예제 #1
class Trader:
    new_table = False
    SMA_PERIOD = 20
    EMA_PERIOD = 10

    def __init__(self,
        self.api_key = api_key
        self.api_secret = api_secret
        self.api_passphrase = api_passphrase
        self.client = Client(api_key,
        self.ticker_span = ticker_span  #Number of candlestick data points to acquire
        self.kline_data = []
        self.historical_data = []
        now = int(time.time())
        self.kline_data = np.array(
            self.client.get_kline_data('BTC-USDT', '1min',
                                       (now - self.ticker_span * 60), now))
        self.historical_data = pd.DataFrame(self.kline_data,
                                                'TimeStamp', 'Open', 'Close',
                                                'High', 'Low', 'Tx Amount',
                                                'Tx Volume'
        self.candle_stick = self.kline_data[0]  #Most recenr candle stick info

    def update_indicators(
            self):  #Call this to update the CP, SMA, and EMA arrays
        return self.cp, self.sma, self.ema

    def get_ema(self, period=EMA_PERIOD):
        closing_price = []
        for items in reversed(list(self.historical_data.loc[:, 'Close'])):
            closing_price.append(float(items))  #Gives a list
        var = np.array(closing_price)
        self.ema = np.flip(talib.EMA(var, timeperiod=period)).tolist()

    def get_sma(self, period=SMA_PERIOD):
        closing_price = []
        for items in reversed(list(self.historical_data.loc[:, 'Close'])):
            closing_price.append(float(items))  #Gives a list
        var = np.array(closing_price)
        self.sma = np.flip(talib.SMA(var, timeperiod=period)).tolist()

    def get_cp(self):
        closing_price = []
        for items in reversed(list(self.historical_data.loc[:, 'Close'])):
            closing_price.append(float(items))  #Gives a list
        self.cp = np.flip(closing_price).tolist()
예제 #2
def get_historical_klines_tv(symbol, interval, start_str, end_str=None):
    """Get Historical Klines from Kucoin (Trading View)

    See dateparse docs for valid start and end string formats http://dateparser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

    If using offset strings for dates add "UTC" to date string e.g. "now UTC", "11 hours ago UTC"

    :param symbol: Name of symbol pair e.g BNBBTC
    :type symbol: str
    :param interval: Trading View Kline interval
    :type interval: str
    :param start_str: Start date string in UTC format
    :type start_str: str
    :param end_str: optional - end date string in UTC format
    :type end_str: str

    :return: list of OHLCV values


    # init our array for klines
    klines = []
    client = Client("", "", "")

    # convert our date strings to seconds
    start_ts = date_to_seconds(start_str)

    # if an end time was not passed we need to use now
    if end_str is None:
        end_str = 'now UTC'
    end_ts = date_to_seconds(end_str)

    kline_res = client.get_kline_data(symbol, interval, start_ts, end_ts)

    # print(kline_res)

    # check if we got a result
    if 't' in kline_res and len(kline_res['t']):
        # now convert this array to OHLCV format and add to the array
        for i in range(1, len(kline_res['t'])):
                (kline_res['t'][i], kline_res['o'][i], kline_res['h'][i],
                 kline_res['l'][i], kline_res['c'][i], kline_res['v'][i]))

    # finally return our converted klines
    return klines
#sets beginning and ending timestamp
now = datetime.datetime.now()
nowtime = now.timestamp()
start = now - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
starttime = start.timestamp()
start72 = now - datetime.timedelta(days=3)
starttime72 = start72.timestamp()
endTime = math.floor(nowtime)
beginTime = math.floor(starttime)
beginTime72 = math.floor(starttime72)

#first list that runs through selection of swing trading coins
#brings in OHLC Data for percent change metrics
for i in c:
    kline48 = client.get_kline_data(i, '1day', beginTime72, endTime)
    kline1h = client.get_kline_data(i, '1hour', beginTime, endTime)
    data1h = pd.DataFrame(kline1h)
    data1h = data1h[[0, 2]]
    data1h[0] = pd.to_datetime(data1h[0], unit='s', origin='unix')
    data1h[2] = data1h[2].astype(float)
    data1h = data1h.reindex(index=data1h.index[::-1])
    closeprice = data1h[2]
    data48 = pd.DataFrame(kline48)
    data48 = data48[[0, 2]]
    data48[0] = pd.to_datetime(data48[0], unit='s', origin='unix')
    data48[2] = data48[2].astype(float)
    data48 = data48.reindex(index=data48.index[::-1])
    price48 = data48[2]
    thirdDay = price48.iloc[0]
    secondDay = price48.iloc[1]