Then, draw_table is called to append the table values to the interface (later, this method may be called to refresh screen) Values and header info is are hardcoded here and in ConsoleInterface declaration, respectively. """ from table import Table from interface import ConsoleInterface data = Table('data') time = ['19:00:32', '19:00:32', '19:00:33', '19:00:34'] temp = ['23.0', '23.0', '23.0', '23.0'] fbar = ['0.0', '12.0', '87.2', '0.0'] ilux = ['60.1', '69.1', '62.1', '62.1'] console = ConsoleInterface(data) # binds data table to interface object console.init_interface() # prints header def build_rows(ptime, ptemp, pfbar, pilux): rows = [] if len(ptime) == len(ptemp) == len(pfbar) == len(pilux): for x, val in enumerate(ptime): rows.append([ptime[x], ptemp[x], pfbar[x], pilux[x]]) else: print 'ERROR: Data values not the same lenght.' return rows data.add_rows(build_rows(time, temp, fbar, ilux))
#temp_values = [float(y) for y in m_temp] #fbar_values = [float(y) for y in m_fbar] #lint_values = [float(y) for y in m_lint] row = [str(m_time), m_temp, m_fbar, m_lint] #data are float values return row #### Code itself #### # Objects declaration ard = SerialArduino(port, baud_rate) txt = FileHandler(user_file) dat = Table('data') cli = ConsoleInterface(dat) # binds data table to interface object cli.init_interface() # prints header op = cli.start_menu() if op.upper() == 'Y': #cli.setup_interface() user_file = raw_input('Type TXT file name: ') txt.set_name(user_file) cli.show_warning('Hit Ctrl-C to stop acquisition') cli.getch() ### !!! BIG INCONSISTENCY RIGHT HERE !!! ard.write('C0') # stops Arduino just in case
# temp_values = [float(y) for y in m_temp] # fbar_values = [float(y) for y in m_fbar] # lint_values = [float(y) for y in m_lint] row = [str(m_time), m_temp, m_fbar, m_lint] # data are float values return row #### Code itself #### # Objects declaration ard = SerialArduino(port, baud_rate) txt = FileHandler(user_file) dat = Table("data") cli = ConsoleInterface(dat) # binds data table to interface object cli.init_interface() # prints header op = cli.start_menu() if op.upper() == "Y": # cli.setup_interface() user_file = raw_input("Type TXT file name: ") txt.set_name(user_file) cli.show_warning("Hit Ctrl-C to stop acquisition") cli.getch() ### !!! BIG INCONSISTENCY RIGHT HERE !!! ard.write("C0") # stops Arduino just in case
Then, draw_table is called to append the table values to the interface (later, this method may be called to refresh screen) Values and header info is are hardcoded here and in ConsoleInterface declaration, respectively. """ from table import Table from interface import ConsoleInterface data = Table("data") time = ["19:00:32", "19:00:32", "19:00:33", "19:00:34"] temp = ["23.0", "23.0", "23.0", "23.0"] fbar = ["0.0", "12.0", "87.2", "0.0"] ilux = ["60.1", "69.1", "62.1", "62.1"] console = ConsoleInterface(data) # binds data table to interface object console.init_interface() # prints header def build_rows(ptime, ptemp, pfbar, pilux): rows = [] if len(ptime) == len(ptemp) == len(pfbar) == len(pilux): for x, val in enumerate(ptime): rows.append([ptime[x], ptemp[x], pfbar[x], pilux[x]]) else: print "ERROR: Data values not the same lenght." return rows data.add_rows(build_rows(time, temp, fbar, ilux))