예제 #1
    def handle(self, **options):
        js = JsCompressor()
        css = CssCompressor()

        cacheable_bundles = {}

        print green('Compressing JS')

        for key, bundle in conf.JS_BUNDLES.items():
            # compress js bundle
            storage_url = js.compress(key, bundle)
            cache_key = get_cache_key(js.media_type, key)
            cacheable_bundles[cache_key] = storage_url
            print yellow('-- ' + storage_url)

        print green('Compressing CSS')

        for key, bundle in conf.CSS_BUNDLES.items():
            # compress css bundle
            storage_url = css.compress(key, bundle)
            cache_key = get_cache_key(css.media_type, key)
            cacheable_bundles[cache_key] = storage_url            
            print yellow('-- ' + storage_url)

        print yellow('Caching storage urls')

        print green('Done')
예제 #2
def get_bundle_items(media_type, bundle_name):
    """Returns a list of asset urls.
    if conf.ENABLED:
        key = get_cache_key(media_type, bundle_name)
        bundle_url = get_from_cache(key)
        if bundle_url is not None:
            return [bundle_url]
    # return the uncompressed assets
    return get_bundle(media_type, bundle_name)['files']