예제 #1
def getCorrectionFunc(order=5,Imat=None,p=None,pc=None,fraclims_dc=[.9,1.1],wrapit=True):
  Getting nonlinear correction factors form a calibration dataset consiting of:
    i0     	array of intensity/parameter values the calibration has been made for
    Imat   	2D array of the corresponding reference patterns, in each row 
  		there is one ravelled array of each intensity bin in i0.
    i0_wp	a working point around which a correction polynomial will be
  		developed for each pixel.
    order	the polynomial order up to which will be deveoped.
    fraclims_dc	relative factor for the i0,Imat data limits which are used to
  		determine the working point location.
  Returns corrFunc(i,D), a function that takes a flat array of intensity/
  		parameter values as well as a Matrix D of flattened patterns 
		the correction is to be applied on (rows in D are again corresponding
		to each intensity in i).
  if pc is None:
    pc = np.mean(p)
  msk = tools.filtvec(p,pc*np.asarray(fraclims_dc))
  p0 = tools.polyFit(p[msk],Imat[msk,...],2)
  dc = tools.polyVal(p0,pc)
  comps = tools.polyFit(p-pc,Imat-dc,order,removeOrders=[0])
  compsder = tools.polyDer(comps)
  c = lambda(i): tools.polyVal(comps,i-np.asarray(tools.iterfy(pc)))+dc
  c_prime = lambda(i): tools.polyVal(compsder,i-np.asarray(tools.iterfy(pc)))
  t = lambda(i): (c_prime(pc).T * (i-pc)).T + dc
  cprimeic = c_prime(pc)
  dcorr_const = -cprimeic*pc + c(pc) - t(0) 
  def corrFunc(D,i):
    i = i.ravel()
    return cprimeic * ( i + ((D-c(i))/c_prime(i)).swapaxes(0,-1) ).swapaxes(0,-1)

  if wrapit:
    def corrFuncTransposed(D,i=None,normalize=False,fillValue=np.nan):
      if i is None:
	i = np.apply_over_axes(np.nansum,D,range(np.ndim(D)-1)).ravel()
      cr = corrFunc(D.swapaxes(0,-1),i).swapaxes(0,-1)
      if normalize:
      cr[:,~np.logical_and(i>np.min(i0),i<np.max(i0))] *= fillValue
      return cr
	#return corrFunc(D.swapaxes(0,-1),i).swapaxes(0,-1)

    corrFuncWrapped = wrapFunc(corrFuncTransposed,transposeStack=True)
    def corrFuncWrap(D,i=None,normalize=False,fillValue=np.nan):
      if i is not None:
	Df = D*i.filter([np.min(i0),np.max(i0)]).ones()
	Df = D
      return corrFuncWrapped(Df,i=i,normalize=normalize,fillValue=fillValue)
    return corrFuncWrap
    return corrFunc
예제 #2
def getCorrectionFunc(dmat=None,i=None,ic=None,order=5,sc=None,search_dc_limits=None, removeDependence=True):
  Create nonlinear correction function from a calibration dataset consiting of:
    i     	array of intensity values (floats) of the calibration
    dmat   	ND array of the reference patterns corresponding to values of i,
                The first dimension corresponds to the calibration intensity 
		values and has the same length as i.
    ic		A working point around which a polynomial correction will be
  		developed for each pixel.
    order	the polynomial order up to which the correction will be 
    sc		optional: calibration image at ic. default is the image at ic
    search_dc_limits	absolute limits around ic which are used to determine the 
    		calibration value of ic as linear approximation of a short interval. 
		optional, can sometimes help to avoid strong deviations of the 
		polynomial approximatiuon from the real measured points.
  Returns corrFunc(D,i), a function that takes an ND array input for correction
                (1st dimension corresponds to the different intensity values) 
		as well as the intensity array i.
  if search_dc_limits is not None:
    search_dc_limits = iterfy(search_dc_limits)
    if len(search_dc_limits)==1:
      msk = (i>i-np.abs(search_dc_limits)) & (i<i+np.abs(search_dc_limits))
    elif len(search_dc_limits)==2:
      msk = (i>i-np.min(search_dc_limits)) & (i<i+np.max(search_dc_limits))
    p0 = tools.polyFit(i[msk],dmat[msk,...],2)
    dc = tools.polyVal(p0,i0_wp)
    pc = tools.polyFit(i-ic,Imat-dc,order,removeOrders=[0])
    pcprime = tools.polyDer(pc)
    c = lambda(i): polyVal(pc,i-ic) + dc
    pc = polyFit(i-ic,dmat,order,removeOrders=[])
    pcprime = polyDer(pc)
    c = lambda(i): polyVal(pc,i-ic)
    dc = c(ic)
  c_prime = lambda(i): polyVal(pcprime,i-ic)
  cprimeic = c_prime(ic)
  if sc is None:
    sc = c(ic)
  def corrFunc(D,i):
    i = np.asarray(i).ravel()
    return (sc.swapaxes(0,-1)/ic*i).swapaxes(0,-1) + cprimeic/c_prime(i)* sc/dc * (D-c(i))
  def remDepFunc(D,i):
    i = np.asarray(i).ravel()
    return D-c(i)+dc
  if removeDependence:
    corrFunc = remDepFunc

