPTION_2, OPTION_1])
        self.submit_student_answer('u4', problem_url_name, [OPTION_2, OPTION_2])

        # verify each user's grade
        expected_original_scores = (2, 1, 1, 0)
        expected_original_max = 2
        for i, user in enumerate(self.users):
            self.check_state(user, descriptor, expected_original_scores[i], expected_original_max)

        # update the data in the problem definition so the answer changes.
        self.redefine_option_problem(problem_url_name, **problem_edit)

        # confirm that simply rendering the problem again does not change the grade
        self.render_problem('u1', problem_url_name)
        self.check_state(self.user1, descriptor, expected_original_scores[0], expected_original_max)

        # rescore the problem for only one student -- only that student's grade should change:
        self.submit_rescore_one_student_answer('instructor', problem_url_name, self.user1)
        self.check_state(self.user1, descriptor, new_expected_scores[0], new_expected_max)
        for i, user in enumerate(self.users[1:], start=1):  # everyone other than user1
            self.check_state(user, descriptor, expected_original_scores[i], expected_original_max)

        # rescore the problem for all students
        self.submit_rescore_all_student_answers('instructor', problem_url_name)
        for i, user in enumerate(self.users):
            self.check_state(user, descriptor, new_expected_scores[i], new_expected_max)
예제 #18
 def test_delete_problem_state(self):
     """Run delete-state scenario on option problem"""
     # get descriptor:
     problem_url_name = "H1P1"
     location = InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name)
     descriptor = self.module_store.get_item(location)
     # first store answers for each of the separate users:
     for username in self.userlist:
         self.submit_student_answer(username, problem_url_name, [OPTION_1, OPTION_1])
     # confirm that state exists:
     for username in self.userlist:
         self.assertTrue(self.get_student_module(username, descriptor) is not None)
     # run delete task:
     self.delete_problem_state("instructor", location)
     # confirm that no state can be found:
     for username in self.userlist:
         with self.assertRaises(StudentModule.DoesNotExist):
             self.get_student_module(username, descriptor)
예제 #19
    def _test_submit_task(self, task_function, student=None):
        # tests submit, and then tests a second identical submission.
        problem_url_name = 'H1P1'
        location = InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name)
        if student is not None:
            instructor_task = task_function(self.create_task_request(self.instructor), location, student)
            instructor_task = task_function(self.create_task_request(self.instructor), location)

        # test resubmitting, by updating the existing record:
        instructor_task = InstructorTask.objects.get(id=instructor_task.id)
        instructor_task.task_state = PROGRESS

        with self.assertRaises(AlreadyRunningError):
            if student is not None:
                task_function(self.create_task_request(self.instructor), location, student)
                task_function(self.create_task_request(self.instructor), location)
예제 #20
    def test_reset_attempts_on_problem(self):
        """Run reset-attempts scenario on option problem"""
        # get descriptor:
        problem_url_name = "H1P1"
        location = InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name)
        descriptor = self.module_store.get_item(location)
        num_attempts = 3
        # first store answers for each of the separate users:
        for _ in range(num_attempts):
            for username in self.userlist:
                self.submit_student_answer(username, problem_url_name, [OPTION_1, OPTION_1])

        for username in self.userlist:
            self.assertEquals(self.get_num_attempts(username, descriptor), num_attempts)

        self.reset_problem_attempts("instructor", location)

        for username in self.userlist:
            self.assertEquals(self.get_num_attempts(username, descriptor), 0)
예제 #21
 def render_problem(self, username, problem_url_name):
     Use ajax interface to request html for a problem.
     # make sure that the requested user is logged in, so that the ajax call works
     # on the right problem:
     # make ajax call:
     modx_url = reverse(
             "course_id": self.course.id.to_deprecated_string(),
             "usage_id": quote_slashes(
             "handler": "xmodule_handler",
             "suffix": "problem_get",
     resp = self.client.post(modx_url, {})
     return resp
예제 #22
    def test_rescoring_option_problem(self):
        """Run rescore scenario on option problem"""
        # get descriptor:
        problem_url_name = "H1P1"
        location = InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name)
        descriptor = self.module_store.get_item(location)

