예제 #1
    def create(self, name=None, params=None, root_dir=None, for_migration=False, timeout=5.0):
        Start the VM by running a qemu command.
        All parameters are optional. The following applies to all parameters
        but for_migration: If a parameter is not supplied, the corresponding
        value stored in the class attributes is used, and if it is supplied,
        it is stored for later use.

        @param name: The name of the object
        @param params: A dict containing VM params
        @param root_dir: Base directory for relative filenames
        @param for_migration: If True, start the VM with the -incoming

        if name != None:
            self.name = name
        if params != None:
            self.params = params
        if root_dir != None:
            self.root_dir = root_dir
        name = self.name
        params = self.params
        root_dir = self.root_dir

        # Verify the md5sum of the ISO image
        iso = params.get("cdrom")
        if iso:
            iso = kvm_utils.get_path(root_dir, iso)
            if not os.path.exists(iso):
                logging.error("ISO file not found: %s" % iso)
                return False
            compare = False
            if params.get("md5sum_1m"):
                logging.debug("Comparing expected MD5 sum with MD5 sum of " "first MB of ISO file...")
                actual_md5sum = kvm_utils.md5sum_file(iso, 1048576)
                expected_md5sum = params.get("md5sum_1m")
                compare = True
            elif params.get("md5sum"):
                logging.debug("Comparing expected MD5 sum with MD5 sum of ISO " "file...")
                actual_md5sum = kvm_utils.md5sum_file(iso)
                expected_md5sum = params.get("md5sum")
                compare = True
            if compare:
                if actual_md5sum == expected_md5sum:
                    logging.debug("MD5 sums match")
                    logging.error("Actual MD5 sum differs from expected one")
                    return False

        # Make sure the following code is not executed by more than one thread
        # at the same time
        lockfile = open("/tmp/kvm-autotest-vm-create.lock", "w+")
        fcntl.lockf(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX)

            # Handle port redirections
            redir_names = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, "redirs")
            host_ports = kvm_utils.find_free_ports(5000, 6000, len(redir_names))
            self.redirs = {}
            for i in range(len(redir_names)):
                redir_params = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(params, redir_names[i])
                guest_port = int(redir_params.get("guest_port"))
                self.redirs[guest_port] = host_ports[i]

            # Find available VNC port, if needed
            if params.get("display") == "vnc":
                self.vnc_port = kvm_utils.find_free_port(5900, 6000)

            # Find random UUID if specified 'uuid = random' in config file
            if params.get("uuid") == "random":
                f = open("/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid")
                self.uuid = f.read().strip()

            # Make qemu command
            qemu_command = self.make_qemu_command()

            # Is this VM supposed to accept incoming migrations?
            if for_migration:
                # Find available migration port
                self.migration_port = kvm_utils.find_free_port(5200, 6000)
                # Add -incoming option to the qemu command
                qemu_command += " -incoming tcp:0:%d" % self.migration_port

            logging.debug("Running qemu command:\n%s", qemu_command)
            self.process = kvm_subprocess.run_bg(qemu_command, None, logging.debug, "(qemu) ")

            if not self.process.is_alive():
                logging.error("VM could not be created; " "qemu command failed:\n%s" % qemu_command)
                logging.error("Status: %s" % self.process.get_status())
                logging.error("Output:" + kvm_utils.format_str_for_message(self.process.get_output()))
                return False

            if not kvm_utils.wait_for(self.is_alive, timeout, 0, 1):
                logging.error("VM is not alive for some reason; " "qemu command:\n%s" % qemu_command)
                return False

            # Get the output so far, to see if we have any problems with
            # hugepage setup.
            output = self.process.get_output()

            if "alloc_mem_area" in output:
                logging.error("Could not allocate hugepage memory; " "qemu command:\n%s" % qemu_command)
                logging.error("Output:" + kvm_utils.format_str_for_message(self.process.get_output()))
                return False

            logging.debug("VM appears to be alive with PID %d", self.process.get_pid())
            return True

            fcntl.lockf(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
예제 #2
Program that calculates the md5sum for the first megabyte of a file.
It's faster than calculating the md5sum for the whole ISO image.

@copyright: Red Hat 2008-2009
@author: Uri Lublin ([email protected])

import os, sys
import kvm_utils

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print 'usage: %s <iso-filename>' % sys.argv[0]
    fname = sys.argv[1]
    if not os.access(fname, os.F_OK) or not os.access(fname, os.R_OK):
        print 'bad file name or permissions'
        print kvm_utils.md5sum_file(fname, 1024*1024)