예제 #1
파일: api.py 프로젝트: Kile/Killua
    async def handle_vote(self, data: dict) -> None:
        user_id = data["user"] if "user" in data else data["id"]

        user = User(int(user_id))
        reward = self._get_reward(
            user, data["isWeekend"] if hasattr(data, "isWeekend") else False)

        if reward < 100:
            text = f"Thank you for voting for Killua! This time you get a :sparkles: special :sparkles: reward: the lootbox {LOOTBOXES[reward]['emoji']} {LOOTBOXES[reward]['name']}. Open it with `k!open`"
            text = f"Thank you for voting for Killua! Here take {reward} Jenny as a sign of my gratitude. {5-user.votes%5} vote{'s' if 5-user.votes%5 > 1 else ''} away from a :sparkles: special :sparkles: reward"

        usr = self.client.get_user(user_id) or await self.client.fetch_user(

            await usr.send(text)
        except discord.HTTPException:
예제 #2
    async def gain(self, ctx, t:str, item:str):
        """An owner restricted command allowing the user to obtain any card or amount of jenny or any lootbox"""
        user = User(ctx.author.id)
        if not t.lower() in ["jenny", "card", "lootbox"]:
            return await ctx.send(f'You need to provide a valid type! `{self.client.command_prefix(self.client, ctx.message)[2]}gain <jenny/card/lootbox> <amount/id>`', allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none())
        if t.lower() == 'card':
                item = int(item)
                card = Card(item)
            except CardNotFound:
                return await ctx.send('Invalid card id')
            if card.id == 0:
                return await ctx.send("No")
            if len(card.owners) >= card.limit * ALLOWED_AMOUNT_MULTIPLE:
                return await ctx.send('Sorry! Global card limit reached!')
            if len(user.fs_cards) >= FREE_SLOTS and (item > 99 or item in [x[0] for x in user.rs_cards]):
                return await ctx.send('Seems like you have no space left in your free slots!')
            return await ctx.send(f'Added card "{card.name}" to your inventory')

        if t.lower() == 'jenny':
            if not item.isdigit():
                return await ctx.send('Please provide a valid amount of jenny!')
            item = int(item)
            if item < 1:
                return await ctx.send('Please provide a valid amount of jenny!')
            if item > 69420:
                return await ctx.send('Be reasonable.')
            return await ctx.send(f'Added {item} Jenny to your account')

        if t.lower() == "lootbox":
            if not item.isdigit() or not int(item) in list(LOOTBOXES.keys()):
                return await ctx.send("Invalid lootbox!")
            return await ctx.send(f"Done! Added lootbox \"{LOOTBOXES[int(item)]['name']}\" to your inventory")