def get_records(self): h = httplib2.Http(cache=os.path.expanduser("~/.httplib2_cache"), ca_certs='/etc/ssl/certs/') logger.debug("Fetching IP list from the zeus tracker") resp, content = h.request("") ips = content.split("\n\n")[1].split() ips = self.remove_US(ips) records = [{'ip': ip} for ip in ips] return records
def get_connection(self): if self.connection: return self.connection logger.debug("Logging into router") conn = if not conn: logger.error("Unable to login to router") raise Exception("Unable to login to router") logger.debug("Done logging into router") self.connection = conn return conn
def get_records(self): h = httplib2.Http(os.path.expanduser("~/.httplib2_cache")) logger.debug("Fetching IP list from spamhaus") resp, content = h.request("") records = [] for line in content.splitlines(): ip, comment = line.split(";") ip = ip.strip() comment = comment.strip() if ip: records.append({'ip': ip, 'comment': comment}) return records
def block(self): """call get_records() and block each record returned. If must_exist_in_source is True, unblock any addresses that were previously blocked, but are no longer in the source""" all = self.get_records() logger.debug("Got %d ips" % len(all)) all_ips = set(self.get_ip_from_record(r) for r in all) if self.must_exist_in_source: for b in self.model.get_all_that_should_be_blocked(): if b.who == self.blocker and b.ip not in all_ips: self.model.unblock_ip(b.ip, forced=False)"DB-unblocking %s" % b.ip) for r in all: msg = self.serialize_record(r) ip = self.get_ip_from_record(r) duration = self.get_duration_from_record(r) flag_traffic = self.get_flag_from_record(r) if not self.model.ok_to_block(ip): logger.debug("Not DB-blocking %s" % ip) continue block_record = self.model.get_blocked_ip(ip) if self.reblockable or not block_record: if block_record: logger.debug("DB-re-blocking %s" % ip) else:"DB-blocking %s" % ip) self.model.block_ip(ip=ip, who=self.blocker, comment=msg, duration=duration,flag_traffic=flag_traffic) if self.model.get_block_pending() or self.model.get_unblock_pending(): util.wakeup_backend() self.model.disconnect()
def block(self): """call get_records() and block each record returned. If must_exist_in_source is True, unblock any addresses that were previously blocked, but are no longer in the source""" all = self.get_records() logger.debug("Got %d ips" % len(all)) all_ips = set(self.get_ip_from_record(r) for r in all) if self.must_exist_in_source: for b in self.model.get_all_that_should_be_blocked(): if b.who == self.blocker and b.ip not in all_ips: self.model.unblock_ip(b.ip, forced=False)"DB-unblocking %s" % b.ip) for r in all: msg = self.serialize_record(r) ip = self.get_ip_from_record(r) duration = self.get_duration_from_record(r) flag_traffic = self.get_flag_from_record(r) if not self.model.ok_to_block(ip): logger.debug("Not DB-blocking %s" % ip) continue block_record = self.model.get_blocked_ip(ip) if self.reblockable or not block_record: if block_record: logger.debug("DB-re-blocking %s" % ip) else:"DB-blocking %s" % ip) self.model.block_ip(ip=ip, who=self.blocker, comment=msg, duration=duration, flag_traffic=flag_traffic) if self.model.get_block_pending() or self.model.get_unblock_pending(): util.wakeup_backend() self.model.disconnect()
current = set(c.nullroute_list()) for b in block_pending: if IP(b.ip) in current: b.set_blocked() else: logger.error("error blocking %s" % b.ip) def manage(self): self.model.Session.expunge_all() try: self.unblock() except Exception, e: logger.error("error unblocking %s" % e) try: self.block() except Exception, e: logger.error("error blocking %s" % e) if self.connection: logger.debug("Logging out of router") self.connection.logout() host = config.get("blocking","memcache_host") if memcache and host: mc = memcache.Client([host]) mc.set("ipblocker:last_manager_runtime", time.ctime()) self.model.disconnect()
c.nullroute_add_many(batch) current = set(c.nullroute_list()) for b in block_pending: if IP(b.ip) in current: b.set_blocked() else: logger.error("error blocking %s" % b.ip) def manage(self): self.model.Session.expunge_all() try: self.unblock() except Exception, e: logger.error("error unblocking %s" % e) try: self.block() except Exception, e: logger.error("error blocking %s" % e) if self.connection: logger.debug("Logging out of router") self.connection.logout() host = config.get("blocking", "memcache_host") if memcache and host: mc = memcache.Client([host]) mc.set("ipblocker:last_manager_runtime", time.ctime()) self.model.disconnect()
def remove_US(self, ips): g=pygeoip.GeoIP(config.get("geoip","path")) ok = [ip for ip in ips if g.country_code_by_addr(ip) != 'US'] skipped = len(ips) - len(ok) logger.debug("removed %d US ips" % skipped) return ok