예제 #1
    def __init__(self):

        self.DEBUG = False
        self.DEVELOPMENT = False
        self.TESTING = False

        # Mail server config
        self.MAIL_SERVER = 'smtp.gmail.com'
        self.MAIL_PORT = 465
        self.MAIL_USE_TLS = False
        self.MAIL_USE_SSL = True

        # Mail credentials and recipient
            kr = CryptFileKeyring()
            kr.file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'keyring')
            self.MAIL_USERNAME = kr.get_password("scheduled_mail", "MAIL_USER")
            self.MAIL_PASSWORD = kr.get_password("scheduled_mail", "MAIL_PASSWORD")
            self.RECIPIENT = kr.get_password("scheduled_mail", "RECIPIENT")
        except ValueError as e:
            raise KeyringError("Error while accessing the keyring.") from e

        # Scheduler settings
        self.SCHEDULER_INTERVAL = 1

        # Config file for instances
        self.INSTANCE_PATH = "instances.json"
        self.INSTANCE_START_DATE = datetime(2018, 6, 19, 0, 0, 0)
예제 #2
    def run(self, argv):
        # parse args, setup logging and prepare keyrings
        args = self.parser.parse_args(argv)
        inkr = CryptFileKeyring()
        outkr = CryptFileKeyring()
        outkr.aesmode = args.aesmode

        # prepare infile
        infile = args.infile
        if not infile:
            infile = inkr.file_path
            inkr.file_path = infile
            inkr.filename = os.path.basename(infile)
        if not os.path.exists(infile):
            self.errexit('%s not found' % infile)
        if not inkr._check_file():
            self.errexit('Failed to parse %s' % infile)
        log.info('infile %s: %s', infile, inkr.scheme)

        # prepare outfile
        outfile = args.outfile
        if not outfile:
            outfile = infile + '.%d' % os.getpid()
        if os.path.exists(outfile):
            if os.path.samefile(infile, outfile):
                self.errexit('infile and outfile must NOT be the same file')
            # outfile exists: rename
            os.rename(outfile, outfile + '~')
            log.info('%s renamed to %s~', outfile, outfile)
        outkr.file_path = outfile
        outkr.filename = os.path.basename(outfile)
        log.info('outfile %s: %s', outfile, outkr.scheme)

        # unlock the infile keyring
        except ValueError as e:
            self.errexit('Unlock %s: %s' % (infile, e))

        # keep old password or request password for new keyring
        if args.keep:
            outkr._get_new_password = lambda: inkr.keyring_key

        # process infile
        config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
        for section in config.sections():
            log.debug('process section: [%s]', section)
            if section != escape('keyring-setting'):
                for username in config.options(section):
                    username = unescape(username)
                    section = unescape(section)
                    log.info('process: [%s] %s', section, username)
                    password = inkr.get_password(section, username)
                    if password:
                        outkr.set_password(section, username, password)
                        log.debug('[%s] %s: %s', section, username,  password)
                        log.error('invalid entry: [%s]%s', section, username)

        return 0