  if wrapit:
    def corrFuncTransposed(D,i,normalize=False,fillValue=np.nan):
      cr = corrFunc(D.swapaxes(0,-1),i).swapaxes(0,-1)
      if normalize:
      cr[:,~np.logical_and(i>np.min(i0),i<np.max(i0))] *= fillValue
      return cr

    corrFuncWrapped = wrapFunc(corrFuncTransposed,transposeStack=True)
    def corrFuncWrap(D,i,normalize=False,fillValue=np.nan):
      Df = D*i.filter([np.min(i0),np.max(i0)]).ones()
      return corrFuncWrapped(Df,i=i,normalize=normalize,fillValue=fillValue)
    return corrFuncWrap
    return corrFunc

  return corrFunc
예제 #3
def getCorrectionFunc(dmat=None,i=None,ic=None,order=5,sc=None,search_dc_limits=None,corrtype='corrNonLin',wrapit=True):
  Create nonlinear correction function from a calibration dataset consiting of:
    i     	array of intensity values (floats) of the calibration
    dmat   	ND array of the reference patterns corresponding to values of i,
                The first dimension corresponds to the calibration intensity 
		values and has the same length as i.
    ic		A working point around which a polynomial correction will be
  		developed for each pixel.
    order	the polynomial order up to which the correction will be 
    sc		optional: calibration image at ic. default is the image at ic
    search_dc_limits	absolute limits around ic which are used to determine the 
    		calibration value of ic as linear approximation of a short interval. 
		optional, can sometimes help to avoid strong deviations of the 
		polynomial approximatiuon from the real measured points.
  Returns corrFunc(D,i), a function that takes an ND array input for correction
                (1st dimension corresponds to the different intensity values) 
		as well as the intensity array i.
  if ic is None:
    ic = np.mean(i)
  if search_dc_limits is not None:
    search_dc_limits = iterfy(search_dc_limits)
    if len(search_dc_limits)==1:
      msk = (i>i-np.abs(search_dc_limits)) & (i<i+np.abs(search_dc_limits))
    elif len(search_dc_limits)==2:
      msk = (i>i-np.min(search_dc_limits)) & (i<i+np.max(search_dc_limits))
    p0 = tools.polyFit(i[msk],dmat[msk,...],2)

    dc = tools.polyVal(p0,i0_wp)
    pc = tools.polyFit(i-ic,Imat-dc,order,removeOrders=[0])
    if corrtype is 'corrNonLin':
      pcprime = tools.polyDer(pc)
    #c = lambda(i): polyVal(pc,i-ic) + dc
    def c(i):
      #print np.shape(pc)
      return tools.polyVal(pc,i-ic) + dc
    pc = tools.polyFit(i-ic,dmat,order,removeOrders=[])
    #c = lambda(i): tools.polyVal(pc,i-ic)
    def c(i):
      #print np.shape(pc)
      return tools.polyVal(pc,i-ic)
    dc = c(ic)
    if corrtype is 'corrNonLin':
      pcprime = tools.polyDer(pc)
  if corrtype is 'corrNonLin':
    pcprime = tools.polyDer(pc)
    c_prime = lambda(i): tools.polyVal(pcprime,i-ic)
    cprimeic = c_prime(ic)
    if sc is None:
      sc = c(ic)
    def corrFunc(Dm,im):
      im = np.asarray(im).ravel()
      return (sc.T/ic*im).T + cprimeic/c_prime(im)* sc/dc * (Dm-c(im)) #!!!
  elif corrtype is 'removeDep':
    def corrFunc(Dm,im):
      im = np.asarray(im).ravel()
      return Dm-c(im)+dc