        # first store answers for each of the separate users:
        self.submit_student_answer("u1", problem_url_name, [OPTION_1, OPTION_1])
        self.submit_student_answer("u2", problem_url_name, [OPTION_1, OPTION_2])
        self.submit_student_answer("u3", problem_url_name, [OPTION_2, OPTION_1])
        self.submit_student_answer("u4", problem_url_name, [OPTION_2, OPTION_2])

        self.check_state("u1", descriptor, 2, 2, 1)
        self.check_state("u2", descriptor, 1, 2, 1)
        self.check_state("u3", descriptor, 1, 2, 1)
        self.check_state("u4", descriptor, 0, 2, 1)

        # update the data in the problem definition
        # confirm that simply rendering the problem again does not result in a change
        # in the grade:
        self.render_problem("u1", problem_url_name)
        self.check_state("u1", descriptor, 2, 2, 1)

        # rescore the problem for only one student -- only that student's grade should change:
        self.submit_rescore_one_student_answer("instructor", problem_url_name, User.objects.get(username="******"))
        self.check_state("u1", descriptor, 0, 2, 1)
        self.check_state("u2", descriptor, 1, 2, 1)
        self.check_state("u3", descriptor, 1, 2, 1)
        self.check_state("u4", descriptor, 0, 2, 1)

        # rescore the problem for all students
        self.submit_rescore_all_student_answers("instructor", problem_url_name)
        self.check_state("u1", descriptor, 0, 2, 1)
        self.check_state("u2", descriptor, 1, 2, 1)
        self.check_state("u3", descriptor, 1, 2, 1)
        self.check_state("u4", descriptor, 2, 2, 1)
예제 #23
    def define_randomized_custom_response_problem(self, problem_url_name, redefine=False):
        Defines a custom response problem that uses a random value to determine correctness.

        Generated answer is also returned as the `msg`, so that the value can be used as a
        correct answer by a test.

        If the `redefine` flag is set, then change the definition of correctness (from equals
        to not-equals).
        factory = CustomResponseXMLFactory()
        script = textwrap.dedent("""
                def check_func(expect, answer_given):
                    expected = str(random.randint(0, 100))
                    return {'ok': answer_given %s expected, 'msg': expected}
            """ % ('!=' if redefine else '=='))
        problem_xml = factory.build_xml(script=script, cfn="check_func", expect="42", num_responses=1)
        if redefine:
            descriptor = self.module_store.get_item(
            descriptor.data = problem_xml
            with self.module_store.branch_setting(ModuleStoreEnum.Branch.draft_preferred, descriptor.location.course_key):
                self.module_store.update_item(descriptor, self.user.id)
                self.module_store.publish(descriptor.location, self.user.id)
            # Use "per-student" rerandomization so that check-problem can be called more than once.
            # Using "always" means we cannot check a problem twice, but we want to call once to get the
            # correct answer, and call a second time with that answer to confirm it's graded as correct.
            # Per-student rerandomization will at least generate different seeds for different users, so
            # we get a little more test coverage.
                               metadata={"rerandomize": "per_student"})
예제 #24
 def render_problem(self, username, problem_url_name):
     Use ajax interface to request html for a problem.
     # make sure that the requested user is logged in, so that the ajax call works
     # on the right problem:
     # make ajax call:
     modx_url = reverse(
     resp = self.client.post(modx_url, {})
     return resp
예제 #25
 def setUp(self):
     super(InstructorTaskModuleTestCase, self).setUp()
     self.instructor = self.create_instructor('instructor')
     self.location = InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(PROBLEM_URL_NAME)
예제 #26
 def setUp(self):
     super(InstructorTaskModuleTestCase, self).setUp()
     self.instructor = self.create_instructor('instructor')
     self.location = InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.problem_location(
예제 #27
 def delete_problem_state(self, instructor, problem_url_name):
     """Submits the current problem for deletion"""
     return submit_delete_problem_state_for_all_students(
         self.create_task_request(instructor), self.course.id,
예제 #28
 def reset_problem_attempts(self, instructor, problem_url_name):
     """Submits the current problem for resetting"""
     return submit_reset_problem_attempts_for_all_students(
         self.create_task_request(instructor), self.course.id,
예제 #29
 def submit_rescore_one_student_answer(self, instructor, problem_url_name, student):
     """Submits the particular problem for rescoring for a particular student"""
     return submit_rescore_problem_for_student(self.create_task_request(instructor),
예제 #30
 def submit_rescore_all_student_answers(self, instructor, problem_url_name):
     """Submits the particular problem for rescoring"""
     return submit_rescore_problem_for_all_students(