  #return corrFunc
  if wrapit:
    def corrFuncTransposed(Dm,im=None,normalize=False,fillValue=np.nan):
      if im is None:
	im = np.apply_over_axes(np.nansum,Dm,range(1,np.ndim(Dm))).ravel()
      cr = corrFunc(Dm,im)
      if normalize:
	im = im.ravel()
	for dimno in range(cr.ndim-1):
	  im = np.expand_dims(im,-1)
      cr[~np.logical_and(im>np.min(i),im<np.max(i)),...] *= fillValue
      return cr
	#return corrFunc(D.swapaxes(0,-1),i).swapaxes(0,-1)

    corrFuncWrapped = wrapFunc(corrFuncTransposed,transposeStack=False)
    def corrFuncWrap(Dm,im=None,normalize=False,fillValue=np.nan):
      if im is not None:
	Df = Dm*im.filter([np.min(i),np.max(i)]).ones()
	Df = Dm
      return corrFuncWrapped(Df,im=im,normalize=normalize,fillValue=fillValue)
    return corrFuncWrap
    return corrFunc
예제 #4
 def c(i):
   #print np.shape(pc)
   return tools.polyVal(pc,i-ic)
예제 #5
파일: corrNonlin.py 프로젝트: htlemke/ixppy
def getCorr(order=5,i0=None,Imat=None,i0_wp=1e6,fraclims_dc=[.9,1.1]):
  """ Getting nonlinear correction factors form a calibration dataset consiting of:
  i0     	array of intensities the calibration has been made for
  Imat   	2D array of the corresponding reference patterns, in each row 
  		there is one ravelled array of each intensity bin in i0.
  i0_wp		a working point around which a correction polynomial will be
  		developed for each pixel.
  order		the polynomial order up to which will be deveoped.
  fraclims_dc	relative factor for the i0,Imat data limits which are used to
  		determine the working point location.


  #i0,Imat = getData()
  msk = tools.filtvec(i0,i0_wp*np.asarray(fraclims_dc))
  p0 = tools.polyFit(i0[msk],Imat[msk,:],2)
  dc = tools.polyVal(p0,i0_wp)
  comps = tools.polyFit(i0-i0_wp,Imat-dc,order,removeOrders=[0])
  compsder = tools.polyDer(comps)
  c = lambda(i): tools.polyVal(comps,i-np.asarray(tools.iterfy(i0_wp)))+dc
  c_prime = lambda(i): tools.polyVal(compsder,i-np.asarray(tools.iterfy(i0_wp)))
  t = lambda(i): (c_prime(i0_wp).T * (i-i0_wp)).T + dc
  cprimeic = c_prime(i0_wp)
  dcorr_const = -cprimeic*i0_wp + c(i0_wp) - t(0) 
  def dcorr(i,D):
    return (i*cprimeic.T + dcorr_const.T + ((D-c(i))*cprimeic/c_prime(i)).T).T
    #return (i*cprimeic.T + dcorr_const.T ).T
  return dcorr,comps,t

  Imean = (Imat.T/i0).T
  tools.imagesc(np.asarray([ti / np.mean(Imean[-10:,:],0) for ti in Imean]))
  cl = plt.gci().get_clim()

  cmps = copy.copy(comps)
  cmps[-2,:] = 0
  cc = lambda(i): tools.polyVal(cmps,i-np.asarray(tools.iterfy(i0_wp)))
  Ir = Imat-c(i0)+t(i0)-t(0)
  Ir = dcorr(i0,Imat)
  #Ir = ((Imat-cc(i0)).T/i0).T
  Ir = (Ir.T/i0).T
  tools.imagesc(np.asarray([ti / np.mean(Ir[-10:,:],0) for ti in Ir]))

  ah = None
  for n,comp in enumerate(comps):
    if ah is None:
      ah = plt.subplot(len(comps),1,n+1)
    lims = np.percentile(comp,[1,99])


  return c,c_prime